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Scaffolding Terms and Definitions - L&T Construction

Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
Scaffolding Terms
and Definitions
Scaffolding Terms and Definitions
HSE-PRO-049/Rev. 00/24 Mar. 2020
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
Revision history
Description of changes
First issue. The contents of this procedure were
previously in Appendices A and B of procedure
HSE-PRO-048, Scaffolding.
Status Codes
IFR: Issued for Review
IFA: Issued for Approval
IFI: Issued for Implementation
Document reviews and approvals
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
Approved by:
Vungarala Sreenivasulu
Anthony Papadopoulos
T. Amareswara Rao
Head QEHS - PT&D – UAE & Kuwait
Head QEHS - PT&D - Middle East BU
Head - PT&D Middle East BU
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Any exploitation and/or other utilization, including but not limited to reproduction (including photocopying or storing in any medium by
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Scaffolding Terms and Definitions
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
1. Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 6
2. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 6
3. References ..................................................................................................................... 6
4. Terminology .................................................................................................................. 7
5. Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 8
Anchor ...................................................................................................................... 8
Anchorage ................................................................................................................. 8
Base jack ................................................................................................................... 8
Baseplate .................................................................................................................. 8
Base lift ..................................................................................................................... 8
Bay ............................................................................................................................ 8
Bay length ................................................................................................................. 8
Birdcage scaffold ....................................................................................................... 8
Board ........................................................................................................................ 9
Board transom .......................................................................................................... 9
Board clip .................................................................................................................. 9
Bolted tie .................................................................................................................. 9
Box tie ....................................................................................................................... 9
Brace ....................................................................................................................... 10
Brick guard .............................................................................................................. 10
Building ................................................................................................................... 10
Butt tube ................................................................................................................. 10
Cantilevered access platform ................................................................................... 10
Castor...................................................................................................................... 10
Cladding .................................................................................................................. 10
Column tie............................................................................................................... 10
Competent person .................................................................................................. 10
Coupler ................................................................................................................... 11
Cross brace.............................................................................................................. 11
Design ..................................................................................................................... 11
Designer .................................................................................................................. 11
Dowel pin ................................................................................................................ 11
Edge protection ....................................................................................................... 11
Elevator shaft tower ................................................................................................ 11
End band ................................................................................................................. 11
End guardrail ........................................................................................................... 11
End toe board.......................................................................................................... 11
End toe board clip ................................................................................................... 11
Façade brace ........................................................................................................... 11
Fittings .................................................................................................................... 11
Foot lift ................................................................................................................... 12
Free standing scaffold ............................................................................................. 12
Full body harness .................................................................................................... 12
Gin wheel ................................................................................................................ 12
Girder coupler ......................................................................................................... 12
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Guardrail ................................................................................................................. 12
Guy anchor .............................................................................................................. 12
Heavy duty tie ......................................................................................................... 12
Interlock pin ............................................................................................................ 12
Intermediate transom ............................................................................................. 12
Independent tied scaffold........................................................................................ 13
Joint pin .................................................................................................................. 13
Kicker Lift ................................................................................................................ 13
Ladder access .......................................................................................................... 13
Ladder access tower ................................................................................................ 13
Ladder clamp........................................................................................................... 13
Lanyard ................................................................................................................... 13
Ledger ..................................................................................................................... 13
Ledger brace ........................................................................................................... 13
Length ..................................................................................................................... 14
Lifeline .................................................................................................................... 14
Lift........................................................................................................................... 14
Lift height ................................................................................................................ 14
Lift headroom.......................................................................................................... 14
Lift shaft tower ........................................................................................................ 14
Light duty tie ........................................................................................................... 14
Lip tie ...................................................................................................................... 14
Loading bay ............................................................................................................. 14
Longitudinal brace ................................................................................................... 15
Mid rail.................................................................................................................... 15
Needle transom....................................................................................................... 15
