The blood system Includes nutrientsthoughbody Iatiadthfanes blood bloodvessels Leaf carry thought blood capitanes body arteries venus blood pumps clambered pimp 4 pop Harvey bloodthe was Galen thought come from arguedbyages heart by poured turn internal moment of blood vessel blood through Arteries thick muscle tissue elastic fibres alla to push blood though attend to allow blood to god then contract to push inelastic collagen fibres he Rudge so it doesnt burst beak up if it bursts too high pose fast for platelets to fix peed pressure high narrow high speed even artery pulmonary except blood Oxygenated to body tissue heat from Veins Carry from blood deoxygenated to heart tissue body anton heart low speed low pressure reducesresistance to bloodflow too lumen large thin walls to tompese Good toy other muscles squish it to values to prevent backflow Capillaries very small so have small lumen blood take oxygenated from take astres deoxygenated blood to veins gas exchange thin wall lone cell thick