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2023 Excel General Assignement updated2

Getting Started with Excel: EX 1-19 Review
EX 1-19 Review
There are no Data Files needed for the Review Assignments.
Carmen needs to estimate the total costs for supplying computers, audio/video
equipment, and Internet access to the participants at the Boston conference. She has
some documentation on the cost of different expense items. Carmen asks you to enter
that information into a workbook and calculate the total cost of items in this expense
category. Complete the following:
1. Create a new, blank workbook, and then save it as NP_EX1_Equipment in the location
specified by your instructor
2. Rename the Sheet1 worksheet using Documentation as the new name.
3. Enter the data shown in Figure 1-42 in the specified cells.
Figure 1-42
Documentation sheet data
your name
current date
To estimate the cost of renting computers,
audio/video equipment, Internet access,
and hiring technical support at the MedIT
conference in Boston
4. Set the font size of the title text in cell A1 to 24 points.
5. Set the width of column B to 32 characters, and then wrap the contents of cell B5 within
the cell.
6. Add borders around all of the cells in the range A3:B5.
7. Add a new worksheet after the Documentation sheet, and then rename the worksheet
using Equipment Expenses as the new name.
Getting Started with Excel: EX 1-19 Review
8. In cell A1, enter MedlT Conference Equipment Expenses as the worksheet title. Set
the font size of the title text in cell A1 to 20 points.
9. Enter the data summarizing the conference in the specified cells as shown in Figure 1-43.
Make sure that the postal code value is treated as text rather than a number.
Figure 1-43
Conference Summary data
Equipment Categories
Total Expenses
Street Address
Postal Code
Conference Connections
480 Technology Lane
(617) 555-7814
Getting Started with Excel: EX 1-19 Review
10.Enter the column titles and expenses for various equipment that will be used at the
conference in the range A14:E20 as shown in Figure 1-44.
Figure 1-44
Equipment expenses
Cost per
computer workstation rental
audio/video rental
High-speed Internet access
Onsite wiring
Web hosting
screen projector rentals
11.In cell F14, enter Total as the label. In the range F15:F20, calculate the total cost of each
equipment item by entering formulas that return the value of the number of units ordered
multiplied by the cost per unit.
12.In cell E22, enter Subtotal as the label, and then in cell F22, use the SUM function to
calculate the sum of the values in the range F15:F20.
13.In cell E13, enter Tax Rate as the label, and then in cell F13, enter 3% as the value.
14.In cell E23, enter Est. Tax as the label, and then in cell F23, calculate the estimated tax
by entering a formula that multiplies the subtotal value in cell F22 by the tax rate in cell
15.In cell E24, enter TOTAL as the label, and then in cell F24, use the SUM function to
calculate the sum of the subtotal value in cell F22 and the estimated tax in cell F23.
16.Insert new cells in the range A13:A24, shifting the other cells to the right.
17.In cell A14, enter Account ID as the label. In cell A15, enter E2-5010 as the first ID. In
cell A16, enter E2-5020 as the second ID, and allow Flash Fill to enter the remaining IDs.
18.Add borders around all of the cells in the range F13:G13,A14:G20,F22:G24.
19.Set the width of columns A and B to 22 characters. Set the width of columns C, E, F, and
G to 13 characters. Set the width of column D to 24 characters. Set the height of row 13
to 30 points.
20.Wrap the text in the range D15:020 so all of the content is visible.
21.In cell B4, use the COUNT function to count the number of numeric values in the range
E15:E20. In cell B5, display the value of the total expenses that was calculated in cell
Getting Started with Excel: EX 1-19 Review
22.Carmen wants to keep the equipment budget under $6,000. If the total cost of the
equipment is less than $6,000, enter within budget in cell B3, otherwise enter over
budget in the cell.
23.Change the page orientation of the Equipment Expenses worksheet to landscape
orientation, and then scale the width and height of the Equipment Expenses worksheet to
print on a single page.
24.Save the workbook. Print the entire workbook into a pdf file.
25.Display the formulas in the Equipment Expenses worksheet. If you are instructed to print,
then print the worksheet. Remove the worksheet from formula view.
26.Save the workbook, and then close it.
