The Open Group 标准 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表: 英语 – <简体中文> 版权所有 © 2018,The Open Group The Open Group 特此授权您将本文档用于任何目的,前提是本文档的任何副本或任何部分均应保留本文档所包 含的所有版权和其他所有权声明。 本文档可能包含其他所有权声明和版权信息。 本文档所包含的任何内容均不得被解释为通过暗示、禁止反言或其他方式提供 The Open Group 或任何第三方任 何专利或商标的许可或授权。除上述明文规定外,本文档所包含的任何内容均不得被解释为对 The Open Group 任何版权的任何许可或权利授权。 请注意,本文档中的任何产物、流程或技术都有可能是 The Open Group 所保留的其他知识产权的主体,且可能 未获得许可。 本文档均按原样提供,不做任何明确或隐含的担保,包括但不限于对适销性、针对特定目的的适用性,以及不 侵犯任何知识产权的隐含担保。部分管辖区不允许排除隐含的担保,因此上述排除规定可能不适用于您。 The Open Group 的任何出版物都可能包含技术不准确性或印刷错误。这些出版物的内容可能会定期更改;这些 更改将纳入这些出版物的新版本中。The Open Group 可能随时对这些出版物所述的产物及/或项目进行改进及/ 或更改,恕不另行通知。 如果本文档的任何查看者对反馈数据等信息作出回应,包括与本文档内容有关的问题、意见、建议等,则此类 信息应被视为非机密信息,The Open Group 对此类信息不承担任何责任,且此类信息可以自由复制、使用、披 露和分发给其他人,不受任何限制。此外,The Open Group 可以将此类信息中包含的任何理念、概念、知识或 技术用于任何目的,包括但不限于开发、制造和营销包含此类信息的产物。 如果您的副本不是从 The Open Group 获得,则可能不是最新版本。为此,您可从 上 下载本出版物的最新版本。 如果本翻译词汇表与官方 TOGAF 9 文档之间存在任何不一致之处,则 TOGAF 9 文档是认证、考试和其他用途 的权威版本。官方 TOGAF 9 文档的在线下载地址为。 The Open Group 标准 TOGAF® 标准版本 9.2 翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> ISBN: 1-947754-20-1 文档编号: C184 <2018 年 XX 月> 由 The Open Group 发布。 与本文档中所包含材料有关的评论可提交至以下地址: The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 1AX, United Kingdom 或发送电子邮件至: ii The Open Group 标准(年) 目录 1 引言................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 目标 ...................................................................................................... 1 1.2 概述 ...................................................................................................... 1 1.3 未来方向 .............................................................................................. 1 2 词汇表............................................................................................................. 2 2.1 定义 ...................................................................................................... 2 2.2 补充定义 ............................................................................................ 14 2.3 缩略语 ................................................................................................ 25 A 扩展词汇表(供参考) ............................................................................... 30 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> iii 前言 The Open Group The Open Group 是一个全球性联合机构,旨在帮助企业通过技术标准实现业务目标。我 们拥有超过 550 个会员组织,包括各个行业的客户、系统和解决方案供应商、工具厂商、 集成商、学术界人士和顾问。 The Open Group 旨在: 捕捉、了解和满足当前及未来的需求,制定策略并分享最佳实践 促进互操作性,达成共识以及发展和整合规范及开源技术 提供行业最好的认证服务 如欲了解关于 The Open Group 的更多信息,请访问。 The Open Group 出版各种技术文档,其中大多数专注于 Open Group 标准和指南的开发, 但是也包括白皮书、技术研究、认证与测试文档以及商业报道。如欲获取全部详情和目 录,请访问。 关于本文档 本文档是 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文>本文档由 The Open Group 制作和审核。 iv The Open Group 标准(年) 商标 ArchiMate® 、DirecNet® 、Making Standards Work® 、OpenPegasus® 、Platform 3.0® 、The Open Group®、TOGAF®、UNIX®、UNIXWARE®、X/Open® 和 Open Brand X® 标识均为 The Open Group 的注册商标。Boundaryless Information Flow™、Build with Integrity Buy with Confidence™、Dependability Through Assuredness™、EMMM™、FACE™、FACE™ 标识、 IT4IT™、IT4IT™ 标识、O-DEF™、O-PAS™、Open FAIR™、Open Platform 3.0™、Open Process Automation™、开放可信技术提供商™、SOSA™、Open O™ 标识和 The Open Group Certification 标识(Open O 和 check™)均为 The Open Group 的商标。 所有其他品牌、公司和产品名称仅用于识别目的,可能是归其各自所有者专有的商标。 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> v 参考文档 本 Open Group 标准参考了以下文献: vi TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版(英语版)可通过 在线下载,也可从 The Open Group 库( 上获得 The Open Group 标准(年) 1 引言 1.1 目标 本翻译词汇表旨在为 TOGAF 标准 9.2 版本资料的相关翻译工作建立一个通用、明确的词 汇表。 1.2 概述 本文档是 9.2 版本的英语至 <简体中文> 翻译词汇表。本文档仅包括对 TOGAF 9.2 标准中 术语的翻译。 结构如下: 1.3 第一章是引言 第二章是翻译词汇表,其中包含 TOGAF 9.2 标准第三章和附录 A 中相关术语的翻 译和解释 附录 A(参考附录)包含一个扩展词汇表,是对 TOGAF 9.2 标准其他章节中概念的 翻译和解释 未来方向 未来可能会对本文内容进行扩充,收入除标准以外的其他 TOGAF 9.2 文档。 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> 1 2 词汇表 2.1 定义 本部分包含 TOGAF 9.2 标准第三章“定义”中的相关术语和定义列表及其翻译。 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Abstraction 抽象 §3.1 抽象 The technique of providing summarized or generalized descriptions of detailed and complex content. 对详细的复杂内容进行总结或概括式描述 的方法。 Actor 施动者 A person, organization, or system that has one or more roles that initiates or interacts with activities; for example, a sales representative who travels to visit customers. Actors may be internal or external to an organization. 具有一个或多个活动倡导或活动交互角色 的个人、组织或系统;如前往拜访客户的 销售代表。施动者可以是组织内部或外部 成员。 Application Architecture 应用架构 A description of the structure and interaction of the applications as groups of capabilities that provide key business functions and manage the data assets. 对应用结构和交互的描述,这些应用是提 供关键业务功能和管理数据资产的功能 组。 Application Component 应用组件 An encapsulation of application functionality aligned to implementation structure, which is modular and replaceable. It encapsulates its behavior and data, provides services, and makes them available through interfaces. 与实施结构相对准的应用功能的封装形 式,通常为模块化的和可替代的。其将自 身行为和数据进行封装,并通过接口提供 服务。 Application Platform 应用平台 The collection of technology components of hardware and software that provide the services used to support applications. 可提供应用支持服务的硬件和软件技术组 件集合。 2 §3.2 施动者 §3.3 应用架构 §3.4 应用组件 §3.5 应用平台 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Architectural Style 架构风格 §3.6 架构风格 The combination of distinctive features related to the specific context within which architecture is performed or expressed; a collection of principles and characteristics that steer or constrain how an architecture is formed. 与执行或呈现架构的特定环境相关的独特 特性的组合;指导或约束架构构建原则和 特征的集合。 Architecture 架构 1. The fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution. 1.系统在其环境中的基本概念或属性,体 现在其元素、关系以及设计和演进原则 中。 2. The structure of components, their inter-relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time. §3.7 架构 2.组件的结构、它们之间的相互关系,以 及控制其设计和演进的原则和准则。 Architecture Building Block (ABB) 架构构建块 (ABB) A constituent of the architecture model that describes a single aspect of the overall model. 架构模型的一个组成部分,描述了整体模 型的一个方面。 Architecture Continuum 架构连续统一体 §3.8 架构构建块 (ABB) §3.9 架构连续统一体 A part of the Enterprise Continuum. A Enterprise 连续统一体的一部分,是一种内 repository of architectural elements with 容和专业性都将不断进阶的架构元素存储 increasing detail and specialization. 库。 Architecture Development Method (ADM) The core of the TOGAF framework. A multi-phase, iterative approach to develop and use an Enterprise Architecture to shape and govern business transformation and implementation projects. 架构开发方式 (ADM) 这是 TOGAF 框架的核心,一种开发和使 用 Enterprise Architecture 塑造和治理业务 转型和实施项目的多阶段迭代方法。 Architecture Domain 架构域 The architectural area being considered. The TOGAF framework has four primary architecture domains: business, data, application, and technology. Other domains may also be considered (e.g., security). 需要考虑的架构领域。TOGAF 框架有四 个主要的架构域:业务、数据、应用和技 术。其他域可能也需要考虑在内(如安全 性)。 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> §3.10 架构开发方式 (ADM) §3.11 架构域 3 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Architecture Framework 架构框架 §3.12 架构框架 A conceptual structure used to plan, 用于计划、开发、实施、治理和维护架构 develop, implement, govern, and sustain 的概念结构。 