TEKNİK RESİMDE KULLANILAN BAŞLICA STANDARTLAR (GD&T) TS EN ISO 128-1 : Technical product documentation (TPD) - General principles of representation - Part 1: Introduction and fundamental requirements This document gives general rules for the execution of technical drawings (2D and 3D), as well as presenting the structure of the other parts of the ISO 128 series. This document is applicable to technical drawing in the fields of mechanical engineering, construction, architecture and shipbuilding. It is applicable to both manual and computer-based technical drawings. For the purpose of this document the term "technical drawing" shall be interpreted in the broadest possible sense, encompassing the total package of documentation specifying the product (workpiece, subassembly, assembly). TS EN ISO 128-2 : Technical product documentation (TPD) - General principles of representation - Part 2: Basic conventions for lines This document establishes the types of lines used in technical drawings (e.g. diagrams, plans or maps), their designations and their configurations, as well as general rules for the draughting of lines. In addition, this document specifies general rules for the representation of leader and reference lines and their components as well as for the arrangement of instructions on or at leader lines in technical documents. Annexes have been provided for specific information on mechanical, construction and shipbuilding technical drawings. For the purposes of this document the term "technical drawing" is interpreted in the broadest possible sense encompassing the total package of documentation specifying the product (workpiece, subassembly, assembly). TS EN ISO 128-3 : Technical product documentation (TPD) - General principles of representation - Part 3: Views, sections and cuts This document specifies the general principles for presenting views, sections and cuts applicable to various kinds of technical drawings (e.g. mechanical, electrical, architectural, civil engineering), following the orthographic projection methods specified in ISO 5456-2. Views and sections for shipbuilding technical drawings are discussed in ISO 128-15. Views and sections for 3D models are discussed in ISO 16792. Attention has also been given in this document to the requirements of reproduction, including microcopying in accordance with ISO 6428. TS EN ISO 129-1 : Technical product documentation (TPD) - Presentation of dimensions and tolerances - Part 1: General principles This document establishes the general principles for presentation of dimensions and associated tolerances that apply to 2D technical drawings in all disciplines and trades but which can also be applied to 3D applications. This document does not cover the application of dimensional tolerances and their meaning. See ISO 14405-1 for tolerancing principles. This document can only be used to describe the nominal model of a drawing, not the non-ideal surface model (skin model) used for tolerancing purposes (for more information on tolerancing specifications, see the list of GPS standards listed as normative reference or as bibliography) Considering the ISO 14405 series, the presentation of tolerance indication is unambiguous when it is applied to a dimension which is a size and ambiguous when the dimension is not a size. All rules presented in this document are available for any type of drawing (see ISO 29845). In addition, this document introduces the concept of property indicators, developed length, between, surface indicators, flag notes and textual instructions. TS EN ISO 1101 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out This document defines the symbol language for geometrical specification of workpieces and the rules for its interpretation. TS EN ISO 1660 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing Profile tolerancing This document gives the rules for geometrical specifications of integral and derived features, using the line profile and surface profile characteristic symbols as defined in ISO 1101. TS EN ISO 2692 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing Maximum material requirement (MMR), least material requirement (LMR) and reciprocity requirement (RPR) This document defines the maximum material requirement (MMR), the least material requirement (LMR) and the reciprocity requirement (RPR). These requirements can only be applied to linear features of size of cylindrical type or two parallel opposite planes type. These requirements are often used to control specific functions of workpieces where size and geometry are interdependent, for example to fulfil the functions “assembly of parts” (for MMR) or “minimum wall thickness” (for LMR). However, the