27.Upload your completed files to Sakai, i.e. .pdf and .xlsx files
Formatting Workbook Text and Data: EX 2-16 Review
EX 2-16 Review
Data Files needed for the Review Assignments: NP_EX_2-2.xlsx,
Stefan has another workbook for you to work on. This report will also deal with home
furnishing sales in the Northwest region; but rather than breaking down the sales figures
by store, Stefan wants to analyze the data by product to determine whether specific
product categories have seen an increase or decrease in sales from the previous year.
Stefan already compiled the data in a workbook but needs you to develop a finished report
that will be distributed among the sales team. Complete the following:
1. Open the NP_EX_2-2.xlsx workbook included with your Resource Files, and then save
the workbook as NP_EX_2_Products in the location specified by your instructor.
2. In the Documentation sheet, enter your name in cell B4 and the date in cell B5. Format
the date in cell B5 with the Long Date cell format and left-align the date in the cell.
3. Set the background of the Documentation sheet to the Support_EX_2_Texture.jpg
image file included with your Resource Files, and then change the fill color of the range
B4:B6 to white.
4. In the Product Sales worksheet, enter formulas to make the following calculations:
a. In cell B6, use the SUM function to calculate the total of the Decorative sales for the
current year using the values in the range C31:N35.
b. In cell B7, use the SUM function to calculate the sum of the Living sales using the
values in the range C36:N40.
c. In cell B8, calculate the sum of the Utility sales using the values in the range C41:N44.
d. In cell B9, calculate the total sales from all three categories in the current year by
adding the values in the range B6:B8.
e. In cell C9, add the total sales from all three categories in the previous year.
In the range D6:D9, calculate the net change in sales by subtracting the previous year
values in column C from the current year values in column B for all three product
categories and overall.
g. In the range E6:E9, calculate the percent change in sales for the three categories and
total sales by dividing the net change values in column D by the previous year's sales
values in column C.
5. Apply the following formats to the data:
a. Format the range B6:D9 with Accounting style and no decimal places. Format the
range E6:E9 in Percent style showing two decimal places. Format cell A4 with the Title
cell style.
b. Format the range A5:E5 with the Heading 3 cell style.
c. Format the range A9:E9 with the Total cell style.
6. Complete the following calculations for the Sales by Product Type data using the monthly
sales data for each product:
Formatting Workbook Text and Data: EX 2-16 Review
a. In cell B13, use the SUM function to calculate the total sales for Home Decorations
from the range C31:N31, and then copy that formula into the range 814:826.
b. In cell B27, use the SUM function to calculate the sum of the values in the range
B13:B26. Copy your formula and paste it into cell C27. Verify that the values in the
range B27:C27 equal the values in the range B9:C9.
c. In cell D13, calculate the difference between the value in cell B13 and cell C13. Copy
the formula to the range D14:D27.
d. In cell E13, divide the value in cell D13 by the value in cell C13. Copy the formula to
the range E14:E27.
7. Use Format Painter to do the following:
a. Copy the formatting from cell A4 to cell A11.
b. Copy the formatting from the range A5:E5 to the range A12:E12.
c. Copy the formatting from the range A6:E6 to the range A13:E26.
d. Copy the formatting from the range A9:E9 to the range A27:E27.
8. Add conditional formatting that displays negative values in the nonadjacent range
D6:E9,D13:E27 in a dark red font on a light red background to highlight sales categories
and product types that show a decrease in sales from the previous year.
9. In the range C45:N45, use the SUM function to calculate the sum of monthly sales across
all product types.
10.In the range O31:O45, use the SUM function to calculate the sum of sales for each
product category and across all product types. Verify that the value in cell 045 equals the
value in cells B9 and B27.
11.Format the monthly sales data as follows:
a. In the range C31:N44, format the sales data in Comma style with no decimal places.
b. In the nonadjacent range C45:N45,O31:O45, format the calculated values in
Accounting format with no decimal places.
c. Format cell A29 with the Title cell style.
d. Format the range A30:O30 with the 60% - Accent6 cell style.
e. Format the range A31:A45 with the 60% -Accent3 cell style.
Format the range B31:B45 with the 40% -Accent3 cell style.
g. Format B45:O45 using the Total cell style.
