RANK and COMPARISION Directions for questions (1 - 2): -The following table provides percentage marks in each subject obtained by five students A, B, C, D, E in CBSE board exam in 2008. The topper is the student who received maximum marks in the three subjects combined. Maths Physics Chemistry A 75% 85% 90% B 82% 91% 76% C 85% 84% 80% D 91% 88% 71% E 73% 77% 81% 9. What is the maximum possible number of persons who can have more money than R? (1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 2 (4) 1 Directions for questions (10 - 12): -These questions are based on the following information: Five all rounders – Steve, Smith, Steyn, Sehwag and Sachin were ranked in three categories – bowling, batting and fielding. No player got the same rank in any two categories. No two players got the same rank in any category. Further we know the following information. 1. Who is the overall topper among the given students? (1) A (2) B (3) D (4) A and D (5) Cannot be determined 2. The student, who got lowest marks in the exam among these five students, is (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) Cannot be determined Directions for questions (3 - 4): -student A is said to be have a higher rank (higher rank means numerically lower number) than student B, if A gets more percentage marks in at least two subjects than B. 3. Who would be at no 1 position among these five students? (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) Cannot be determined 4. How many candidates are there who got a lower rank than C? (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 1 (4) 5 (5) 4 5. The top speed of five cars A,B,C,D and E are compared. Each car has different top speed, C’s top speed is more than that of at least two other cars and D’s top speed is less than that of at least three other cars. None among C, D and E has either the highest or the least top speed. E’s top speed is not more than C;s. If A’s top speed is more than B’s, then which car has the third highest top speed among them? (1) C (2) E (3) D (4)A 6. Five persons Manish, Harish, Ramesh, Naresh and Suresh, who are of different heights are comparing their heights. Manish is taller than only one person. The number of persons taller than Suresh is equal to the number of persons shorter than Naresh. Heights of exactly two persons lie between the heights of Harish and Suresh. Who is the shortest person? (1) Naresh (2) Suresh (3) Ramesh (4) Manish Directions for questions (7 - 9): -These questions are based on the following information: Five persons – P,Q,R,S and T have collected some money. After counting all the money it is found that Q has more money than S, who has more money than R but less than T, who has more money than P but less than Q. 7. Who has the highest amount of money? (1) T (2) Q (3) R 8. Who among the following can have the least amount of money? (1) Q (2) S (3) P (4) None of these (4) S (i) The player who got the first rank in batting got the third in bowling. (ii) Smith is ranked higher than Steve, but lower than Steyn in batting. (iii) Sehwag did not get third rank in any category. (iv) NeitherSachin nor Smith got the fifth rank in any category. (v) The person who got the third rank in fielding got the fifth rank in bowling. (vi) Smith is ranked above Steve and Sachin but lower than Steyn in bowling. (vii) Neither Sehwag nor Steve got the first rank in any category. (viii) Steve was ranked lower than Smith but higher than Steyn in fielding. 10. Who is ranked immediately above Sehwag in bowling? 11. Who is ranked number one in fielding? 12. Who got two even numbered ranks? Directions for questions (13 -15): -These questions are based on the following information: The age and experience of five persons – Rancho, Raju, Farhan, Chatur and Veeru – working for an organization are compared. The following information is known: (i) The second oldest person has the least experience and the eldest person is the senior most. (ii) No two persons are of the same age or have the same experience. (iii) The age of Rancho is more than that of Veeru’s and the experience of Farhan is more than that of Chatur’s. (iv) The age of each person is more than his experience. (v) The age and experience of Chatur is more than the age and experience of Veeru. (vi) The age of Raju is less than the experience of Veeru. 13. Who is older than exactly two other persons? 14. Who is most experienced? 15. Who is the youngest? Directions for questions (16 - 19): -Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. A PRO CAT was taken by ten students viz. A, B, C...... and J. The following table shows how the students were ranked from 1 to 10 on the basis of their marks, for each of the three sections of the test paper Quant. English Usage and Data Interpretation. However, the rank based on total marks is left unreported. (Rank 1 means more marks) Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Quant J A C B H G D F I E English C J B A H E D I G F DI A B C J H D G I E F Total ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Total marks for any student in the PRO CAT refer to the sum total of marks obtained in Quant, English Usage and Data Interpretation by him. Each of the sections had same weightage in terms of marks. The difference in marks obtained by any two consecutively ranked students, in any of the sections, is at least 2 marks and at most 5 marks. 