MARINE TERMINAL MANAGEMENT AND SELF ASSESSMENT (Includes Additional Guidance) Issued by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum 29 Queen Anne’s Gate London SW1H 9BU England Telephone: +44 (0)20 7654 1200 Fax: +44 (0)20 7654 1205 Email © Oil Companies International Marine Forum December 2014 The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) is a voluntary association of oil companies with an interest in the shipment and terminalling of crude oil, oil products, petrochemicals and gas. Our mission is to be the foremost authority on the safe and environmentally responsible operation of oil tankers, terminals and offshore support vessels, promoting continuous improvement in standards of design and operation. Terms of Use: While the advice given in this document has been developed using the best information currently available, it is intended purely as guidance to be used at the user’s own risk. No responsibility is accepted by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (“OCIMF”), the membership of OCIMF or by any person, firm, corporation or organisation (who or which has been in any way concerned with the furnishing of information or data, the compilation or any translation, publishing, supply or sale of the Paper) for the accuracy of any information or advice given in the Paper or any omission from the Paper or for any consequence whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from compliance with, or adoption of or reliance on guidance contained in the Paper even if caused by a failure to exercise reasonable care. STAGE 1 2 1.1 1 MANAGEMENT, LEADERSHIP AND ACCOUNTABILITY AIM Through strong leadership, management promotes safety and environmental excellence at all levels in an organisation. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Management commitment to safety and environmental protection is documented. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE Management commitment is defined in policies and procedures In responding to this KPI, the following should be confirmed: Policy statements signed by management are clearly displayed policies and procedures are readily available. 1.2 Management demonstrates a clear commitment to implementing the management system. Managers demonstrate commitment by conducting management reviews, reviewing non-conformance summaries and assessing progress towards documented plans. Records are maintained that indicate the extent of management involvement in these activities. 1.3 Terminal management has a clear understanding of the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of all parties involved in terminal operations, including third parties such as port authorities, pilots, etc. Terminal procedures should include a description of the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of all parties involved in, or impacting on, the terminal operations. 2.1 Safety and environmental excellence are fully understood and supported by the terminal management team. The high-level and long-term goals and aspirations, such as zero incidents and zero spills, should be documented. The terminal management aims to reach these goals through continuous improvement. Typically, information to support this KPI will be contained in periodic management data, procedures and standards. 2.2 All terminal personnel can describe what safety and environmental excellence means in practice. Everyone within the organisation understands the concept of safe operations. This is promoted through leadership and sound management practices. A broad indication of safety culture may be obtained by observing the general safety practices of personnel, including PPE usage, and standards of housekeeping. Typically, information to support this KPI may be found in management meeting minutes and records of periodic management reviews. Examples include active participation in tool box and safety meetings by all personnel. 3 2.3 Management strives to improve performance in the areas of safety and environmental performance at all levels throughout the terminal. Plans for improvement are developed, promulgated and monitored against KPIs. 2.4 Terminal and berth data has been collated using standard industry terminal particular questionnaires. Examples of standard questionnaires include the OCIMF MTPQ and the SIGTTO questionnaire used for LNG terminals. 3.1 Terminal management sets standards and performs assessments to verify their implementation. Typical measures (KPIs) include, but are not limited to, pollution incidents, number of audit findings resolved, number of near-miss reports and number of best practices identified. 3.2 The steps required to achieve safety and environmental excellence are clearly defined by Key steps are clearly defined and documented within the management system. There is a clear An annual plan containing KPIs and targets should be available. In responding to this KPI, the following are examples of steps management. 3.3 4 The terminal management team promotes safety and environmental excellence. time frame and targets are defined for each stage. Strong, effective and visible leadership is needed to establish and sustain long-term improvements towards safety and environmental excellence. 4.1 Safety and environmental targets and objectives are discussed, at least quarterly, at management meetings. Where progress is less than planned, management takes corrective action to realign performance with targets and objectives. 4.2 Safety and environmental performance targets are monitored against KPIs. The terminal has formal performance targets placed within its business objectives. 4.3 All terminal personnel demonstrate their commitment to safety and environmental excellence. Managers and supervisors give clear directions and, by their behaviour, all personnel demonstrate commitment to safety and environmental excellence. 4.4 Terminal managers actively promote the provision of feedback on terminal and vessel performance or deficiencies through appropriate channels. There is a close-out loop that requires any vessel deficiencies reported on a previous visit to be reported back to the terminal when closed-out. Terminal procedures address the closing-out of deficiencies reported by third parties, including vessels. that may be identified: Long term plans equipment upgrades training programmes introduction of new technology. Examples of management visibility may include: Site visits attendance at safety meetings leading by example. STAGE 1 1A MANAGEMENT, LEADERSHIP AND ACCOUNTABILITY – POLICIES AND PROCEDURES AIM Management accepts responsibility for developing and maintaining a dynamic (documented in hard-copy or electronic format) management system to implement policy and deliver safety and environmental excellence. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE 1.1 Policies and procedures are in place to ensure full compliance with applicable regulations and company requirements. Policies include those for health, safety, security and environmental protection. 