12. Add a left border to the monthly totals in the range 013:O45.
13.Merge and center the cells in the range A31:A35. In the merged cell, rotate the text up,
and then middle-align the text in the cell. Bold the text within the merged cell. Repeat for
the ranges A36:A40 and A41:A44. Reduce the width of column A to 16 characters.
14. Add thick outside borders around the ranges A31:035, A36:O40, and A41:O44.
15. Do the following to highlight the top-selling product types in the report:
a. In the range O31:O44, use conditional formatting to highlight the top three selling
product types in dark green text on a green fill.
Formatting Workbook Text and Data: EX 2-16 Review
b. In cell O29, enter the text Top 3 Sellers and use the Text That Contains conditional
format to change the format of this cell to a dark green text on a green fill to match
the conditional formatting you added to the top three product types.
16.Change the theme of the workbook to Wisp.
17.Change the tab color of the Documentation sheet tab to the Brown, Accent 3 theme color.
Change the tab color of the Product Sales sheet tab to the Olive Green, Accent 5 theme
18.Make the following format changes to the printed version of the Product Sales worksheet:
a. Set the print area to the nonadjacent range A1:E28,A29:O45.
b. Insert page breaks below rows 9 and 28 and to the right of columns H and N. Remove
any automatic page breaks that were added to the sheet.
c. Set the print titles to repeat rows 1 and 2 and columns A and B on every page.
d. Set the size of the left margin to 1 inch.
e. Scale the printout to 60% of its normal size.
Add a different first page for headers and footers. On the first page header, display
your name in the left section, display the file name in center, and display the date in
the right section.
g. For the first page footer and subsequent page footers, enter the code Page &[Page]
of &[Pages] in the center section.
19.Preview the workbook. The printout should have only five pages. Print the entire workbook
to pdf.
20.Save the workbook, and then close it.
21.Uploaded completed files to Sakai. i.e. .pdf and .xlsx files
Performing Calculations with Formulas and Functions: EX 3-14 Review
EX 3-14 Review
Data File needed for the Review Assignments: NP_EX_3-2.xlsx
Kiara has been asked to manage staffing for the claims center. The claims center manages
requests from across the country, so its daily call volume is quite large. Kiara wants to
determine the optimal number of agents to staff the claims center. You will examine
sample data on the number of calls made to the claims center, the duration of each call,
and the length of time customers will be put on hold before speaking to an agent.
Complete the following:
1. Open the NP_EX_3-2.xlsx workbook located in the Excel3 > Review folder included with
your Data Files. Save the workbook as NP_EX_3_Claims in the location specified by your
2. In the Documentation sheet, enter your name in cell B3 and the date in cell B4.
3. In cell B4, use the TODAY function to display the current date.
4. Claims are labeled sequentially according to the pattern Claimnumber where number is an
integer that increases by 1 for each new claim. In the Claims Center Log worksheet, in cell
E5, enter Claim22515 and then use AutoFill to fill in the rest of the claim numbers. Fill in
the values without formatting.
5. Enter the following calculations in the claims log (retaining the banded rows effect when
you AutoFill formulas over rows):
a. In column H, display the hold time in seconds for each call made to the claims center
by calculating the difference between the column G and column F values and
multiplying that difference by 24*60*60. Check your formula by verifying that the first
hold time is 29 seconds.
b. In column I, use the IF function to return the value 1 if the hold time from column H is
greater than the hold-time goal in cell B10; otherwise, return the value 0.
c. In column K, calculate the length of the call with the agent in minutes by subtracting
the values in column G from the values of column J, and then multiplying the
difference by 24*60. Use the ROUNDUP function to round the value to the next highest
integer. Check your formula by verifying that the first call duration is 21 minutes.
d. In column L, use the Quick Analysis tool to calculate the running total of the call
duration values in minutes. Remove the boldface font from the values. Check your
work by verifying that the value in cell L1287 is 32597.
6. Enter formulas to calculate the following summary statistics:
a. In cell B6, calculate the total number of calls to the claims center by using the COUNT
function to count the values in column F. (Use the column reference F:F in the
b. In cell B7, divide the value in B6 by the value in B5 to calculate the calls per hour.
c. In the range B11:B13, use the AVERAGE, MEDIAN, and MODE.SNGL functions to
calculate the average, median, and mode of the hold times in column H.
