JILLCHAMBERLAIN.COM THE NUTSHELL TECHNIQUE COMEDY FLAW STRENGTH FLAW is the direct opposite of STRENGTH FINAL STEP away from toward STRENGTH FLAW POINT OF NO RETURN SET-UP WANT CLIMACTIC CHOICE F PROTAGONIST away from toward FLAW STRENGTH gets SET-UP WANT but there’s a CATCH CRISIS tests the FLAW SET-UP WANT is the direct opposite of CRISIS ACT 1 25% ACT 2 Timeline not to scale. 75% ACT 3 To learn how the Nutshell Technique works, pick up the acclaimed screenwriting book: Thelearn Nutshell Technique: the Secret to To how the Crack Nutshell Technique works, pick up the Successful Screenwriting by Jill Chamberlain. acclaimed screenwriting book:The Nutshell Technique: Crack the Secret to Successful Screenwriting by Jill Chamberlain ❐ Does the protagonist get their SET-UP WANT immediately and directly in the POINT OF NO RETURN? ❐ Does the protagonist get something immediately in the POINT OF NO RETURN that they don’t want, the CATCH? ❐ Is the CATCH the perfect test of their FLAW? ❐ Is the CRISIS the lowest the protagonist can go? (What if they were in jail? Or considering suicide?) ❐ In the CRISIS, is the protagonist in the exact opposite state of mind or situation of where they were in the SET-UP WANT? ❐ In both the CLIMACTIC CHOICE and the FINAL STEP, does the protagonist move away from the FLAW and toward the STRENGTH? ❐ Are the FLAW and the STRENGTH exact opposites? Copyright © 2016 by Jill Chamberlain All rights reserved. No part of this may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without express written permission of the author. The Nutshell Technique is a registered trademark. JILLCHAMBERLAIN.COM FLAW STRENGTH FLAW is the direct opposite of STRENGTH TRIUMPH SET-UP WANT sees its ultimate manifestation in TRIUMPH SET-UP WANT POINT OF NO RETURN F PROTAGONIST fails to move toward CLIMACTIC CHOICE worsens FLAW STRENGTH ❐ Does the protagonist get their SET-UP WANT immediately and directly in the POINT OF NO RETURN? ❐ Does the protagonist get something immediately in the POINT OF NO RETURN that they don’t want, the CATCH? ❐ Is the CATCH the perfect test of their FLAW? ❐ Is the TRIUMPH the highest the protagonist can go? ❐ Does the protagonist get the ultimate manifestation of their SET-UP WANT in the TRIUMPH? 1 STEP, does ❐ In both the CLIMACTIC CHOICE and theACT FINAL the protagonist fail to toward the STRENGTH and instead further the FLAW? ❐ Are the FLAW and the STRENGTH exact opposites? Copyright © 2016 by Jill Chamberlain All rights reserved. No part of this may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted without express written permission of the author. The Nutshell Technique is a registered trademark. gets SET-UP WANT but there’s a CATCH fails to move toward FINAL STEP STRENGTH tests the FLAW 25% ACT 2 Timeline not to scale. 75% ACT 3 To learn how the Nutshell Technique works, pick up the acclaimed screenwriting book:The Nutshell Technique: Crack the Secret to Successful Screenwriting by Jill Chamberlain worsens FLAW