Uploaded by Prarthana Vinoth

Sustainability Project Initial Ideas Record

Candidate number
Candidate’s full name
Record of initial ideas
To be completed by the candidate
This page records initial meeting(s) with your supervisor to agree your project ideas. Additional pages
can be submitted, if more than one idea has been explored
My ideas for topic/title
I would like to do a project on sustainability as I am interested in the environment and I intend to
study something linked to ecology in the future.
A possible idea for the topic is sustainable housing and a possible title would be ‘Which factors
most influence the development of sustainable housing in UK urban areas?’
My ideas for research and development of my project
Initially I shall consult websites. So far I have identified the following sites as potential starting
Sustainable Housing foundation – official website
Sustainable Homes – official website
BRE Group – official website of a private organisation investing in sustainable homes.
In addition, I have found the following article to start my research
Contextual factors influencing sustainability in private finance initiative (PFI) housing in the UK by
Hope, Alexander (Northumbria University) – This is not an official publication but has links to other
I also intend to use the following book which is produced by BRE (see above);
Garwood, R., Logan, S., Mills, K., and Willoughby, N., 2002. Sustainability Lessons from Private
Finance and similar Private Initiatives. BRE.
My summary of the comments and advice from my supervisor
My supervisor said I had an excellent range of initial sources and that I should keep a detailed log
of my research giving reasons for using and discarding sources.
My supervisor said I should look at other possible titles within the same topic area and decide
which one would best fit my interests and the information available to me following initial research.
Modifications I have made as a result of mydiscussion with my supervisor
I have created a word document as a research log. I will record the following information;
Source type - Author/Producer - Publication date - Relevant sections - Usefulness
This will allow me to demonstrate my research and also to keep track of eveeything I have
consulted in order to map it on to my written report. Organisation is not my strongest point so this
document will be very useful.
September 2017