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剑桥 IGCSE 第一语言中文 0509 样卷答案

Specimen Paper Answers
Paper 1
Reading, Directed Writing and Classical Chinese
Cambridge IGCSE™
First Language Chinese 0509
For examination from 2020
Version 2
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Copyright © UCLES 2018 (updated Nov 2020)
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Contents .............................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
Assessment overview .......................................................................................................... 5
Section 1, Question 1 .......................................................................................................... 6
Section 2, Question 2 .......................................................................................................... 9
Section 3, Question 3 ........................................................................................................ 12
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
The aim of this booklet is to exemplify standards for those teaching Cambridge IGCSE First Language
Chinese 0509, and to show examples of very good answers for Specimen Paper 1 Reading, Directed Writing
and Classical Chinese for examination from 2020, along with examiner comments.
Each answer is followed by a commentary written by a Cambridge examiner, explaining the strengths and
weaknesses of the answers. These examiner comments indicate why marks were awarded and how
answers could be improved.
The Specimen Papers and their mark schemes and inserts are available to download from the School
Support Hub. These files are:
2020 Specimen Paper 1
2020 Specimen Paper 1 Mark Scheme
Past exam resources and other teacher support materials are available on the School Support Hub
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
Assessment overview
All candidates take two papers.
All candidates take:
Paper 1
2 hours 15 minutes
Paper 2
2 hours
Reading, Directed Writing
and Classical Chinese
60 marks
50 marks
Questions will be based on syllabus content
Questions will be based on syllabus content
Externally assessed
Externally assessed
The syllabus for Cambridge IGCSE First Language Chinese is available at www.cambridgeinternational.org
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
Section 1, Question 1
Specimen answers
他脸上有“深沟的皱纹” 1
和“老人斑” 0
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
Examiner comments in English
What this section tests not only includes candidates’ ability to understand literal meaning of the passage, but
also includes their deduction ability of reading between the lines and understanding writers’ use of the
language. In other words, candidates need to be able to show their comprehension of passages from
different aspects, as well as their abilities to select, collate and summarise information.
To achieve high marks, candidates need to pay attention to the following three aspects when they answer
the questions.
1. Candidates need to read questions carefully to catch the key words of the question and avoid giving an
irrelevant answer. For example,
Question (a) is asking for ‘the first impression’, not the ‘twisted sorrow’ behind it, which was found
out later.
Question (b) is asking for reasons behind the roommate’s feeling. So an answer like ‘be afraid to be
laughed at’ explaining the effects/consequences, is not explaining the causes/reasons.
Question (e) is asking for examples regarding ‘wind’ and ‘rain’ which represent difficult experiences,
such as he was "charged on the battlefield," ,and was "living in the streets". It is not only about ‘face’
– that is why only 2 marks were awarded for the answer above.
Question (g) is asking about ‘relation’ between the two things, not as simple as ‘the mountain
represents the foster father and the eagle represents the roommate’.
2. Candidates need to read and understand between the lines, but not to over interpret the meaning. For
example, Question (b), answers like ‘the roommate is not close to/ dislikes her foster father’ go beyond the
context and over interpret the meaning. So in the above answer, it only got 1 mark for this question.
3. Candidates are encouraged to use their own words to organise their answers, showing their skills of
comprehensive understanding as well as organising their language. There may be some questions requiring
candidates to extract words or relevant information/descriptions from the passage. For example, Question (c)
is asking for ‘what kind of words and facial expression’ indicating the importance of ‘Huiyi Gu’ to her,
candidates need to find the relevant words from the text.
