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introduction to puublic administration

Defining administration
The word administration is derived from the words “ad”
which means “to” and “ministiare” which means “serve”, or
“manage affairs”.
Administration therefore means:
“to look after or to take charge of something”. Other
scholars define administration as follows:
Marx (1963):
‘a determined action taken in pursuit of a conscious purpose’. It
involves the systematic ordering of affairs and the calculated use
of resources aimed at making those things happen which one
wants to happen.”
• Simon et al (1950)
• “when two men co-operate to roll a stone that neither could
move alone, the rudiment of administration had appeared”.
According to him, it is through organizations and administration
that individuals and groups cooperate to accomplish common
• Pfiffner (1960):
• The organization and direction of human and material
resources to achieve desired ends.
• 1 Administration involves the cooperation of human beings to
perform tasks that have been mutually accepted as worthy of
joint effort.
• 2 A goal or objective in mind.
• 3 Action of individuals towards achieving the goal or
• 4 Resources: material and human to achieve the
goals/objectives set.
• 5 Co-ordination among the individuals (team work) towards
achievement of goals.
• 6 Tasks that have been mutually accepted as worthy of joint
Public can mean several things.
1. government
2. the general society
3. people of a defined territory or state
When applied to administration it is understood as anything undertaken with
the aim of serving the interest/welfare of the general society. It also means
anything that is collectively owned by the general public. It is also used to
refer to any activity that promotes public values.
• What is public administration:
• When administration is qualified by the word ‘public’ it simply
means the practice of administration in the public sector.
• Public administration is therefore governmental administration.
• It is the machinery or means for the implementation of
government policies.
• According to W. F. Willoughby (1927):
• “public administration denotes the work involved in the actual
conduct of governmental affairs, regardless of the particular
branch of government concerned
• Ernest Barker (1944): administration was “the sum of persons
and bodies who are engaged, under the direction of
government, in discharging the ordinary public services which
must be rendered daily if the system of law and duties and
rights is to be duly ‘served’
• Pfiffner and Presthus: defined Public Administration as ‘coordination of individual and group effort to carry out public
• Simon et al : define public administration as “the activities of
the executive branches of national, state and local
governments, independent boards and commissions set up by
the legislature, government corporations and certain agencies
of a specialized character”.
• Wilson (1887): Public administration is detailed and systematic
execution of public law.
• White (1926):"Public administration is the management of men and
materials in the accomplishment of the purpose of the state.
• Waldo (1955): "Public administration is the organization and
management of men and materials to achieve the purpose of
• Corson and Harris (1963) It is the action part of government, the
means by which the purposes and goals of government are realized”.
• Political Direction: Public administration is political, while private
administration is non-political, public administration takes place in
a political context. It is the politician who decides what public
administrators must pursue. Politicians decide on the policies and Public
Administrators implement them.
• Absence of profit motive: The absence of profit motive from the Public
administration is another feature, which distinguishes it from the private
administration. The primary purpose of governmental organization is to
provide services to the people and promote social good. Public Officials
are appointed to act in the interest of citizens. That is why they are known
as Public
• Legal framework: Public administration operates within a legal
framework. It is rule oriented. The responsibilities of public
administrators are fixed by a set of constitutional practices, laws
and regulations. Government officials are obliged to act within
their legal powers and not outside the law.
• Public accountability: Public accountability is the hallmark of
Public administration in a democracy. Public administration is
responsible to the public over the objective use of resources
and manner of performance, though not directly but indirectly
through political executive, legislature, judiciary, etc.
• Public Administration is bureaucratic. Public Administration
also known as the public bureaucracy is subject to strict
adherence to rules and regulations, procedures and processes
sometimes making decision making a bit cumbersome.
• Is keeping politics out of public administration the solution to
an efficient public administration?
• Politics involves the processes and activities connected with the
shaping and use of state power. It is understood to mean the
activities involved in policy decisions i.e. deciding what should be
done in a country. This function is performed by Political Office
Holders (Politicians) such as the Head of State, Ministers and other
Government Appointees.
• Administration (i.e. public administration) on the other hand is
the means of achieving the policy objectives or decisions made by
political leaders. It is the act of implementing the policies which the
Political Office Holders have made or decided on.
The early scholars of Public Administration who were mostly
American scholars tried to draw a dividing line between
Administration and Politics in their argument for an efficient public
administration. They saw politics and administration as two
distinct and separate activities which should not be mixed up if
public administration is to be efficient. These scholars include
Woodrow Wilson, John Pfiffner, W.F. Willoughby.
• Woodrow Wilson:
• “Administration lies outside the area of politics. Therefore, the
problems of administration are different from the problems of
• “The field of administration is the field of business, therefore
politics has no place in administration. Therefore keeping
politics out of administration will ensure efficiency”.
• “The Politician and Political leader decides what policy should
be followed” whiles
• The Public Administrator implements those policies.
• The Political Leader’s role is seen as the master while the
Public Administrator is seen as the servant, that is why the
term public servant used to refer to Public Administrators.
• Frank Goodnow
• Politics as the expression of the will of the state while
administration is the execution of that will.
• W.F.Willoughby
• Administration is set up as the forth arm of government along
the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.
• John Pfiffner
• Politics must be controlled and confined to its proper area which is
the determination, crystallization and declaration of the will of the
• Administration on the other hand is ‘the carrying into effect of that will
once it has been made clear by political processes’.