Netting .................................................................................................................... 15
Node ....................................................................................................................... 15
Parallel coupler ....................................................................................................... 15
Plan brace ............................................................................................................... 15
Platform .................................................................................................................. 16
Platform unit ........................................................................................................... 16
Putlog coupler ......................................................................................................... 16
Qualified person ...................................................................................................... 16
Raker....................................................................................................................... 16
Retaining bar ........................................................................................................... 16
Retaining boards ..................................................................................................... 16
Reveal pin ............................................................................................................... 17
Reveal tie ................................................................................................................ 17
Reveal tube ............................................................................................................. 17
Right angle coupler.................................................................................................. 17
Rise ......................................................................................................................... 17
Safety belt ............................................................................................................... 17
Safety harness ......................................................................................................... 17
Safety working load ................................................................................................. 18
Scaffold ................................................................................................................... 18
Scaffolder ................................................................................................................ 18
Scaffolding contractor ............................................................................................. 18
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Scafftag ................................................................................................................... 18
Self-retracting lanyard ............................................................................................. 18
Sheeting .................................................................................................................. 18
Sheeting clip ............................................................................................................ 18
Sheeting rail ............................................................................................................ 19
Shock absorbing lanyard .......................................................................................... 19
Sleeve coupler ......................................................................................................... 19
Sole Board ............................................................................................................... 19
Spigot ...................................................................................................................... 19
Spigot pin ................................................................................................................ 19
Splice....................................................................................................................... 20
Staggering ............................................................................................................... 20
Standard ................................................................................................................. 20
Standard duty tie ..................................................................................................... 20
Standard duty (Class B) tie ....................................................................................... 20
Stop end .................................................................................................................. 20
Sway brace .............................................................................................................. 20
Sway transom.......................................................................................................... 20
Swivel coupler ......................................................................................................... 20
Tie ........................................................................................................................... 20
Through tie.............................................................................................................. 21
Toe board ................................................................................................................ 21
Toe board clip ......................................................................................................... 21
Transom .................................................................................................................. 21
Transverse brace ..................................................................................................... 21
Work at height ........................................................................................................ 21
Working platform .................................................................................................... 22
Scaffolding Terms and Definitions
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
1. Purpose
This procedure sets out fundamental terms and definitions needed to understand and
adequately describe scaffolding structures.
2. Scope
This procedure is applicable to operations across the Middle East and covers all scaffolding
structures, regardless of whether they are being erected, maintained, modified or
dismantled by L&T employees or specialized scaffolding subcontractors.
3. References
This procedure is aligned with the third-party documents detailed below, which should be
consulted for further guidance.
National Access Scaffolding Confederation. (2013). Operational Guide – A
comprehensive guide to good practice for tube and fitting scaffolding (TG20:13).
BS EN 12811-1:2003. Temporary works equipment. Scaffolds. Performance
requirements and general design.
BS EN 12810-1:2003. Facade scaffolds made of prefabricated components.
Product specifications.
BS 2482:2009. Specification for timber scaffold boards.
BS EN 74-1:2005. Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and
scaffolds. Couplers for tubes. Requirements and test procedures.
BS EN 39:2001. Loose steel tubes for tube and coupler scaffolds. Technical
delivery conditions.
BS EN 365:2004. Personal protective equipment against falls from a height.
General requirements for instructions for use, maintenance, periodic examination,
repair, marking and packaging.
ISO 45001:2018. Occupational health and safety management systems -Requirements with guidance for use. Clause 8: Operation.
ISO 45002-0:2018. Occupational health and safety management systems – Part 0:
Guidelines for the application of ISO 45001. Clause 8: Operation.
Scaffolding Terms and Definitions
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4. Terminology
Scaffolding Terms and Definitions
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5. Definitions
A component installed in a building structure
in order to attach and stabilize an access
a flat bearing surface for even load
distribution. They should be 150 mm x 150 mm
and 5 mm thick. The height of the spigot
should be at least 50 mm.
The combination of an anchor and the
immediately surrounding base material.
Base jack
A baseplate with a means of vertical
Base lift
The first lift after the kicker lift, with a
maximum height of 2.7 m from the ground for
independent scaffolds.
The portion of scaffolding between the
centerlines of two adjacent standards across a
scaffold face.
Bay length
A metal base, manufactured of steel or
aluminum, with a central spigot, which
distributes the load from a standard over a
greater area. Baseplates should be placed on
the center of sole boards and should provide
Scaffolding Terms and Definitions
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The horizontal distance between the centers
of any two adjacent standards along a scaffold
Birdcage scaffold
A scaffold structure comprising a grid of
standards, ledgers and transoms supporting a
top platform, usually intended for access to
the underside of a structure or ceiling.
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Bolted tie
A softwood plank, used with similar planks to
provide access platforms, working platforms
or toe-boards. Boards which are split,
cracked, decayed or warped should only be
used as toe boards. Alternatively, affected
parts may be cut off to produce shorter planks
with the ends banded or bolted through.
Planks should be stacked on a suitable
foundation. Where the height of a stack
exceeds 20 planks, measures should be taken
to tie or bond succeeding layers. Planks
should not be stood on end unattended. The
amount by which any scaffold board should
overhang any putlog or transom must be no
less than 50 mm and no more than 150 mm.
