Delay Codes Description 3M Code 3M Department Reactionary Code 00X Other N/A Airline Internal Codes TBD TBD N/A Late Ground Reposition from Remote Parking Area - excluding hangar or customs facility 03A Airports 93D Late Ground Reposition From Hangar 04A Technical Operations 93E Late Ground Reposition From Customs 05A Airports 93D 93C To Be Determined; Insufficient information available to correctly assign delay code Airline Internal Codes Amazon Permits TBD 04B TBD Cargo Operations 93I No Gate/Stand availability due to own airline activity 06A Amazon Requested Schedule Change - Ad-hoc or other change not incorporated in planned schedule change requested by Amazon 06B Cargo Operations 08A Cargo Operations 93I 09A Sales/Marketing 93I Late Check-In - Acceptance after deadline 11A Airports 93B Late Check-In - Congestions in check-in area 12A Airports 93B Oversales - Booking errors 14A Sales/Marketing Airports 93B 15B Airports 93B 15C Airports 93B Commercial Publicity/Passenger Convenience - VIP, press, ground meals and missing personal items 16A Airports 93B Catering Order - Late or incorrect order given to supplier Baggage Processing - Sorting, etc. 17A 93D Reduced Mobility - Boarding/deboarding of passengers with reduced mobility 18A Airports 19A Airports 93B 19B Cargo Operations 93C 20A Cargo Operations 93C Ground Documentation, Errors, Etc. – Load planning or other cargo documentation delays 21A Cargo Operations 93C Late Preparation in Warehouse/Late Sort 24A 26A Cargo Operations 93D Amazon Late Inbound Linehaul - Trucks late to gateway Scheduled Ground Time less than declared Minimum Ground Time Passenger and Baggage Awaiting Connecting Passengers 11B Check-In Error - Passenger and Baggage 13A Boarding - Discrepancies and paging; missing checked-in passenger Weight and Balance Adjustment - Not aircraft performance limitation restriction Weight and Balance Adjustment for Performance - Aircraft performance limitation restriction (i.e. passenger or baggage deplaning required to meet operations limits) Amazon Requested Delay for Connecting Cargo Cargo/Ground/Ramp Delay – Delay awaiting cargo due to ground or ramp handling at the gateway Inadequate Parking – Lack of, or delay for, parking at gateway Delay Codes 15A Rev.: 02 • 18-Nov-21 Uncontrolled Copy When Downloaded or Printed Airports N/A Airports Airports Airports Cargo Operations 93D 93B 93B 93I 93B 93C Page 1 of 7 Delay Codes 3M Code 3M Department Reactionary Code Aircraft Documentation Late/Inaccurate - Weight and Balance, general declaration, passenger manifest, etc. 31A Airports 93D Loading Equipment - Lack of breakdown, e.g. container pallet loader, lack of staff 32A Airports 93D 33A Airports 93D Servicing Equipment - Lack of breakdown, lack of staff, e.g. steps 34A Airports 93D Aircraft Cleaning 35A Airports 93D Vendor Fueling/De-Fueling - Fuel Supplier 36A Airports 93D ULD - Lack of serviceability 38A Airports 93D Description Aircraft and Ramp Handling Loading/Unloading - Bulky, special load, cabin load, lack of loading staff Airport Staffing - Lack of staffing either planned or unplanned Lavatory Service 34B 35B Catering - Late delivery or loading 37A Ground Equipment - Lack of or breakdown, lack of staff, e.g. pushback Technical and Aircraft Equipment 39A Airports Airports Airports Airports 93D 93D 93D 93D MEL Restriction 41A Technical Operations 93E Unscheduled Maintenance - Special checks and/or additional work beyond normal maintenance schedule 43A Technical Operations 93E 43B Technical Operations 93E Technical Operations 93E Late Release from Scheduled Maintenance Block Turn Back Maintenance Air Turn Back Maintenance 42A 43C Technical Operations 45A Technical Operations Parts/Materials/Tooling - Lack of or breakdown at station 44A Aircraft Change - for Technical reasons 46A AOG Spares - To be carried to another station Stand-By Aircraft Out of Service - Lack of or breakdown Delay Codes