Fusion of Structural and Textural Features for Melanoma Recognition PROJECT REPORT Submitted by MANTHRA R (312416104062) MARY MATHALIN A (312416104063) in partial fulfilment for the requirement of award of the degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING in COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING St. JOSEPH’S INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ANNA UNIVERSITY: CHENNAI 600 025 DECEMBER 2019 CHAPTER TITLE PAGE I 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 System Overview 1.2 Scope of the Project 2 3 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 A Scalable and Reliable Mobile Code Offloading Solution 2.2 Energy saving offloading scheme for mobile cloud computing using Cloudsim. 2.3 Overview of Offloading in Smart Mobile Devices for Mobile Cloud Computing 2.4 Review of Offloading Approaches in Mobile Cloud Computing 3 SYSTEM ANALYSIS 3.1 Existing System 3.1.1 Disadvantages 3.2 Proposed System 3.2.1 Advantages 3.3 Requirements 3.3.1Algorithms 4 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 4.1 Architectural Description 5 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 5.1 Deep Residual Neural Network 5.2 Image Preprocessing and Data Augmentation 5.3 Kernel-based Classification 5.4 Modules Used I 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 ABSTRACT Melanoma skin cancer is one of the most rapidly increasing and deadliest cancers in the world, which accounts for 75% of skin cancer deaths [1-3]. Early diagnosis is of great importance for treating this disease as it can be cured easily at early stages [1-4]. To improve the diagnosis of this disease, dermoscopy has been introduced to assist dermatologists in clinical examination since it is a non-invasive skin imaging technique that provides clinicia we present a novel framework for dermoscopy image recognition via both a deep learning method and a local descriptor encoding strategy. Specifically, the deep representations of a rescaled dermoscopy image are first extracted via a very deep residual neural network (ResNet) pre-trained on a large natural image dataset. Then these local deep descriptors are aggregated by orderless visual statistic features based on fisher vector (FV) encoding to build a global image representation. Finally, the FV encoded representations are used to classify melanoma images using a support vector machine (SVM) with a Chisquared kernel. Our proposed method is capable of generating more discriminative features to deal with large variations within melanoma classes as well as small variations between melanoma and non-melanoma classes with limited training data. Extensive experiments are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Comparisons with state-of-the-art methods show the superiority of our method using the publicly available ISBI 2016 Skin lesion challenge dataset. II CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW The objective of the paper is to find better and more efficient ways to automatically detect early malignant melanoma using digital image processing the techniques. This paper focuses on the preprocessing stage, the image analysis of the tumor. The detection of Melanoma cancer in early stage can be helpful to cure it. 1.2 SCOPE OF THE PROJECT we have focused on developing CAD systems for skin cancer detection. In hospitals, to detect the melanoma tissues, patients generally undergo a skin examination using the skin surface microscopy techniques commonly known as dermoscopy. The structural features are obtained from multiresolution analyses which are used to discriminate the structures as borders, dots and streaks. On the other side, the textural features computed by LBP operators are used to discriminate the local variation of colours, the pigment network etc. Later, these features are fused in multiple combinations to investigate the influence of each combination in the performance of melanoma detection. 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 A Scalable and Reliable Mobile Code Offloading Solution: Code offloading is a popular technique for extending the natural capabilities of mobile devices by migrating processor-intensive tasks to resource-rich surrogates. Despite multiple platforms for offloading being available in academia, these frameworks have yet to permeate the industry. One of the primary reasons for this is limited experimentation in practical settings and lack of reliability, scalability, and options for distribution. This paper introduces MobiCOP, a new code offloading framework designed from the ground up with these requirements in mind. It features a novel design fully self-contained in a library and offers compatibility with most stock Android devices available today. Compared to local task executions, MobiCOP offers perfmance improvements of up to 17x and increased battery efficiency of up to 25x, shows minimum performance degradation in environments with unstable networks, and features an autoscaling module that allows its server counterpart to scale to an arbitrary number of offloading requests. It is compatible with the most relevant Android technologies optimized for heavy computation (NDK and Renderscript) and has so far been well received by fellow mobile developers. We hope MobiCOP will help bring mobile code offloading closer to the industry realm. 