All scaffold boards used should comply with
BS 2482:2009.
An assembly of nuts, bolts, anchors, rings or
tubes, fixed into the surface of a building for
the purpose of stabilizing an adjacent scaffold.
Board transom
Scaffold tubes supporting scaffold boards or
platform units at intervals, themselves being
supported by the scaffold ledgers.
Box tie
An assembly of tubes and couplers forming a
frame around a part of the permanent
structure (column or beam) for the purpose of
stabilizing an adjacent scaffold.
Board clip
A fastener for retaining a board to a scaffold
tube (transom). One clip holds two boards.
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A tube placed diagonally with respect to the
vertical or horizontal members of a scaffold
and fixed to them to afford stability.
A swiveling wheel secured to the base of a
scaffold standard for the purpose of
mobilizing the scaffold.
Brick guard
A fender, fabricated from metal or plastic
wires, which covers the gaps between the
principal guardrail and the toe board for the
purpose of preventing objects from falling
from the scaffold platform.
Material typically intended to provide
weather and dust protection, typically
sheeting or debris netting covering the outer
face of a scaffold.
A structure, or part of it such a façade, against
which the scaffold is constructed.
Butt tube
A short length of horizontal tube to provide
contact support from an adjacent building
face or other permanent structure.
Cantilevered access platform
A platform supported by raking tubes and
couplers, normally positioned at the inner
face of a scaffold to provide access to recess
in the façade.
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Column tie
See box tie.
Competent person
One who, by way of training and/or
experience, is capable of identifying existing
and predictable hazards in the surroundings
or working conditions which are unsanitary,
hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and
who has authorization to take prompt
corrective measures to eliminate them. For
the purposes of this procedure, a competent
person is someone who has successfully
completed a scaffolding inspector course,
delivered by an approved third party.
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End guardrail
A fitting used to fix scaffold two tubes
together. Couplers are divided into load
bearing or non-load bearing.
A guardrail placed across the end of a scaffold
platform or isolating an incomplete section of
Cross brace
End toe board
See ledger brace.
A toe board at the end of a scaffold platform
to prevent the fall of objects.
Conception and calculation to produce the
arrangement and details of a scaffold
End toe board clip
A device for retaining end toe boards.
A qualified person or organization that
conceives an arrangement and details of a
scaffold structure.
Dowel pin
See spigot pin.
Edge protection
A set of components forming a barrier to
protect people from the risk of falling and to
retain materials.
Elevator shaft tower
Façade brace
See lift shaft tower.
A brace fixed in a plane parallel to the face of
a building, connected to standards or
structural transoms, using swivel or rightangle couplers. Said braces are fitted on every
sixth bay to the full height of the structure.
End band
Metal strip fitted to the end of a softwood
board to prevent splitting.
A general term embracing couplers and other
components for assembling and tying
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Foot lift
Girder coupler
See kicker lift.
A coupler used for connecting tubes directly to
the flanges of steel beams. Generally used in
Free standing scaffold
A scaffold which is not attached to any other
structure and is stable against overturning on
its own account or, if necessary, assisted by
guys or rakers and anchors.
Full body harness
A body holding device used to protect
workers from falls by distributing the force of
the fall over a large area of the body, ensuring
that the subject of the fall remains suspended
in an upright position after the fall has
Gin wheel
A single pulley for fiber ropes attached to a
scaffold for raising or lowering materials. The
gin wheel should be mounted on a purpose
made bracket or a cantilever tube projecting
outwards from the scaffold and attached to
standards using right angle couplers.
A system of tubes secured onto the scaffold
to prevent the fall of a person.
Guy anchor
A pin or tube driven into the ground to
provide anchorage for a guy wire rope or
Heavy duty tie
A tie assembly with a safe load in direct
tension of 12.2 kN.
Interlock pin
See spigot pin.
Intermediate transom
See board transom.
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Independent tied scaffold
Ladder access tower
A scaffold with two lines of standards, one
line supporting the outside of the deck and
one the inside, tied to a permanent building
for stability.
A tower of scaffolding that provides access to
an independent tied scaffold as an alternative
to incorporating ladder-access points within
the working area or providing access by stairs.
Joint pin
Ladder clamp
See spigot pin.
A clasp used to fix a ladder to scaffold tubes.
Kicker Lift
An optional lift at the base of the scaffold,
which gives it stability. It is erected between
150 mm and 450 mm from the ground.
