Coat Colors Patterns and types of Abera sheep The coat color pattern and types of Abera sheep under CBBP using 3552 records retained over eight years (2013–2020) are given in the Table below. Nearly more than half (51.6%) had plain coat colors and the rest were patched (Figure 1). The most common plain coat color patterns were black (19.4%), red (15.88%), local magala (13.71%), and nearly 3% were white. Out of 48.4% of Abera sheep characterized by patch color patterns, about 20.55% were dominantly black with red and white spots either on the side, tail, or face. Sheep that were dominantly red (15.46%) were characterized largely by the white spots on the side (9.5%), face (5.2%), and tail (0.76%). Magala patches constituting about 10.6% were characterized by the white spot on the side (6.03%) and face (4.57%) Dominant coat color pattern (%) of Abera sheep (Figure 1) 2,62 13,71 Black Red Magala 19,4 15,88 Percentage Percentage (%) of patch coat colour types (Figure 2) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12,56 9,488 6,64 6,025 5,208 1,35 Black Black Black with with with white white white side face tail 4,56 0,76 Red with white side Red with white face Red Magala Magala with with with white white white tail side face Color types 1,295 0,51 White White with with black red spot spot