an architecture. 架构治理 The practice of monitoring and directing 监控和指导相关架构工作的实践,旨在实 architecture-related work. The goal is to 现预期成效并遵守相关的原则、标准和路 deliver desired outcomes and adhere to 线图。 relevant principles, standards, and roadmaps. Architecture Governance §3.13 架构治理 架构全景 §3.14 架构全景 The architectural representation of assets Enterprise 在一个特定时间点使用或计划的 in use, or planned, by the enterprise at 资产的架构呈示。 particular points in time. Architecture Landscape Architecture Model 架构模型 A representation of a subject of interest. 对某一个关注主题的描述。 Architecture Principle 架构原则 A qualitative statement of intent that should be met by the architecture. 对架构目标的定性描述。 Architecture View 架构视图 A representation of a system from the perspective of a related set of concerns. 从一系列相关关注点的角度呈现系统。 Architecture Viewpoint 架构视角 A specification of the conventions for a particular kind of architecture view. 对特定类型架构视图的约定规范。 Architecture Vision 架构愿景 A succinct description of the Target Architecture that describes its business value and the changes to the enterprise that will result from its successful deployment. It serves as an aspirational vision and a boundary for detailed architecture development. 对目标架构的简要描述,描述了其业务价 值以及成功部署架构带来的 Enterprise 变 革,是具体架构开发的理想愿景和分界 线。 Artifact 制品 An architectural work product that describes an aspect of the architecture. 描述架构某一方面的架构工作产物。 4 §3.15 架构模型 §3.16 架构原则 §3.17 架构视图 §3.18 架构视角 §3.19 架构愿景 §3.20 制品 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Baseline 基线 §3.21 基线 A specification that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, that thereafter serves as the basis for further development or change and that can be changed only through formal change control procedures or a type of procedure such as configuration management. 已经正式审查和商定的规范,是此后进一 步发展或变更的基础,并且只能通过正式 的变更控制程序或配置管理等程序进行变 更。 Boundaryless Information Flow™ 无边界信息流™ A shorthand representation of “access to integrated information to support business process improvements” representing a desired state of an enterprise’s infrastructure specific to the business needs of the organization. 具体意涵是“访问集成式信息以支持改进 业务流程”,代表一种理想的 Enterprise 基础设施状态,能够满足组织的特定业务 需求。 Building Block 构建块 A (potentially re-usable) component of enterprise capability that can be combined with other building blocks to deliver architectures and solutions. Enterprise 功能的一个(潜在可重用的)组 件,可与其他构建块结合,以交付架构和 解决方案。 Business Architecture 业务架构 A representation of holistic, multidimensional business views of: capabilities, end-to-end value delivery, information, and organizational structure; and the relationships among these business views and strategies, products, policies, initiatives, and stakeholders. 对全面、多维业务视图的描述,包括:能 力、端到端价值交付、信息和组织结构; 以及这些业务观点与战略、产物、政策、 举措和利益攸关者之间的关系。 Business Capability 业务能力 §3.22 无边界信息流 §3.23 构建块 §3.24 业务架构 §3.25 业务能力 A particular ability that a business may Enterprise 可以拥有或交流的用以实现特定 possess or exchange to achieve a specific 目标的特殊能力。 purpose. Business Function 业务功能 Delivers business capabilities closely aligned to an organization, but not necessarily explicitly governed by the organization. 交付与组织密切相关但不一定明确受组织 约束的业务能力。 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> §3.26 业务功能 5 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Business Governance 业务治理 §3.27 业务治理 Concerned with ensuring that the business processes and policies (and their operation) deliver the business outcomes and adhere to relevant business regulation. 致力于确保业务流程和策略(及其运作) 能够交付业务成果并遵守相关业务章程。 Business Model 业务模型 §3.28 业务模型 A model describing the rationale for how 描述 Enterprise 创建、交付和获取价值的 an enterprise creates, delivers, and 基本原理的模型。 captures value. 业务服务 Supports business capabilities through an 通过明确定义的界面支持业务功能,并由 explicitly defined interface and is 组织明确治理。 explicitly governed by an organization. Business Service Capability 能力 An ability that an organization, person, or system possesses. 组织、个人或系统拥有的能力。 Capability Architecture 能力架构 A highly detailed description of the architectural approach to realize a particular solution or solution aspect. 对实现特定解决方案或解决方案方面的架 构方法的高度详细描述。 Capability Increment 能力增量 A discrete portion of a capability architecture that delivers specific value. When all increments have been completed, the capability has been realized. 能够交付特定价值的能力架构的独立组成 部分。所有增量都完成后,也就实现了这 种能力。 Communications and Stakeholder Management 沟通和利益攸关者管理 Concern 关注点 Enterprise Architecture 实践利益攸关者的 The management of needs of 需求管理。它还包括管理实践和利益攸关 stakeholders of the Enterprise 者、实践和服务消费者之间沟通的执行。 Architecture practice. It also manages the execution of communication between the practice and the stakeholders and the practice and the consumers of its services. §3.29 业务服务 §3.30 能力 §3.31 能力架构 §3.32 能力增量 §3.33 沟通和利益攸关者 管理 §3.34 关注点 An interest in a system relevant to one or 对与一个或多个利益攸关者相关的系统的 more of its stakeholders. 关注。 6 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Course of Action 行动方案 §3.35 行动方案 Direction and focus provided by strategic goals and objectives, often to deliver the value proposition characterized in the business model. 战略目的和目标所提供的方向和重点,通 常是为了交付业务模式所特有的价值主 张。 Data Architecture 数据架构 A description of the structure and interaction of the enterprise’s major types and sources of data, logical data assets, physical data assets, and data management resources. 对 Enterprise 主要数据类型和来源、逻辑 数据资产、物理数据资产和数据管理资源 结构和交互的描述。 Deliverable 交付物 An architectural work product that is contractually specified and in turn formally reviewed, agreed, and signed off by the stakeholders. 以契约方式规定的工作产物,并由利益攸 关者依次正式审视、同意并签发。 Enterprise Enterprise The highest level (typically) of description of an organization and typically covers all missions and functions. An enterprise will often span multiple organizations. 对组织最高级别(代表性)的描述,通常 包括所有任务和职能部门。Enterprise 往往 包含多个组织。 Enterprise Continuum Enterprise 连续统一体 A categorization mechanism useful for 从通用基础架构向组织特定架构演进时, classifying architecture and solution 用于对架构存储库内外部架构和解决方案 artifacts, both internal and external to the 制品进行分类的分类机制。 Architecture Repository, as they evolve from generic Foundation Architectures to Organization-Specific Architectures. Foundation Architecture 基础架构 §3.36 数据架构 §3.37 交付物 §3.38 Enterprise §3.39 Enterprise 连续统一 体 §3.40 基础架构 Generic building blocks, their inter通用构建模块、构建块之间的相互关系以 relationships with other building blocks, 及为构建更多特定架构提供基础的原则和 combined with the principles and 指南。 guidelines that provide a foundation on which more specific architectures can be built. Framework 框架 A structure for content or process that can be used as a tool to structure thinking, assuring consistency and completeness. 一种可用作构思工具的内容或流程结构, 能够确保一致性和完整性。 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> §3.41 框架 7 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Gap 差距 §3.42 差距 A statement of difference between two states. Used in the context of gap analysis, where the difference between the Baseline and Target Architecture is identified. 两种状态之间的差异描述。用于差距分析 情境中,其中基线与目标架构之间的区别 已确定。 