Technical Operations 47A Rev.: 02 • 18-Nov-21 Uncontrolled Copy When Downloaded or Printed Technical Operations Technical Operations 93E 93E 93E 93E 93E Page 2 of 7 Delay Codes 3M Code 3M Department Reactionary Code 51A Flight Operations 93F 51B Technical Operations 93F Damage During Ground Operations - collisions (other than during taxiing), loading/off-loading damage, contamination, towing, extreme weather conditions 52A Airports 93F Automated System Failure - Sabre Aircentre, Sabre Reservation, etc. Internet Failure - Station 58A 93F Internet Failure - Headquarters or Hangar Facility 58B Technology 58C Technology 93F Description Damage to Aircraft/Automated Equipment Failure Damage During Flight Operations - Bird or lighting strike, turbulence, heavy or overweight landing, collision during taxiing Damage During Technical Operations - Aircraft damage caused by Tech Ops personnel Flight Operations and Crewing Technology 93F Late Flight Plan - Late completion or change of flight documentation 61A Flight Operations 93G Required Charts and Materials - Awaiting en-route, terminal charts, manuals, etc. 62B Flight Operations 93G 63A Flight Operations 93G 64A Flight Operations 93G 64B Flight Operations 93G 64C Flight Operations 93G 64D Flight Operations 93G Flight Deck Crew Error or Special Requests - Not within operational requirements. 65A Flight Operations 93G Flight Crew Consulting Airport Personnel - No Airport action required 65C 65B Flight Operations 93G 65D Flight Operations 93G Late Flight Plan Due to Operational Requirements - Fuel, load alteration Late Flight Crew Boarding or Departure Procedures - Other than connection and standby (Flight Deck or entire Crew) Flight Deck Crew Shortage - Sickness, awaiting standby, flight time limitations, crew meals, valid visa, health documents, etc. FAR 117 Legality Delay - Crew Rest, awaiting confirmation of FDP extension, etc. Late Crew Transportation Crew Scheduling Error - Incorrect schedule construction, failure to notify crew member, failure to arrange transport, etc. Flight Crew Consulting Maintenance - No maintenance action required Flight Crew Consulting Dispatch/OCC - No Dispatch/OCC action required Delay Codes 62A Rev.: 02 • 18-Nov-21 Uncontrolled Copy When Downloaded or Printed Flight Operations Flight Operations 93G 93G Page 3 of 7 Delay Codes Description 3M Code 3M Department Reactionary Code 66A In-Flight 93G Cabin Crew Shortage - Sickness, awaiting standby, flight time limitations, crew meals, valid visa, health documents, etc. 67A In-Flight 93G Cabin Crew Error or Special Requests - Not within operational requirements 67B In-Flight 93G 68A In-Flight 93G Flight Crew Preparation - Briefings, etc. 69A 69B Flight Operations Flight Operations 93G 71A Weather 93H Flight Operations and Crewing (Continued) Late Cabin Crew Boarding or Departure Procedures - Other than connection and standby Cabin Crew Legality - Crew rest requirements, etc. Crew Precautionary Check - Extraordinary weather, maintenance, etc. Weather Departure Station Weather Destination Station Weather 72A En-Route or Alternate Weather Diversion Due to Destination Station Weather 72B De-Icing of Aircraft - Removal of ice and/or snow, frost prevention excluding unserviceable equipment Removal of Snow, Ice, Water, and Sand from Airport Ground Handling Impaired By Adverse Weather Conditions Weather 93G 93H 73A Weather Weather 93H 75A Weather 93H 76A Weather 93H 77A Weather 93H 93H ATFM + Airport + Governmental Authorities, Air Traffic Flow Management Restrictions ATFM Due to ATC En-Route Demand/Capacity - Standard demand/ capacity problems ATFM Due to ATC Staff/Equipment En-Route - Reduced capacity caused by industrial action or staff shortage, equipment failure, military exercise or extraordinary demand due to capacity. (AE) ATFM Due to Restriction at Destination Airport - Airport and/or runway closed due to obstruction, industrial action, staff