Uploaded by Paul Atari

Word Final Exam: Formatting & Health Risks of Pot Belly

Word Final Exam
Instructions: Attempt all questions
Whereas women carry excess weight around the thighs and back, men usually carry it
around the belly. Commonly known as a ‘pot belly’, is dangerous. Indeed
Men with a weight size great than 40 inches
(102 cm) are considered at risk of health problems.
Deep belly fat not act as an inert lump of fat, but as an active organ releasing substance
That can be harmful to the body because it sits within striking distance of the heart, liver,
Guys and other organs- pressing on them, feeding them poisons, and messing with their
Daily functions.
For instance, this large fat deposit releases free fatty acid that impair one’s ability to
Breaking down the hormone insulin (too much insulin in your system can lead to
Fat also secrete substance that increase the risk of the heart attack and strokes. As well as
the Stress hormone (cortisol) associated with diabetes and high blood pressure. Having
large amount of fat also interferes with breaking during asleep.
1. Format the title: font type; courier new, size; 18, bold, italic, font colour : red,
underlined, underline color: blue and character spacing expanded by
2. On the second paragraph, apply a drop cap to the letter “D”. (Dropped to three
lines. (2mks)
3. On the 3rd paragraph change the case to the toggle case (2mks)
4. Apply a shadow, bright green boarder to the first paragraph. (3mks)
5. Format the first paragraph, font type: comic san MT, bold, size 14 and justified.
6. Apply a preset background to the document (Early sunset). (2mks)
7. Divide the second paragraph into two columns separated by a line and spacing of
0.3. (2mks)
8. Write a foot note at the bottom of the page on the word “pot belly”.(3mks)
9. Write the sentence, “INFORMATION IS POWER” as a header and “J.N.A” as
footer. (4mks)
10. Insert today’s date after the last paragraph. (1mk)
Save your work in your folder under the name “health matters”.