Uploaded by Sarah Carey

Egypt's Achievements Lesson Plan

Course Unit:
Lesson Title:
TEAM Lesson Plan Template
Sarah Carey
Social Studies
Egypt’s Achievements
Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem,
or community link
Students will read and answer text dependent questions about the Achievements of
Ancient Egyptians including; Hieroglyphics, Pyramids/arcitecture, Papyrus, Invention of
Calendar, and Agriculture and Irrigation.
Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT College
Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies.
6.18 Analyze the achievements of Egyptian civilization, including: hieroglyphics,
papyrus, the pyramids and the Sphinx at Giza
Clear, Specific, and Measurable – NOT ACTIVITIES
I can record notes on Egyptian Achievements.
I can draw an image of each achievement.
I can explain the importance of each achievement.
Students show evidence of proficiency through a variety of assessments.
Aligned with the Lesson Objective
Formative / Summative
Performance-Based / Rubric
Formal / Informal
Formative: correct answers on Gallopade p. 44-48
Correct answers on exit ticket
Summative: Make an 80% or above on the unit test
Aligned with the Lesson Objective
Rigorous & Relevant
Agenda slide
Egyptian achievements powerpoint
Egyptian achievements fill in the blank notes
Gallopade p. 44-48 for independent practice and reinforcement
Google Form Exit ticket
Motivator / Hook
An Essential Question encourages students to put forth more effort when faced
with complex, open-ended, challenging, meaningful and authentic questions.
Read I can statement and essential questions together and tell students that some of
these achievements we still use today.
Think about our world today…compare the Egyptian achievements to our society
today…what is similar and what is different? Where would we be today if some of these
Egyptian achievements were not developed?
Step-By-Step Procedures – Sequence
Discover / Explain – Direct Instruction
Modeling Expectations – “I Do”
Questioning / Encourages Higher Order Thinking
Grouping Strategies
Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Provide Intervention & Extension
I will present an overview of the lesson through my powerpoint and students will fill in
the blank notes to follow along. Questions are imbedded in the powerpoint and I will
utilize turn and talk throughout the instruction
“We Do” – “ You Do”
Encourage Higher Order Thinking & Problem Solving
Differentiated Strategies for Practice to Provide Intervention & Extension
After I have presented the information, students will pair up to complete Gallopade p.4448 for practice and reinforcement. I will walk around the room making sure students are
focused, answer questions they may have, and look for overall understanding in the
discussions they are having with each other.
Reflection / Wrap-Up
Summarizing, Reminding, Reflecting, Restating, Connecting
If students have nearly finished the whole lesson, we will come together as a class and
review the standard and answer essential questions. The next lesson will be on the
greatest Egyptian Pharaohs.
If students have not finished the lesson, we will finish tomorrow. We will still review the
standard and attempt to answer some of the essential questions and make real world
I am supporting literacy by having students read, analyze, and learn how to take notes
by using the powerpoint and Gallopade text to answer text dependent questions
This lesson may not be finished in a day. The class you are coming to does have some
disciplinary issues so I will make sure that partners are choosing wisely and may have
to ask some to work on their own. I also have some students that will need a lot of
support because they can not read on grade level and will have some trouble with the
Gallopade text so I will make sure I’m working with them a little more than others.