16. For how many students is it possible to determine their exact rank on the basis of total marks? (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) None Table - I Age (in years not more than) 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Number of employees 200 186 152 131 107 79 41 8 2 17. If the difference in marks obtained by F and C in Quant is 10 marks, what is the difference in marks obtained by G and H in Quant? (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5)Cannot be determined 18. If the marks obtained by B in Quant, English Usage and Data Interpretation are 15, 25 and 20 respectively, what is the difference between the minimum and maximum total marks that A can obtain? (1) 12 (2) 9 (3) 6 (4) 11 (5) Cannot be determined 19. Which student is ranked 7th based on the total marks? (1) H (2) G (3) D (4) E (5) Cannot be determined Directions for questions (20 - 22): -The following table gives the details of the age, experience and salaries of all the 200 employees in an organization. Assume an older person always has more experience and a higher salary than his younger colleague. Table - II Experience (in years Number of not less employees than) 5 187 10 151 15 113 20 86 25 52 30 18 35 7 40 1 45 0 For example, the third row of Table-I denotes that 152 people have an age not more than 50 years while the third row of table-II denotes that 113 people have an experience of not less than 15 years. 20. The number of people who have an experience of 15 years or more and have a salary of at most Rs. 12000 is (1) 113 (2) 121 (3) 8 (4) 34 21. The number of employees who have an age of at most 30 years and a work experience of at least 5 years but a salary of at most Rs. 10000 is (1)13 (2) 93 (3) 28 (4) 41 22. How many employees, either have an age of more than 45 years and an experience of less than 25 years or have a salary of more than Rs. 8000 and an experience of less than 15 years? (1) 50 (2) 51 (3) 52 (4) 53 Directions for questions (23 - 25): -Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. A B C D E F G H I J K L Table - III Salary (in Rs.) Not more than 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 Intelligenc e index 4 5 1 2 8 9 7 6 12 11 10 3 Wealth Index 7 6 4 10 11 8 5 12 1 2 9 3 Number of employees 198 184 163 148 121 93 52 21 5 Happiness Index 1 3 2 5 7 6 9 11 10 4 12 8 Status Index 2 12 3 1 9 11 10 8 6 5 7 4 The table above shows the ranks of 12 persons—from A through L—in four different indices as indicated. A consolidated rank, ranging from 1 to 12, was obtained for each of the persons. This was done such that, among any two persons, a person would have a numerically lower (i.e., a better) consolidated rank than the other, if his rank is numerically lower than that of the other in at least three of the four indices, At this stage, among any two persons, if one persons has a numerically lower rank than the other in exactly two of the indices, then the two persons are’ said to be tied. In case of a tie between two persons, the sum of the numerical values of their ranks is considered and the person for whom the, numerical value of this sum is lower is ranked numerically lower, when compared to the, other person. If even at this stage, the sums so obtained are equal, then the person with a numerically lower Happiness Index is finally ranked numerically lower, when compared to the other person. 23. The consolidated rank of which person was 1? (1) A (2) C (3) D (4) B (5) None of these 24. G had a consolidated rank of : (1) 8 (2) 4 (3) 6 (5) None of these (4) 10 25. H has a consolidated rank which is numerically higher than that of (1) 11 (2) 10 (3) 1 (4) 2 (5) None of these Directions for questions (26 - 29): -These questions are based on the following information: An old woman had the following assets: (a) Rs. 70 lakh in bank deposits (b) 1 house worth Rs. 50 lakh (c) 3 flats, each worth Rs. 30 lakh (d) Certain number of gold coins , each worth Rs. 1 lakh She wanted to distribute her assets among her three children; Neeta, Seeta and Geeta. The house, any of the flats or any of the coins were not to be split. That is, the house went entirely to one child; a flat went to one child and similarly, a gold coin went to one child. Among the three, Neeta received the least amount in bank deposits, while Geeta received the highest. The value of the assets was distributed equally among the children, as were the gold coins. 26. How much did Seeta receive in bank deposits (in lakhs of rupees)? (1)30 (2)40 (3)20 (4)10 27. How many flats did Neeta receive? 28. How many gold coins did the old woman have? (1)72 (2)90 (3)180 (4)216 29. How much did Seeta get in bank deposits (in lakhs of rupees)? Directions for questions (30 - 33): -These questions are based on the following information: A tea taster was assigned to rate teas from six different locations - Munnar, Wayanad, Ooty, Darjeeling, Assam and Himachal. These teas were placed in six cups, numbered 1 to 6, not necessarily in the same order. The tea taster was asked to rate these teas on the strength of their flavour on a scale of 1 to 10. He gave a unique integer rating to each tea. Some other information is given below: 1. Cup 6 contained tea from Himachal. 2. Tea from Ooty got the highest rating, but it was not in Cup 6. Tea in Cup 3 got a higher rating than that in Cup 1. 7. The rating of tea from Wayanad was more than the rating of tea from Munnar, but less than that from Assam. 30. What was the second highest rating given? 31. What was the number of the cup that contained tea from Ooty? 32. If the tea from Munnar did not get the minimum rating, what was the rating of the tea from Wayanad? (1)3 (2)5 (3)1 (4)6 33. If the cup containg teas from Wayanad and Ooty had consecutive numbers, which of the following may be true ? (1)Cup 5 contains tea from Assam (2)Cup 1 contains tea from Darjeeling (3)Tea from Wayanad has got a rating of 6 (4)Tea from Darjeeling got the minimum rating Directions for questions (34 - 37): -These questions are based on the following information: Ten players, as listed in the table below, participated in a rifle shooting competition comprising of 10 rounds. Each round had 6 participants. Players numbered 1 through 6 participated in Round 1, players 2 through 7 in Round 2,..., players 5 through 10 in Round 5, players 6 through 10 and 1 in Round 6, players 7 through 10, 1 and 2 in Round 7 and so on. The top three performances in each round were awarded 7, 3 and 1 points respectively. There were no ties in any of the 10 rounds. The table below gives the total number of points obtained by the 10 players after Round 6 and Round 10. The following information is known about Rounds 1 through 6: 1. Gordon did not score consecutively in any two rounds. 