MMR and LMR can also be used to fulfil other functional design requirements. TS EN ISO 5456-1 : Teknik resim- İz düşüm metotları bölüm 1: Toplu bakış Bu standard farklı iz düşüm metotlarını ve bunlarla ilgili geometrik ilişkiler hakkında toplu bir bakışı kapsar. TS EN ISO 5456-2 : Teknik resim- İz düşüm metotları bölüm 2: Dik gösterilişler Bu standard, TS 88 (ISO 128), TS 11397, TS 11398 (ISO 129), TS 10841 (ISO 3098-1), TS 8381 (ISO 3461-2) ve TS ISO 5456-1'de belirtilen genel kurallara uygun teknik sahalara ait teknik resimlerin bütün türleri için dik izdüşüm metodunun uygulamasına dair temel kuralları kapsar. TS EN ISO 5456-3 : Teknik resim- İz düşüm metotları bölüm 3: Aksonometrik gösterilişler Bu standard, teknik resimlerin bütün tipleri için tavsiye edilen aksonometrik gösterilişlerin uygulanmasına ait temel kuralları kapsar. TS EN ISO 5456-4 : Teknik resim- İz düşüm metotları bölüm 4: Merkezi iz düşüm Bu standard, teknik resimlerde merkezi iz düşümün geliştirilmesi ve uygulanması ile ilgili temel kuralları kapsar. TS 11399 : Teknik resim-Boyutlandırma-Makina ile programlama için ölçülendirme Bu standard makine ile programlamayla nümerik kontrollü takım tezgâhlarında imal edilerek parçaların teknik resimlerinin hazırlanması kurallarını kapsar. TS EN ISO 5459:2011 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing Datums and datum systems ISO 5459:2011 specifies terminology, rules and methodology for the indication and understanding of datums and datum systems in technical product documentation. It also provides explanations to assist the user in understanding the concepts involved. ISO 5459:2011 defines the specification operator (see ISO 17450-2) used to establish a datum or datum system. The verification operator (see ISO 17450-2) can take different forms (physically or mathematically) and is not the subject of ISO 5459:2011. The detailed rules for maximum and least material requirements for datums are given in ISO 2692. TS EN ISO 20170 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Decomposition of geometrical characteristics for manufacturing control This document describes principles and tools to control a manufacturing process in accordance with a GPS specification. For this purpose a set of one or more complementary, independent characteristics (size, form, orientation, and location characteristics independent to each other) that correlate to the manufacturing process parameters and to the manufacturing process coordinate system established from the manufacturing datum system are used. This document describes the concept of decomposition of the macro-geometrical part of the GPS specification. It does not cover the micro-geometry, i.e. surface texture. The objective of the decomposition presented in this document is to define correction values for manufacturing control or to perform a statistical analysis of the process. TS EN ISO 3040 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensioning and tolerancing – Cones This International Standard specifies graphical indication applicable to a cone (right-angle circular cones) to define its dimensioning or to specify its tolerancing. For the purposes of this International Standard, the term “cone” relates to right-angle circular cones only (any intersection by a plane perpendicular to the axis of the nominal cone is a circle). TS 1980-1 EN 22768-1 : Genel toleranslar-Bölüm: 1-Toleransı verilmemiş uzunluk ve açı ölçüleri için toleranslar Bu Standard; a) Uzunluk ölçülerine (mesela dış ve iç çıkıntı ölçüleri, çaplar, yarı çaplar, kavi, pah ve havşa yükseklikleri), b) Açı ölçülerine, c) Montajda temasta bulunan işlenmiş yüzeylerin uzunluk ve açı ölçülerine uygulanır. TS 1980-1 EN 22768-1/T1 için toleranslar : Genel toleranslar-Bölüm: 1-Toleransı verilmemiş uzunluk ve açı ölçüleri TS EN ISO 21920-3 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile - Part 3: Specification operators This document specifies the complete specification operator for surface texture by profile methods. TS EN ISO 8062-1 : Mamullerin geometrik özellikleri (gps) - Kalıplanmış parçaların boyut ve şekil toleransları - Bölüm 1: Sözlük Bu standard, mamul geometrik özelliklerine (GPS) uygun olarak dökülmüş parçalara uygulanacak boyutsal ve geometrik toleransların özellik, şekil ve tolerans tiplerini tanımlamada kullanılan terim ve tariflerin yer aldığı bir sözlüğü kapsar. TS EN ISO 8062-3 : Mamullerin geometrik özellikleri (gps) - Kalıplanmış parçaların boyut ve şekil toleransları - Bölüm 3: Dökümler için genel boyutsal ve geometrik toleranslar ile işleme payları Bu standard, ISO 8062-2’ye uygun olarak müşteriye teslim edilen dökümler için genel boyutlar ve geometrik toleranslarla