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Nanotechnology in Cancer Treatment & Diagnosis

Nano-technology; Applications in Cancer
Potential market and financial implications
Nanotechnology is still in the early stages of development in most forms of cancer treatment,
however there have undoubtedly been some interesting developments in this area. Some of the key
areas that nanotechnology has been developing in regards to cancer treatment include the delivery
of chemotherapy drugs to cancer cells, the use of a type of therapy known as photothermal therapy,
advances in immunotherapy and an increase in the effectiveness of radiotherapy.
One area that nanotechnology is being developed is in delivering chemotherapy drugs directly to
cancer cells. The company CytImmune has been developing a system that delivers a tumour killing
agent called tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) directly to tumours (Libutti et al., 2010). The agent
is delivered to the tumours by gold nanoparticles which are able to stay hidden from the bodies
immune system due to the presence of a substance known as polyethylene glycol (Mishra, Nayak &
Dey, 2016). The combination of the nanoparticle and polyethylene glycol is called Aurmine
(Velpurisiva, Gad, Piel, Jadia & Rai, 2017), and early data is promising, with a study by Vats,
Singh, Siraj, Singh & Tandon in 2017 suggesting that Aurmine does limited damage to healthy cells
but does target tumours. Cytimmune has finished its first phase of trials and is due to begin the
second phase, testing this system alongside other traditional chemotherapy drugs (Vats, Singh,
Siraj, Singh & Tandon, 2017). Another company, BIND Biosciences, has also concluded its first
phase of trials on a form of targeted chemotherapy that delivers the chemotherapy drug directly to
cancer cells (Bourzac, 2012).
Photothermal therapy (PTT)is one of the most promising potential uses of nanotechnology for
cancer treatment. As explained in a 2017 study by Riley & Day, photothermal therapy is a form of
treatment which uses light radiation in order to kill specific cancer cells. Essentially, PTT works by
embedding nanoparticles in cancer cells which then generate heat when a laser is applied to them
Yao et al., 2016). PTT can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with other
treatments, and causes less damage to surrounding tissue than conventional approaches such as
radiotherapy and chemotherapy (Bucharskaya et al., 2016) As reported by Hong, Choi & Shim in a
2016 study, another advantage of PTT is that it is a more targeted approach than other forms of
therapy, as it works to destroy specific cancer cells.
Immunotherapy is another area of cancer treatment involving nanotechnology. Immunotherapy
essentially is a method of cancer treatment that involves stimulating the bodies immune system to
help fight off cancer in the body (Blattman, 2004). Nanotechnology has been developing in this
area in regards to the delivery of immunotherapy to cells. “The delivery of immunostimulatory
agents to antitumor immune cells, such as dendritic or antigen presenting cells, may be a far more
efficient tactic to eradicate tumors than delivery of conventional chemotherapeutic and cytotoxic
drugs to cancer cells.” (Velpurisiva, Gad, Piel, Jadia & Rai, 2017, Abstract)
While research into this area is still in its early stages, a recent study conducted by the Office of
Cancer Nanotechnology Research at the National Cancer Institute concluded that
nanotechnology has also been developing in the area of radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is currently one
of the most common cancer treatments available, (DeSantis et al., 2014) and involves delivering
high doses of radiation to cancer cells in order to damage their DNA (Bartek, 2002). One of the
main drawbacks of radiotherapy is that the delivery of radiation to the body does not just damage
cancer cells but also surrounding cells (West & Barnett, 2011). Developments in nanotechnology
however, are helping to deliver radiation to cells while minimizing damage to surrounding cells
(Mao, 2010). One such example of this is the use of high-Z atomic number nanoparticles to enhance
the effects of radiation therapy in cancer cells (Hainfeld, Dilmanian, Slatkin & Smilowitz, 2008).
One of the key potential areas of nanotechnology in regards to cancer diagnosis is in relation to CT
and MRI scans. Traditionally, CT and MRI scans could detect tumours, but only after the tissue had
altered substantially (Kang, Lee, Lee & Kim, 2012). Advances in nanotechnology however may be
able to change this. Research is indicating that Metal oxide nanoparticles, which produce a strong
signal on CT and MRI scans, can be coated with antibodies that bind to receptors more common in
cancerous cells than in normal cells (Busquets, Estelrich & Sánchez-Martín, 2015). This would be
useful as it would allow for earlier detection of tumours through these traditional techniques.
Another area that nanotechnology has been developing in terms of cancer diagnosis is in regards to
biopsy. A biopsy involves the analysis of a tissue sample for biomarkers of cancer. (Glenza, 2017).
A technique currently used to detect biomarkers in a biopsy is fluorescent immunoassay (FIA),
which involves using a fluorescent chemical to tag biomarkers in a biopsy (Liu et al., 2008).
