{}-'-l;;l;rli,..-{:!:i3 S;..ie:'.i-t,r'rr,igr.:: ,tri g, :: ; til,:': i- ii: -::e i'st R e;,., : , ::i] t-*"E.' ieiin !:t or-,.. oj.'i-.1i1: ',r,,o'r'ii'; ir,:g,;r;-, r::alti:i'lct.,.;r- af$ 3f ijelli{-:ottductoi";, l: jgo klc-,,,,.ir. as cojltlii:r:.1- :irii:s. fc1 iu i s a-r i:it*;'l: :.:ricit ai -,-i'{:i:;:;:il} }-liiiic'ir il; 1:1i;s5: 5i.i.r, .,...ii.ii iii;:':'.re.i E*l::ril iiririi;iii.,, ti,s. -:li.ei- l0C.t]00 elili]loyeeE, aiiii a i:itr:ltirr;l of' :iirctf 5L] ir: tl:i: Fc.rtr:ne 5-01,). Siqcr: its si:,r.r'i in i980. ?ehn hail scld i-il s+:niicor.rducicls tr: r.ire :riii i l g; ;:r i:.n u iiici u.r'ers <;i' pet'son ii i la].i1iii):iier s i'Cs). lirliir iia-, saki tirese 1:iccl-ei;i:; ti,r;:cr,:-11i: iis : ,:t.'i-l i:;:tlrio-.ei: s;les,eopie, wi:i,; are irigirl;1' cdir.- :ai.rd iiirfi i.raineri dect-r'iral ellgir1eelrs.'iliiese rrretitber's oi iire llelin saie:,i io;-ce pi-iiii: ';hcrl'i'ta.cebvili. seivcs or;. tl:c clcse lelaiionsl:ii: the3 ''';lth tireir cllsioirlels, the PC 1]1a.lie rs. iit.".r evei'. aft l.r ;'e ari; of pirenomenal g:'o-ovth, lhe PC i:rark-e.t. has i-:egln'r to 1e.,,el o{T. ?his has led'Islin to degelo;t nerr lines of ntcie si-:ecializeC proclnct"s. These proCucts slili use thi: s:irne techrrclo;f fou;rii in Tblin's ccmrui<,.r clrips" l:ui thi:-r, at'e rlucli ir]ol'il \,,ei'sAtile, kr othei'r-,,ord*". 'Lhe3la:r l:er integ-i'a.ted inio a x,ide lange of-lrroilucis :.;tJrcr tlro.tt PCs. The ne-.,,i Telin r:hips can be used i:r cel1 phones, r'ideo galre inacieii:.es, to3rs, ar:ri ii -,-ariei.3, of Inielnei. clata piocessing pr"criri.cis. Tlee foiloiving exchauge is l:et-*€eIr Lri'Lr) Telin sales execritives: Jirn Pierce ancl Pam )Iudge.'Ihese execntives tiisagzee as to irorv tr; 'srganize the sales fcrce that r":i11 i:e seiling iiiese nerv ilj-oducts. iim Pierce believes T'elin shouici sell the nerv iihc ot'p,r,rlucts tlrlough irs or{iir produci-speciaiized sa.}es for"ce (i.e., he ',',;drits Teiin tr-r tiire a serral-ate g1'o1tp of 20 salespeopte tirat ri,'oulel exciusively seil the r:ew- proeluit iirre io ihe manufac'curers of cei). phone:" eic.). Par:r }"{ndge. or: l.he othcr hairri, beiieves 1]re neu' iine cctild be sold more e{Iectivelr, anrl effi ciently tlrrorig.h n a-nuiacturers' reps. Jim Pier'*u:: You rva-nt to ciittsot-r.rte tire sales fi.rnction? You're crazyt, Parui il,iudge: \'Yeli, I thinh rn'e shonld use marlufacturer's' reps to seli our nera producis-i d,ldn't really thjnh cf that as "outsourcing'sale*". Jiiqr Fier:ce: Brit thai'e exacily that 1,6111'1s proposing. X'Ianr":.facturers' reps are noi, our' iri:iili.i-!,:'i:ia.'.1'i:il.,-'i'Lt :l,iii,o:l-r':iiiil,rirl 'i'i;rl'!.;-irr:t a]-!-i:t ji,:-t iir i.ire.t:si:ii,:r,:ii--n.;; i:-c" ']'i,. irre . i'r's .:.,-: ,.ifii::'i-.i:i l,lrilrr +i.;-isi,;itt't:t*g aii.ir i,rp.--Jicii C]'ilcess (]: ial i;r ii-rl1i;-o.a- s*l-eicr.,, il:{{iepi iiir;:.i, :ii*.1:r:g:er;.rie il;:c rllc i trii: t t-i i-r r: i tl aii.i -r' s i-i f l-r'1...-. i]r; li;.r':. . ib "_:':i:i.u - -r-r-iraier.ei ;. : :. r y",arli, brit -i.oli r-' e5 r',; r---ri., :j, t ;i ;,.;,. r :i' l r ii 1.:' t,. I rliil i"irinl" i-i's tr're l-rl:si. t.:,.i idea. e,!!r:I !-tc;':."i-: i',tlr. i :i i:l:i ii L ;: ict ltilli !