Problems With Current FMC 1. Can’t do 2 consecutive ights or follow the A330. Load the plain Cessna 172 to clear the FMC 13. Click CRUISE for review PREP 1. Create Flightplan in Little Navmap 14. Click Descent for review 2. After start, CLR the NAV DATA OUT OF DATE 15. Click LANDING for review, and NEXT to view Page 2 of data. 3. Click FLT PLN 16. Click FLT PLAN to take you back to the ight plan legs. 4. Click FPL LIST 5. Select ight plan (only page 1 works right now, thus only have 4 .FMS plans in the Output/FMS plans folder). 6. Click ACTIVATE 7. IMPORTANT: Click DEPARTURE rst! 8. Make sure your preselected or desired departure runway (and SID) is selected. 9. If you select a new runway/SID, click ACTIVATE 10. Click PERF INIT 18. On FMC 2, you can click PROG and NEXT for Page 2 to see the TOC and TOD details. AT RUNWAY B4 TAKEOFF 19. Set aps to 15º (2 clicks of keyboard 2) 20. Set trim to green zone AFTER aps are fully set. 21. Above the PFD, select the FMS button 2. On Page 4, enter a value for INIT CRZ ALT (L2 button). 23. On the AP panel, select NAV and VNAV 3. On Page 5 button L2 will show dotted lines and fuel as listed by the gauge. Click the L2 button, which loads the default fuel from the gauge, then click L2 a 2nd time to ll in the data. 24. READY FOR TAKEOFF 11. Click the TAKEOFF button 1. Click NEXT to go through each page for review. 2. On Page 4 click CONFIRM INIT 3. Click NEXT to see V-SPEEDS fi fl fi fl 12. Click CLIMB for review fl 17. Use NEXT and PREV to review the legs of the FP. 1. Click NEXT to go to each page (5 total) 4. Click CONFIRM INIT button. fl fl LR Citation X FMC Checklist 22. Preset ALT for cruise ALT 1. FD and YD will come on 25. Throttles to full 26. Rotate at indicated speed, Gear up 27. Nose up, Flaps up 28. Attain close to climb speed 29. Turn on AP 1. VANV should take over and climb you out. 2. You will need to monitor/adjust throttles back to Climb/Cruise. —————————- 30. At CRUISE: 1. Adjust throttles —————————— 31. BEFORE TOD: 1. Set ALT to your IAF/GS altitude 2. Slightly reduce throttles 32. Intercepting the ILS/GS 1. On panel above PFD, click NAV button 2. Click APP ——————— fl fi 3. Monitor speed/throttles 4. Add aps and gear 33. RNAV Approach 1. NO ILS on Nav Radios 2. Set Course 3. Just prior to capturing GS, set ALT to eld elevation 4. Watch for pink diamonds for GP and Course, then click APPR