Performing Calculations with Formulas and Functions: EX 3-14 Review
d. In cells B14 and B15, apply the MIN and MAX function to the values in column H to
display the minimum and maximum hold times in seconds.
e. In the range B18:B20, use the AVERAGE, MEDIAN, and MODE.SNGL functions to
calculate the average, median, and mode of the call durations in column K.
In cells B21 and B22, use the MIN and MAX functions to display the shortest and
longest calls in minutes in column K.
g. In cell B25, use the SUM function to calculate the total amount of agent time on the
phone in column K, and then divide that value by 60 to express the total as hours. Use
the ROUND function to round the total to the nearest whole hour.
h. In cell B26, divide the value in B25 by the value in B5 to calculate the number of agent
hours per hour. Use the ROUND function to round this calculation to the nearest tenth.
In cell B27, determine the hold time failure rate by using the SUM function to total the
values in column I and then dividing that sum by the total number of calls overall in
cell B6.
7. Format the Claims Center Log worksheet as follows:
a. Apply the Input cell style to cells B5 and B10.
b. Apply the Calculation cell style to the nonadjacent range B6:B7,B11:B15,B18:B22.
c. Apply the Output cell style to the range B25:B27.
8. In the Staffing Calculator worksheet, use Goal Seek to determine how many agents will be
on call (cell B23) if the staff size is set to 92 agents (cell B26).
9. In the Claims Conclusion worksheet, enter the following constant values as integers (you
do not have to use formulas):
a. In cell B5, enter the expected calls per hour based on the calculated value in cell B7 on
the Claims Center Log worksheet rounded up to the next highest integer.
b. In cell B6, enter the number of available agents based on the calculation in cell B23 on
the Staffing Calculator worksheet. Use the ROUNDUP function to round the value to
the next highest integer.
c. In cell B7, enter 20 as the hold-time goal in seconds.
d. In cell B8, enter the expected duration of the calls using the average value calculated
in cell B18 of the Claims Center Log worksheet rounded up to the next highest integer.
10.In the Claims Conclusion worksheet, enter the following calculations to evaluate whether
the number of agents on call will be sufficient to provide good customer service:
a. In cell B9, divide the value in cell B8 by 60 to calculate the expected call duration in
b. In cell B12, calculate the Workload per Hour by multiplying the value in cell B5 by the
value in cell B9.
c. In cell B13, divide cell B12 by cell B6 to calculate the percent of agents occupied with
11.Use the lookup table to the display the expected results from the claims center calls based
on the number of operators and the call traffic:
Performing Calculations with Formulas and Functions: EX 3-14 Review
a. In cell B16, use the VLOOKUP function with cell B6 as the lookup value, the range
E5:H32 as the reference to the lookup table, 2 as the column index, and FALSE as
range_lookup type to return the hold probability for the given number of agents on
b. In cell B17, enter the same VLOOKUP function but return the third column from the
lookup table to show the expected hold time in seconds for the given number of agents
on call (cell B6).
c. In cell B18, divide the value in cell B17 by 60 to display the expected hold time in
d. In cell B19, enter the same VLOOKUP function but return the fourth column from the
lookup table to show the expected failure rate for the given number of agents.
12.In cell B22, write a short summary of your conclusions, answering the question: Is the
number of agents that will be available on call sufficient to meet the demands of the
claims center without sacrificing customer support performance?
13. Save the workbook, and then close it.
14.Uploaded completed file to Sakai. i.e. .xlsx file
Analyzing and Charting Financial Data: EX 4-16 Review
EX 4-16 Review
Data File needed for the Review Assignments: NP_EX_4-2.xlsx
Hideki wants you to develop another investment report for a Philbin Financial Group client
on the Ortus Fund. As with the report you generated for the Sunrise Fund, this workbook
will include a worksheet that uses Excel charts and graphics to summarize financial data
about the fund. Complete the following:
1. Open the NP_EX_4-2.xlsx workbook located in the Excel4 > Review folder included with
your Data Files, and then save the workbook as NP_EX_4_0rtus in the location specified
by your instructor.