• These scholars (Wilson, Goodnow, Pfiffner, Willoughby, etc.)
agree that :
• There should be a Dichotomy between Politics and Administration.
Administration should be pure and should not be mixed with politics.
This was because the Spoils Politics which was being practiced in
America at the time resulted in politicians who did not have the right
qualifications to take up administrative positions after winning
elections. This did not allow for efficiency in Public Administration.
Therefore separating Politics from Administration will prevent
politicians from interfering in Administration which will promote for
• Politics cannot be separated from Administration
• After the Second World War, when reforms in America resulted
in the abolishment of the spoils politics, scholars began to
change their views on the need for a dichotomy between politics
and administration.
• These scholars no longer argued that Politics and
Administration should be separated at all cost.
• Pfiffner:
• Politics and Administration cannot always be separated and
isolated but that Politics should not encroach on Administration
unnecessarily and vice versa.
• Politics and Administration are so intermingled that a clear
difference is difficult.
• Senior Public Administrators are generally expected to know
more about policy issues than the typical political leader.
• The senior public administrator has the detailed knowledge
needed to make informed policy decisions. Therefore the
political leader often relies on the senior public administrator to
formulate policies. So the administrator is not only responsible
for policy implementation but plays an important role on policy
making by offering advice to political leaders.
• So it appears that the Wilsonian doctrine does not work in
practice including developing countries like Ghana. Public
Administrators have considerable scope to manipulate
ministers. It therefore seems unlikely that the Wilsonian doctrine
of dichotomy between politics and administration cannot be
applied in its original form.
• In the effort to improve performance in public administration,
scholars and international development agencies have over the
years proposed new approaches. They propose that the
traditional (original ) way of doing public administration should
give way to modern approaches. These approaches are
discussed below.
• Before that, let us have a look at the traditional public
• The traditional/classical model of Public Administration is based
on Max Weber’s theory of Bureaucracy.
• Max Weber’s ideas were borrowed and introduced into several
public administrative systems in Europe including Britain. Britain
for instance introduced it into her colonies in Africa such as the
Gold Coast (Ghana), Nigeria, etc. That is how countries such as
Ghana came to practice the traditional public administration.
• Peters (2001) summaries the principles and features of the
traditional public administration as :
• 1) A non-political (politically neutral) civil service
• 2) Hierarchy and rules
• 3) Permanent and stabile officials;
• 4) An institutional civil service;
• 5) Internal regulations/ Written rules;
• 6) Equality (internally and externally to the organization).
• 7) Impersonal relations among officials
• The traditional model of public administration was so successful
in helping in the development of countries in Europe and the
• Max Weber who developed this form of administration
considered it as the most efficient mode of organization.
• But despite the positive attributes of bureaucracy as the
traditional form of public administration, scholars have also
criticized it and described it as old, outmoded and inefficient
• At the time Max Weber proposed bureaucracy, it was
considered the best form of public administration compared to
other forms such as traditional and charismatic modes of
administration which existed during that time.
• When public organizations today are criticized for being
inefficient, what it means is that there are other possible new
forms of public administration with different principles that
sometimes work better than bureaucracy.
• What are the criticisms of bureaucracy?
• Development administration originated during the 1950s as a new
approach to public administration which is more appropriate for the
new role of the state and public administration in national progress
and modernization in the developing world.
• It was proposed for developing countries because the traditional
public administration introduced by colonial governments were not
suited for developing countries after independence.
• After independence developing countries were more focused on
economic development instead of promoting law and order which
was the focus of the colonial governments.
• There was therefore the need for a new form of administration
the can achieve the new role of the state after independence.
• Development administration was therefore considered public
administration for developing countries.
• Development administration was a means of redefining the role
of the state and Public Administration as an instrument for the
improvement and modernization of the state.
• Development administration is Public Administration with a
difference. Its focus is on government influencing change
towards the attainment of progressive social, economic and
political objectives.
• Development Administration is therefore an action-oriented,
goal oriented administrative system (Weidner, 1962).
• It is concerned with the organization of new agencies for
development such as planning commission or a development
authority or corporation.
• It is also concerned with the efficient management of
governmental programmes of development and the stimulation
of private development activities call for a restructuring of public
• Development Administration
• Change – oriented
• Goal and result oriented
Traditional Public Administration
Status –quo oriented
Emphasis on economy and
Flexible and dynamic
Hierarchal and rigid
Its objectives are complex and multiple
Simple and limited
Concerned with new tasks
Concerned with routine
Believes in decentralization
Believes in centralisation
Stress on planning
Does not relay much on
Creative and innovative
Resists organisational
Stress on participation of people
Organisational stress due to
control and command
• Development administration involves two elements namely:
• The Administration of Development and The Development
of Administration.
• Administration of development
• The bureaucratic process that initiates and facilitates socioeconomic progress by making the optimum use of talents and
expertise available is the administration of development.
• i. The execution of programmes designed to bring about
progressive improvement
• ii. The changes within an administrative system which increases
its capacity to implement such programmes.
• The Development of Administration
• It is the development of administrative machinery and processes suited to the
task of national development.
Features of Development Administration :1. Change – oriented
2. Goal - Oriented and result oriented
3. Citizen participation in the administration
4. Commitment to development
5. Integrated and holistic process
6. It has two sides – one is development programmes and other is its implication.
7. Its scope of Operation is wide.
8. Stress on planning
9. Believes in decentralization.