1.2 Documented instructions and procedures covering terminal operations are in place. A written, comprehensive and up-to-date Marine Terminal Operating Manual is available. Instructions and procedures are written in plain language and contain sufficient detail to ensure that tasks can be completed correctly and consistently. Ideally, procedures are developed in consultation with those who will have to implement them. 1.3 1.4 A formal document control system is in place to ensure that the current management system documentation is available for use by all terminal personnel. The terminal maintains vessel compatibility criteria The terminal maintains a set of up-to-date documents to ensure compliance with regulations, procedures and good practice, and for providing information on the regulations, facilities and equipment associated with the management of the ship/shore interface. A definitive, comprehensive list of vessel ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE Typically, the Operating Manual may include the following: Cargo transfer procedures hazards of products and vapours cargo transfer equipment operating procedures vessel acceptance criteria (berth limits) control and shutdown procedures fire and emergency procedures environmental protection procedures gauging and sampling procedures cargo line and sump tank draining procedures routine cleaning procedures operating environmental limits mooring guidelines terminal plan layout drawings static electricity precautions plan of fire-fighting systems. Typically, documentation may provide current information on topics that include the following: Legislation, including national and local requirements industry guidelines, company policies operating manuals, maintenance and inspection procedures, site plans and drawings records, e.g., internal and external audits; inspections; meetings; permits, local procedures certificates issued for equipment and processes. This KPI may be met by completion of the Marine Terminal for each berth. dimensional criteria for each berth is maintained and made available to all appropriate internal and external contacts. Particulars Questionnaire (MTPQ). The dimensional restrictions consider all aspects of the port including berth sizes, water depths, channel width, weather conditions and environmental effects. Information should be available for all berths, including buoy moorings. 1.5 2 3 4 The terminal can demonstrate that nominated vessels accepted by the terminal meet minimum standards of safe operation. The terminal has access to information relating to the safe operational performance of nominated vessels. Information may include: Past experience incident reports confirmation of vetting process. 2.1 Procedures and manuals are formally reviewed on a periodic basis. Periodic meetings that review or amend current procedures and/or manuals take place and are formally recorded. 2.2 Terminal procedures require that formalised risk management processes are used to demonstrate that hazards are identified and the associated risks are managed. The formal risk assessments follow on from the design case risk assessment for the facility. In responding to this KPI, examples of processes that may be risk assessed include: When a risk is identified, an assessment is performed to define the risk, assess the probability, determine the consequences of the event and identify measures to mitigate the risk. Mooring operations cargo transfer security temporary or permanent changes to operations. 2.3 The terminal has a procedure in place to ensure that nominated vessels accepted by the terminal are vetted to confirm that they meet minimum standards for safe operation. Procedures are established that address actions to be taken by terminal staff in the event that a vessel is found to be substandard on arrival. 3.1 Instructions and procedures covering terminal operations are developed in consultation with those who will have to implement them. The workforce is involved in developing instructions and procedures jointly. This involvement delivers effective guidelines that are more readily accepted. 3.2 Managers are clearly held accountable for achieving the objectives established for them. Roles, responsibilities and accountabilities are defined within the management system. 4.1 Benchmarking is used to identify further improvements to the management system. The terminal benchmarks its safety, environmental and management practices against other organisations and industry information sources. 4.2 Managers have a mechanism in place to verify the effectiveness of key areas of the management system. Formal checks on the effective functioning of the management system are carried out regularly according to a pre-determined plan. rd Evidence in support of this KPI may be in-house or 3 Party vetting processes. This will typically be demonstrated by the use of individual performance contracts. Such mechanisms may include external certification of the management system. 2 AIM STAGE 1 1.1 1.2 MANAGEMENT OF TERMINAL PERSONNEL Ensure that the terminal is manned by sufficient competent personnel to carry out the full range of responsibilities and tasks. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Personnel selection and recruitment procedures are defined. All personnel engaged in activities relating to the ship/shore interface are trained and competent in the duties they are assigned to perform. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE The recruitment process should identify initial training requirements. Personnel should be familiar with those sections of industry guidelines such as, ISGOTT, ISGINTT, SIGTTO and MEG (hereinafter referred to as ‘accepted industry guidance’) that are appropriate to the local site. Personnel should be trained in the operations undertaken, including site specific knowledge of all safety procedures and emergency duties. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE Typically, the recruitment processes will include: Identification of skills required a system to assess individual competence and identify training needs to provide staff with the knowledge to undertake their allotted duties. Examples of training may include: Site-specific safety training jetty operations training appropriate level training in fire-fighting, pollution response and security familiarisation with on-site documentation e.g. Operating Manual and operating procedures. Training records should be maintained at the facility. 2 1.3 There is a formal familiarisation process in place for newly recruited terminal staff. The job familiarisation process should also include a formal safety induction together with familiarisation with the terminal’s policies and procedures. 1.4 The level of terminal manning is established to ensure that all operations related to the ship/shore interface are conducted safely and that emergency situations can be managed. The available manpower should be demonstrated as being sufficient to meet all anticipated operational and emergency conditions and to avoid fatigue. 1.5 The terminal has appropriate policies relating to personnel management. Policies should relate to issues that include the control of drugs and alcohol, hours of work and disciplinary procedures. 2.1 A formal appraisal system is in place for terminal personnel. Formal appraisal should be conducted at least annually. 2.2 Procedures ensure that all personnel engaged in activities relating to the ship/shore interface are assessed for competency. A competence assessment process should be in place. A documented job description is in place for every role in the terminal’s organisation. Roles and responsibilities are defined in individual job descriptions. 2.3 The terminal should maintain up-to-date records of qualifications, experience and training courses attended. Evidence in support of this KPI may be in the form of completed induction records. Assessment records may be presented in the form of spreadsheets or matrices. 3 2.4 The terminal has a drug and alcohol policy with effective measures for dealing with incidents and breaches of policy. 3.1 The terminal operator has a documented familiarisation process for personnel. The scope and depth of the familiarisation procedure is relevant to the responsibilities of the personnel involved. The familiarisation process includes personnel switching roles as well as new entrants. 4 3.2 The personnel appraisal system is used to identify individual training gaps and development needs. 