Uploaded by Riccardo Crosara

EB-001 -UKCA Bulletin Updating.1

Estimating Bulletin
Date 24/11/22
PAG. 1
UKCA Marking in UK an UKNI Northern Ireland
(updating 14/11/22)
After the exit of Great Britain from European Union (BREXIT) the legislation changed, and
it will affect the manufacturing industry in UK and the delivery of products to UK from
The fall-out of this change will also have implications on Harry Pye’s activities.
The changes in the Legislation affecting HP, are summarized in below table
EU Directive /Regulation
2014/68/EU (PED)
EN 1090 (EU) 305/2011
Pressure equipment - Directive 2014/68/EU
Simple Pressure Vessels
Machinery Directive
Measuring Instruments
Personal protective equipment Regulation
Low Voltage
Fabricated structural steelwork products
UK legislation
Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016
Simple Pressure Vessels (Safety) Regulations 2016
Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2016
Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008
Measuring Instruments Regulations 2016
Regulation 2016/425 on personal protective equipment as brought into UK law and amended
Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016
UK Construction Products Regulation (CPR)
European Directive could be found here: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/homepage.html
Statutory guidance for Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016: Great Britain
Updated on 14 Nov 2022 could be found here:
Statutory guidance for Pressure Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016: Northern
Ireland ,updated 17 Nov 2022 could be found here:
In particular, for Pressure Equipment and Pressure systems which previously required
the CE marking, are now under a ‘new approach’:
UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking is a new UK product marking that is used for
goods being placed on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland).
The UKCA marking came into effect on 1st January 2021. However, to allow businesses
time to adjust to the new requirements, we will still be able to use the CE marking until 1st
January 2025 in most cases.
For more info : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/using-the-ukca-marking
Estimating Bulletin
Date 24/11/22
PAG. 2
OF 6
What are the differences between UKCA and CE marking?
In technical terms, the differences between the requirements for CE marking and for UKCA
marking are slight. Products which meet the technical requirements for one will mostly meet
the requirements for the other for the near future. Most of the differences between the two
systems are administrative in nature and reflect the fact that the UKCA mark only applies
in Great Britain .
Other differences are related to the separation of UK conformity assessment bodies from
the EU Notified Body system. The UKCA is using “Approved Body” instead of Notified
Here the list : https://www.gov.uk/uk-market-conformity-assessment-bodies
Products from the EU and from outside the EU, to be placed on the UK market must
conform to UKCA marking requirements. Product subject to EU based Notified Bodies
undertaking EU conformity assessment will be accepted on the GB market only until 31
December 2025!
This will affect not so much the raw materials (e.g., plates, pipes, etc.) but equipment like
valves, instruments, machineries, etc.
Material manufacture certification of quality assurance provided by an EU body will still be
accepted to satisfy the requirement in the UK of specific product control. Materials must
comply with designated standards or have a particular material appraisal (i.e., ASME
The CE marking will continue to be recognized for products placed on the market in
other 27 EEA European Union countries (Including North Ireland).
The UKCA mark is not accepted by any of the member state or EEA authorities of the
European Union.
If HP currently hold any CE marking certificates for products and they are issued by a UK
notified body, then this certificate is likely to be transferred by them to a UKCA marking
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What aspects are not changing?
For the moment, many facets are the same; the scope of products covered, technical
requirements (essential requirements, standards) and conformity assessment procedures
are all initially identical for the two different markets. If your product is sold in both the EU
and the UK, the technical file to show that it meets these requirements will also be the
Use of ASME codes and Materials required the same procedures as per CE Marking.
What is the specific UK legislation that needs to be followed?
To implement the new regime, the UK government has issued several Statutory
Instruments to amend current legislation. The main regulations are The Product Safety and
Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019, which runs to 659 pages
These regulations amend most of the UK CE marking regulations for products placed on
the UK market and stipulate that the UKCA mark replaces the CE mark.
Are standards changing?