Governance 治理 §3.43 治理 The discipline of monitoring, managing, 监控、管理和指导业务(或 IS / IT 环境) and steering a business (or IS/IT 交付所需的业务成果。 landscape) to deliver the business outcome required. 信息 Any communication or representation of 采用任何媒介或形式(包括文本、数字、 facts, data, or opinions, in any medium 图形、制图、叙述或视听形式)的事实、 or form, including textual, numerical, 数据或观点交流或描述。 graphic, cartographic, narrative, or audio-visual forms. Information Information System Service 信息系统服务 1. A discrete behavior requestable from an application (e.g., log in, book train seat, transfer money). 1.可通过应用请求的独立行为(如登录、 预订火车座位、转账)。 2. The automated elements of a business service. 8 §3.44 信息 §3.45 信息系统服务 2.自动化业务服务元素。 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Information Technology (IT) 信息技术 (IT) §3.46 信息技术 (IT) 1. The lifecycle management of information and related technology used by an organization. 1.组织所使用信息和相关技术的生命周期 管理。 2. An umbrella term that includes all or some of the subject areas relating to the computer industry, such as Business Continuity, Business IT Interface, Business Process Modeling and Management, Communication, Compliance and Legislation, Computers, Content Management, Hardware, Information Management, Internet, Offshoring, Networking, Programming and Software, Professional Issues, Project Management, Security, Standards, Storage, Voice, and Data Communications. Various countries and industries employ other umbrella terms to describe this same collection. 2.包含计算机行业全部或部分主题领域的 涵盖性术语,包括业务连续性、业务 IT 界面、业务流程建模与管理、通信、合规 与立法、计算机、内容管理、硬件、信息 管理、互联网、离岸经营、联网、编程和 软件、专业问题、项目管理、安全性、标 准、存储、语音和数据通信。不同国家/地 区以及行业采用其他涵盖性术语对类似内 容进行描述。 3.组织内部某部门的常用代名词,该部门 负责提供上述 (2) 中所述的部分或全部 域。 4.常用的替代名称包括信息服务、信息管 理等。 3. A term commonly assigned to a department within an organization tasked with provisioning some or all of the domains described in (2) above. 4. Alternates names commonly adopted include Information Services, Information Management, et al. Interoperability 互用性 1. The ability to share information and services. 1.共享信息和服务的能力。 2. The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange and use information. 3. The ability of systems to provide and receive services from other systems and to use the services so interchanged to enable them to operate effectively together. Logical §3.47 互用性 2.两个或多个系统或组件交换和使用信息 的能力。 3.系统之间相互提供和接收服务并使用服 务以实现共同有效运行的能力。 逻辑的 §3.48 逻辑的 An implementation-independent 与实施无关的架构定义,通常根据目的和 definition of the architecture, often 结构对相关物理实体进行分组。 grouping related physical entities according to their purpose and structure. TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> 9 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Metadata 元数据 §3.49 元数据 Data about data, of any sort in any media, that describes the characteristics of an entity. 采用任何媒介描述实体特征的任何类型数 据的数据。 元模型 A model that describes how and with 描述如何以结构化方式描述架构的模型。 what the architecture will be described in a structured way. Metamodel Method 方法 A defined, repeatable approach to address a particular type of problem. 解决特定类型问题的确定的、可重用的方 法。 建模 A technique through construction of 一种模型构建技术,允许以一种支持推 models which enables a subject to be 理、洞察和澄清主题本质的形式展示主 represented in a form that enables 题。 reasoning, insight, and clarity concerning the essence of the subject matter. Modeling Model Kind 模型类型 Conventions for a type of modeling. 对某种建模类型的约定。 Objective 目的 A time-bounded milestone for an organization used to demonstrate progress towards a goal; for example, “Increase capacity utilization by 30% by the end of 2019 to support the planned increase in market share”. 组织用来展示目标进展的时限性里程碑; 例如,“到 2019 年年底将产能利用率提 高 30%,以帮助实现市场份额增长计 划”。 Organization Map 组织结构图 An articulation of the relationships between the primary entities that make up the enterprise, its partners, and stakeholders. 组成 Enterprise 的主要实体、其合作伙伴 和利益攸关者之间关系的说明。 Pattern 特征模式 A technique for putting building blocks into context; for example, to describe a re-usable solution to a problem. 将构建块投入使用的技术;例如,描述可 重用的问题解决方案。 10 §3.50 元模型 §3.51 方法 §3.52 建模 §3.53 模型类型 §3.54 目的 §3.55 组织结构图 §3.56 特征模式 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Physical 物理的 §3.57 物理的 A description of a real-world entity. Physical elements in an Enterprise Architecture may still be considerably abstracted from Solution Architecture, design, or implementation views. 对真实世界实体的描述。Enterprise Architecture 中的物理元素可能仍然可以从 解决方案架构、设计或实施视图中明显分 离出来。 Principle 原则 See Architecture Principle. 参见架构原则。 §3.58 原则 Reference Model (RM) 参考模型 (RM) An abstract framework for understanding 用于理解环境实体之间的重要关系,以及 significant relationships among the 制定支持该环境的一致标准或规范的抽象 entities of [an] environment, and for the 框架。 development of consistent standards or specifications supporting that environment. §3.59 参考模型 (RM) Repository 存储库 A system that manages all of the data of 管理 Enterprise 所有数据(包括数据和处 an enterprise, including data and process 理模型)以及其他 Enterprise 信息的系 models and other enterprise information. 统。 §3.60 资源库 需求 A statement of need that must be met by 对特定架构或工作包必须满足的需求的说 a particular architecture or work 明。 package. §3.61 需求 Requirement Roadmap 路线图 §3.62 路线图 An abstracted plan for business or 业务或技术变革的抽象计划,通常需要多 technology change, typically operating 年跨多个学科运营。通常用于技术路线 across multiple disciplines over multiple 图、架构路线图等短语中。 years. Normally used in the phrases Technology Roadmap, Architecture Roadmap, etc. Role 角色 §3.63 角色 1. The usual or expected function of an 1.施动者的常见或预期功能,或者某人或 actor, or the part somebody or something 某物在某一特定活动或事件中所扮演的角 plays in a particular action or event. An 色。施动者可以有多个角色。 actor may have a number of roles. 2.个人在组织中所扮演的角色,以及他们 2. The part an individual plays in an 通过运用自身所掌握的技能、知识、经验 organization and the contribution they 和能力所做的贡献。 make through the application of their skills, knowledge, experience, and abilities. TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> 11 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Segment Architecture 分部架构 §3.64 分部架构 A detailed, formal description of areas 对 Enterprise 内领域的详细、正式描述, within an enterprise, used at the program 可用在项目群或谱系层级上,以组织和协 or portfolio level to organize and align 调变更活动。 change activity. Service 服务 1. A repeatable activity; a discrete behavior that a building block may be requested or otherwise triggered to perform. 1.重复性活动;可能会请求或触发构建块 执行的独立行为。 2. An element of behavior that provides specific functionality in response to requests from actors or other services. §3.65 服务 2.为响应来自施动者或其他服务的要求而 提供特定功能的行为元素。 Service Orientation 面向服务 §3.66 面向服务 Viewing an enterprise, system, or building block in terms of services provided and consumed. 根据提供和使用的服务查看 Enterprise、系 统或构建块。 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) 面向服务架构 (SOA) An architectural style that supports service orientation. 支持服务导向的架构风格。 §3.67 面向服务架构 (SOA) Service Portfolio 服务谱系 §3.68 服务组合 A collection of services, potentially an interface definition. 一组服务,可能是界面定义。 Solution Architecture 解决方案架构 A description of a discrete and focused business operation or activity and how IS/IT supports that operation. 