2.2 Energy saving offloading scheme for mobile cloud computing using CloudSim: we accentuate on offloading for sparing energy in mobile cloud computing MCC. MCC is emerging as a noticeable research area that is looking to bring the massive advantages of the cloud to the constrained mobile devices. The impediments of poor processing capacity and constrained battery life make it troublesome for mobile devices to process complex calculation undertakings. The energy system concentrates on mobile devices battery energy that utilises computational offloading for computationally serious mobile applications on the mobile devices. Each time an application in the physical mobile devices is initialised, the power utilisation is ascertained by the structure and it decides whether to make on offloading choice or not. This paper proposes a novel energy saving computational offloading framework for the preparing of serious mobile applications in MCC. It is found that energy utilisation of the selected application reduces up to 80.94% and execution time reduces up to 97.16% by computational offloading utilising CloudSim when contrasted with the conventional methods. It enhances the quality of services for mobiles and helps in keeping up constant reactions for mobile applications. 2 2.3 Overview of Offloading in Smart Mobile Devices for Mobile Cloud Computing : Roopali, Rajkumari The recent advancement in cloud computing is leading to an excessive growth of mobile devices that can become powerful means for information access and mobile applications. Thus introducing a latent technology called Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). Smartphone devices support wide range of mobile applications which require high computational power, memory, storage and energy but these resources are limited in number so act as constraints in smartphone devices. With the integration of cloud computing and mobile applications it is possible to overcome these constraints by offloading the complex modules on cloud. This review of literature focuses on challenges in offloading such as latency rate, network bandwidth and heterogeneity which mainly depends on factors like code to be offloaded, distance between smartphone device and cloud, wireless networks and complex computations. Final output is traced back to the client (smartphone device) and thus saves the resources of the smartphone device 2.4 Review of Offloading Approaches in Mobile CloudComputing: Meng-Hsi Chen†, Ben Liang†, Min Dong‡ [1] : This paper proposes an well planned model with new offloading algorithm by semidefinate relaxation and a novel randomization mapping method. It consisted of the mobile computing scenario in which there are multiple independent tasks and one computing access point (CAP) along with one remote server. The access point can either compute the received tasks from the user or offloads them to the cloud .It improves the offloading decision of the user by minimizing weighted total cost of energy ,computation and delay to optimal offloading of tasks to the cloud by the user. The simulation results of the proposed model shows that it improves the performance with only small number of randomization iterations and when CAPs and a remote server is included it adds beneficial features in the traditional mobile computing system and improves computation performance.computing system and improves computation performance. Feng Xia · Fangwei Ding · Jie Li · Xiangjie Kong ·Laurence T. Yang · Jianhua Ma [2] : In this paper we device a Phone2Cloud ,a computation offloading system which offloads the computation of the application running on the mobile the user is using to the cloud and hence improving the energy efficiency of the smartphone and enhancing the performance of the application by reducing its execution time . It uses three key methods in the system proposed including CPU workload prediction in the resource monitor,bandwidth prediction in the bandwidth monitor and offloading decision making algorithm. The decision making for offloading is important as to decide whether the computation of application should or shouldn’t be offloaded to cloud to save energy and application performance is improved. The energy efficient Phone2Cloud system proposed is semi-automatic uses two sets of experiments to prove the effectiveness of the proposed system and also takes advantage of computation offloading paradigm . 3 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DESIGN 3.1 EXISTING SYSTEM Clinically, several heuristic approaches, such as “ABCD” rule [6], Menzies method [7] and “CASH” [8], have been developed to enhance clinicians’ ability to distinguish melanomas from benign nevi. However, the correct diagnosis of a skin lesion is not trivial even for experienced professionals. Furthermore, dermoscopic diagnosis made by human visual inspection is often laborious, time-consuming and subjective. Hence, unsatisfactory accuracy and poor reproducibility are still issues for diagnosing this disease. To tackle these issues, numerous algorithms were proposed for automatic dermoscopic image analysis. Interested readers can refer to [3, 9, 10] for a comprehensive summary of related work over the past decades. By and large, the pipeline of these computer-aided analysis models usually includes the following four steps: i) image preprocessing such as hair removal [11-13] and image enhancement [14, 15]; ii) border detection or segmentation [2, 16-18]; iii) feature extraction (i.e. color, texture, border gradient, shape related descriptors) [2, 18-20]; iv) classification (k-nearest neighbor (KNN) [18], support vector machine (SVM) [2], AdaBoost [20], neural network [19], etc.). Most of the existing studies have mainly focused on feature engineering and classification, either implicitly or explicitly, assuming that the input image contains a lesion object in well-condition [19]. However, dermoscopy images may not always capture entire lesions, or lesion object occupies only a small part of an image, as shown in Fig. 1. Several studies proposed to adopt the bag-of-features (BoF) model with local features 3.1.2 DISADVANTAGES Inference time speed. For non trivial problems, you generally need a very large network which can be extraordinarily time intensive to evaluate at inference time. Need a large dataset. Because of large dataset, training time is usually significant. 