2. Eric and Fatima both scored in a round. The following information is known about Rounds 7 through 10: 1. Only two players scored in three consecutive rounds. One of them was Chen. No other player scored in any two consecutive rounds. 2. Joshin scored in Round 7, while Amita scored in Round 10. 3. No player scored in all the four rounds. 34. What were the scores of Chen, David, and Eric respectively after Round 3? (1)3, 0, 3 (2)3, 3, 0 (3)3, 3, 3 (4)3, 6, 3 3. 3. The rating of tea in Cup 3 was double the rating of the tea in Cup 5. 4. Only two cups got ratings in even numbers. 5. Cup 2 got the minimum rating and this rating was an even number. 35. Which three players were in the last three positions after Round 4? (1) Hansa, Ikea, Joshin (2) Bala, Chen, Gordon (3) Bala, Ikea, Joshin (4) Bala, Hansa, Ikea 36. Which player scored points in maximum number of rounds? (1) Joshin (2) Chen (3) Ikea (4) Amita 37. Which players scored points in the last round? (1) Amita, Bala, Chen (2) Amita, Chen, David (3) Amita, Eric, Joshin (4) Amita, Chen, Eric Directions for questions (38 - 41): -These questions are based on the following information: Twenty four people are part of three committees which are to look at research, teaching, and administration respectively. No two committees have any member in common. No two committees are of the same size. Each committee has three types of people: bureaucrats, educationalists, and politicians, with at least one from each of the three types in each committee. The following facts are also known about the committees: 1. The numbers of bureaucrats in the research and teaching committees are equal, while the number of bureaucrats in the research committee is 75% of the number of bureaucrats in the administration committee. 2. The number of educationalists in the teaching committee is less than the number of educationalists in the research committee. The number of educationalists in the research committee is the average of the numbers of educationalists in the other two committees. 3. 60% of the politicians are in the administration committee, and 20% are in the teaching committee. 38. Based on the given information, which of the following statements MUST be FALSE? (1) In the administration committee the number of bureaucrats is equal to the number of educationalists (2) The size of the research committee is less than the size of the teaching committee (3)The size of the research committee is less than the size of the administration committee (4) In the teaching committee the number of educationalists is equal to the number of politicians 39. What is the number of bureaucrats in the administration committee? 40. What is the number of educationalists in the research committee? 41. Which of the following CANNOT be determined uniquely based on the given information? (1) The total number of educationalists in the three committees (2) The total number of bureaucrats in the three committees (3)The size of the teaching committee (4) The size of the research committee Directions for questions (42- 45): -These questions are based on the following information: A company administers a written test comprising of three sections of 20 marks each – Data Interpretation (DI), Written English (WE) and General Awareness (GA), for recruitment. A composite score for a candidate (out of 80) is calculated by doubling her marks in DI and adding it to the sum of her marks in the other two sections. Candidates who score less than 70% marks in two or more sections are disqualified. From among the rest, the four with the highest composite scores are recruited. If four or less candidates qualify, all who qualify are recruited. Ten candidates appeared for the written test. Their marks in the test are given in the table: Candidate Ajay Bala Chetna Danish Ester Falak Geeta Harini Indu Jatin DI 8 19 8 12 15 14 5 Mark out of 20 WE 9 4 15 18 7 8 16 GA 16 11 12 16 10 6 14 Some marks in the table are missing, but the following facts are known: 1. No two candidates had the same composite score. 2. Ajay was the unique highest scorer in WE. 3. Among the four recruited, Geeta had the lowest composite score. 4. Indu was recruited. 5. Danish, Harini, and Indu had scored the same marks the in GA. 6. Indu and Jatin both scored 100% in exactly one section and Jatin’s composite score was 10 more than Indu’s. 42. Which of the following statements MUST be true? 1.Jatin's composite score was more than that of Danish. 2.Indu scored less than Chetna in DI. 3.Jatin scored more than Indu in GA. (1) Only 2 (2) Both 2 and 3 (3) Only 1 (4) Both 1 and 2 43. Which of the following statements MUST be FALSE? (1) Bala scored same as Jatin in DI (2) Bala’s composite score was less than that of Ester (3) Chetna scored more than Bala in DI (4) Harini’s composite score was less than that of Falak 44. If all the candidates except Ajay and Danish had different marks in DI, and Bala's composite score was less than Chetna's composite score, then what is the maximum marks that Bala could have scored in DI? 45. If all the candidates scored different marks in WE then what is the maximum marks that Harini could have scored in WE? TOPIC-8(Order And Ranking)