shortage, political unrest, noise abatement, night curfew, special flights ATFM Due to Weather at Destination Airport and Governmental Authorities Mandatory Security ATC 93A 82A ATC 93A 83A ATC 93A 84A ATC 93A 85A Immigrations, Customs, Health Airport Facilities - Parking stands, ramp congestion, lighting, buildings, gate limitations, etc. Restrictions at Airport of Destination - Airport and/or runway closed due to obstruction, industrial action, staff shortage, political unrest, noise abatement, night curfew, special flights Restrictions at Airport of Departure With or Without ATFM Restrictions - Including Air Traffic Services, start-up and pushback, airport and/or runway closed due to obstruction or weather, industrial action, staff shortage, political unrest, noise abatement, night curfew, special flights Delay Codes 81A 86A Security Security 93A 87A Airports 93D 88A Airports 93D 89A Airports 93D Rev.: 02 • 18-Nov-21 Uncontrolled Copy When Downloaded or Printed 93A Page 4 of 7 Delay Codes Description 3M Code 3M Department Through Check-In Error - Passenger and baggage 92A Airports LAA Passenger and Baggage Delay Previous Leg(s) 93B Airports Reactionary LAA ATC/Airport/Government Delay Previous Leg(s) 93A LAA Aircraft and Ramp Handling Delay Previous Leg(s) 93D LAA Damage to Aircraft/Automated Equipment Failure 93F LAA Technical and Aircraft Equipment Delay Previous Leg(s) LAA Flight Operations and Crewing Delay Previous Leg(s) Airports N/A N/A N/A N/A 93E Technical Operations N/A 93G Flight Operations N/A LAA Weather/Enroute Delays Previous Leg(s) 93H Cabin Crew Rotation - Awaiting cabin crew from another flight 93J LAA Miscellaneous Delay Previous Leg(s) ATC Reactionary Code Weather N/A N/A Other N/A 93K Flight Operations N/A 96A Flight Operations N/A Industrial Action With Own Airline 97A Other 93I Other Reason - Not matching any code above 99A Other 93I Flight Deck Crew Rotation - Awaiting flight deck crew from another flight Operations Control - Re-routing, diversion, consolidation, aircraft change for reasons other than technical Miscellaneous Industrial Action Outside Own Airline - Excluding ATS 93I Flight Operations 98A In-Flight Other N/A 93I Notes: 1. 2. 3. Initial Delay Codes (00X to 89A, including 97A to 99A) are to be assigned to the first flight delayed for a particular reason(s). If more than one Initial Delay Code is assigned to properly document the reasons for a flight delay the Initial Delay Code with the longest delay (in minutes) is to be listed first and will be considered the primary delay reason for the flight. Any flights delayed due to the impact of a previously delayed flight are to receive the corresponding Reactionary Delay Code (92A to 96A) associated with the Initial Delay that impacted the previous flight(s). A listing of the correct Reactionary Delay Code associated with each Initial Delay Code is provided in the Reactionary Delay code column adjacent to each initial delay code. If more than one Reactionary Delay Code is assigned to properly document the reasons for the flight delay the Reactionary Delay Code with the longest delay (in minutes) is to be listed first Additional delays experienced on a flight delayed for reactionary reasons should have the proper Initial Delay Code added after the appropriate Reactionary Delay Code(s) in order to account for the station delay above the Minimum Standard Turn (MST) time. Delay Codes Rev.: 02 • 18-Nov-21 Uncontrolled Copy When Downloaded or Printed Page 5 of 7 Delay Codes Arrival Delay Codes ( For use in Amazon Operations Only) Arrival delay codes will only be applied to flights operated for Amazon Prime Air. Codes may be either carrier controllable (delay codes ending with the character “C”) or non-carrier controllable (delay codes ending with the character “U”) and must be assigned when a flight arrives after the STA. Carrier controllable delays indicate an item that is a