Uploaded by todd.wiese

Coal Option Notice

Re: Coal Supply Agreement between (Buyer) and Seller dated [
Dear [
Pursuant to our previous conversations, [Buyer] has been notified by the Producer,
[Producer name], that pursuant to the Coal Supply Agreement and corresponding
Transaction Confirmation [.
], dated [.
], that they will exercise the option
for the Option tons (.
) for calendar year [20xx] at the price of $XX.XX per ton which
is a $X.XX per ton discount to the Firm tonnage (.
) pricing of $XX.XX per ton for
delivery during calendar year 20XX. [Seller] herby notifies [Buyer] of the same.
At the request of [Seller], mine management has advised that they will evaluate and
provide [Buyer] with a proposal for consideration towards reducing the weighted
average pricing for 20XX and 20XX shipments. [Seller] will notify you with any such
proposal as soon as available.
Kind regards,