The British Standards Institution (BSI) www.bsigroup.com , emphatically maintains its
commitment to the EN and international standards systems and ‘harmonised standards’
remain best practice for both CE and UKCA marking. The UK regulations term them
designated standards and the lists of harmonised and designated standards are largely
the same. BSI is unlikely to withdraw EN standards but in time the UK designated list is
likely to differ slightly as UK authorities such as HSE bring their influence to bear on
standards which they do not like.
A full list of UK designated standards can be found on the UK Government website:
Glossary (that differ from CE Marking)
Approved Body : A conformity assessment body which has been approved by the
Secretary of State or was previously a UK ‘notified body’ before 1 January 2021.
Authorised Representative :A person appointed in writing by a manufacturer to perform
specific tasks for the manufacturer. From 1 January 2021, authorised representatives for
the GB market must be based in the UK. Manufacturers remain ultimately responsible for
ensuring these tasks are carried out properly.
HP UK Should have appointed already its own Authorised Representative own
Authorised Representative ensuring that requirements are achieved.
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Competent Body: a body such as an Approved Body or a Recognised third-party
Organisation (RTPO) or user inspectorate (UI) recognised as being able to carry out
conformity assessment.
Enforcing Authority – In Great Britain, for equipment intended for use in the workplace,
this is the Health and Safety Executive. For products for consumer use this is local trading
standards authorities. For equipment intended for use on nuclear sites it is the Office for
Nuclear Regulation.
UKCA Marking – The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking is the new UK conformity
marking used for certain goods (including pressure equipment or assemblies) being placed
on the GB market, in place of the CE marking, which is the conformity marking used
in Northern Ireland and the European Union.
UKNI Marking (also known as the UK(NI) indication) – The UKNI marking is a new
marking applied in addition to the CE marking, where a good requiring mandatory thirdparty conformity assessment has been tested against EU requirements by a UK body. The
UKNI marking applies when placing such products on the Northern Ireland market. Under
the Government’s unfettered access commitments, products lawfully marked with the UKNI
marking can also be placed on the GB market if they are also qualifying
Northern Ireland goods.
Synoptic table
Market Access
UK Manufacturer
Product Marking
EU Manufacturer
Product Marking
Great Britain
Northern Ireland
CE or UK(NI)
CE or UK(NI)
CE or UK(NI)
European Union
Code & standards
Official/ competent
Approved Body
Notified Body
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Safety gate
The enforcement of the CE mark is down to individual countries, which have their own
‘Market Surveillance Authorities’.
You can find the non-compliance products here:
In the UK, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) & The GOV.UK website
Failure to comply could lead to a product recalls, prohibition notices, fines or imprisonment.
Conclusions / Actions
The Estimations and Proposals/Quotes, issued by Harris Pye, for Products and Systems
falling under this new Legislation have to comply with UKCA Marking & UKNI Marking.
Since the timeline of the use of CE Marking is close ( 31st Dec. 2024) , the estimators
have to consider the following changes for quotation where the products / systems are
placed in the market in UK.
Impact on Estimations:
Estimators have to be aware on new or increased costs for:
Approved Body for UKCA marking Instead of NoBo for CE Marking.
Material and Equipment sourced outside UK should be UKA Marked
Welders and Welding Process Qualification(WQR & PQR to be check
validity with QC).
NDE Personnel Qualification (to be check validity with QC)
Estimating Bulletin
Date 24/11/22
PAG. 6
OF 6
Impact on Proposal wording:
Estimators must change the quote Wording as following:
All the relevant European Codes must be mentioned as designated standards
with pre prefix ‘BS” (i.e., EU Standard EN100204 shall be: BSEN 100204)
Note that designated standards are subject to Changes from BSI
https://knowledge.bsigroup.com/search?query=&type=all for updating.
CE Marking shall be replaced with UKCA Marking or UKNI Marking
Notified Body (No/Bo), shall be replaced with Approved Body or Competent
Changing language references to English only
Impact on Proposal Scope:
HP has to limiting the applicability to products for the UK market only, excluding
by default the CE marking.
In the event the Client wish to have both Marking: CE and UKCA; there will be
no more the a/m limitation.
Note that double marking (CE+UKCA) will be possible. The related additional
cost & wording upgrading shall be considered.
Issued by Head of Proposal :Riccardo Crosara – Nov. 2022