Data Flow Diagram Example 1. Draw a context level DFD for the following order system. Precision Tools Precision Tools sells a line of high-quality woodworking tools. When customers place orders on the company’s Web site, the system checks to see if the items are in stock, issues a status message to the customer, and generates a shipping order to the warehouse, which fills the order. When the order is shipped, the customer is billed. The system also produces various reports. First: Identify the central process: in this case, it is the Order System. Second. Identify External Entities (EE) and Data Flows (DF): Precision Tools sells a line of high-quality woodworking tools. When customers [EE] place orders [DF] on the company’s Web site, the system checks to see if the items are in stock, issues a status message [DF] to the customer, and generates a shipping order [DF] to the warehouse [EE], which fills the order. When the order is shipped, the customer is billed [DF]. The system also produces various reports [DF]. Note: Precision Tools, or more specifically the Order website, is the system being modelled, not an External Entity. A sample context diagram might look like this: IN - STOC K R EQU EST OR D ER W A R EH O U SE C U STOMER PAYMEN T 0 STATU S MESSAGE SH IPPIN G OR D ER OR D ER SYSTEM SH IPPIN G C ON FIR MATION IN VOIC E IN VEN TOR Y R EPOR TS A C C OU N TIN G D EPA R TMEN T 2. Draw a diagram 0 DFD for the order system. So, how do we determine what sub-processes there are? Data flows can give us some clues: for example, a Status Message cannot materialize from nowhere, it needs to be issued by a process. Similarly, Reports must be produced and Orders generated. What Data Stores to include will need a little thought. A sample diagram 0 might look like this: SH IPPIN G C O N FIR MATION 1 IN -STOC K R EQU EST OR D ER C H EC K STATU S STATU S D ATA STATU S MESSAGE C U STOMER W AR EH OU SE OR D ER D ATA D1 PEN D IN G OR D ER S 2 IN VO IC E OR D ER D ATA PAYMEN T ISSU E MESSAGES 5 3 MAN AGE AC C O U N TS R EC EIVABL E GEN ER ATE SH IPPIN G OR D ER AC C O U N TIN G D ATA D3 SH IPPIN G OR D ER AC C O U N TS R EC EIVABL E D ATA AC C O U N TS R EC EIVABL E D ATA 4 OR D ER D ATA PR OD U C E R EPOR TS IN VEN TO R Y R EPOR TS AC C O U N TIN G D EPAR TMEN T