Ladder access
A structure consisting of a series of rungs
between two upright lengths of metal (stiles),
used for climbing up or down a scaffold,
which meets the following minimum
the top of ladder stiles are securely fixed
to the scaffold by ladder clamps;
the ladder is set, where practicable, 4
vertical to 1 horizontal, i.e. at an angle of
approximately 75o;
each stile is equally supported on a firm
and level footing;
the ladder extends 1 m (3 feet) or 5
rungs above the landing point or some
other adequate handhold should be
ladder clamps are used to secure the
ladder to scaffold tubes;
the maximum vertical distance between
landings does not exceed 9 m.
Scaffolding Terms and Definitions
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A flexible line of webbing, or synthetic or wire
rope, that is used to secure a safety belt or
full body harness to a lifeline, static line or
fixed anchor point.
A horizontal scaffold member spanning
between the standards to support the
Ledger brace
Diagonal tube connected between the inner
and outer ledgers of consecutive lifts,
adjacent to the standards, or directly to the
standards, adjacent to the ledgers, so as to
provide, in conjunction with the inner and
outer standards and nearest transoms, a
lattice girder in the vertical plane.
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Lip tie
The distance between a scaffold’s extreme
standards, sometimes designated by the
number of bays (see also bay length).
An assembly of tubes and right-angle
couplers, forming a hook around a permanent
structural feature of adequate strength.
A synthetic or wire rope, rigged from one or
more anchors, to which a worker's lanyard or
other part of a personal fall protection system
is attached, allowing the worker to move
along the whole length of the rope without
needing to disconnect.
The assembly of ledgers and transoms
forming each horizontal level of a scaffold.
Lift height
The vertical distance between two lifts,
measured center to center of corresponding
Lift headroom
The clear distance between a platform and
the tubular assembly of the lift above.
Loading bay
A specifically strengthened scaffolding tower
for the loading and storage of materials,
normally designed to allow pallets of
materials to be loaded by mechanical means
such as by crane or forklift.
Lift shaft tower
A scaffold tower erected within a lift shaft,
usually butted to the lift shaft walls on all
sides for stability.
Light duty tie
A tie assembly with a safe load in direct
tension of 3.5 kN.
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Longitudinal brace
Parallel coupler
A brace generally in the plane of the longer
dimension of the scaffold, particularly in
birdcages (see also façade brace).
A coupler used to join two tubes side by side.
Mid rail
An intermediate tube connected to the inner
side of standards, midway between the top
rail and toe board.
Needle transom
A transom extending from or into a building.
Permeable cladding material.
Common point where two or more members
are connected together. Usually the
intersection between a standard and ledger.
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Plan brace
A diagonal brace in the horizontal plane, along
the length of the scaffold, linking diagonally
opposite standards. Should be used when
ledger bracing is removed to allow better
access to the working platform.
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A section of lift boarded with platform units.
An inclined scaffold tube member, usually
substituting for tying the scaffold to a
permanent structure in the lower lifts. More
specifically, rakers may be used in place of
ties at the first and second lifts, however if
the scaffold exceeds 6 m the remaining lifts
must be tied using other types of ties.
Platform unit
A timber scaffold board or steel, aluminum,
plastic, laminated veneer lumber or
lightweight staging unit used to form a
scaffold platform.
Putlog coupler
A non-load bearing coupler, used for fixing
two tubes at right angles. It is used mainly for
fixing transoms to ledgers and is commonly
referred to as a “single coupler.”
Qualified person
One who, by possession of a recognized
degree, certificate or professional standing, or
who by extensive knowledge, training, and
experience, has successfully demonstrated his
ability to resolve problems related to the
design and erection of scaffolding structures.
Retaining bar
A strip or device fixed across the platform
boards to hold them down.
Retaining boards
Similar to a brick guard but using scaffold
boards instead of a permeable mesh fender.
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Reveal pin
Right angle coupler
A fitting used for tightening a reveal tube
between two opposing surfaces.
A load bearing fitting for connecting two tubes
at right angles. It is used to fix standards and
ledgers or standards and transoms on unboarded lifts or bracings and is commonly
referred to a “double coupler.”
Reveal tie
An assembly of a reveal tube with wedges or
screwed fittings and pads, if required, fixed
between opposing faces of an opening in a
wall together with a tie tube connecting to
the scaffold. They usually do not require
permanent fixing anchors to the support
structure to achieve rigidity and can be
removed without leaving any anchor bolts or
abrasion to the exterior. Reveal ties should
not make up more than 50% of total ties for a
scaffold. Regular inspections are required as
reveal ties can loosen during service.
The vertical distance between the top
surfaces of consecutive steps of a stair.