işleme payı kademelerini kapsar. TS 3532 EN ISO 5455 : Teknik resim-Ölçekler Bu standard, tekniğin bütün alanlarındaki teknik resimlerde kullanılan ölçekleri ve bunların gösterimlerini kapsar. TS 5319 : Teknik resim-Taramalar-Kesit yüzeyinin ve malzemenin gösterilişi Bu standard bütün meslek alanlarındaki teknik resimlerde malzeme cinslerini belirtmede kullanılan kesit tarama esaslarını kapsar. TS EN ISO 8826-1 : Teknik resim - Rulmanlı yataklar - Bölüm 1: Genel, sadeleştirilmiş gösteriliş Bu standard rulmanlı yatakların genel sadeleştirilmiş gösterilişine dair kuralları kapsar. TS EN ISO 5457 : Teknik mamul dokümantasyon - Teknik resim paftalarının katlanması ve boyutları Bu standard, bilgisayarla çizilenler dahil mühendisliğin herhangi bir alanda teknik resimlerde kullanılan ön baskılı tabakaların düzenlenmesini ve boyutlarını kapsar. TS EN ISO 6410-1 : Teknik resim-Vida dişleri ve vida dişi açılmış parçalar-Bölüm 1: Genel kurallar Bu standard, vida dişleri ve vida dişi açılmış parçaların teknik resimde gösterilişlerine ait metotları kapsar. TS EN ISO 6410-2 : Teknik resim - Vida dişleri ve vida dişi açılmış parçalar - Bölüm 2: İçe yerleştirilmiş vida dişi açılmış ara parçalar Bu standard, teknik resimlerde iç yüzeyler (mesela delik yüzeyler vb) yerleştirilmiş vida dişli ara parçaların gösterilişine dair metotları kapsar. TS EN ISO 6410-3 : Technical drawings - Screw threads and threaded parts - Part 3: Simplified representation This document establishes rules for the simplified representation of threaded parts, with the exception of screw thread inserts, which are covered in ISO 6410-2. This representation is applicable when it is not necessary to show the exact shape and details of the parts (see ISO 6410-1), for example in assembly drawings. TS EN ISO 3098-1 : Technical product documentation - Lettering - Part 1: General requirements This part of ISO 3098 specifies the general requirements for lettering, in accordance with the other parts of ISO 3098, to be used in technical product documentation (in particular on technical drawings). It includes basic conventions as well as rules for the application of lettering using the following techniques TS EN ISO 6433 : Teknik resim-Parça numaraları TS EN ISO 7083 : Technical product documentation - Symbols used in technical product documentation - Proportions and dimensions This document specifies the recommended proportions for the symbols used in technical product documentation. It gives recommended dimensions based on the grid related to the line width to be used. This document does not apply to symbols used in process plant documentation, which are covered in ISO 81714-1. The proportions of the symbols are based on the standard heights of lettering given in ISO 3098-1. TS EN ISO 8015 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Fundamentals - Concepts, principles and rules ISO 8015:2011 specifies fundamental concepts, principles and rules valid for the creation, interpretation and application of all other International Standards, Technical Specifications and Technical Reports concerning geometrical product specifications (GPS) and verification. It applies to the interpretation of GPS indications on all types of drawings. For the purposes of ISO 8015:2011, the term "drawing" is to be interpreted in the broadest possible sense, encompassing the total package of documentation specifying the workpiece. TS EN ISO 14405-1 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional tolerancing - Part 1: Linear sizes This part of ISO 14405 establishes the default specification operator (see ISO 17450-2) for linear size and defines a number of special specification operators for linear size for features of size, e.g. “cylinder”, “sphere”, “torus,”1), “circle”, “two parallel opposite planes”, or “two parallel opposite straight lines”. It also defines the specification modifiers and the drawing indications for these linear sizes. This part of ISO 14405 covers the following linear sizes: a) local size: — two-point size; — spherical size; — section size; — portion size; b) global size: — direct global linear size: — least-squares size; — maximum inscribed size; — minimum circumscribed size; — minimax size; — indirect global linear size; c) calculated size: — circumference diameter; — area diameter; — volume diameter; 1) A torus is a feature of size when its directrix diameter is fixed. d) rank-order size: — maximum size; — minimum size; — average size; — median size; — mid-range size; — range of sizes; — standard deviation of sizes. This part of ISO 14405 defines tolerances of linear sizes for the following: — a + and/or - limit deviation (e.g. 0/-0,019) (see Figure 11); — an upper limit of