responsibility of Silver Airways as agreed with Amazon in the Air Transportation Services Agreement (ATSA), while non-carrier, or uncontrollable delays, indicate an item that is a responsibility of Amazon as agreed in the ATSA. The arrival delay should correlate with the assigned departure delay if a departure delay is assigned to the flight. Description 3M Code 3M Department Amazon Permits A4U Cargo Operations Amazon Requested Schedule Change A8U Cargo Operations Amazon Late Inbound Linehaul A6U Aircraft Maintenance Docs Late/Inaccurate A11C Amazon Requested Delay for Connecting Cargo A19U Cargo Operations Cargo Operations Cargo Operations Cargo/Ground/Ramp Delay (UNCTRL) A20U Cargo Operations Ground Documentation, Errors, Etc. (UNCTRL) A21U Cargo Operations Inadequate Parking (UNCTRL) A24U Cargo Operations Late Preparation in Warehouse/Late Sort (UNCTRL) A26U Cargo Operations Crew Notification/Transport A29C Flight Operations Cargo/Ground/Ramp Delay (CTRL) A20C Ground Documentation, Errors, Etc. (CTRL) A21C Inadequate Parking (CTRL) Late Preparation in Warehouse/Late Sort (CTRL) A24C A26C Cargo Operations Cargo Operations Cargo Operations Cargo Operations Loading/Unloading (UNCTRL) A32U Cargo Operations Ground Service Equipment (UNCTRL) A33U Airports Servicing Equipment (UNCTRL) A34U Aircraft Cleaning A35C Loading/Unloading (CTRL) A32C Ground Service Equipment (CTRL) A33C Servicing Equipment (CTRL) A34C Fueling/Defueling A36C Catering A37C Cargo Operations Airports Airports Airports Airports Airports Airports ULD/Pallets (e.g., nets, straps, etc.)(UNCTRL) A38U Aircraft Defects A41C Technical Operations A43C Technical Operations ULD/Pallets (e.g., nets, straps, etc.)(CTRL) A38C Scheduled Maintenance-Late Release A42C Technical Manpower Resources Maintenance Materials and Equipment A44C Spare Aircraft Technical Issue A45C Aircraft Change A46C Maintenance Block Turn Back Foreign Object Damage to Aircraft - non ground(e.g., birdstrike) A47C A51U Damage During Ground Ops (UNCTRL) A52U Crew Positioning on Company Aircraft A56C Damage During Ground Ops (CTRL) Delay Codes A52C Rev.: 02 • 18-Nov-21 Uncontrolled Copy When Downloaded or Printed Airports Airports Technical Operations Technical Operations Technical Operations Technical Operations Technical Operations Flight Operations Airports Airports Flight Operations Page 6 of 7 Delay Codes Description 3M Code Flight Plans/Paperwork Transmission Failure Fatigue Flight Operations A59C Flight Operations A58C Travel between Hotel and Airport Flight Ops Delay A60C Late Crew Boarding A63C Crew Medical A64C Flight Deck Crew Special Request A65C Crew Rest Due to FAA Restrictions Crew Rest due to Late Arrival Attributable to Carrier Delay Crew Scheduling Crew Positioning on Commercial Aircraft A66C A67C A68C A69C Departure Station Weather A71U Destination Station Weather A72U Enroute or Alternate Weather A73U De-Icing of Aircraft (UNCTRL) A75U De-Icing of Aircraft (CTRL) A75C Removal of Snow, Ice, Water, Sand from Runway A76U Ground Handling Impaired by WX Conditions ATC/Apt/Govt Delay Carrier Permits Mandatory Security No Gate/Stand Available Due to Airline Activity Delay Codes Uncontrolled Copy When Downloaded or Printed Flight Operations Flight Operations Flight Operations Weather Weather Weather Weather Weather Weather ATC A86U Security Security A87U Airports A89U Airports Airports N/A A94C Cargo Operations A98U Other A97U Rev.: 02 • 18-Nov-21 Flight Operations Sales/Marketing A93U Industrial Action Outside Own Airline Flight Operations A82C Late Arrival From Prior Delays Industrial Action Within Own Airline Flight Operations ATC A88U Gateway Rotational Delay Flight Operations A81U Congestion/Restrictions at Departure Airport Congestion/Restrictions at Arrival Airport Flight Operations Weather A85U Immigration/Customs/Health/FAA Flight Operations A77U A80U ATC Enroute Demand/Capacity 3M Department A57C Other Page 7 of 7