3.3 Medical checks are conducted as a part of the recruitment process for terminal personnel. 3.4 Key terminal staff retain core technical skills through new and refresher training. 4.1 Key terminal staff enhance their professional development through participation in industry forums and seminars. 4.2 Terminal manning levels are formally reviewed on a periodic basis. 4.3 Terminal personnel are required to undergo periodic medical examinations. The scope of the medical examinations should take into account potential occupational health exposures. 4.4 A process is in place to verify the effectiveness of the induction and training procedure for newly recruited personnel. An assessment should be undertaken following a defined probationary period. Medical checks should take into account the requirements of the job. Management encourages and supports personnel participation in forums and seminars and encourages individuals to undertake further education. 2A AIM STAGE 1 2 1.1 MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTORS To ensure that contractors perform in a manner which is consistent and compatible with terminal policies and business objectives. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE Contractors should be selected using criteria which include an assessment of their capabilities to perform work in a safe and environmentally sound manner. In responding to this KPI, evidence of a formal process for contractor selection should be available. 1.2 There is a safety induction and familiarisation process in place for newly contracted personnel. The familiarisation process should also include safety induction together with familiarisation with terminal policies, procedures and work instructions. Typically, records of attendance on the familiarisation/ induction process should be available. 1.3 The terminal has appropriate policies relating to contractor management. Policies may relate to the control of drugs and alcohol, hours of work, medical fitness standards and disciplinary procedures. 1.4 Contracted personnel are required to comply fully with the terminal's safety management procedures. This should include adherence to PPE usage, incident reporting, permit to work and risk assessment requirements. 2.1 Procedures require that any contracted personnel, including cargo surveyors, engaged in activities relating to the ship/shore interface attend formal training. The terminal should require the contractor to maintain up-to-date records of qualifications, experience and training courses attended. In responding to this KPI, it should be checked that contractors are maintaining appropriate training records. 2.2 Procedures require that a documented scope of work is in place for each contract. 2.3 Contractor performance is monitored and assessed. The performance assessment should include HSE performance. Records of contractor assessments should be available and include details of any deficiencies and their close-out. Feedback should be provided to enable contractors to address deficiencies. 3 4 ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE Management has a system to identify and select contractors and service providers. 2.4 Terminal procedures should ensure that any equipment provided by the contractor is fit for purpose and properly maintained. Equipment provided could include items such as support craft, messenger lines and tools. 3.1 Terminal procedures require that contractor performance is formally reviewed at defined intervals. Regular review meetings should be held with the contractor's management. This should include feedback from terminal staff on the contractor's performance. 3.2 The terminal operator has a documented familiarisation process for contracted personnel. The scope and depth of the familiarisation procedure is relevant to the responsibilities of the personnel involved. 4.1 Appropriate KPIs are identified and agreed for use in monitoring contractor performance. KPIs should be included in contract documentation. 4.2 The requirements for contracted resources are formally reviewed on a periodic basis. The review should take into account any changes in terminal activities that may impact on support needs. 4.3 A process is in place to verify the effectiveness of the induction procedure for newly contracted personnel. An assessment should be undertaken following an appropriate probationary period. 3 PORT AND HARBOUR OPERATIONS AIM STAGE 1 1.1 Terminal management has established operational practices and procedures that are consistently applied to ensure the safety of vessel movements. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE Procedures are in place to manage the exchange of information between the vessel and the terminal before the vessel berths. To ensure the safe and timely arrival of the vessel at the berth, with both parties ready to commence operations, terminals should have procedures in place to manage the exchange of information between the vessel and the terminal. See ISGOTT ‘Pre-Arrival Exchange of Information’ for details of a typical information exchange between an arriving tanker and the terminal. Prior to the vessel’s arrival, the terminal will receive details of the vessel’s Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) in accordance with voyage instructions. Prior to arrival at the port, the terminal and vessel should exchange information which, as a minimum, should include that detailed within published industry guidance. 1.2 Procedures are in place to manage marine operations. Procedures include arrival, berthing, mooring and departure processes and address the interface with third parties that include agents, pilots, tugs and mooring gangs. Procedures should include environmental limits for safe transit and berthing/un-berthing activities. Procedures for the use of tugs to assist vessels at terminal facilities should be in place and should include the number, type and power of tugs required. Tugs should be readily available to respond to emergency incidents. Where applicable, the terminal should seek assurance that vessel movements within the port that affect the terminal are controlled. The terminal liaises with the port and other stakeholders with regard to navigational and operational issues within the port, including environmental limitations. 1.3 The terminal liaises with the pilotage authority to ensure pilots are aware of terminal requirements. The maximum allowable displacement, speed and angle of approach for berthing is recorded in operating procedures and understood by responsible terminal personnel and pilots. Where a terminal-managed pilot/berthing master service is in place, the N/A option should be selected. NA Pilots should be readily available for emergency incidents. In some cases, a terminal-managed pilotage/berthing master service may be provided by the terminal, in which case processes should be in place to ensure competence. 