对独立和集中的业务运营或活动以及 IS/IT 如何支持此类运营的描述。 Solution Building Block (SBB) 解决方案构建块 (SBB) A candidate solution which conforms to the specification of an Architecture Building Block (ABB). 符合架构构建块 (ABB) 规范的备选解决方 案。 §3.69 解决方案架构 §3.70 解决方案构建块 (SBB) §3.71 解决方案连续统一 A part of the Enterprise Continuum. A Enterprise 连续统一体的一部分。为未来实 体 repository of re-usable solutions for 施工作提供可重用解决方案的存储库。它 future implementation efforts. It contains 包含了架构连续统一体中相应定义的实 implementations of the corresponding 施。 definitions in the Architecture Solutions Continuum 解决方案连续统一体 Continuum. 12 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Stakeholder 利益攸关者 §3.72 利益攸关者 An individual, team, or organization, or class thereof, having an interest in a system. 对系统有兴趣的个人、团队、组织或组织 阶层。 标准信息库 (SIB) A database of standards that can be used 用于定义组织特定架构特定服务和其他组 to define the particular services and other 件的标准数据库。 components of an Organization-Specific Architecture. Standards Information Base (SIB) Strategic Architecture 战略架构 A summary formal description of the enterprise, providing an organizing framework for operational and change activity, and an executive-level, longterm view for direction setting. 对 Enterprise 的正式总结性描述,为经营 和变更活动提供组织框架,并为统筹方向 提供长远的领导视角。 Target Architecture 目标架构 The description of a future state of the architecture being developed for an organization. 对组织开发架构未来状态的描述。 Taxonomy of Architecture Views 架构视图分类法 The organized collection of all architecture views pertinent to an architecture. 与架构有关的所有架构视图的组织集合。 Technology Architecture 技术架构 A description of the structure and interaction of the technology services, and technology components. 对技术服务以及技术组件结构和交互的描 述。 Technology Component 技术组件 1. A technology building block. A generic infrastructure technology that supports and enables application or data components (directly or indirectly) by providing technology services. 1.一种技术构建块。通过提供技术服务支 持应用或数据组件(直接或间接)的通用 基础设施技术。 2. An encapsulation of technology infrastructure that represents a class of technology product or specific technology product. §3.73 标准信息库 (SIB) §3.74 战略架构 §3.75 目标架构 §3.76 架构视图分类法 §3.77 技术架构 §3.78 技术组件 2.技术基础设施的封装形式,代表了一类 技术产物或某个特定的技术产物。 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> 13 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Technology Service 技术服务 §3.79 技术服务 A technical capability required to provide enabling infrastructure that supports the delivery of applications. 提供支持应用交付的基础设施所需的技术 能力。 Transition Architecture 过渡架构 A formal description of one state of the architecture at an architecturally significant point in time. 对处于重要架构意义时间点的架构状态的 正式描述。 Value Stream 价值流 A representation of an end-to-end collection of value-adding activities that create an overall result for a customer, stakeholder, or end user. 对增值活动端到端集合的展现,这些活动 可为客户、利益攸关者或最终用户创造整 体效益。 View 视图 See Architecture View. 参见架构视图。 Viewpoint 视角 See Architecture Viewpoint. 参见架构视角。 Viewpoint Library 视角库 A collection of the specifications of architecture viewpoints contained in the Reference Library portion of the Architecture Repository. 架构存储库参考库部分所包含的架构视角 规范的集合。 工作包 A set of actions identified to achieve one 为实现一个或多个业务目标而确定的一系 or more objectives for the business. A 列行动。工作包可以是项目的一部分,也 work package can be a part of a project, 可以是完整的项目或项目群。 a complete project, or a program. Work Package 2.2 §3.80 过渡架构 §3.81 价值流 §3.82 视图 §3.83 视角 §3.84 视角库 §3.85 工作包 补充定义 本部分包含 TOGAF 9.2 标准附录 A“补充定义”中的相关术语和定义列表及其翻译。 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Application Software 应用软件 §A.1 应用软件 Software entities which have a specific business purpose. 具有特定业务用途的软件实体。 14 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Availability 可用性 §A.2 可用性 In the context of IT systems, the probability that system functional capabilities are ready for use by a user at any time, where all time is considered, including operations, repair, administration, and logistic time. Availability is further defined by system category for both routine and priority operations. 在 IT 系统的背景环境中,系统功能性能 已经就绪,以备用户随时使用的可用性。 “随时”是指,包括运行时间、维护时 间、管理实践和物流时间在内的所有时 间。可以根据系统类别为日常运行和优先 运行进一步定义可用性。 Business System 业务系统 Hardware, software, policy statements, processes, activities, standards, and people which together implement a business function. 共同实现业务功能的硬件、软件、方针说 明、流程、活动、标准和人员。 Catalog 目录集 §A.3 业务系统 §A.4 目录集 A structured list of architectural outputs 类似类别的架构产出的结构表,以供参 of a similar kind, used for reference. For 考。例如,技术标准目录及或应用谱系。 example, a technology standards catalog or an application portfolio. Client 客户端 An application component which requests services from a server. 从服务器要求服务的应用组件。 COBIT COBIT An acronym for Control OBjectives for Information and related Technology, created by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) and the IT Governance Institute (ITGI), which provides a set of recommended best practices for the governance/management of information systems and technology. 信息及相关技术控制目标 (Control OBjectives for Information and related Technology) 的缩写,由信息系统审核或控 制协会 (ISACA) 和 IT 治理协会 (ITGI) 共 同创建,为信息系统和技术的治理/管理提 供一整套推荐的最佳实践。 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> §A.5 客户端 §A.6 COBIT 15 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Configuration Management 构型管理 §A.7 构型管理 A discipline applying technical and 一门将技术和管理指导以及监督应用到如 administrative direction and surveillance 下方面的规程: to: 识别配置项的功能特征或物理特征并使其 Identify and document the functional and 文件化。 physical characteristics of a configuration item 控制这些特征的变更。 Control changes to those characteristics 记录并报告对处理和实施状态的变更。 Record and report changes to processing 此外,还包括对 Enterprise Architecture 实 and implementation status 践(知识产权)资产和基线的配置管理以 Also, the management of the 及对这些资产的变更控制。 configuration of Enterprise Architecture practice (intellectual property) assets and baselines and the control of change over of those assets. Contract 契约 §A.8 契约 An agreement between a service 服务消费者和服务提供商之间达成的协 consumer and a service provider that 议,它确定了双方交互的功能性参数和非 establishes functional and non-functional 功能性参数。 parameters for interaction. Control 控制 A decision-making step with accompanying decision logic used to determine the execution approach for a process or to ensure that a process complies with governance criteria. 一个随附决策逻辑的决策步骤,用于确定 流程的执行途径或确保流程符合治理准 则。 §A.9 控制 首席 X 官 §A.10 首席 X 官 The chief officer within a particular Enterprise 特定智能部门的首席主管,如首 function of the business; e.g., Chief 席执行官、首席财务官、首席信息官、首 Executive Officer, Chief Financial 席技术官。 Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer. CxO Data Dictionary 数据字典 A specialized type of database containing metadata; a repository of information describing the characteristics of data used to design, monitor, document, protect, and control data in information systems and databases; an application system supporting the definition and management of database metadata. 一种包含元数据的特殊类型的数据库;一 种描述数据特征的信息存储库,用于设 计、监控、文化化、保护及控制信息系统 和数据库中的数据;一种支持数据库元数 据定义和管理的应用系统。 