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Microsoft Word Quiz: ICT 1st Form - MS Word Basics

Escuela Secundaria Técnica México
Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
1 Form (Semester 2) – Week 8 (20/March/2023 to 24/March/2023)
Intro to Microsoft Word
Name: _____________________________Class: _______ Date: _______/_______/______
Points earned: ______
Total Points: 20 pts.
Section I: Multiple Choice (2 pts. each = 8 pts.)
Instruction: Circle the letter that has the correct answer.
1. We can use Microsoft Word to create all the following documents except.
a. Letters
b. Manuals
c. Gradebook
d. Faxes
2. Is a tab that gives you access to open, save, close, properties, recent file options.
a. Title Bar
b. Home Tab
c. Insert Tab
d. File Tab
3. Contains the name of the application being used and the name of the document that is being
created or edited.
a. Title Bar
b. Status Bar
c. Ribbon Tabs
d. File Tab
4. Takes the shape of an I-beam. Use this tool to make menu selections and to indicate the
location in the document where you want to insert or delete characters.
a. Insertion Pointer
b. Mouse Pointer
c. Touchpad
Section 2: Label the following MS Word Interface using the words provided inside the
box (1 pt. each = 12 pts.)
Teachers: Mr. Raul Correa
1st Form-ICT