Safety belt
A belt worn by a person as a part of a
restraint system to prevent them from
reaching a location where a free fall hazard
exists. It should never be used instead of a
safety harness.
Safety harness
Reveal tube
A tube fixed by means of a reveal pin or by
wedging between two opposing surfaces of a
structure, for example between two window
reveals to form an anchor to which the
scaffold may be tied.
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A design of straps, which is secured about a
person in a manner to distribute fall arresting
forces over at least the thighs, pelvis, waist,
chest and shoulders, with provisions for
attaching it to other components of a
personal fall arrest system.
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Safety working load
Self-retracting lanyard
The load that a structural member or
connection can safely carry.
A deceleration device containing a drumwound line, which can be slowly extracted
from or retracted onto the drum under slight
tension during normal worker movement, and
which, after onset of a fall, automatically locks
the drum and arrests the fall.
A temporary structure that provides access
and a safe place of work for the erection,
maintenance, repair or demolition of
buildings and other structures.
A worker, trained and certified by a third
party as being competent to erect, alter,
modify and dismantle scaffolds.
Scaffolding contractor
A person or organization that provides and
installs scaffolding.
A tag strategically displayed, normally at all
access points to every scaffold, which indicates
that the scaffold has been inspected and is safe
to use.
Impermeable cladding material, usually plastic
sheets, attached to a scaffold to provide
protection from the effects of weather or to
protect the surrounding area from the effects
of works being carried out.
Sheeting clip
A device for attaching sheeting to a scaffold
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Sheeting rail
Sole Board
A horizontal tube fixed to the verticals to a
scaffold to support sheeting, usually a
guardrail or ledger or similar.
A timber (normally a short scaffold board),
concrete or metal spreader used to distribute
the load from a standard or base plate over
an extended area. Previously used sole boards
should never be used as scaffold boards; they
should be marked so that they are readily
distinguishable, e.g. the ends should be cut at
an angle.
Shock absorbing lanyard
A lanyard with webbing designed to stretch as
it receives the worker's falling weight. The
stretching action breaks the fall in a
controlled manner.
An internal fitting to align one tube to another
Sleeve coupler
A fitting enclosing and joining two tubes
coaxially end to end.
Spigot pin
A pin placed transversely through a spigot
and scaffold tube to prevent the two from
coming apart.
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Standard duty tie
A short tube fixed with swivel couplers over a
joint (splicing), with a view to positively
securing the joint.
A tie assembly with a safe load in direct
tension of 6.1 kN.
Standard duty (Class B) tie
The erection of standards and ledgers so that
only one standard in a pair finishes in any one
vertical lift and only ledger in a pair finishes in
any one horizontal bay.
A tie assembly with a safe load in direct
tension of 9.1 kN.
Stop end
See end guardrail.
Sway brace
See façade brace.
Sway transom
A transom extended inwards in contact with a
revel or the side of a column to restrain the
scaffold from sway movement along the
Swivel coupler
A fitting used for connecting tubes together at
any angle other than a right angle.
Upright member that transmits the vertical
loads of the scaffold to the foundations. The
spacing of scaffolding standards determines
the load class and should follow the
recommendations in the manufacturer’s
erection instructions.
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An assembly of members used to fix a scaffold
to a supporting structure (also see bolted tie,
box tie, lip tie, reveal tie and through tie).
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Through tie
Toe board clip
A tie assembly installed through a window or
other opening in a wall so as to anchor against
the inside face of the wall.
A fitting used for attaching a toe board to a
Toe board
A plank positioned along the edge of a
platform to prevent tools and materials from
falling off the platform. Toe boards should
have a height of at least 150 mm above the
working platform and be securely fixed to the
Horizontal members, normally in the direction
of the smaller dimensions of the working
scaffold (at right angles to the boards or
platform units), which support the working
Transverse brace
A brace generally in the plane of the shorter
dimension of the scaffold (see also ledger
Work at height
Work in any place where, if precautions were
not taken, a person could fall a distance liable
to cause personal injury. People are working
at height if they:
Scaffolding Terms and Definitions
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work above ground/floor level;
could fall from an edge, through an
opening or fragile surface;
could fall from ground level into an
opening in a floor or a hole in the ground.
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Work at height does not include a slip or a trip
on the level, as a fall from height has to
involve a fall from one level to a lower level,
nor does it include walking up and down a
permanent staircase in a building.
Working platform
The boarded-out deck from which work is
carried out. The working platform should be
wide enough and be sufficiently boarded out
to allow safe passage of persons along the
platform. They should also be capable of
accommodating the loads imposed upon
them, including high wind loads that could
dislodge the scaffold boards.
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