16 §A.11 数据字典 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Data Element 数据元素 §A.12 数据元素 A basic unit of information having a meaning and that may have subcategories (data items) of distinct units and values. 一种具有某种汉仪的基本信息单元,其可 能具有截然不同的单位和值的子类别(数 据项)。 Data Entity 数据实体 An encapsulation of data that is recognized by a business domain expert as a thing. Logical data entities can be tied to applications, repositories, and services and may be structured according to implementation considerations. 一种数据封装形式,业务领域专家将之视 为一种事物。可以将逻辑数据实体与应 用、存储库以及服务进行绑定,并且按照 实施考量因素可对其进行结构化。 Database 数据库 A structured or organized collection of data entities, which is to be accessed by a computer. 一种可通过计算吉放文的结构化或有组织 的数据实体集合。 Database Management System 数据库管理系统 A computer application program that accesses or manipulates the database. 一种访问或操纵数据库的计算机应用程 序。 Driver 驱动因素 An external or internal condition that motivates the organization to define its goals. An example of an external driver is a change in regulation or compliance rules which, for example, require changes to the way an organization operates; i.e., Sarbanes-Oxley in the US. 激发组织定义其目标的某种外部或内部条 件。例如,组织变革的一种外部驱动因素 是监管或合规性规则的变更(如美国的索 克斯法案),要求组织改变其经营方式。 最终用户 Person who ultimately uses the computer 最终使用计算机应用或输出的人。 application or output. End User Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System A complete suite of integrated applications that support the major business support functions of an organization; e.g., Financial (AP/AR/GL), HR, Payroll, Stock, Order Processing and Invoicing, Purchasing, Logistics, Manufacturing, etc. 企业资源计划 (ERP) 系统 一整套综合应用,用以支持组织的主要业 务支持性功能,如财务 (AP/AR/GL)、人 力资源、工资、库存、订单处理,以及发 票、采购、物流、制造等。 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> §A.13 数据实体 §A.14 数据库 §A.15 数据库管理系统 §A.16 驱动因素 §A.17 最终用户 §A.18 企业资源计划 (ERP) 系统 17 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Event 事件 §A.19 事件 An organizational state change that 一种触发处理事件的组织状态变更,事件 triggers processing events may originate 可能来源于组织内部或外部,并且可以在 from inside or outside the organization 组织内部或外部得到解决。 and may be resolved inside or outside the organization. Functional Decomposition 功能分解 A hierarchy of the functions of an enterprise or organization. Enterprise 或组织的功能层级。 Goal 目标 A high-level statement of intent or direction for an organization. Typically used to measure success of an organization. 组织意图或方向的高层级申明。典型情况 下,用于衡量一个组织的成功。 Guideline 指南 An architectural document that provides guidance on the optimal ways to carry out design or implementation activities. 一种针对开展设计或实施活动的最佳方式 提供引导的架构文件。 硬件 The physical infrastructure needed to run 运行软件所需的物理基础设施,如服务 software; e.g., servers, workstations, 器、工作站、网络设备等。 network equipment, etc. Hardware Information Domain 信息域 Grouping of information (or data entities) by a set of criteria such as security classification, ownership, location, etc. In the context of security, information domains are defined as a set of users, their information objects, and a security policy. 按照一组诸如安保等级、所有权、位置等 准则分组的信息(或数据实体)。在安保 背景环境中,信息域被定义为一组用户、 用户信息对象以及一种安保方针。 Information System (IS) 信息系统 (IS) The computer (or IT)-based portion of a business system. 业务系统中基于计算机(或 IT)的部分。 Interaction 交互 A relationship between architectural building blocks (i.e., services or components) that embodies communication or usage. 在架构构建块(即服务或组件)之间体现 通信或使用的一种关系。 18 §A.20 功能分解 §A.21 目标 §A.22 指南 §A.23 硬件 §A.24 信息域 §A.25 信息系统 (IS) §A.26 交互 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Interaction Model 交互模型 §A.27 交互模型 An architectural view, catalog, or matrix 表明特定类型交互的架构视图、目录集或 that shows a particular type of 矩阵。例如,一个表明应用整合的图。 interaction. For example, a diagram showing application integration. Interface 界面 Interconnection and inter-relationships between, for example, people, systems, devices, applications, or the user and an application or device. 例如,人员间、系统间、设备间、应用间 或者用户与应用或设备之间的互联和相互 关系。 关键绩效指标 (KPI) A way of quantifying the performance of 一种量化业务或项目绩效的方式。 the business or project. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Lifecycle 生命周期 The period of time that begins when a system is conceived and ends when the system is no longer available for use. 从系统构思开始到系统失去可用性的时间 区间。 Location 位置 A place where business activity takes place and can be hierarchically decomposed. 业务活动发生并且可按层级分解的地方。 Logical Application Component 逻辑应用组件 An encapsulation of application functionality that is independent of a particular implementation. For example, the classification of all purchase request processing applications implemented in an enterprise. 一种与特定实施无关的应用功能性的封装 形式。例如,在 ENTERPRISE 内所实施 的全部采购要求处理应用可以归类为一种 逻辑应用组件。 Logical Data Component 逻辑数据组件 A boundary zone that encapsulates related data entities to for m a logical location to be held. For example, external procurement information. 一种对相关数据实体进行封装以形成需要 占用逻辑位置的边界区域。例如,外部采 购信息。 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> §A.28 界面 §A.29 关键绩效指标 (KPI) §A.30 生命周期 §A.31 位置 §A.32 逻辑应用组件 §A.33 逻辑数据组件 19 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Logical Technology Component 逻辑技术组件 §A.34 逻辑技术组件 An encapsulation of technology infrastructure that is independent of a particular product. A class of technology product. For example, supply chain management software as part of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) suite or a Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) purchase request processing enterprise service. 与特定产品无关的技术基础设施的封装形 式。一类技术产品,例如,作为 Enterprise 资源规划 (ERP) 套件一部分的供应链管理 软件或商用货架 (COTS) 采购要求处理的 Enterprise 服务。 Managing Successful Programs (MSP) 成功项目群管理 (MSP) A best practice methodology for program management, developed by the UK Office of Government Commerce (OGC). 一种由英国政府商务办公室 (OGC) 制定的 项目群管理最佳实践方法。 Matrix 矩阵 A format for showing the relationship between two (or more) architectural elements in a grid format. 一种以网格形式表明两个(或多个)架构 元素之间关系的格式。 Measure 测度 An indicator or factor that can be tracked, usually on an ongoing basis, to deter mine success or alignment with objectives and goals. 一种通常可持续追踪的指标或因素,旨在 确定成功程度或者与目的和目标的对准 性。 Metaview 元视图 A pattern or template of the view, from which to develop individual views. Establishes the purposes and audience for a view, the ways in which the view is documented (e.g., for visual modeling), and the ways in which it is used (e.g., for analysis). 元视图是视图的特征模式或模板,由此形 成各个视图。元视图确定视图的目的、受 众、视图的文件化方式(如可视化建模) 以及使用视图的方式(如用于分析)。 20 §A.35 成功项目群管理 (MSP) §A.36 矩阵 §A.37 测度 §A.38 元视图 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Open System 开放系统 §A.39 开放系统 A system that implements sufficient open specifications for interfaces, services, and supporting formats to enable properly engineered application software: 一种充分执行针对各种界面与服务的开放 规范和支持格式的系统,以使设计适当的 应用软件能够: To be ported with minimal changes across a wide range of systems 与本地和远程系统上的其他应用进行互操 作 To interoperate with other applications on local and remote systems 以促进用户可移植性的方式与用户进行交 互 以最小的修改实现跨各种系统的移植 To interact with users in a style that facilitates user portability 运行治理 The operational performance of systems 运行治理对比契约规定的绩效水平、运行 against contracted performance levels, 绩效水平的定义和系统的实施来评判系统 the definition of operational performance 的运行绩效,确保系统有效运行。 