4 3.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM In order to improve the accuracy of feature extraction, eight different preprocessing algorithms were used. The algorithms used were converting to grey scale image, sharpening filter, median filter, smooth filter, binary mask, RGB extraction, and histogram and sobel operator. The RGB values of the images are extracted before converting it into a gray scale image. Sharpening filter is applied to the gray scale image in order to sharpen the details of the infected region. YCbCr was used to extract average colour code of the infected area from the binary image. 3.2.1 ADVANTAGES Low computational complexity and time complexity compared to existing method. High accuracy for all kinds of skin images. 5 CHAPTER-4 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 4.1.1 ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION We propose a Finite Horizon Markov Decision Process (FHMDP) to formulate this problem, with the aim to minimize communication costs and satisfy delay constraints by offloading mobile data as much as possible with WiFi network and D2D communication. Markov decision process is a useful model for sequential decision making, where MNO needs to take a sequence of actions (wireless network selection). FHMDP is a Markov decision process with a finite number of decision epochs . Since every data delivery task should be finished before a given deadline, FHMDP will plan data offloading decisions at each decision epoch. FHMDP planning phase can be implemented in remote cloud and ease the heavy burden of complex data offloading management by MSthe coverage area of base station. MHs can be considered as supplementary to WiFi APs because of their mobi 6 CHAPTER-5 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION 5.1 Deep Residual Neural Network The deep hierarchy architecture of CNN models is of crucial importance for its powerful learning capability [28, 31]. In this work, we adopt the latest generation of the convolutional neural network (deep residual neural network, ResNet) introduced by He et al.[28], which is ranked number one in ImageNet large-scale visual recognition challenge 2016 (ILSVRC 2016) for feature extraction. Compared with typical CNN architectures, the main characteristic of ResNet lies in the adaptation of residual connection which is capable of addressing the degradation problem [28] when training a very deep network. It has been demonstrated that the residual links can speed up the convergence of deep network and maintain accuracy gains achieved by substantially increasing the network depth. Generally, a deep residual network consists of a set of residual blocks, and each block is composed of several stacked convolutional layers 5.2 Image Preprocessing and Data Augmentation 1) Image size: Since there is a huge variation in image resolutions of the skin lesion dermoscopy dataset provided by ISBI 2016 challenge [5], ranging from the largest scale (4288×2848) to the smallest scale (722×542). Resizing and cropping these images directly into required size introduces object distortion and substantial information loss [41, 43, 56]. In this study, we take relatively large (compared with 224×224) as inputs. For the skin lesion dataset, we resize these images along the shortest side to a uniform scale (hereafter, we denote this scale as S for simplicity) while maintaining the aspect ratio. We also investigate the recognition performance with various values of S, and the results are presented in Section IV. 2) Image normalization and augmentation: Typically, before processing by CNN, images are normalized by subtracting the mean pixel value, which is calculated over the entire training dataset. As a result, the RGB values are centered at zero (denoted as all-img-mean). However, the lighting, skin tone and viewpoint of the skin lesion images vary greatly across the dataset, subtracting a uniform mean value does not well normalize the illumination of individual image. 7 5.3 Kernel-based Classification For the classification of the FV representations, we train an SVM classifier with Chi-squared (chi2) kernel. Although linear kernels are efficient for the classification, non-linear kernels tend to yield better performance and empirical studies have demonstrated the superiority of the chi2 kernel for image classification [64, 65]. The homogeneity degree of the kernel is set to 1 in our experiment. Note that the FV representations are L2 normalized. In our experiment, we adopt the standard hinge loss in the objective function and the parameter C use to scale the loss is fixed as 1. During SVM training, the stochastic dual coordinate ascent algorithm 5.4 Modules Used Arduino uno Gsm Buzzer SYSTEM TYPE: 32bit / 64 bit RAM: >2GB OS: WINDOWS 7/8/8.1/10 Microcontroller LCD Display A threshold limit was imposed on the Euler value heuristically, exceeding which was an indicator of presence of a large number of inflictions. This is an important distinguishing feature characteristic for diseases. Segmentation separates the suspicious lesion from normal skin. There are some unique features that distinguish the benign from malignant melanoma. 8 The number of components of the skin affliction was extracted from the image using the Euler value. 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