1.4 1.5 There is a documented process in place to ensure adequate water depth for arriving and departing vessels. Where applicable, terminal procedures clearly define the requirements for double banking. Terminals should maintain up-to-date records of the water depths at their berths and in the immediate vicinity of their berths. In responding to this KPI, the following may be considered: Where a company assumes the operation of a berth or terminal, an initial depth survey should be undertaken Terminals should also obtain up-to-date information on the water depths and channel widths in the port and the approaches to the port which may limit the operation of the terminal. water depth surveys are generally conducted at intervals not exceeding five (5) years. Siltation or scouring may require more frequent surveys. surveys should be carried out by a qualified company or competent authority berth areas should be inspected regularly for debris and/or underwater obstructions all interested parties should be made aware of any changes to the water depth. Double banking, including multiple banking, of vessels on a berth for cargo transfer (e.g. ship-toship (STS) transfer alongside) should not be conducted unless a formal engineering study and risk assessment has been carried out. The results of the engineering study and risk assessment should be available for inspection at the terminal by charterers/owners/agents. Terminal procedures for double banking would typically address: Ship size and displacement limitations and details of cargoes which may be handled environmental and operational limitations pilotage and tug requirements berthing and unberthing procedures mooring arrangements passing traffic cargo transfer procedures vapour/venting arrangements manning levels training. An engineering study would typically address: Berth design including fendering, displacement limits, mooring hooks and bollards, fire-fighting and pollution response equipment environmental conditions impact on adjacent channels and port operations tug availability mooring study for single ship and double banked operation, including fender loading NA hose management. A risk assessment would typically address: Environmental Impact Assessment. engineering study berthing, unberthing and cargo transfer operations and equipment simulation studies to assess the proposed operations vessel size and displacement limitations mooring equipment limitations cargoes which may be handled simultaneous operations personnel requirements onboard vessels and ashore. 1.6 Terminal procedures clearly define the requirements for over-the-tide operations. Terminals with draft limitations and significant tidal variations should have procedures in place where discharging or loading over-the-tide operations are to be permitted. These procedures should be developed based on the output of a risk assessment and should be agreed by all involved parties prior to the arrival of the vessel. Terminal procedures for over-the-tide operations would typically address: Measures to ensure that vessels remain safely afloat at all stages of the operation compliance with under keel clearance requirements contingency measures assurance that terminal and vessel’s equipment critical to the operation (e.g. transfer pumps, main engine) is fully operational. The vessel should be advised of the minimum water depth limitation. Consideration should be given to the effect of trim and list on under keel clearance. Discharging Over-the-Tide When vessel’s are intending to discharge over the tide, the following criteria should be met: The vessel should provide a detailed discharge plan which will achieve the draft reduction necessary the vessel’s pumping capacity and the terminal’s reception capability should be confirmed as being sufficient to achieve the under-keel clearance in the time available with a contingency allowance the vessel’s arrival at the berth should be timed as soon as possible after low water as the under-keel clearance requirements allow. To minimise any delays to the transfer operation: Terminals should undertake all necessary preparations for the transfer shore authorities (Customs, Immigration, etc.) may need NA to be briefed on the operation to minimise any delays to the transfer ullages and temperatures and other custodial measurements may need to be taken before the vessel berths vessel pumps should be available for immediate use on completion of berthing. Loading Over-the-Tide When terminal’s are intending to load vessels over the tide, the following criteria should be met: The terminal and vessel should prepare a detailed loading plan the vessel should stop loading at the draft at which she can remain safely afloat and recommence loading as the tide starts rising. loading should not recommence unless equipment and resources critical for the departure of the vessel from the berth (e.g. main engine, pilot, tugs) are confirmed available. the loading rate should allow the vessel to complete loading and all pre-departure formalities with a contingency allowance. 2 2.1 Terminal procedures address requirements for surveying and dredging to maintain channel and alongside depths. This work may be carried out by a port authority with the terminal retaining overview. At all locations, water depth surveys should be conducted at intervals not exceeding five (5) years. The interval between water depth surveys should take into consideration expected silting of channels and berth dredged boxes. When a new berth is built or where a company assumes the operation of a berth or terminal, a depth survey should be undertaken or recent existing survey reports referenced to establish baseline data and identify trends. All surveys should be carried out by competent personnel and the results should conform to the established datum for the port. Terminal procedures require that the berth area is inspected regularly for debris and/or underwater obstructions. If the berth area does not dry to enable visible inspection, inspections should be conducted by diver or other means. 2.2 The terminal ensures that all internal and external interested parties, such as the Port Authority, Agents, and Pilot Associations, are aware of any changes to the water depth. Any inability to maintain a specific advertised minimum depth in the vicinity or alongside a specific berth should be reported. 2.3 Mooring operations are subjected to formal risk assessment. Mooring operations are regularly reviewed to ensure continuing safe operation. 3.1 Terminal personnel routinely conduct or attend coordination meetings with local organisations that control or influence terminal operations. 3.2 The terminal evaluates the performance of marine service providers. 4.1 Terminal management/personnel participate in company and industry port and terminal operation forums to share experience. A record of assessments is maintained. 3 4 Such organisations include the local port authority, pilotage authority, port VTS and other interested parties that may affect terminal operations. The terminal should monitor and evaluate the services provided by parties that include, for example, pilot authorities and towage companies. Routine meetings should be held to review performance and identify service enhancements. These meetings should be recognised as formal meetings and associated records should be available. STAGE 1 1.1 1.2 4 TERMINAL LAYOUT - GENERAL AIM The general layout of the facility and equipment provided is suitable for safe operations. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The terminal provides mooring equipment on berths that is appropriate, in size, number and location, for the sizes of vessels using the berths. Fendering at each berth is engineered to suit the sizes of vessels expected to use the berth. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE The terminal should provide mooring bollards, bitts, hooks or rollers/pulleys positioned and sized for the vessels visiting the berth, together with capstans or winches, as required. In responding to this KPI, information may be available from sources that include the following: Completed Marine Terminal Particular Questionnaire (MTPQ) All mooring equipment should be designed to take into account the maximum planned loads on the jetty, wharf, dolphin or mooring buoy. The Safe Working Load (SWL) of mooring equipment should be known to the berth operating personnel and be marked on each mooring point. design case plans management of change documentation. The terminal should have documentation on-site to demonstrate that the design of the fenders is compatible with the range of vessel sizes and types which use the berth. In responding to this KPI, the following may assist in determining the suitability of fendering systems related to the size of vessels handled: Design case fendering plan Fenders should lie within the parallel mid-body length of the vessels expected to use the berth. For continuous quays, such as those used by small vessels, the spacing between fenders should be approximately 15% of the ship’s length overall for dolphin-type berths, the spacing between fenders should typically lie within the range 25% to 40% of the ship’s length overall fenders should be located symmetrically about the terminal’s manifold fender panels should be maintained in a vertical orientation and present a smooth, damage-free rubbing face without obstructions. Local practices may dictate the type of fenders provided. 1.3 The terminal design includes adequate provision for access. Safe and unobstructed access should be provided. The needs of personnel, vehicles, emergency and security services should be addressed. Considerations should include the need for escape routes, catwalks and access towers. Where appropriate, safe axle loads for vehicles should be determined and details posted at the entrance to the access way. NA [buoy] At buoy berths, safe access should be provided for operating personnel. 1.4 The terminal is provided with an appropriate level of lighting to ensure that all ship/shore operational and security activities can be safely conducted during periods of darkness. In the absence of national or international engineering standards for lighting levels, lighting at all work, access and perimeter areas should be demonstrated as being adequate. In assessing this KPI, lighting levels in the following areas may be considered: Jetty head working areas access routes jetty perimeters boat landings mooring points, dolphins and walkways stairways to gantries emergency escape routes terminal perimeter fencing. 1.5 All electrical equipment at the terminal is provided in accordance with a site-specific area electrical classification plan. Drawings are available which show hazardous zones at the berths in both plan and elevation. 1.6 All lifting equipment is designed to take into account the maximum anticipated load for the intended service. The Safe Working Load (SWL) should be marked on all lifting equipment and should be known to the berth operating and maintenance personnel. Lifting equipment addressed by this KPI may include: Cargo hose handling cranes, derricks, davits and gantries Records of inspections and tests should be maintained. gangways and associated cranes and davits cargo loading arms and cranes stores cranes and davits slings, lifting chains, delta plates, pad eyes, shackles chain blocks, hand winches and similar mechanical devices personnel lifts and hoists. 1.7 The terminal’s designed fire-fighting capability is suited to the size of vessels and the type and volume of product being handled. The terminal fire-fighting capability meets legislative requirements, accepted industry guidance or the results of a formal risk assessment. Where the fire-fighting capability is based on third party resources, these should be demonstrated to be adequate and details should be included in terminal procedures. Means should be provided at each berth to enable ship and shore mains to be connected, if necessary via an International Shore Connection. Fire detection and alarm systems are suited to the In responding to this KPI: Accepted industry guidance may be found in ISGOTT under ‘Fire-fighting, terminal equipment’ A risk assessment should take into account the following criteria for each berth: The sizes and types of vessel handled the nature of the cargo and potential impact of release location of the terminal and availability of third party resources areas to be protected. NA [buoy] risk exposure. Terminal fire-fighting equipment may include: Water supply and pumping arrangements foam and firewater delivery systems (e.g., monitors, pipelines, hoses, hydrants, deluge systems.) fire-fighting tugs or fire boats and their availability International Shore Fire Connections dry powder systems portable fire extinguishers fireman's outfits, protective clothing breathing apparatus and compressors 2 2.1 2.2 There are sufficient suitable evacuation routes to meet the requirements that an alternative route is available if one is affected by fire. Mooring arrangement plans, based on the results of risk analysis, are provided for all berths and for all sizes of vessels which can be moored at those berths. Evacuation routes are located as far away as practicable from high fire risk areas or are protected. In responding to this KPI, consideration may be given to the following: Where boats are designated as providing the secondary means of evacuation, they are able to reach an evacuation point no later than 15 minutes of an emergency being declared. There should be a minimum of two clearly signed evacuation routes the primary emergency evacuation route is the day-today access from normal work areas to shore the secondary emergency evacuation route is defined as a separate access, preferably located at a maximum practical distance from the primary escape route. This could include routes to mooring dolphins equipped with emergency ladders. Diagrams of minimum recommended mooring arrangements should be made available to visiting vessels and confirmed by mooring and fendering analysis undertaken by competent persons. For vessels greater than 16 KDWT, the mooring arrangement should be sufficient to satisfy the criteria contained in OCIMF “Mooring Equipment Guidelines”. In responding to this KPI, the following may be considered: The use of specialist software for mooring analysis the provision of generic mooring plans MEG criteria for recommended mooring restraint for vessels greater than 16 kdwt, namely: 60 knot wind from any direction simultaneously with: 3 knot current from ahead or astern (0˚ or 180˚) or 2 knot current at 10˚ or 170˚ or 0.75 knots from the direction of max beam current loading 2.3 Arrangements exist for release of moorings using quick release hooks. Procedures should be in place for the safe operation of quick release hooks. NA [buoy] 2.4 Records are in place to demonstrate that the terminal’s design case fire-fighting capability is adequate. The full capability of the fire-fighting system is proven through exercises to meet design case requirements. NA [buoy] If tugs are used to provide fire-fighting support, records should confirm periodic testing of their capability during exercises. 3 2.5 Control rooms are designed to maintain their integrity during an emergency situation. The layout and design of control rooms should take into account the blast resistance required as a result of a formal risk assessment. 3.1 Design and load calculations are available for all mooring points. The calculations should give the maximum permitted loading for each mooring point and the angular limits inside which these loadings apply. There should also be an indication of the reduction in loadings on the mooring points outside the angular limits for maximum loading. NA [buoy] Angular limits of operation are marked on the mooring points. The terminal has a procedure that addresses actions when moorings are outside the angular limits or exceed the permitted loading. The position and heights of capstans serving mooring points should be considered. Capstans should be operable in forward and reverse directions and be capable of operation at low speed when lines are approaching the hook. 3.2 Arrangements exist for the remote release of individual moorings. Where a remote release system is provided, failure of a single component or electrical power failure should not result in the release of mooring hooks. NA [buoy] The design of release systems should be such that all moorings cannot be released simultaneously. Should the system be designed for gang release, measures should be in place to inhibit operation.. The release of the vessel should only be initiated with the full knowledge and agreement of the vessel’s master. 