levels, and the implementation of systems that ensure effective operation of systems. Operational Governance Packaged Services 服务包 Services that are acquired from the market from a Commerical Off-TheShelf (COTS) vendor, rather than being constructed via code build. 从商用货架 (COTS) 厂商处购得,而非通 过代码构建而构造的服务。 Physical Application Component 物理应用组件 An application, application module, application service, or other deployable component of functionality. For example, a configured and deployed instance of a Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) supply-chain management application. 应用、应用模块、应用服务或其他可部署 的功能性组件。例如,已经配置和部署的 某个商用货架 (COTS) Enterprise 资源规划 (ERP) 的供应链管理应用的一个实例。 Physical Data Component 物理数据组件 A boundary zone that encapsulates related data entities to form a physical location to be held. For example, a purchase order business object, comprising purchase order header and item business object nodes. 对相关数据实体进行封装,以形成需要占 用物理位置的边界区域。例如,一个采购 订单业务对象,包括采购订单表头和业务 对象节点的子项。 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> §A.40 运行治理 §A.41 服务包 §A.42 物理应用组件 §A.43 物理数据组件 21 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Physical Technology Component 物理技术组件 §A.44 物理技术组件 A specific technology infrastructure product or technology infrastructure product instance. For example, a particular product version of a Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solution, or a specific brand and version of server. 特定的技术基础设施产物或技术基础设施 产物的实例。例如,某个商用货架 (COTS) 解决方案的特殊产品版本或服务 器的特定品牌和版本。 Portability 可移植性 1. The ease with which a system, component, data, or user can be transferred from one hardware or software environment to another. 1.系统、组件、数据或用户可从一个硬件 或软件环境转移到另一个环境的难易程 度。 2. A quality metric that can be used to measure the relative effort to transport the software for use in another environment or to convert software for use in another operating environment, hardware configuration, or software system environment. 2.质量衡量标准,可用于衡量将软件转移 到另一个环境中使用的相对难度,或者用 于衡量对软件进行转换,使之能够在另一 个操作环境、硬件配置或软件系统环境中 使用的相对难度。 Portfolio 谱系 The complete set of change activities or systems that exist within the organization or part of the organization. For example, application portfolio and project portfolio. 存在于整个组织或部分组织内的整套变革 活动或系统。例如,应用谱系和项目谱 系。 PRINCE2 PRINCE2 An acronym for PRojects IN Controlled Environments, which is a standard project management method. 受控环境下的项目管理 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) 的缩写,是一种 标准的项目管理方法。 Process 流程 A process represents a sequence of activities that together achieve a specified outcome, can be decomposed into sub-processes, and can show operation of a function or service (at next level of detail). Processes may also be used to link or compose organizations, functions, services, and processes. 流程代表一连串可共同取得某种特定结果 的活动,可以被分解成若干个子流程,还 可以表明某项功能或服务(更详细)的运 行。流程也可用于连接或组成组织、功 能、服务和流程。 22 §A.45 可移植性 §A.46 谱系 §A.47 PRINCE2 §A.48 流程 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Product 产物 §A.49 产物 Output generated by the business. The business product of the execution of a process. 业务产生的输出。流程执行的业务产物。 Profile 概要 A set of one or more base standards and, where applicable, the identification of those classes, subsets, options, and parameters of those base standards, necessary for accomplishing a particular function. 一个或多个基础标准的集合,以及(如适 用)对这些基础标准的类别、子集、选项 和参数的识别,是完成某种特殊功能的必 要条件。 Profiling 概要分析 Identifying standards and characteristics of a particular system. 识别特定系统的标准和特征。 Program 项目群 A co-ordinated set of change projects that deliver business benefit to the organization. 给组织带来业务效益的一组相互协作的变 革项目。 Project 项目 A single change project which delivers business benefit to the organization. 给组织带来业务效益的单个变革项目。 Risk Management 风险管理 The management of risks and issues that may threaten the success of the Enterprise Architecture practice and its ability to meet is vision, goals, and objectives, and, importantly, its service provision. 对可能威胁 Enterprise Architecture 实践成 功与否的风险和问题的管理,其具有满足 愿景、目的和目标的能力;更为重要的是 其提供服务的能力。 Scalability 可伸缩性 The ability to use the same application software on many different classes of hardware/software platforms from PCs to super-computers (extends the portability concept). The capability to grow to accommodate increased work loads. 在从 PC 到超级计算机的很多不同类别的 硬件/软件平台上使用相同应用软件的能力 (扩展可移植性概念),随工作负荷增加 而扩展的能力。 Security 安保 §A.50 概要 §A.51 概要分析 §A.52 项目群 §A.53 项目 §A.54 风险管理 §A.55 可伸缩性 §A.56 安保 Services which protect data, ensuring its 保护数据以确保数据机密性、可用性和完 confidentiality, availability, and 整性的服务。 integrity. TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> 23 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Server 服务器 §A.57 服务器 An application component which responds to requests from a client. 应对客户端要求的应用组件。 服务质量 A preset configuration of non-functional 非功能属性的预设配置,可指派给服务或 attributes that may be assigned to a 服务契约。 service or service contract. §A.58 服务质量 SMART SMART §A.59 SMART An acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound, which is an approach to ensure that targets and objectives are set in a way that can be achieved and measured. 是特定 (Specific)、可衡量 (Measurable)、 可付诸行动 (Attainable)、切实可行 (Realistic) 和有时限 (Time-bound) 五个单 词的首字母缩写,是一种确保以可达成及 可衡量的方式来设定目标和目的的实施途 径。 Supplier Management 供应商管理 The management of suppliers of products and services to the Enterprise Architecture practice in concert with larger corporate procurement activities. 对向 Enterprise Architecture 实践提供产品 和服务的供应商的管理,适用于较大的公 司级采购活动。 System 系统 A combination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more stated purposes. 为完成某一特定功能或一组功能而组织起 来的交互元素的集合。 Service Quality (Source: ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: 2015). §A.61 系统 (来源:ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: 2015)。 Time Period 时间区间 The timeframe over which the potential impact is to be measured. 对潜在影响进行测量的时间段。 Transaction 事务 Interaction between a user and a computer in which the user inputs a command to receive a specific result from the computer. 用户与计算机之间的交互,在交互中,用 户输入指令以接收计算机返回的特定结 果。 Use-Case 用例 A view of organization, application, or product functionality that illustrates capabilities in context with the user of that capability. 组织、应用或产品功能性的视图,其说明 在背景环境中用户对能力的可用性。 24 §A.60 供应商管理 §A.62 时间区间 §A.63 事务 §A.64 用例 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 User 用户 §A.65 用户 1. Any person, organization, or functional unit that uses the services of an information processing system. 1.使用信息处理系统服务的任何人、组织 或功能单元。 2.在概念模式语言中,可以向信息系统发 2. In a conceptual schema language, any 出或从信息系统接收命令和消息的任何人 person or any thing that may issue or 或事物。 receive commands and messages to or from the information system. 2.3 缩略语 本部分包含了与 TOGAF 9.2 标准附录 B“缩略语”一致的首字母缩写词和缩略语列表及 其译文。 