COGNITIVE Focuses on intellectual skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and creating knowledge base. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY for Learning Outcomes LEARNING DOMAINS AFFECTIVE Focuses on attitudes, values, interests and appreciation of learners. Allows learners to understand what their own values are and how they have developed. PSYCHOMOTOR Focuses on the ability of the learners to physically accomplish tasks and perform movement and skill. COGNITIVE Original Cognitive Domain is divided into the following levels of learning: Lower Level Knowledge Remember previously learned information. Arrange Define Describe Duplicate Identify Label List Match Name Order Outline Recall Record Relate Remember Repeat Reproduce Review Select State Tell Higher Level Comprehension Demonstrate an understanding of the facts. Associate Characterize Classify Compare Convert Defend Describe Differentiate Discuss Distinguish Estimate Explain Express Extend Generalize Give Example(s) Identify Infer Interpret Locate Operate Paraphrase Predict Report Restate Rewrite Schedule Shop Show Relationship of Sketch Summarize Translate Application Apply knowledge to actual situations. Apply Change Choose Compute Construct Debate Demonstrate Diagram Discover Dramatize Employ Examine Exercise Experiment Illustrate Inspect Interpret Inventory Manipulate Modify Operate Organize Practice Predict Prepare Produce Question Relate Solve Systematize Translate Use Utilize Write Analysis Break down objects or ideas into simpler parts and find evidence to support generalizations. Analyze Appraise Break Down Calculate Categorize Compare Contrast Criticize Deconstructs Determine Diagram Differentiate Discriminate Distinguish Examine Experiment Identify Illustrate Infer Investigate Manage Model Observe Organize Outline Prepare Point Out Question Relate Select Separate Setup Subdivide Test Synthesis Compile component ideas into a new whole or propose alternative solutions. Arrange Assemble Assess Categorize Choose Collect Combine Compile Comply Compose Conceive Conclude Construct Create Design Develop Devise Estimate Explain Formulate Generate Imagine Invent Measure Modify Organize Plan Prepare Propose Rearrange Reconstruct Relate Reorganize Revise Rewrite Set Up Summarize Synthesize Tell Theorize Write Evaluation Make and defend judgments based on internal evidence or external criteria. Accept Appraise Argue Assess Attach Calculate Choose Compare Conclude Consult Contrast Criticize Critique Decide Defend Describe Discriminate Discuss Estimate Evaluate Explain Interpret Judge Justify Measure Predict Rate Reject Relate Revise Score Select Summarize Support Value Revised Bloom’s Cognitive Domain is divided into the following levels of learning: Lower Level Higher Level Remembering Recalling information Arrange Choose Compile Count Define Describe Draw Find Identify Label List Locate Match Name Omit Outline Point Quote Recall Recite Record Relate Repeat Reproduce Select Sequence Show Spell State Tell Underline Write Understanding Explaining idea or concepts Articulate Associate Categorize Classify Compare Compute Connect Contrast Convert Defend Demonstrate Discuss Distinguish Estimate Explain Extrapolate Extend Generalize Give Examples Illustrate Indicate Infer Interpret Interrelate Match Outline Paraphrase Predict Relate Rephrase Represent Restate Rewrite Select Show Specify Summarize Translate Applying Using information in another situation Add Apply Build Calculate Change Chart Choose Classify Complete Compute Construct Develop Devise Discover Divide Dramatize Establish Examine Experiment with Explain Generalize Graph Judge Identify Implement Interpolate Interview Manipulate Make use of Model Modify Operate Organize Perform Paint Plan Prepare Produce Select Show Sketch Solve Subtract Use Utilize Analyzing Breaking information into parts Analyze Arrange Assume Breakdown Characterize Categorize Classify Combine Compare Conclude Contrast Correlate Debate Deduct Detect Diagram Differentiate Dissect Distinguish Discover Discriminate Examine Identify Illustrate Infer Inspect List Outline Point out Question Relate Select Separate Simplify Solve Subdivide Survey Take part in Test for Evaluating Justifying a decision or course of action Agree Appraise Assess Award Choose Conclude Compare Criticize/Critique Decide Deduct Defend Determine Estimate Evaluate Explain Grade Hypothesize Influence Interpret Judge Justify Mark Measure Predict Prioritize Provide Opinion on Prove Rank Rate Recommend Rule on Select Support Test Validate Value Creating Generating a new idea or concept Adapt Build Change Choose Combine Compile Compose Construct Create Delete Design Develop Devise Discuss Drive Elaborate Estimate Formulate Generate Hypothesize Imagine Improve Integrate Invent Make/Make up Maximize Minimize Modify Originate Organize Plan Predict Produce Prescribe Propose Reconstruct Reorganize Revise Rewrite Role Play Solve Suppose Theorize Transform AVOID Objectives that are difficult to measure Any noun Amplify Appreciate Believe Capacity Comprehend Conceptualize Experience Explore Feel Gain Insight Hear Intelligence Improve Words to Avoid Increase Know Learn Listen Memorize Perceive Realize Recognize See Self-Actualize Think Understand About Appreciation for Acquainted with Adjusted to Awareness of Be aware Become familiar with Capable of Comprehension