Uploaded by Jackie Carlo Quilacio

TLE Lesson Plan: Clearing Table Techniques (Grades 9-10)

Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 9 and 10
10:20-11:10, & 11:10-12:00 PM
March 20, 2023
Year and Section: Grade 9 & 10 Technology and Livelihood Education
Specialization: FBS
At the end of the class, 95% of the students will be able to:
a. discuss the different steps in clearing tables
b. demonstrate the different procedures for clearing table after serving the guest
c. appreciate the importance of clearing the table
Subject Matter
A. Topic: Food and Beverage Services: Clearing Table Techniques
B. Grade and Section: Grades 9 & 10
C. Competency Number: TLE_HEFBS9-12SG-IIIi-9
D. References: Carroll, B. (2019). How to Clear a Table Like a Pro. The Spruce Eats.
E. Instructional Materials
A. Preliminary Routine
Teachers Activity
A. Greetings
-Good morning class!
Students’ Activity
-Good morning, Sir Jackie, Mabuhay!
B. Prayer
-Thank you all for that warm welcome.
Before you sit, let’s start our class with a
prayer. Anyone who can lead our prayer for
today? I want to see a hand.
-Okay, go ahead.
C. Arranging the Chairs
-Please arrange your chairs properly and sit
-Me sir! (Raises a hand)
-Okay sir. (prayer)
D. Checking of Attendance
-Before we proceed to our lesson, let me
check your attendance first. Please say
present when your name is called.
E. Lesson Proper
a. Review of the Past Lesson
-Before we start today's lesson, let's review
what we learned last time. Can someone
please recall what we talked about last
-Last class, we talked about the steps
in setting up trays and trolleys.
-That’s correct!
-And also, we learned about how we
may place it in the trays and trolleys.
-Great! Let’s get started!
b. Motivation
- Good morning class! Today we're going to
start our class with a word puzzle game. Are
you all ready?
- yes sir!
-Great! I'll show you some scrambled words
on the screen, and you have to guess what
they are. Are you excited?
-Yes sir!
-So, I want you to get a piece of paper and I
want you to write your name and section in
your paper and write the words that you
think are on the screen. For this activity, you
will have 3 points for each item.
-Okay sir!
(Students started the activity)
c. Presentation of the topics
-Good morning, class! Today, we're going to
talk about clearing tables techniques. Can
anyone tell me what comes into your mind
when you hear the phrase "clearing tables"?
-That's right! Clearing tables is an important
part of food service, whether it's in a
restaurant or at home. It's important to
know the proper techniques to make the
process faster and more efficient.
-It's when you take all the plates and
utensils off the table after eating.
-What techniques are there for
clearing tables?
-How about for glasses and cups?
-Well, there are different techniques
depending on the type of tableware you're
dealing with. For example, for dishes and
utensils, you can use the scrape and stack
method or the gather and go method. You
can also use trays or bus tubs to make the
process easier.
-Ah, good question! For glasses and cups,
you should always handle them by the base
or stem, never by the rim or top. You can
stack them upside down to save space and
prevent dust from settling on the inside.
- Is there anything else we need to
know about clearing tables?
-Yes, it's important to always be polite and
courteous when clearing tables. Thank the
guests for their business and make sure to
leave a clean and tidy table for the next
customer. Remember, good table service is
key to a successful restaurant or event. So
for today’s discussion, I will present to you
using PowerPoint the techniques that we
can use in clearing the tables. I will also
show you some videos so that you will have
an idea of what things we should do! Is that
all right?
(started presenting ppt’s and videos)
-Yes sir!
Return Demonstration and
Evaluation (Use Rubric in grading)
-Now, we will have a very short quiz in
order for me to know what you have
learned this day. I want you to get a piece
of paper and write your name and section.
This is a 5 items quiz with multiple choices.
I will only read the questions twice, okay?
-great! Let’s start!
1. Which of the following is NOT a
proper technique when clearing
a) Clearing plates and utensils first before
the glassware
b) Removing all the glasses at once by
stacking them
2. When carrying plates and glasses,
what is the proper way to hold
-Okay sir!
a) With your fingertips on the rim of the
plates and the stems of the glasses
b) With your palms on the bottom of the
plates and the bodies of the glasses
3. True or False: It is acceptable to
stack dirty dishes and glasses
haphazardly when clearing tables.
a) True
b) False
4. What is the proper order for
clearing tables?
a) Table, trashcans, plates, napkins
b) Plates, napkins, silverware, glassware
5. When clearing a table, what should
you do with any leftover food?
a) Place it back on the serving platter
b) Dispose of it in the trash or compost bin
a. Assignment
-So, for your assignment for today,
Homework Assignment:
Step 1: Clear the table after dinner tonight.
Step 2: Take a picture of the cleared table.
Step 3: Show the picture to the class
That's it! Just a simple task to reinforce the
concept of clearing tables after meals.
Prepared by: Jackie Carlo C. Quilacio
-Yes, sir!