英语缩略语 英语含义 <简体中文> ABB Architecture Building Block 架构构建块 ACMM Architecture Capability Maturity Model 架构能力成熟度模型 ADM Architecture Development Method 架构开发方法 ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准协会 API Application Platform Interface 应用平台界面 ARTS Association for Retail Technology Standards 零售技术标准协会 BMM Business Motivation Model 业务动机模型 BPM Business Process Management 业务流程管理 BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation 业务流程建模标注 BTEP The Canadian Government Business Transformation Enablement Program 加拿大政府业务转型使能计划 CMM Capability Maturity Models 能力成熟度模型 CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration 能力成熟度模型集成 COBIT Control OBjectives for Information and related Technology 信息及相关技术控制目标 COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf applications 商用货架应用 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> 25 英语缩略语 英语含义 <简体中文> CRM Customer Relationship Management 客户关系管理 CRUD Create/Read/Update/Delete 创建/读取/更新/删除 CSF Critical Success Factor 关键成功因素 DBA Database Administrator 数据库管理员 DBMS Database Management System 数据库管理系统 DoC US Department of Commerce 美国商务部 DoD US Department of Defense 美国国防部 DoDAF Department of Defense Architecture Framework 国防部架构框架 EAI Enterprise Application Integration ENTERPRISE 应用整合 EDIFACT (United Nations) Electronic Data Interchange (联合国)行政、商业和交通运输电子数 For Administration, Commerce, and 据交换 Transport ERP Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise 资源规划 ETL Extract, Transform, Load 抽取、转型、加载 FICO Fair Isaac Corporation 费尔艾克公司 FTE Full-Time Equivalent 全时当量 GOTS Government Off-The-Shelf applications 政府成品应用 HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 美国医治保险携带和责任法案 ICAM Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing 集成计算机辅助制造 ICOM Inputs, Controls, Outputs, and Mechanisms/Resources 输入、控制、输出和机制/资源 IDEF Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) DEFinition 集成计算机辅助制造 (ICAM) 的定义 IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电子技术委员会 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气与电子工程师协会 26 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语缩略语 英语含义 <简体中文> III-RM Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model 综合信息基础设施参考模型 IPD-CMM Integrated Product Development Capability Maturity Model 综合产品开发能力成熟度模型 ISACA Information Systems Audit and Control Association 信息系统审核和控制协会 ISACF Information Systems Audit and Control Foundation 信息系统审核和控制基金会 ISO International Standards Organization 国际标准组织 IT Information Technology 信息技术 ITGI IT Governance Institute IT 治理协会 ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library 信息技术基础设施库 ITPMF IT Portfolio Management Facility IT 谱系管理设施 J2EE Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Java 2 平台 Enterprise 版 KPI Key Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标 LAN Local Area Network 局域网 MDA Model-Driven Architecture 模型驱动架构 MSP Managing Successful Programs 成功项目群管理 NASCIO National Association of State Chief Information Officers 美国州政府首席信息官协会 OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and 经济合作和发展组织 Development OGC UK Office of Government Commerce 英国政府商务办公室 OLA Operational-Level Agreement 运行水平协议 OMB Office of Management and Budget 管理和预算办公室 OMG Object Management Group 对象管理组 ORB Object Request Broker 对象要求代理 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> 27 英语缩略语 英语含义 <简体中文> OS Operating System 操作系统 OSI Open Systems Interconnection 开放系统互连 OSOA Open Service-Oriented Architecture 面向开放服务的架构 P-CMM People Capability Maturity Model 个人资源成熟度模型 PDF Portable Document Format 便携式文件格式 PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge 项目管理知识体系 PRINCE PRojects in Controlled Environments 受控环境下的项目 QoS Quality of Service 服务质量 RAS Remote Access Services 远程访问服务 RFC Request For Change 变更要求 RFI Request for Information 信息要求 RFP Request for Proposal 建议要求 RM Reference Model 参考模型 SA-CMM Software Acquisition Capability Maturity Model 软件采办能力成熟度模型 SBB Solution Building Block 解决方案构建块 SCA Service Component Architecture 服务组件架构 SCAMPI Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement CMMI 流程改进评价法 SDO Service Data Objects 服务数据对象 SE-CMM Systems Engineering Capability Maturity Model 系统工程能力成熟度模型 SEI Software Engineering Institute 软件工程协会 SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language 标准通用化标记语言 SIB Standards Information Base 标准信息库 28 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语缩略语 英语含义 <简体中文> SLA Service-Level Agreement 服务水平协议 SMART Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound 特定、可衡量、可付诸行动、切实可行以 及有时限 SOA Service-Oriented Architecture 面向服务架构 SPEM Software Processing Engineering Metamodel 软件处理工程元模型 SW=CMM Capability Maturity Model for Software 软件能力成熟度模型 SysML Systems Modeling Language 系统建模语言 TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management 信息管理技术架构框架 TRM Technical Reference Model 技术参考模型 UML Unified Modeling Language 统一建模语言 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网 XML Extensible Markup Language 可扩展标记语言 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> 29 A 扩展词汇表(供参考) 本参考附录包含从 TOGAF 9.2 标准中摘取的一些附加概念和交付成果,可供翻译参考。 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Architecture Board 架构委员会 §41.1 架构委员会 A key element in a successful Architecture Governance strategy is a crossorganization Architecture Board to oversee the implementation of the strategy. This body should be representative of all the key stakeholders in the architecture, and will typically comprise a group of executives responsible for the review and maintenance of the overall architecture. 跨组织架构委员会是确保架构治理战略 成功的一个关键要素,负责监督战略的 实施。该机构能够代表架构中的所有关 键利益攸关者,通常由负责评估和维护 整体架构的高管群体组成。 Architecture Realization 架构实现 Architecture realization entities capture change roadmaps showing transition between architecture states and binding statements that are used to steer and govern an implementation of the architecture. 架构实现实体负责捕捉显示架构状态变 化的变更路线图,该路线图包含指导架 构实施的具有约束力的声明。 As-Is Architecture 原架构 The description of the current state of the architecture (enterprise or solution) being studied or developed for an organization. 对为组织研究或开发的架构 (ENTERPRISE 或解决方案)的当前状 态的描述。 (Business) Goal (业务)目标 A high-level statement of intent or direction for an organization. Typically used to measure success of an organization. 对组织目标或方向的简略陈述,通常用 于衡量组织是否成功。 (Business) Objective (业务)目的 A time-bound milestone for an 具有时限的组织里程碑,用于表示目标 organization used to demonstrate progress 实现进度。 towards a goal. 30 §30.2.2 内容元模型概述 §3.21 基线 §32.2.9 业务原则、业务 目标和业务驱动因素 §30.5 内容元模型实体 §12.1 (阶段 E)目的 §30.5 内容元模型实体 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 (Business) Requirement (业务)需求 A quantitative statement of business need that must be met by a particular architecture or work package. 对特定架构或工作包必须满足的业务需 求的量化说明。 §6.4.2 确定利益攸关者、 主要关注点和业务需求 Business Scenario 业务场景 An appropriate and useful technique to discover and document business requirements, and to articulate an Architecture Vision that responds to those requirements. 一种发现和记录业务需求的正确实用方 法,能够阐述响应这些需求的架构愿 景。 Business Transformation Readiness 业务转型就绪性 A technique used for evaluating and quantifying an organization’s readiness to undergo change. 一种评估和量化组织是否已准备好变革 的方法。 Common Systems Architectures 通用系统架构 An architecture type from the Enterprise Continuum that guides the selection and integration of specific services from a Foundation Architecture to create a reusable solution across a wide number of relevant domains. Enterprise 连续统一体中的一种架构类 型,能够指导从基础架构中选择和整合 特定的服务,以打造可在一系列相关域 中重复使用的解决方案。 