3.3 The terminal has undertaken a study to assess the use of berthing and mooring aids such as speed of approach monitors, pilot positioning units, tension monitors, etc. 3.4 A study has been undertaken to determine the impact of passing traffic on vessels moored Where passing traffic is identified as potentially impacting on vessels moored at the terminal, NA [buoy] 4 4.1 4.2 alongside. procedures should be in place that includes the need for the terminal to monitor traffic movements and, if necessary, take precautionary action. Emergency lighting for work areas and access routes is available from a secondary power source. Secondary power sources are of an approved type and are isolated until required. The terminal is equipped with speed of approach equipment. Identified personnel should be trained in the use of the speed of approach equipment. NA [buoy] NA [buoy] Such equipment may include an indication of the vessel’s angle of approach. 4.3 Mooring line tension monitors are installed. Load cells are calibrated in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements. Data is recorded by the terminal during the time alongside. Consideration may be given to also making the data available on board. 4.4 Fire proofing applications are suited to the structures to be protected. Fire proofing protection (e.g. for the berth structure and loading arm support structure) should be based on the result of a formal risk assessment. NA [buoy] STAGE 1 4A TERMINAL LAYOUT – TRANSFER EQUIPMENT AIM All transfer equipment provided at the facility is suited for the range of vessels and products handled. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE 1.1 The terminal has cargo transfer equipment that is designed and constructed in accordance with national regulatory requirements, industry standards and recognised codes of practices. Details of certification confirming hose and hard arm construction standards should be readily available. 1.2 The terminal has a means of isolating product lines. Isolation valves should be fitted at the berth manifold area for each loading or unloading line. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE Where the berth extends from the shore, an additional isolation valve should be fitted at the shore end of each line. Non-return valves or other means to prevent backflow should be fitted to cargo lines that are dedicated to unloading service. 1.3 The terminal has means of electrical isolation to ensure protection against electrical arcing at the manifold during connection and disconnection of hoses or arms. Insulating flanges or a section of non-conducting hose should be installed in all cargo transfer systems in accordance with accepted industry guidance. The insulating arrangements should be routinely tested. It should be noted that bonding cables are not an effective means of dissipating potential differences between ship and shore and should not be used, unless required by local regulation. Procedures should ensure that connecting flanges in the electrically continuous hose string are supported clear of the berth structure to prevent the insulating flange being rendered ineffective. 1.4 There is an acceptable system for draining the cargo transfer lines. Depending on cargo type, acceptable systems may include: pump back system into cargo line drain line from arm/hose directly into sump clearing with water to shore tank displacement with nitrogen or air, as applicable gravity draining back into shore cargo line or vessel’s tank Procedures should ensure that vessels isolate their manifold valves effectively to prevent mis-operation during the line draining process. 1.5 Provisions are in place for the containment and Bunded areas should be sloped to a dedicated catch basin which drains to a sump or be provided The terminal should have documented procedures covering the emptying of sumps, the draining of bunds and disposal of NA management of surface water, leakage and spills. with other means of preventing accumulation of product and avoiding overflow. Sumps may be fitted with a level gauge and/or a high level alarm. Procedures should address the disposal of collected residues. Hoses and arms should be stowed within an area provided with containment. Consideration should be given to storm/rain water management. Exceptions to this would be wharves that are not dedicated to the transfer of oils/chemicals. In this case adequately sized drip trays should be placed under each connection to retain any leakage. the contents. This should address the properties of products being handled at the berth (e.g. chemicals with inhibitors, bitumen, volatile liquids). Disposal to reception facilities should be recorded. [buoy] Unused hoses, hard arms, manifold connections, drains, vents and gauge connections should be suitably blanked or capped. Blank flanges should be fully bolted and of the same rating as the system to which they are attached. At dedicated LPG/LNG berths, risk assessment may determine that it is safer not to contain product spillage. 2 2.1 On berths that are not continuously manned during the cargo transfer operation, isolation valves are motorised and remotely operated. 2.2 The transfer system has been assessed for surge risk. Where surge risk is identified, effective means of control should be in place. Effective means of control typically may include: Provision of a surge tank pressure relief systems timing of valve closure rates. 3 3.1 An assessment has been made of the potential for pollution from individual items of terminal equipment. Identified equipment is provided with savealls or other suitable means of containment. Items of equipment could include: Hydraulic systems NA [buoy] fuel storage tanks additive equipment. 4 3.2 Sump tanks are fitted with high level alarms and/or automatic pumping arrangements. Procedures should require high level alarms and pumps to be tested on a regular basis. 4.1 The terminal design includes an assessment of the need for installing PERCS and ERS units. The need for PERCs or ERS systems should be formally assessed. If a system is fitted, a record of its testing and maintenance should be available. NA [buoy] NA [buoy] 5 SHIP/SHORE INTERFACE AIM STAGE 1 1.1 The effective management of the ship/shore interface is ensured through the adoption of accepted industry guidance and codes of practice and the implementation of terminal procedures. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The terminal provides visiting vessels with information on all pertinent local regulations and terminal safety requirements applicable to the safe management of the ship/shore interface. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE The information is provided in English or alternatively may be in the terminal’s working language if the vessel’s operational personnel understand this language. The exchange of information should be formalised and a common understanding should be agreed and evidenced. Visiting vessels should be advised of the requirements of the vessel in the event of a terminal emergency. Where applicable, the information should be included in an information booklet. