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Factors Influencing Filtration in Pharmacy

Solution Pharmacy
May 7, 2021 by Sujay Mistry
Factors In+uencing Filtration:
1. Area of 7lter surface
2. Permeability coe<cient (k)
3. Pressure drop
4. Viscosity of Filtrate
5. Thickness of the 7lter cake
1. Area of *lter surface:
Table of Contents
1. 1. Area of :lter surface:
2. 2. Permeability coe>cient (k):
3. 3. Pressure drop:
4. 4. Viscosity of Filtrate:
5. 5. Thickness of the :lter cake:
According to Darcy’s equation, the
rate of 7ltration is directly
proportional to the surface area of
the 7lter medium while according
to the Kozeny-Carman equation
rate of Sow of 7ltrate is inversely
proportional to the speci7c surface
of the 7lter bed. Therefore the rate
of Sow can be enhanced by using
large 7lters. For example in a
rotary drum 7lter, the continuous
removal of 7lter cake provides an
in7nite area of 7ltration.
2. Permeability coe7cient
As the thickness of the cake
increase, the 7ltration will
decrease. The permeability
coe<cient depends on the
characteristic of the cake such as
porosity, compressibility, and
speci7c surface area.
3. Pressure drop:
The rate of 7ltration is
proportional to the pressure
diVerence across both the 7lter
medium and 7lter cake. The
pressure drop can be achieved by
1. Maintaining ahead of slurry above
the 7lter medium. The pressure
developed will depend on the
density of the slurry.
2. The pressure below the 7lter
medium can be reduced below
atmospheric pressure by
connecting the 7lter receiver to a
vacuum pump and developing a
pressure diVerence across the
3. Pumping the slurry into the 7lter
under pressure.
4. Viscosity of Filtrate:
An increase in the viscosity of the
7ltrate will increase the Sow
resistance. The 7ltration rate is
inversely proportional to the
viscosity of the Suid. This problem
can be overcome by two methods:
1. The 7ltration rate can be increased
by raising the temperature of the
slurry. However, it is not practical
for thermolabile materials and also
for volatile 7ltrate.
2. Dilution is another approach, but
the rate must be doubled.
5. Thickness of the *lter
The rate of Sow of the 7ltrate
through the 7lter cake is inversely
proportional to the thickness of
the cake. The preliminary
decanting is used to reduce the
number of solids.
Make sure you also check our other
amazing Article on : Mechanism of
B Pharmacy
factors aVecting Filtration, Factors
InSuencing Filtration
Mechanism of Filtration
Meta Filters
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