of Cognizant of Enjoyment of Phrases to Avoid Conscious of Familiar with Interest in Interested in Knowledge of Knowledgeable about To become Understanding of AFFECTIVE Lower Level Receiving Responding Valuing Organizing Demonstrates a willingness to participate in the activity Shows interest in the objects, phenomena, or activity by seeking it out or pursuing it for pleasure Internalizes an appreciation for (values) the objectives, phenomena, or activity Begins to compare different values, and resolves conflicts between them to form an internally consistent system of values Ask Accept Acknowledge Assume Attend (to) Be alert Be sensitive Be willing to hear Choose Contribute Cooperate Describe Discriminate Erect Follow Give Hold Identify Locate Meet Name Observe Point to Receive Reply Select Sit Use Volunteer Accept Agree Aid Allow Answer Ask Assist Attempt Be loyal to Be willing Choose Communicate Comply Conform Consider Cooperate Demonstrate Describe Devote Discuss Display Engage Enrich Exhibit Extend Follow Give Greet Help Identify Label Locate Look Notify Obey Offer Participate Perform Practice Prefer Present Read Recite Relay Reply Report Respond Select Tell Try Write Adopt Aid Assume Responsibility Care (for) Complete Compliment Continue Desire Contribute Demonstrate Delay Differentiate Enable Encourage Endorse Enforce Evaluate Examine Expedite Explain Follow Form Foster Guide Grow Initiate Interact Invite Join Justify Maintain Monitor Participate Praise Preserve Propose Query React Read Report Respect Seek Select Share Study Subscribe Suggest Support Thank Uphold Work Adhere Alter Anticipate Arrange Be realistic Collaborate Combine Compare Complete Confer Consider Consult Coordinate Crystallize Defend Design Direct Establish Explain Facilitate Follow through Form judgement Formulate Generalize Identify Integrate Investigate Judge Lead Manage Modify Order Organize Oversee Plan Prepare Qualify Recommend Regulate Relate Revise Simplify Synthesize Test Vary Weigh Higher Level Characterizing/ Internalizing Adopts a long-term value system that is "pervasive, consistent, and predictable Act Administer Advance Advocate Aid Approach Arrive Be consistent Challenge Change Commit (to) Counsel Criticize Debate Defend Disagree Discriminate Display Dispute Empathize Endeavor Enhance Examine Excuse Forgive Influence Judge Modify Motivate Negotiate Object Perform Persevere Persist Plan Practice Praise Profess Promote Promulgate Propose Qualify Question Ready Reject Relay Resolve Revise Seek Serve Solve Strive Tolerate Verify View Volunteer (for) PSYCHOMOTOR (R. H. Dave) Lower Level Imitating Observing and copying someone else. Manipulating Exacting/Precision Articulating Guided via instruction to perform a skill. Accuracy, proportion and exactness exist in the skill performance without the presence of the original source. Two or more skills combined, sequenced, and performed consistently Assemble Attempt Begin Calibrate Carry Out Construct Copy Dissect Duplicate Follow Mimic Move Organize Practice Proceed Repeat Reproduce Respond Sketch Start Higher Level Naturalizing/Internalizing Acquire Assemble Complete Conduct Do Execute Improve (the design or process) Maintain Make Manipulate Operate Pace Perform Produce Progress Use Accomplish Achieve Advance Exceed Excel Master Reach Refine Succeed Surpass Transcend Two or more skills combined, sequenced, and performed consistently and with ease. The performance is automatic with little physical or mental exertion. Adapt Alter Change Excel Rearrange Reorganize Revise Surpass Arrange Combine Compose Construct Create Design Originate Refine Transcend PSYCHOMOTOR (E. Simpson) Lower Level Higher Level Perception Set Guided Response Sensory cues guide motor activity Mental, physical, and emotional dispositions that make one respond in a certain way to a situation First attempts at a physical skill. Trial and error coupled with practice lead to better performance. Choose Describe Detect Differentiate Distinguish Identify Isolate Notice Relates Selects Separates Touches Arrange Begin Demonstrate Display Explain Get set Move Prepare Proceed React Show State Volunteer Respond Start Assemble Attempt Build Calibrate Construct Copy Dismantle Display Dissect Fasten Fixe Follow Grind Heat Imitate Manipulate Measure Mend Mix React Reproduce Respond Sketch Trace Try Complex Overt Response Mechanism The intermediate stage in learning a physical skill. Responses are habitual with a medium level of assurance and proficiency Assemble Build Calibrate Complete Construct Dismantle Display Fasten Fix Grind Heat Make Manipulate Measure Mend Mix Organize Perform Shape Sketch Complex movements are possible with a minimum of wasted effort and a high level of assurance they will be successful Assemble Build Calibrate Complete Construct Dismantle Display Fasten Fix Grind Heat Make Manipulate Measure Mend Mix Organize Operate Perform Shape Sketch Note: the key words are the same as mechanism, but will have adverbs or adjectives that indicate that the performance is quicker, better, more accurate Adaptation Origination Movements can be modified for special situations New movements can be created for special situations Adapt Adjust Alter Change Integrate Modify Rearrange Reorganize Revise Solve Vary Arrange Build Combine Compose Construct Create Design Formulate Initiate Make Modify Originate Redesign Troubleshoot