Compliance Assessment 合规性评估 Once an architecture has been defined, it is necessary to govern that architecture through implementation to ensure that the original Architecture Vision is appropriately realized and that any implementation learnings are fed back into the architecture process. Periodic compliance reviews of implementation projects provide a mechanism to review project progress and ensure that the design and implementation is proceeding in-line with the strategic and architectural objectives. 一旦定义了架构,就需要通过实施治理 架构,以确保妥善实现最初的架构愿 景,并将实施经验反馈到架构流程中。 对实施项目进行定期合规性评估是一种 评估项目进度的有效方式,能够确保设 计和实施进度与战略和架构目标保持一 致。 §30.5 内容元模型实体 §6.3.8 (阶段 A)构筑架 构愿景 §26 业务转型就绪性评估 §35.4.1 架构连续统一体 §32.2.13 合规性评估 内容框架 §29.4 概述(架构内容框 The TOGAF Architecture Content TOGAF 架构内容框架为架构内容提供了 架) Framework provides a structural model for 一种结构模型,有助于一致地定义、组 architectural content that allows major 织和呈现主要工作产物。 work products to be consistently defined, structured, and presented. Content Framework TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> 31 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Domain 域 §4.5.4 架构域 The architectural area being considered. 需要考虑的架构领域。 Enterprise Architecture Enterprise Architecture The purpose of Enterprise Architecture is to optimize across the enterprise the often fragmented legacy of processes (both manual and automated) into an integrated environment that is responsive to change and supportive of the delivery of the business strategy. Enterprise Architecture 的目的是对 Enterprise 内经常呈碎片化存在的旧流程 (手动和自动)进行优化,并将其整合 到一个可对变化做出快速响应并支持业 务战略实施的集成环境中。 Governance Log 治理日志 The Governance Log provides a record of governance activity across the enterprise. The Governance Log provides a repository area to hold shared information relating to the ongoing governance of projects. Maintaining a shared repository of governance information is important, because decisions made during projects (such as standards deviations or the rationale for a particular architectural approach) are important to retain and access on an ongoing basis. 治理日志提供了整个 Enterprise 的治理活 动记录。治理日志提供了一个保管持续 项目治理共享信息的库。维护治理信息 共享库十分重要,因为组织需要持续保 存和访问项目期间的决策(比如标准偏 差或特定架构方法原理)。 Implementation Governance 实施治理 Provides an architectural oversight of the implementation. 监督架构的实施。 Industry Architecture 行业架构 Characteristics of Industry Architectures include the following: 行业架构具有以下特点: Reflects requirements and standards specific to a vertical industry 定义特定类属问题域的构建块 Defines building blocks specific to a generic problem domain §1.3 要点综述 §2.7 架构库 §14 阶段 G:实施治理 §35.4.1 架构连续统一体 反映特定垂直行业的需求和标准 包含特定行业逻辑数据和流程模型 包含特定行业应用和流程模型及特定行 Contains industry-specific logical data and 业业务规则 process models 为系统测试集提供指南 Contains industry-specific applications 推动实现全行业互操作性 and process models, as well as industryspecific business rules Provides guidelines for testing collections of systems Encourages levels of interoperability throughout the industry 32 The Open Group 标准(年) 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model (III-RM) 综合信息基础设施参考模型 (III-RM) TOGAF 系列指南:综合 信息基础设施参考模型 Like the TOGAF TRM, the III-RM has two main components: 1. A taxonomy, which defines terminology, and provides a coherent description of the components and conceptual structure of an integrated information infrastructure. 与 TOGAF TRM 相同,III-RM 包括两个 主要组件: 1.分类,对术语进行了定义,并为综合信 息基础设施的组件和概念结构提供了一 致的描述。 2.相关 III-RM 图形,以可视化形式呈现 分类及各个组件之间的关系,以帮助理 解。 2. An associated III-RM graphic, which provides a visual representation of the taxonomy, and the inter-relationship of the 该模型假设存在一个基础的计算和网络 平台(如在 TRM 中所述),但未对两者 components, as an aid to understanding. 进行描述。 The model assumes the underlying existence of a computing and network platform, as described in the TRM; these are not depicted in the model. Migration Planning 迁移计划 How to move from the Baseline to the Target Architectures by finalizing a detailed Implementation and Migration Plan. 敲定详细的实施和迁移计划,以便从基 础架构迁移至目标架构。 Opportunities and Solutions 机遇和解决方案 This phase describes the process of identifying delivery vehicles (projects, programs, or portfolios) that effectively deliver the Target Architecture identified in previous phases. 该阶段描述了确定交付方式(项目、项 目群或谱系)的流程,以便有效交付前 阶段制定的目标架构。 Partitioning 分区 Architectures are partitioned because: 架构分区的原因在于: Organizational unit architectures conflict with one another 组织单位之间的架构互相冲突 Different teams need to work on different elements of architecture at the same time and partitions allow for specific groups of architects to own and develop specific elements of the architecture Effective architecture re-use requires modular architecture segments that can be taken and incorporated into broader architectures and solutions §13 阶段 F:迁移计划 §12 阶段 E:机遇和解决 方案 §36 架构分区 不同的团队需要同时处理不同的架构元 素,分区有助于特定的架构师小组管理 和开发特定的架构元素 有效的架构复用需要模块化架构分区, 并且这些分区能够被整合到更广泛的架 构和解决方案中 TOGAF® 标准 9.2 版翻译词汇表:英语 – <简体中文> 33 英语 <简体中文> TOGAF 9.2 参考 Preliminary 预备阶段 §5 预备阶段 This phase describes the preparation and initiation activities required to meet the business directive for a new Enterprise Architecture, including the definition of an Organization-Specific Architecture framework and the definition of principles. 该阶段描述了业务指示要求的新 Enterprise Architecture 准备工作和启动活 动,包括定义组织特定架构框架和原则 等。 Request for Architecture Work 架构工作要求 This is a document that is sent from the sponsoring organization to the architecture organization to trigger the start of an architecture development cycle. Requests for Architecture Work can be created as an output of the Preliminary Phase, a result of approved architecture Change Requests, or terms of reference for architecture work originating from migration planning. 该文档由发起组织发送给架构组织,标 志着架构开发周期的开始。架构工作要 求的创建可以被视为初期阶段的产物, 或者是经过审核的架构变更要求的结 果,又或者是对迁移计划下架构工作的 参考。 Requirements Management 需求管理 Management of the requirements, a quantitative statement of business need that must met by a particular architecture or work package. 需求管理是对特定架构或工作包必须满 足的业务需求的量化说明。 Statement of Architecture Work 架构工作说明书 The Statement of Architecture Work defines the scope and approach that will be used to complete an architecture project. The Statement of Architecture Work is typically the document against which successful execution of the architecture project will be measured and may form the basis for a contractual agreement between the supplier and consumer of architecture services. 架构工作说明书定义了架构项目的范围 和所采取的方法,通常是评估架构项目 是否成功执行的依据,也可能构成供应 商和架构服务消费者签订的合同协议的 基础。 To-Be Architecture 准架构 The description of a future state (or target) of the architecture (enterprise or solution) being developed for an organization. There may be several future states developed as a roadmap to show the evolution of the architecture to a target state. 对组织正在开发的架构(ENTERPRISE 或解决方案)未来状态(或目标)的描 述。可能会以路线图的形式描述多种未 来状态,以显示架构向目标状态的演 进。 34 §32.2.17 架构工作要求 §16 ADM 架构需求管理 §32.2.1 架构工作说明书 §3.75 目标架构 The Open Group 标准(年)