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Mewing Secrets: Improve Your Face

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Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Table of Contents
Introduction and How to Use This Book for Best Results………….2
Warning and Disclaimer………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………….3
How mewing came to be... and what is mewing anyway?............4
What does Mewing do to the face?...............................................................................7
The Inner U and The Outer U………………………………………………………………………………………………8
Step 1 - Nasal Breathing…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...10
Step 2 - Lip Seal…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
Step 3 - Butterfly Bite……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………….12
Step 4 - Tongue Posture……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..13
Step 5 - Proper Swallowing………………………………………………………………………………………………….16
Step 6 - Mealtime Exercises………………………………………………………………………………………………..17
Step 7 - McKenzie Chin Tucks………………………………………………………………………………………..18
Step 8 - Hard Chewing………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..19
Step 9 - Tongue Chewing……..…………………………………………………………………………………………………20
Final Words………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…21
About the Author………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….22
Discount Code……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23
Sharing any information from this book without explicit permission from the
author is strictly prohibited.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Introduction and How to Use This
Book for Best Results
Welcome to Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face
- Free Version! The complete 2nd edition offers many
intermediate to advanced techniques and guidance you can purchase it here.
Mewing initially can seem like a lot to learn. You’ll be
changing many habits you rarely - if ever - think
twice about.
Your best bet is to read everything up until Level 2 to
start. Practice everything taught in the introduction
and Level 1 and get comfortable with it. Then you can
start reading Level 2 and then read “A Couple More
Things” once you are comfortable with Level 2.
And remember, mewing should be painless. The only
“pain” you may feel is muscle soreness. If you feel any
other kind of pain: contact a medical and/or dental
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Use of the exercises and information shown in this
eBook can result in injury if used incorrectly or if
there are any pre existing medical conditions (e.g.
TMD, tongue tie, etc.) which you are currently aware
or unaware of.
Only a certified myofunctional therapist can tell you
if there is a tongue and/or lip tie - failure to address
these issues can result in excessive strain of the
tongue and its surrounding muscles.
By using the exercises and information used in this
book, you acknowledge that you have read and
heeded this warning and if you decide to follow
through with the exercises and/or information
presented you do so at your own risk.
I am not a medical professional nor am I in any way
liable if you get injured from using information from
this book and any content I reference.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
How mewing came to be... and
what is mewing anyways?
Dr. Mike Mew is an orthodontist carrying on the work
of his father, Dr. John Mew. Dr. John Mew discovered
the tropic premise:
● The lips are lightly sealed
● Teeth are lightly touching
● The whole tongue is lightly sucked to the roof of
the mouth
● And the individual is nasally breathing 24/7
The face will develop properly.
In addition to good looks, the individual with a
properly grown face will have zero allergies, stellar
health, and above average athletic endurance. The
reason for all of this being that a properly grown face
has sufficient room for the airway and allows for the
sinuses and organs of the cranium to properly
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Dr. John Mew designed multiple oral appliances to
guide the facial growth of young patients with much
success. He also found a way to make these
treatments work for older patients - who were done
Following treatment with the oral appliances, the
patient would go about a series of myofunctional
exercises - strengthening the tongue and jaw and also
correcting the swallowing pattern, to name a few.
These exercises would allow the individual to retain
the progress made from the special oral appliances
WITHOUT a retainer of any kind!
This method of treatment is not orthodontics (correct
teeth) but orthotropics (correct growth).
Dr. Mike Mew started up a YouTube channel to share
information on the work he does. Talking with
subscribers, he found many of them did not have an
orthotropist in their area. Dr. Mike Mew then went
about teaching various myofunctional exercises he
uses on his patients. He found these exercises
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
practiced alone could enhance the craniofacial
structure. The exercises however, will not produce
results as fast as an orthotropic treatment but, for
someone without a local orthotropist - they are a
The exercises were referred to by Dr. Mike’s followers
as “mewing”.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
What Does Mewing Do To The Face?
Mewing restores proper craniofacial development by
influencing the jaws to grow forwards, down, and out
- making them overall larger. It could be said that
approximately ninety-five percent of the population
lacks ideal craniofacial development.
Above is a sketch from this thumbnail from this video.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
The Inner U and The Outer U
The purple line is the inner U
and the green line is the outer
U. The inner U is essentially
the maxilla (upper jaw) and
the outer U the mandible
(lower jaw).
Many people trying to improve
their looks usually
over-emphasize the outer U
(oftentimes via too much hard
chewing). The outer U is important however, the inner
U may be even more important. The inner U actually
limits the development of the outer U. This means
that improving the inner U can allow the outer U to
improve - oftentimes without any specific exercise for
Keeping balance between the inner U and outer U is
essential for the health of the jaw joints and overall
facial aesthetics. If you follow everything as I have
laid it out, you will have no problem maintaining
balance between the two.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Step 1 - Nasal Breathing
You must be nasally breathing throughout the day.