2. In the Documentation sheet, enter your name and the date in the range B3:B4.
3. Hideki wants a pie chart that breaks down the allocation of the assets in the Ortus Fund.
Do the following:
a. In the Allocation worksheet, create a pie chart from the data in the range A4:B8.
b. Move the pie chart to the range D7:E14 in the Prospectus worksheet.
c. Place the legend on the right side of the chart area.
d. Change the color scheme to the Monochromatic Palette 5.
e. Add data labels showing the percentage allocated to each category, positioning the
label on the outside end of each pie slice.
4. Hideki wants the report to display a column chart of the month-end returns for the Ortus
Fund and the S&P 500 over different time intervals. Do the following:
a. In the Returns worksheet, create a clustered column chart from the data in the
range A4:C9.
b. Move the chart to the range F7:H14 of the Prospectus worksheet.
c. Change the chart title to Month-End Returns.
d. Place the legend on the right side of the chart area.
5. Hideki wants a line chart comparing the growth of a theoretical investment of $10,000 in
the Ortus Fund and the S&P 500 over the past 10 years. Do the following:
a. In the Growth worksheet, create a line chart of the data in the range A4:C25,
showing the Year value on the horizontal axis.
b. Move the chart to the range D15:E24 of the Prospectus worksheet.
c. Change the chart title to Growth of 1OK Investment.
d. Add primary major vertical gridlines to the chart.
e. Place the legend on the right side of the chart area.
Change the interval between the major tick marks and between labels on the
category axis to 5 units so that the years 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020, and 2025 appear
on the horizontal axis.
Analyzing and Charting Financial Data: EX 4-16 Review
6. Hideki wants the report to show the recent selling price and shares traded of the Ortus
Fund in a combination chart. Do the following:
a. In the Recent History worksheet, create a combination chart of the data in the
range A4:C58. Display the price data as a line chart plotted on the primary axis and
the shares traded data as a clustered column chart plotted on the secondary axis.
b. Move the chart to the range A26:D38 of the Prospectus worksheet. Change the
chart title to Recent History.
c. Display axis titles on the chart. Change the primary vertical axis title to Price, the
secondary vertical axis title to Shares Traded, and the category axis title to Date.
Change the angle of rotation of the Shares Traded axis title to Rotate Text Down.
d. Place the legend on the right side of the chart area.
e. Change the scale of the secondary axis to go from O to 1.6E08 and display the scale
in units of 1 million with the units label displayed on the chart.
7. Hideki needs to compare the return rate and volatility of the Ortus Fund to other
investment vehicles. Do the following:
a. In the Performance worksheet, create a scatter chart from the data in the range
B5:C7 using the scatter chart from the list of recommended charts.
b. Move the chart to the range F15:H24 of the Prospectus worksheet.
c. Remove the chart title and the gridlines from the chart.
d. Rescale the vertical axis to go from 0.0 to 0.06 with the horizontal axis crossing at
0.031. Rescale the horizontal axis to go from 4 to 24 with the vertical axis crossing
at 14.71.
e. Set the label position to none for both the vertical and horizontal axis labels.
Add data callouts to the data markers in the data series showing only the text from
the range A6:A7 in the Performance worksheet.
g. Complete the scatter chart by adding a new data series to the chart with cell G5 in
the Performance worksheet as the series name, the range F6:F15 in the
Performance worksheet as the Series X values, and the range G6:G15 in the
Performance worksheet as the Series Y values.
8. Add the four text boxes shown earlier in Figure 4-28 (refer to the Recommended Text 2)
to the scatter chart, placing the return and volatility descriptions on separate lines. Resize
and move the text boxes so that they align with the chart corners.
9. On the Prospectus worksheet, replace the text in cell B9 with three star icons from the
Celebration group in the icon gallery. Set the height and width of each icon 0.20". Align
and evenly distribute the icons within cell B9.
10.Add solid blue data bars to the values in the range G28:G38. Keep the data bars from
overlapping the values in those cells by modifying the conditional formatting rule so that
the maximum length of the data bar corresponds to a value of 0.30.
11.Add line sparklines to the range H28:H38 using the data values from the range B5:L44 of
the Sectors worksheet. Add data markers for the high and low points of each sparkline
using the Red standard color.
12.Save the workbook, and then close it.
Analyzing and Charting Financial Data: EX 4-16 Review
13.Uploaded completed file to Sakai. i.e. .xlsx file