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE In responding to this KPI, the following is amongst the information that may be provided to visiting vessels: Pre-Arrival Information Depths and maximum vessel drafts, displacement and dimensions for each berth pilotage procedures tug requirements mooring arrangements/diagrams berth plans. Operational Information Cargo transfer and ballast procedures transfer equipment connection details, including vapour lines communications: primary, secondary and emergency MSDS information environmental limitations tank cleaning and Crude Oil Washing (COW) procedures. Safety and Security Information Emergency procedures, including alarm signals and Emergency Shut Down (ESD) procedures weather, tide and current information ship/shore access arrangements and visitor control port/terminal security requirements. Pollution Prevention Vapour emissions e.g. cargo, flue gas ballast water discharge controls. slop, waste oil and garbage management. Miscellaneous 1.2 1.3 The terminal procedures address mooring arrangements. The terminal operator has a documented procedure that addresses safe mooring practices. The terminal’s procedures should be aimed at ensuring the following: adequacy of moorings for each vessel, recognising issues such as mixed moorings monitoring the vessel’s mooring and appropriate corrective actions that the vessel remains securely moored in the correct position on the berth wind speeds are measured and monitored by the terminal tidal and current conditions are monitored at exposed berths, sea conditions (waves and swells) are monitored by the terminal Drug and alcohol policy smoking policy stores handling and bunkering arrangements repairs alongside. In responding to this KPI, the following may be considered: Generic mooring plans for range of vessels handled the terminal may have its own locally installed anemometer or other means may be used, such as reliance on wind reports from a reliable local source local sources such as a port authority may provide data on tides and currents at the locality. The terminal procedure should consider aspects that include the safe handling of moorings, the safe operation of shore mooring equipment, including mooring boats, and ship/shore communications (verbal and non-verbal) during the mooring operation. Procedures should cover the deployment of shore moorings, if fitted. 1.4 At terminals where vessels are berthed alongside, including barge handling terminals, procedures ensure that safe ship/shore access is maintained throughout the vessel's stay alongside, the responsibility for which is jointly shared between the terminal and the vessel. The preferred means for access between vessel and shore is a gangway provided by the terminal. At locations that commonly handle vessels (including barges) that are unable to provide a gangway due to the physical limitations of the berth or the nature of the vessel’s trade, the terminal should provide a shore based gangway or alternative arrangements to ensure safe ship/shore access. Where the terminal does not provide a shore gangway, it should provide space on the berth for the vessel to land its gangway, allowing for changes in tide and vessel freeboard. Irrespective of whether the terminal or vessel provides the gangway, it should be subject to Safety nets are not required if the gangway is fixed to the shore and provided with permanent handrails. For other types of gangways, having rope or chain handrails or removable posts, safety nets should be provided. NA [buoy] inspection as part of the continuing ship/shore safety checks throughout the vessel’s stay at the berth. 1.5 Terminals should have a procedure in place to ensure that a pre-cargo transfer conference is undertaken, an industry-recommended Ship/ Shore Safety Check-List (SSSCL) is completed, and that cargo transfers are conducted in accordance with agreed procedures. The pre-cargo transfer conference should address fully the plans for the cargo transfer operation, including maximum transfer rates/ pressures and emergency shut-down arrangements, which should be jointly agreed and documented. Typically, the pre-cargo transfer conference will consider the following: Completion of ship/shore safety check-list transfer plan, including, quantities, sequence and transfer rates Procedures should require that Ship/Shore Safety Check-Lists are used. It should be ensured that personnel are trained to enable them to properly complete the check-list. routine and emergency stop arrangements hose handling or loading arm operations and limitations closed operations including inert gas operations Terminal procedures should require identified Check-List items to be re-checked at defined periods during transfer operations. tank cleaning and Crude Oil Washing operations methods of communication A separate Check-List should be employed for bunkering operations. ship/shore access and emergency escape mooring arrangements and procedures, including capability for remote release measures for monitoring mooring integrity limits of operation (e.g. maximum draft, freeboard, trim; wind speeds, etc.) safety and security matters emergency procedures weather forecast bunkering and storing operations slop, ballast and garbage handling non-routine activities e.g. jetty or vessel maintenance. Any activities planned by the vessel such as engine maintenance or underwater inspections, should be subject to written authorisation by the terminal. 1.6 Terminal procedures require the availability of both a primary and secondary means of communications with vessels at their terminal in an agreed common language. The primary means of communication between the vessel and shore should be continuously manned. Telephone, portable VHF/UHF and radiotelephone systems should comply with safety requirements. Verbal communication between the vessel and a jetty may be an acceptable primary means of communication at some terminals, but only in cases where both the vessel manifold area and jetty head are permanently manned and a common language is used. The selected system of communications together with the necessary information on telephone numbers and channels should be recorded on a form signed by both vessel and shore representatives. Where the national language is used by both terminal and vessel it is acceptable for communications to be conducted in that language. Where the national language is not being used, the common language to be used should be English. 2 3 4 2.1 The terminal operator has a documented procedure to ensure that unexpected changes in environmental conditions are detected and promptly acted upon. 2.2 The communication system used between vessel and shore is dedicated to the cargo transfer operation. The communication system used should be dedicated to the cargo transfer operations and not subject to outside interference from communications associated with other activities within the terminal. 3.1 The terminal has a documented process that ensures any mooring boats used are inspected and have all necessary certificates issued by the appropriate authority. Mooring boats should be inspected regularly and any noted deficiencies should be rectified. 3.2 Tide gauges and current meters are installed at the terminal. Procedures should address the actions to be taken when documented limits are predicted or observed. 4.1 Information from remote reading tide gauges and current meters is readily available at the terminal. 4.2 The terminal design includes an assessment of the need for linked ESD systems. ESD systems such as those using umbilicals or telemetry should be considered. The inspection process may be in-house or provided through rd a 3 Party such as a port authority or service provider. NA NA [buoy] 6 TRANSFER OPERATIONS AIM STAGE 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ensure that all aspects of the transfer operation are addressed through procedures and practices to promote safe operations. