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GED Math Vo cabulary
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/ged-math-vo cabulary241778 3
Area can be understood as the amount of materi al wi th a gi ven thi ckness that
area F or rectangl es, area = l ength * wi dth or A = l w
woul d be necessary to f ashi on a model of the shape, or the amount of pai nt
necessary to cover the surf ace wi th a si ngl e coat.
T he ci rcumf erence i s the di stance around a cl osed curve, usual l y a ci rcl e.
ci rcumf erence
Ci rcumf erence i s a speci al peri meter.
di ameter
di ameter
di f f erence
T wo radi i OR the di stance compl etel y across a ci rcl e and through the center of a
ci rcl e.
T he di f f erence i s the answer to a SUBT RACT I ON probl em. 8-5=3 T he di f f erence
between 8 and 5 i s 3. ^ di f f erence
GED Math Vo cabulary
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/ged-math-vo cabulary241778 3
di scount D i scount = ori gi nal pri ce - sal e pri ce
eval uate
expressi on - several or many products or quoti ents added wi th or subtracted f rom
one another
A di scount i s a "mark down." D i scounts are reducti ons to a basi c pri ce of goods or
servi ces.
M athemati cs T o cal cul ate the numeri cal val ue of ; express numeri cal l y. T o
eval uate 3x+4 f or x=2, cal cul ate 3(2)+4=6+4=10.
E xampl e: 3x+2-4/y+12y 2x+1 3xyz
M arkup i s the di f f erence between the cost of a good or servi ce and i ts sel l i ng
markup M arkup= sal e pri ce - cost
pri ce. A markup i s added on to the total cost i ncurred by the producer of a good
or servi ce i n order to create a prof i t.
GED Math Vo cabulary
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/ged-math-vo cabulary241778 3
paral l el ogram
paral l el ogram
I n geometry, a paral l el ogram i s a quadri l ateral wi th two pai rs of paral l el si des. A
paral l el ogram i s f ormed f rom the i ntersecti on of 2 sets of paral l el l i nes.
I n mathemati cs, a percentage i s a way of expressi ng a number as a f racti on of 100
(per cent meani ng "per hundred" i n Lati n). I t i s of ten denoted usi ng the percent si gn,
"%", or the abbrevi ati on "pct". F or exampl e, 45% (read as "f orty-f i ve percent") i s
equal to 45/100, or 0.45.
the di stance around the shape OR the sum of al l the si des of a strai ght-edged
peri meter
probabi l i ty 0% probabi l i ty = no chance
Probabi l i ty i s a way of expressi ng knowl edge or bel i ef that an event wi l l occur or
100% probabi l i ty = absol ute chance 50%
has occurred. T he concept has been gi ven an exact mathemati cal meani ng i n
probabi l i ty = equal l y l i kel y to occur or
probabi l i ty theory, whi ch i s used extensi vel y i n such areas of study as
not occur
mathemati cs, stati sti cs, f i nance, gambl i ng, and sci ence.
GED Math Vo cabulary
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/ged-math-vo cabulary241778 3
T he product i s the answer to a M ULT I PLI CAT I ON probl em. 5*7=35 T he product
of 5 and 7 i s 35. ^ product
proporti on E xampl e: number of mi l es
dri ven i s proporti onal to the amount of
gasol i ne used
I n mathemati cs, two quanti ti es are proporti onal i f they vary i n such a way that one
of them i s a constant mul ti pl e of the other. E xampl e: 3 i s rel ated to 12 i n the
same way that 8 i s rel ated to 32 because 3*4=12 and 8*4=32. T hi s si tuati on i s
proporti onal .
T he quoti ent i s the answer to a D I VI SI ON probl em. 48/6=8 T he quoti ent of 48
quoti ent
and 6 i s 8. ^ quoti ent
radi us
radi us
I n cl assi cal geometry, a radi us of a ci rcl e or sphere i s any l i ne segment f rom i ts
center or axi s of symmetry to i ts peri meter.
GED Math Vo cabulary
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/ged-math-vo cabulary241778 3
rati o
1. Rel ati on i n degree or number between
two si mi l ar thi ngs. 2. 3. M athemati cs A
rati o
rel ati onshi p between two quanti ti es,
normal l y expressed as the quoti ent of one
di vi ded by the other: T he rati o of 7 to 4
i s wri tten 7:4 or 7/4.
T he sum i s the answer to an AD D I T I ON probl em. 3+4=7 T he sum of 3 and 4 i s 7. ^
surf ace area
surf ace area
Surf ace area i s the measure of how much exposed area a sol i d obj ect has,
expressed i n square uni ts.
trapez oi d
I n geometry, a f our-si ded f i gure wi th one pai r of paral l el si des i s ref erred to as a
trapez oi d
trapez oi d. A trapez oi d i s f ormed f rom the i ntersecti on of one set of paral l el l i nes
and one set of nonparal l el l i nes.
GED Math Vo cabulary
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/ged-math-vo cabulary241778 3
vol ume
vol ume E xampl e: T he vol ume of the
Vol ume i s how much three-di mensi onal space a substance (sol i d, l i qui d, gas, or
swi mmi ng pool i s 480 cubi c f eet.
pl asma) or shape occupi es or contai ns.