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Practical Research 2 Test: Quantitative & Qualitative Methods

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
East Central Integrated School
Mayombo District, Dagupan City
FIRST QUARTER TEST IN Practical Research 2
S.Y. 2022-2023
Name ________________________________________________________________Date ____________
Teacher/Subject Teacher ________________________________________________________________
I. DIRECTION: Read the items carefully. Write the LETTERS of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number. Write CAPITAL LETTERS only.
1. It uses scientifically collected and statistically analyzed date to investigate observable phenomena.
A. Quantitative Research
B. Qualitative Research
C. Research Designs
D. Research Methods
2. It is based on observable experience or empirical evidence. It involves accurate observation and description
as well as carful recording and reporting.
A. project
B. research
C. group work
D. reporting
3. One essential requisite in formulating research title?
A. the research title shall be written in an pyramid
B. The research title must be reflective of the problem. it must answer the following questions: What? Who?
And where?
C. Starter phrases which are already obsolete should not be avoided
D. the research title must be long and wordy
4. One contribution of Quantitative Research in Social Science is:
A. Understand cultural or racial conflicts.
B. Enhance athletic performance
C. Offer device marketing strategies.
D. Investigate the effectiveness of a product or treatment to illness
5. One contribution of Quantitative Research in Business is:
A. Understand cultural or racial conflicts.
B. Enhance athletic performance
C. Offer device marketing strategies.
D. Investigate the effectiveness of a product or treatment to illness
6. One contribution of Quantitative Research in Natural and Physical Sciences is:
A. Understand cultural or racial conflicts.
B. Enhance athletic performance
C. Offer device marketing strategies.
D. Investigate the effectiveness of a product or treatment to illness
7. A type of variable that represent categories and can be ordered.
A. Nominal
B. Discrete
C. Ordinal
Address: Mayombo District, Dagupan City, Philippines
Telephone No: (075) 653-0804 / (075) 653-0578
Email Address: ecisdagupan@gmail.com
D. Ratio.
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Practical Research 2
8. A type of variable that represent categories and can be ordered.
A. Nominal
B. Discrete
C. Ordinal
D. Ratio
9. The variable is the presumed effect of the manipulation on the object/subject of the experiment.
A. Extraneous variable
B. Independent variable
C. Dependent variable
D. Confounding
10. It is the part of the research where you inform the reader of the context of the study.
A. Background of the Study
B. Methodology
C. Scope and Delimitation
D. Review of Related Literature
11. Background of the Study is similar to this part of research but they differ in some aspects.
A. Background of the Study
B. Methodology
C. Scope and Delimitation
D. Review of Related Literature
12. It draws the boundary of your study.
A. Background of the Study
B. Methodology
C. Scope and Delimitation
D. Review of Related Literature
13. It is the meaning of the term that is based on how it is defined in the dictionary or encyclopedia.
A. Conceptual Definition
B. Operational Definition
C. Description Definition
D. Operative Definition
14. The meaning of the term based on how it was used in the study.
A. Conceptual Definition
B. Operational Definition
C. Description Definition
D. Operative Definition
15. It help the readers to understand the difficult information in the study.
A. Definition of Terms
B. Review of Related Literature
C. Background of the Study
D. Research Methods
16. It is a compilation of studies related to a specific area of research.
A. Background of the Study
B. Methodology
C. Scope and Delimitation
D. Review of Related Literature
17. It helps to clarify and specify the research problems.
A. Research Gaps
B. Research Methods
C. Research Questions
D. Research Approach
18. It deals more with the precision and specificity of the problem.
A. Quantitative Research Problems
B. Qualitative Research Problems
C. Research Framework
D. Research Methods
19. It is commonly used for studies that anchor on time-tested theories that relate the findings of the
investigation to the underpinning relevant theory of knowledge.
A. Research Methods
B. Theoretical Framework
C. Research Framework
D. Conceptual Framework
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Practical Research 2
20. It illustrates the structure or blueprint of the research plan and helps the researcher formulate relevant
research questions.
A. Research Methods
B. Theoretical Framework
C. Research Framework
D. Conceptual Framework
II. DIRECTION: Match the following items under column A to its classification in column B. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the space provided. Write CAPITAL LETTERS only.
Column A
B 21. It is used to describe a particular phenomenon
Column B
A. Correlational Design
by observing it as it occurs in nature.
A 22. It identifies the relationship between variables.
B. Descriptive Design
D 23. It is used to investigate a possible relationship
C. Social Science
between previous events and present conditions.
C 24. The effects of pandemic on social behavior and
D. Ex Post Facto Design
economic stability.
F 25. Antidiabetic properties of common Philippine herbs.
E. Business
E 26. Effectiveness of Facebook ads on sales.
F. Natural and Physical Science
H 27. Anything that has a quantity or quality that varies.
G. Dependent Variables
G 28. The growth of tomatoes and the number of fruits
H. Variable
J 29. The amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients in the soil.
I. Research Gap
I 30. An under or unexplored area of a topic that requires
J. Independent Variables
further exploration.
III. DIRECTION: On the space provided, write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is
incorrect. Write CAPITAL LETTERS only.
FALSE 31. Inserting humor on the research title makes it more interesting to the reader.
FALSE 32. Abbreviations are a must to make the research title shorter.
TRUE 33. Proper punctuation and correct grammar must be observed in writing the title.
TRUE 34. The first step in the research is selecting and properly defining a research problem.
FALSE 35. Jargons make a research title more sophisticated.
FALSE 36. Only the first letters of nouns and pronouns are capitalized.
FALSE 37. To minimize the number of characters in the title, only use the chemical formula than generic
FALSE 38. Knowing the topic is not important is Background of the study.
TRUE 39. Quantitative Research Problem deals more with the precision and specificity of the problem.
TRUE 40. Research Questions help clarify and specify the research problem.
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Practical Research 2
IV. DIRECTION: Read the sample scope and limitation and identify the boundaries of the study by
writing the corresponding components on the table below. Write your answers on the space provided.
Sample Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The main objective of this study – GMO and Health Practices, is to provide information about students’
knowledge and perception of genetically modified foods and their family health practices. The study also
includes the student’s personal information and occupation of their parents and siblings. This study is limited to
the 120 Grade 12 Male and Female enrolled in the First Semester, School Year 2019-2020 of Gusa Regional
Science High School – X. Researchers used Stratified Random Sampling in the study.
Components of the Scope and Delimitation
41. Topic of the Study: _____________________________________________________________________.
42. Objective of the study: __________________________________________________________________.
43. Time frame in which the study will be conducted: _____________________________________________.
44. The locale of the study: _________________________________________________________________.
45. Characteristics of the participants of the study: _______________________________________________.
V. DIRECTION: Answer the following questions with a minimum of two sentences and maximum of five
sentences. Rubrics are given below.
46-50. Why is a Review of Related Literature and Studies necessary in research? How did you use it in your
C. CONVENTIONS – grammar/usage editing, mechanical
correctness – 15 percent
D. VOICE – audience, purpose, point of view, the way the writers
bring the topic/idea to life – 15 percent
rhythm, the way the words and phrases flow throughout the
paper – 10 percent
A. IDEAS – content, examples/details and development of
message, unifying theme – 40 percent
B. ORGANIZATION – structure, sequence, connections, present a
meaningful, cohesive whole with a beginning, a middle, and end
(i.e. include a persuading introduction and strong conclusion) –
20 percent
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