Many people have a tendency to mouth breathe. If
you are breathing through your mouth, your entire
tongue can’t be resting on the roof of your mouth and
your mouth can’t be closed. Nasal breathing is
When inhaling nasally, do so as if you were smelling a
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Step 2 - Lip Seal
The lips are to be lightly sealed when you’re not
eating, drinking, or talking. Don’t smash them together
and don’t let them fall apart. Practice keeping them
sealed lightly.
Proper lip seal allows the lips to maintain volume into
old age.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Step 3 - Butterfly Bite
No, you’re not eating butterflies. At least, I hope you’re
not. The teeth are to be lightly touching at rest (when
you’re not eating, drinking, or talking). We refer to this
as “butterfly bite”.
Lightly touching - no clenching! (Don’t you love those
chomper thingies at the dentist?)
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Step 4 - Tongue posture
This is the one that will provide the most challenge,
yet the biggest results. The whole tongue is to be
resting on the roof of the mouth when not eating,
drinking, or talking. Most people can get the front of
their tongue up - and even the middle but - many
struggle with the back third. Don’t worry, you’re not
alone. I made a video explaining tongue posture and
going deep into how to posture the lower third/root of
the tongue. Here’s the link. Many people have reached
out to me about this video and said that, thanks to
this video, they finally figured out how to get the
entire tongue up on the roof of the mouth. I’ve also
had seasoned mewers reach out to me saying that
they learned something new about tongue posture.
And remember, tongue posture is where you will see
at least 90% of your mewing gains from - you cannot
spend too much time working on it!
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Where is your tongue?
So all those steps are the first bit of mewing you need
to learn before moving on to the next level…
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Step 5 - Proper Swallowing
Many people have retained an infantile suckle - a
swallowing pattern in which the buccinators (cheek
muscles) are excessively used (A.K.A. buccal
swallow). People who retain this swallowing pattern
usually tend to have what appear to be chubby
cheeks - in reality, it’s just overdeveloped buccinators.
Learning how to properly swallow can make a huge
difference in the appearance of chubby cheeks. The
neat thing is, after a couple months of dedicated
practice, the cheeks will appear significantly leaner giving them a hollowed look.
To learn the proper
swallow, check out this
video from Dr. Mike
Mew and this one as
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Step 6 - Mealtime Exercises
When eating, do you sit up straight - even when
you’re about to eat a spoonful? Don’t worry if you
haven’t, I didn’t either initially. Check out this video
and for an easy way to make sure you’re sitting up
straight as you eat.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Step 7 - McKenzie Chin Tucks
These are not only for correcting forward head
posture but also, teaching the lower third/root of the
tongue how to engage better. Do these every morning
starting with 5-10 reps. Add a couple reps each week
and build up to 20 at least, ideally more.
Here’s the link.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Step 8 - Hard Chewing
Hard Chewing makes the lower jaw appear wider. It
mostly improves the outer U.
Before we get started, I highly recommend taking a
week or two prior to hard chewing for myofascial
release - massaging the jaw muscles. You want to be
massaging namely the masseters, pterygoids, and
various muscles of the neck as well. You can find
videos on YouTube explaining how to do this.
Once you’ve spent a week or two massaging the jaw
muscles and neck, you will need some hard gum to
chew. I personally recommend a mastic gum like
Spartan Gum. I have also used Falim gum (which can
be found on amazon).
Start with one tear/stick of gum, chew for five
minutes once daily or every other day. Then you can
build up the amount of time gradually - eventually
reaching an hour.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Step 9 - Tongue Chewing
This exercise has a tonic effect on the jaw joint. Many
mewers are often overly consumed with hard
chewing. Tongue chewing helps bring out the midface
as it assists in moving the maxilla forwards. It
specifically emphasizes the inner U. Here’s the link to
the post in which I thoroughly explain how to do it.
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
Final Words
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Mewing does not deliver
overnight results. Like weightlifting, the results come
gradually with time. After a couple months of dedicated
practice, you should notice a slight difference at least. Don’t
let the subtlety of the difference discourage you. The
slightest differences should be celebrated - most people don’t
enhance their face at all over the course of their lifetime!
Take pictures regularly so you can track progress. A year
will show a solid difference in your facial structure. Years
will make you look unrecognizable to old friends!
It’s All Connected YouTube
Instagram: @its_all_connected_official
AFFILIATE LINK DISCLAIMER: There are affiliate links in this guide. So if you
click through and take action, I will be compensated at no additional cost to you.
Thank you for your support - it’s what allows me to continue my work. :)
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
About the author
John Sparrow runs It’s All Connected on Instagram
and YouTube. He started It’s All Connected (formerly
Mewing Channel) as he struggled to find mewing
information and wanted to share his discoveries and
learn from others.
He discovered mewing over four years ago and has
been consistently mewing for three of those years. He
discovered mewing two weeks into an orthodontic
treatment and chose to back out of the treatment
concerned that it could be damaging to his face long
Mewing: Secrets to a More Beautiful Face - 2nd Edition
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