Examiner comments in Chinese
• (a)题问的是对室友的“最初印象”,就不是后来发现的“背后纠结的悲伤”;
• (b)题问的是室友感受背后的原因,我们不能用诸如“怕被讥笑”这样的答案因为它说的是结果而
落街头”,举例时就不能仅仅停留在“脸”上——所以上面的答案中这题只得了 2 分;
• (g)题问的是两者间的“关系”,而不是简单的“山是养父,鹰是室友”。
父/和养父不亲”这样的答案就超出了上下文的语境,属于过度解读。所以上面的答案中这题只得了 1 分。
她的重要性” ,考生就要从文中找出相关描述。
Total marks awarded = 21 out of 23
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
Section 2, Question 2
尊 敬 的
团 成 员:
你 们 好!我
友 都
是 你 们
了 你 们
叫 徐 航,是
一 名
的 粉 丝。最
近 我 们
止 发
布 音 乐 专
记 得
你 们 说
过 人
为 每
个 人 固
然 生 来
对 我 们
来 说,你
被 你
们 帅
过 你
们 的 穿 衣
你 们
的 人 格
平 等,但
气 的 容 貌
和 舞
打 扮。但
魅 力
我 们
所 折
息,十 分
的 “偶 像”。
影 响
力 却
的 灯 塔。我
作 所
了 解
服 — —
的 好 朋
难 过。
是 谁
蹈 动
随 着
和 我
得 知
辑 的 消
人 平 等,不
们 就 是
高 中 生,我
有 高 低
们 刚
的 音
之 分。
开 始
吸 引,也 曾
的 深 入,我
你 们
但 我 认
模 仿
们 更
乐 缓
解 了。
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
你 们
的 音
乐 缓 解
了 我
们 学
习 生
活 中
一 路
奋 斗
的 过 程
也 激
励 着
我 们
不 断 成 长。当
们 也 理
身 为 偶 像, 高 度 透
的 生 活 让
时 候
必 须
得 三
思 而 行、以 身
作 则。但
我 们
从 你
们 身
上 学 会
注 社 会 公
递 快 乐。 可 以 说,你
完 美 的
是 我 们
也 正
们 很 多
因 为 这 样,
益,学 会
了 传
心 中
奋 斗
的 目
标 和
下 去。但 如
果 你
象 征。
所 以,我
们 就
了 关
的 压 力;你 们
们 在 此
的 决 定 无
为 粉 丝,我
法 更
恳 请 你
们 继
续 唱
改,我 们
也 会
客 观 理
尊 重 你
智 地
接 受。作
们 的 选 择。 祝 好,
徐 航
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
Examiner comments in English
The task requires candidates to choose and summarise relevant information from two passages to answer
three aspects of the question. It also requires candidates to analyse, evaluate and develop opinions and
facts from the two passages. It tests candidates’ reading comprehension skill based on the texts and
questions, global reading and critical reading skills, as well as writing skill regarding organising language in
an efficient and convincing way.
On the content, a wide range of relevant information was carefully selected from both texts. The answer
reflected three aspects of the question and weaved three aspects together. It also provided the candidate’s
own analysis and judgement about some opinions in the texts.
As for use of the language, it was clearly structured as an email: beginning (with brief background
information), main body (statement of reasons) and ending (to make a request, to show understanding, to
express wishes). The language is quite concise. There were no redundant words, such as how much they
like the band or personal examples. It showed the candidate’s ability to use their own words, to express
themselves accurately and fluidly, to effectively link sentences, and to write in a relatively formal way.
To achieve a higher score, the answer could be more persuasive. It mainly referred to how the band
influenced their personal life. It might be better to expand the discussion a bit. For example, to compare it
with other idol groups, or to talk about the influence of public figures on society as a whole rather than
individuals. The beginning and ending could be more concise as well.
Examiner comments in Chinese
Reading: 13 out of 15
Writing: 9 out of 10
Total marks awarded = 22 out of 25
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
Section 3, Question 3
因为这把琴的制作材料是很好的桐木(“良桐”),并且弹奏的声音十分优美 1
去 1
交易 1
都 1
乐官 1
工之侨 1
工之侨最后觉得世道十分可悲,只有一把好琴 0
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
 1
 1
Specimen Paper Answers – Paper 1
Examiner comments in English
Reading comprehension of classic passages focuses on understanding of words and context. For the word
part, it includes some words which are still used in modern Chinese but in a quite different way, e.g.
Question (c)(i). It also includes characters still used widely in modern Chinese words, e.g. Question (c)(ii)
and (iii). Teachers and candidates are encouraged to learn the meaning of a word from single characters’
perspective because classic Chinese is more condense than modern Chinese. In classic Chinese, one
character often represents a word. In addition, an understanding of pronouns is very important, e.g. Question
(g) and (h). It is relatively easy to get what it refers to when you put it in the context.
Additionally, like reading comprehension of articles in modern Chinese, there are also literal questions, e.g.
Question(a); questions testing implicit meanings, e.g. Question(b); global question, e.g. Question(e); implicit
+ global question, e.g. Question(f). To prepare for these questions, the fundamental thing is to understand
the text. More reading practice will help candidates overcome difficulties in understanding classic articles
The answer above lost 1 mark for Question(f) because the candidate misunderstood the text and did not get
what sadness is about from the context, which is ‘focusing on the surface and ignore the essence’. So it is
important to understand the context.
Examiner comments in Chinese
如 Question (c)(i),也包括一些现代汉语词语中常用的字,如 Question (c)(ii)和(iii)。古文比现代汉语更凝练,
一部分还包括对代词的理解,如 Question(g)和(h)。这一部分主要通过上下文来推敲,抓住语境,就比较容易
另外,和现代文阅读一样,古文阅读也考查学生对句子字面意思的理解,如 Question (a);对上下文关系
的推敲,如 Question(b);对信息的整合,如 Question(e);结合全文对字里行间隐含意思的理解,如
Total marks awarded = 11 out of 12
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Copyright © UCLES March 2018 (updated Nov 2020)