size (ULS) and/or lower limit of size (LLS) (e.g. 15,2 max., 12 min., or 30,2/30,181) (see Figure 13); — an ISO tolerance class code in accordance with ISO 286-1 (e.g. 10 h6) (see Figure 12); with or without modifiers (see Tables 1 and 2). This part of ISO 14405 provides a set of tools to express several types of size characteristic. It does not present any information on the relationship between a function or a use and a size characteristic. TS EN ISO 14405-2 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional tolerancing - Part 2: Dimensions other than linear or angular sizes This document illustrates the ambiguity caused by the use of dimensional specifications to control properties other than linear or angular size and the benefit of using geometrical specifications instead. Dimensional tolerancing can be indicated by ± tolerancing or geometrical specifications. The ambiguity caused by using ± tolerances for dimensions other than linear or angular sizes (for individual tolerances and general tolerances according to, e.g. ISO 2768-1 and ISO 8062-3) is explained in Annex A. TS EN ISO 14405-3 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional tolerancing - Part 3: Angular sizes This part of ISO 14405 establishes the default specification operator for angular size and defines a number of special specification operators for features of angular size: cone (truncated, i.e. frustum, or not), wedge (truncated or not), two opposite straight lines (intersection of a wedge/truncated wedge and a plane perpendicular to the intersection straight line of the two planes of the wedge/truncated wedge, intersection of a cone/frustum and a plane containing the axis of revolution of the cone/frustum). TS EN ISO 14638 :Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Matrix model (ISO 14638:2015) This standard specifies the concept of Geometrical Product Specification (ISO GPS), and provides a framework to illustrate how current and future ISO GPS standards address the requirements of the ISO GPS system. TS EN ISO 17450-1 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - General concepts - Part 1: Model for geometrical specification and verification TS EN ISO 17450-2 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - General concepts - Part 2: Basic tenets, specifications,operators, uncertainties and ambiguities TS EN ISO 17450-3 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - General concepts - Part 3: Toleranced features This part of ISO 17450 gives default definitions for the extracted features (integral or derived) of workpieces, which are toleranced features in GPS specifications (dimensional, geometrical, or surface texture specifications). This part of ISO 17450 defines default geometrical features used to define GPS characteristics. TS EN ISO 17450-4 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Basic concepts - Part 4: Geometrical characteristics for quantifying GPS deviations This document specifies general rules for quantifying GPS deviations for individual GPS characteristics. TS EN ISO 12780-1:2011 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Straightness - Part 1: Vocabulary and parameters of straightness TS EN ISO 12780-2 Specification operators : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Straightness - Part 2: TS 1980-1 EN 22768-1 : Genel toleranslar-Bölüm: 1-Toleransı verilmemiş uzunluk ve açı ölçüleri için toleranslar Bu Standard; a) Uzunluk ölçülerine (mesela dış ve iç çıkıntı ölçüleri, çaplar, yarı çaplar, kavi, pah ve havşa yükseklikleri), b) Açı ölçülerine, c) Montajda temasta bulunan işlenmiş yüzeylerin uzunluk ve açı ölçülerine uygulanır. TS EN ISO 13715 : Technical product documentation - Edges of undefined shape - Indication anddimensioning This document specifies rules for the indication and dimensioning of undefined edges in technical product and dimensions. The proportions and dimensions of the graphical symbols to be used are also specified. In cases where the geometrically defined shape of an edge (for example, 1 × 45°) is required, the general dimensioning principles given in ISO 129-1 apply. TS EN ISO 10579 : Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensioning and tolerancing - Non-rigid parts (ISO 10579:2010 including Cor 1:2011) ISO 10579:2010 gives rules for dimensioning and tolerancing non-rigid parts where restraining of features is required during verification of dimensions and tolerances specified on a drawing. TS 5414 : Tolerans sistemleri-Makina imalatında kullanılan alıştırmalar, tolerans bölgeleri ve anma boyutları Bu standard, makine imalatında kullanılan alıştırmaları, tolerans bölgelerini, anma boyutlarını ve sapma değerlerini kapsar.