(i-:., 'ijili,;. {-}ur' sri}e.lpr:iii1e a.e 1L;.i.i ii; ihe cr-lsiiiiiici3. (lustarr;crs fbl'n:';1-reil' ir.iilll'r,:.3sir.;n. of ?-r:ii;r tirroi:gir the salcs;i.1,-ro1"ili,'. i r.;oul1 ,1,:aie t.c icr.i'c lliat to soil1e lilil-iLlifa,ciiii'cll;' i:+'r; ir.h,r C-ires rii,i. even'ivoi"ir i!r-r' r-is, -:,r._*-'n,;"-,1--..^. r';ii,^r rf i.i{i t]:i;1li x,e sjtcrrifi f]o,i Ji::; Fie.'E:e: i l,hir-r1r r",'r: shnulri hire 2{} sair:speople ic focris e>:clu..:ivel'l cn the ng1.,' pt'rlriuct lines. Olil' c\',/r i ]ilo ill1 cN-spscia ti zsd sa les fbrr;e il r.vha.t rve nee,J. T'hey cculd focus on rieveloping lelatiorrsl:ips wi'L]: oilr'Ilsv; set of cliellts. Eriilrling and n:aintaii:ing thi;sc lelafiolisiriJ)s i"vas the liey to oirr success rviih the PC rr:ahers. Faim il.ferdge: Yes, buri it tool; a" loilg tiure to cle-/elDp th$se i'elaticnship-. rvitit iBI*{, Del}. aird ali the oi,her PC ;latuirictruers. Oul i;ranC name inea[s next to nothirg j:r these rre11: ll]arkets, arrl lv€ ]lee{l to n:ove fast. There ale r:1ailrifacturers' r'eps that have already establi.sherl relationships rvith ihe ccrlpanies in tl:js ner,.' raarhet. 1"lre irp"ve rrerl, liitie tiiae. Hir"ing ar:d training a rvhole trelv sales fbrce rould talie a C1 .,ri,,,, I couple of yearc. Fieree; r'Ye'd i-iii'e sale-"people rvi'r,h i:acl,'"Ei.r* glounds irr e]ecti'icr:1 engineering-tire-y shoui il catch on pretty qr,iichiy . . . Falar F,9esdge: Did ihink aitori"r. horv lluch ii rvould cosi tc hire and then train ali thr.rse engiireers? I r:rean, they'd probai:i5' eacir expecr a corl}pensation package \i,'orEh .sgii s-,isr' $100,000 apiecel ?raining thern r-;orrld cost tens of thcusands of doilars mole. "Manufacturers' reps are experienced salespeople that a::e a'irear11. traineC. and \ye'd pay them 100 percent commissioir, sc they d only cosi us utotley if the--,. lvere successiirl. It's rrrich less risir".,'. ./cr1 c?er Jim pieree: Yes, but how could they be successfuf at seiling our products when Telin is just one of maybe 20 ccmpanies that they represent! What percent of their time do you thilk they'll de:rote tn our products? Fam Mudge: I don't knorv, but actually these otlrer products they sell contplemerut out praducts-they don't compete with them! So the manufacturers' reps can provide total solutions to our customers. Sure, our o'r,tn salespeople r,vould focus 100 percent on Telin products, but custorners might rather see a salesperson rvho is selling them every*hing they need. "Iim. Piercel f thought mnnufacf,urers' reps rvere for small cornpanies that couldn"t afford their owrt sales force. Our total sales revenue last year v/as over $SO bitiionl Faun Mudge: Jim, there are lots of big companies that use manufacturers' reps, including Motorola, lBM, and.Texas Instruments, to name afew. rlirn Fierce: I guess I did,o't knorv that. But still, it scares me to outsource our sales functian. Pam lVludge:We have tc think about nelv lYays of organizing our business. I'm convinced that menufacturers'reps are the best way to pursue this new market. Questions: 1" Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Telin's using a) Its own, product-specialized sales force for its new line of products. b) Manufacturers'reps to sell its nerv line of products. 9. \trhich side are you on? Explain your swet'. an-