Uploaded by Lindsay Floyd

Social Movement + Art Quotations Practice Combined

Name: __________________________________
Period: ___________________
Directions: Read each section of the article “In Oaxaca, Street Art Protests Government, Supports Community.” After each section,
answer the questions.
CFS: I will properly punctuate direct quotations by:
Placing quotation marks ONLY surround borrowed words
Capitalizing the first word if the quotation is a complete sentence.
If tag is used BEFORE direct quotation:
Use a colon or comma after dialogue tag
Place end marks (periods, exclamation marks, and question marks) INSIDE the closing quotation mark.
If tag is used AFTER direct quotation:
Use a comma before the closing quotation mark instead of a period.
Place question marks and exclamation marks inside the closing quotation mark.
In Oaxaca, Street Art Protests Government, Supports Community
By Al Jazeera, adapted by Newsela staff on 03.29.17
OAXACA, Mexico — Last October, a group of artists gathered at
Espacia Zapata, a print shop in Oaxaca, Mexico. All are members of
the art group called Assembly of Revolutionary Artists of Oaxaca, or
The artists were there to make a plan of action. That night they took to
the streets and illegally pasted up political posters on the walls of
Oaxaca City. For the past 10 years, the city has been the center of a
political street-art movement that has arisen from the state's political
"The simple act of sticking something out on the street means now you
are a criminal," said Ivan Michel, one of the artists. Mario Guzman,
another ASARO artist, said the group's mission is to counter lies and
misinformation spread by the Oaxacan state government. The
government, he said, silences disagreement, often violently.
How do people in Oaxaca, Mexico protest the state
government? Highlight evidence.
Highlight evidence in the text that describes the purpose of
the Assembly of Revolutionary Artists of Oaxaca.
Highlight one example of a direct quotation in this section.
Does the tag come before or after the quotation?
"Our Neighbors Went Out To The Streets"
ASARO first emerged in 2006, after striking teachers were attacked by
police, resulting in the deaths of at least 17 people. The teachers were
demanding better education in the impoverished state.
Why is it important to include quotations from experts on a
Oaxaca's residents took to the streets in support of the striking
teachers. They blocked roads and took over luxury hotels, government
buildings and even television and radio stations.
"Our families, our neighbors went out to the streets to support their
teachers," said Michel, recalling those protests. "During those actions, I
went out as just a kid to confront and to defend."
Highlight the direct quotation that explains the significance of
art as a mode of protest.
"We were art students and we started painting because people gave us
spray paint," said Chapo, another artist from the ASARO group.
Rewrite the underlined sentence in this section using correct
One of the ideas that we all had was that art is an instrument to support
the struggles of our people said Chapo
Teachers' Union Against The Police
ASARO has changed the appearance of Oaxaca's city streets. The
group's work showcases revolutionary heroes and indigenous
symbolism, and depicts many current government leaders as villains.
What images do artists use to protest the Mexican
government? Highlight evidence.
Why do you think the Mexican government removes the
posters and other artwork?
ASARO continues to be the artistic wing of the now 10-year battle
waged by Oaxaca's teachers' union. As recently as this summer,
Mexican police clashed with teachers, killing eight people.
Teachers were protesting reforms that would evaluate them based on
students' standardized test scores. They feel that the measure would
disproportionately hurt students and teachers in poorer rural areas,
particularly in Oaxaca.
During that confrontation, ASARO artists put up posters that supported
the teachers' movement. When police broke up the teacher's sit-in
strike, they also took down all the posters that supported the teachers.
A poster doesn't stay up long in Oaxaca's downtown district, said
Guzman. For that reason, it is important to create "quality work" that will
make a lasting impression on people "before the government comes
and takes it down."
Generational Resistance
Back at Espacio Zapata, Guzman's young daughter works alongside
him. She is learning the art of printmaking.
Rewrite the underlined sentence in this section using correct
For Guzman, and many Oaxacans, culture and tradition are
all-important. Art is seen as something that needs to be both inherited
and protected.
"When we see that something bad is happening in our community, we
unite and work together," said Michel. "That gets passed down to our
youth. They grow up knowing they have to protect one another."
Oaxacan artists use their talents to support the struggles of our people
said Guzman
10. How can art play a role in social movements/protests? Use
evidence from any section of the text as a direct quotation to
support your answer.