Page 1 Light Science | Year 6 | Unit Overview Introduction This ‘Light’ unit will teach your class about light, how we see, shadows, reflection and refraction. The children will learn how light travels and how this enables us to see objects. They will demonstrate their knowledge by making and starring in their own television programme. The children will have the opportunity to make a functioning periscope, finding out about mirrors and the angles of reflection and incidence. They will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate refraction, carrying out some fascinating experiments into the effects of bending light. Furthermore, they will have chance to predict what will happen in an exciting investigation into the visible spectrum. They will work in a hands-on way to explore how light creates the colours we see, designing coded messages. Finally, they will learn about Isaac Newton and his theory of light and colour, performing a shadow puppet play about his discoveries and ideas. Assessment Statements By the end of this unit... ...all children should be able to: Health & Safety Ensure that children are aware that they should never look directly at the Sun or any bright lights. Remind children not to shine lights towards others’ eyes. Suitable torches should be used in the investigations, never laser pointers. Make sure that the mirrors used are child safe, not glass. If you choose to use coloured sweets in lesson 5, ensure that there are no allergies to any ingredients. Ensure children are aware of how to use the equipment safely. • • • • • • • Recognise that light travels in straight lines. Describe how light enables us to see. Understand reflection as light bouncing off a surface. Identify some effects of refraction. Identify the visible spectrum. Explore colours using light. Recognise that Isaac Newton discovered information about light and colour. • Explain that objects block light to form shadows. • Predict what will happen in an investigation. • Make observations. ...most children will be able to: • • • • • Home Learning Light Build-A-Book: Children have the opportunity to present their understanding of light in their own creative and unique way, creating and illustrating a non-fiction book about light. Light It Up! Children are challenged to use their understanding of reflection to reflect a light ray around a map, with the aim of illuminating a lighthouse. • • • • • • Explain how light travels to enable us to see. Understand that all objects reflect light. Identify the angles of incidence and reflection. Understand refraction as light bending or changing direction. Explain how a prism allows us to see the visible spectrum. Understand that colours are a result of light reflecting off an object. Explain Isaac Newton’s experiments about light and colour. Understand how shadows change size. Understand that shadows are the same shape as the object that casts them. Make observations and conclusions. Be able to answer questions based on their learning. ...some children will be able to: Wider Learning & Weblinks Visit the National Media Museum to find out more about light, colour, photography, television and the Internet. This Optic 4 Kids website has lots of different ideas for activities to explore light and colour. This BBC website has several useful films to use in the classroom to support children’s understanding of light. • Explain how light enables us to see an object reflected in a mirror. • Recognise that the angles of incidence and reflection are equal. • Explain how light is refracted as it travels through glass or water. • Recognise that the colours of the visible spectrum have different wavelengths. • Understand how filters reflect or absorb different colours of light. • Recognise how Isaac Newton used proof to support his ideas about light and colour. • Set up reliable and accurate investigations. • Make and explain predictions. • Make and record accurate observations. • Use scientific language to explain their findings. • Be able to ask and answer questions based on their learning using scientific language. Page 1 Lesson Breakdown 1. How We See To recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines by creating a model of light travelling. Resources • Yellow wool • Colouring pencils or pens To use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye by creating a model of light travelling. To explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes by creating a light documentary. • I can explain that light travels in straight lines from light sources to our eyes, and from light sources to objects and then to our eyes. 2. Reflecting Light To recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines by investigating the angles of incidence and reflection. To use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye by creating a periscope and explaining how it works. To explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes by creating a periscope and explaining how it works. • I can understand how mirrors reflect light, and how they can help us see objects. 3. Refraction To recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines by investigating refraction. • I can investigate how refraction changes the direction in which light travels. 4. Spectacular Spectrum To recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines by exploring prisms and creating colour wheels. • I can investigate how a prism changes a ray of light. 5. Seeing Colours To use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye by investigating how we see colours. To explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes by investigating how we see colours. • I can investigate how light enables us to see colours. 6. Shadow Theatre To use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them by performing a shadow puppet show about Isaac Newton. To identify scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments by performing a shadow puppet show about Isaac Newton. • I can explain why shadows have the same shape as the object that casts them. • • • • • • • • • Modelling clay Mirrors White paper Small piece of card Scissors Torches Protractors Cereal boxes Sticky tape • • • • • BBC film Small pieces of paper Cups of water Jugs Saucers • Seven pieces of paper in the colours of the rainbow and one white piece of paper stuck around the room • Cardboard • Colouring pens or pencils. • String or yarn • Coloured sweets such as Smarties or Skittles (if this is not possible, then coloured cubes or counters are ideal alternatives) • Different coloured cellophane squares • Colouring pens or pencils • • • • • • • • • BBC film Scissors Sticky tape Card Straws or craft sticks Tissue paper Tracing paper Screen (a white sheet is ideal) Projector or other light source National Curriculum Aim Lesson Context Child Friendly Page 2