According to a Princeton University study, nanotechnology has been enhancing this technique. In
2012, Stephen Chou and his team developed a nanomaterial known as D2PA, which enhances the
light of the fluorescant tag. According to the study this enhancement enables researchers to detect
the cancer earlier, when the light would ordinarily be too weak to detect. (Zhou et al., 2012)
Nanoshells are a type of nanoparticle that are being developed to help detect cancer. Antibodies can
be attached to these nanoparticles in order to recognise and also target cancer cells. They are still in
the early stages of development, but research shows that they are “10 thousand times more effective
at Raman scattering than that of traditional methods.” (Jaishree & Gupta, 2012, Nanomaterials for
Cancer Diagnosis)
Traditional Techniques Of Combating Cancer Compared With Modern Nanotechnology
Associated Risks
Zhou, L., Ding, F., Chen, H., Ding, W., Zhang, W., & Chou, S. (2012). Enhancement of
Immunoassay’s Fluorescence and Detection Sensitivity Using Three-Dimensional Plasmonic NanoAntenna-Dots Array. Analytical Chemistry, 84(10), 4489-4495.
Kang, H., Lee, H., Lee, K., & Kim, J. (2012). Imaging-Based Tumor Treatment Response
Evaluation: Review of Conventional, New, and Emerging Concepts. Korean Journal Of
Radiology, 13(4), 371. http://dx.doi.org/10.3348/kjr.2012.13.4.371
Busquets, M., Estelrich, J., & Sánchez-Martín, M. (2015). Nanoparticles in magnetic resonance
imaging: from simple to dual contrast agents. International Journal Of Nanomedicine, 1727.
Liu, X., Dai, Q., Austin, L., Coutts, J., Knowles, G., & Zou, J. et al. (2008). A One-Step
Homogeneous Immunoassay for Cancer Biomarker Detection Using Gold Nanoparticle Probes
Coupled with Dynamic Light Scattering. Journal Of The American Chemical Society, 130(9), 27802782. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja711298b
Glenza, J. (2017). Painless cancer detection could become routine thanks to 'liquid biopsies'. the
Guardian. Retrieved 15 October 2017, from
Libutti, S., Paciotti, G., Byrnes, A., Alexander, H., Gannon, W., & Walker, M. et al. (2010). Phase I
and Pharmacokinetic Studies of CYT-6091, a Novel PEGylated Colloidal Gold-rhTNF
Nanomedicine. Clinical Cancer Research, 16(24), 6139-6149. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/10780432.ccr-10-0978
Mishra, P., Nayak, B., & Dey, R. (2016). PEGylation in anti-cancer therapy: An overview. Asian
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(3), 337-348. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajps.2015.08.011
Velpurisiva, P., Gad, A., Piel, B., Jadia, R., & Rai, P. (2017). Nanoparticle Design Strategies for
Effective Cancer Immunotherapy. Journal Of Biomedicine, 2(2), 64-77.
Vats, S., Singh, M., Siraj, S., Singh, H., & Tandon, S. (2017). Role of nanotechnology in
theranostics and personalized medicines. Journal Of Health Research And Reviews, 4(1), 1.
Bourzac, K. (2012). Nanotechnology: Carrying drugs. Nature, 491(7425), S58-S60.
Riley, R., & Day, E. (2017). Gold nanoparticle-mediated photothermal therapy: applications and
opportunities for multimodal cancer treatment. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine And
Nanobiotechnology, 9(4), e1449. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/wnan.1449
Yao, C., Zhang, L., Wang, J., He, Y., Xin, J., & Wang, S. et al. (2016). Gold Nanoparticle Mediated
Phototherapy for Cancer. Journal Of Nanomaterials, 2016, 1-29.
Bucharskaya, A., Maslyakova, G., Terentyuk, G., Yakunin, A., Avetisyan, Y., & Bibikova, O. et al.
(2016). Towards Effective Photothermal/Photodynamic Treatment Using Plasmonic Gold
Nanoparticles. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, 17(8), 1295.
Hong, E., Choi, D., & Shim, M. (2016). Targeted and effective photodynamic therapy for cancer
using functionalized nanomaterials. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 6(4), 297-307.
Blattman, J. (2004). Cancer Immunotherapy: A Treatment for the Masses. Science, 305(5681), 200205. http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1100369
Radiation Therapy for Cancer. (2017). National Cancer Institute. Retrieved 15 October 2017, from
DeSantis, C., Lin, C., Mariotto, A., Siegel, R., Stein, K., & Kramer, J. et al. (2014). Cancer
treatment and survivorship statistics, 2014. CA: A Cancer Journal For Clinicians, 64(4), 252-271.
Bartek, J. (2002). Cell Cycle Checkpoints and Cancer. Leukemia, 16(3), 400-401.
West, C., & Barnett, G. (2011). Genetics and genomics of radiotherapy toxicity: towards
prediction. Genome Medicine, 3(8), 52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/gm268
Mao, H. (2010). Delivery of therapeutic radioisotopes using nanoparticle platforms: potential
benefit in systemic radiation therapy. Nanotechnology, Science And Applications, 159.
Hainfeld, J., Dilmanian, F., Slatkin, D., & Smilowitz, H. (2008). Radiotherapy enhancement with
gold nanoparticles. Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology, 60(8), 977-985.
Velpurisiva, P., Gad, A., Piel, B., Jadia, R., & Rai, P. (2017). Nanoparticle Design Strategies for
Effective Cancer Immunotherapy. Journal Of Biomedicine, 2(2), 64-77.