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Procedures require that a systematic inspection of the berth and equipment is undertaken prior to the arrival of a vessel. Procedures include environmental operating limits for each berth that prescribe the thresholds for stopping transfer, disconnecting cargo and bunker connections, removing gangways and moving the vessel off the berth. The terminal has documented safe operating procedures for the transfer activity, including the operation of associated equipment. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE The results of pre-arrival inspections should be documented. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE Typically, a pre-berthing inspection check-list would be used that may include checks of the following: Fenders mooring equipment gangway lighting transfer equipment including loading arms and hoses fire-fighting and life-saving equipment lifting equipment spill response equipment The limits take into account the Safe Working Load (SWL) of the mooring system components. Limits will normally be based on environmental conditions which may include: Information on environmental operating limits should be passed to the vessel during the pre-transfer conference. Actions to be taken in the event of an electrical storm should also be agreed. Wind speed and direction wave height and direction current speed and direction Procedures should be in place to monitor actual and forecasted weather, tide and current ranges. swell electrical storms. The following are examples of equipment and activities that may be addressed by procedures: operation of marine loading arms, including working envelopes and checks on their freewheeling capability hoses including storage, handling and support reducers line venting, draining and purging, connection/disconnection ESD systems anti-surge systems/pressure relief valves vapour management systems actions in the event of inert gas plant failure on a visiting vessel 1.4 Procedures address the arrangements for emergency shut-down and the equipment to be used. Terminal procedures require that operators know the location of the emergency shut-down button or the communication method to be employed and any back-up system. 1.5 Procedures address the formal exchange of information on cargo properties. The information should be presented in the form of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Procedures should include measures for the protection of terminal personnel when handling cargoes containing toxic constituents, e.g. H2S, benzene. 2 2.1 The terminal receives frequent weather forecasts from accurate sources and passes them to the vessels. Changes to the original forecast should be provided to the vessel. 2.2 The terminal has procedures for the introduction of additives into vessel's tanks. A closed system involving the injection of additives during the loading operation is recommended. 2.3 Terminal procedures require regular cross checks of quantities transferred between the vessel and terminal. Information should be exchanged at pre-agreed intervals. 2.4 Terminal procedures require ullaging and sampling operations to be undertaken under 'closed' conditions. 2.5 Terminal staff have an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of independent cargo surveyors. Typically, this information exchange will include: MSDS of cargo to be loaded provided by terminal to vessel MSDS of vessel’s previous cargo, if vapours are present, to be provided to the terminal by vessel MSDS of cargo to be received by the terminal provided by the vessel to terminal. The terminal should have equipment for measuring wind and other relevant environmental factors. Action to be taken should be defined if discrepancies are found to exist. The activities of independent cargo surveyors should be monitored to ensure that they comply with all applicable requirements. NA Typically, data is recorded by both terminal and vessel to confirm that transfer integrity and product custody is maintained. Trends should be monitored. In responding to this KPI, it should be established that terminal staff are aware of the following: The need for surveyors to comply with the safety requirements of the terminal and vessel 3 3.1 The results of the terminal's pre-arrival equipment checks are shared with the vessel prior to arrival. 3.2 When handling inerted vessels, the terminal undertakes random checks of the oxygen content of vessel tanks. This is of particular importance when vessels are planning to undertake crude oil washing (COW) during discharge or on chemical tankers operating under inerted conditions. the requirement for proper supervision of the surveyor’s activities, including sampling, gauging and tank inspection. NA 4 4.1 The terminal formally monitors the efficiency of transfer operations. 4.2 A meeting is held with the vessel's personnel on completion of transfer operations to discuss overall performance. Performance is analysed at regular intervals to identify opportunities for improvement. STAGE 1 1.1 7 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT AIM Terminal management ensures that reliability is optimised through a formal planned maintenance system. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The terminal has a planned maintenance, inspection, testing and defect reporting system to ensure the integrity of equipment and systems. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE The system, which may be computer based, covers all items of terminal equipment including cargo handling, mooring, fendering, access, safety and lifting equipment. The maintenance and inspection programmes are based on regulatory requirements, terminal procedures, manufacturer's recommendations and recognised industry practices. Maintenance and inspection programmes should be conducted by competent personnel. Records are kept of all planned maintenance, tests and inspections, as well as all defects and remedial maintenance. 1.2 Terminal management regularly reviews the terminal's maintenance and inspection system. The status of maintenance standards is frequently reported to terminal management for review. 1.3 Terminal procedures require that structural surveys are undertaken as part of an integrated inspection and maintenance programme. The procedures should require that structural surveys are undertaken at defined intervals or postincident by suitably-qualified personnel. The scheduling and conduct of structural surveys is included in the terminal’s maintenance procedures. In the absence of other defined criteria, the interval between structural surveys should not exceed 5 years. Selected testing of material thicknesses, particularly in the splash zone, is carried out. Procedures require that documented visual inspections are undertaken of the berth ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE In assessing this KPI, the following equipment may be included in the maintenance and inspection system: Pipelines lifting equipment life-saving appliances fire-fighting appliances protective safety devices such as emergency shut-down (ESD) systems, breakaway couplings, flame screens and p/v valves, surge systems and isolation valves pollution prevention equipment communication systems security systems navigation aids maintained by the terminal mooring equipment marine loading arms and cargo hoses insulating flanges cathodic protection. NA [buoy] superstructure above the waterline. Inspections cover the structure of the jetty from its superstructure down to the mudline, using divers or other suitable means. 1.4 2 The terminal has procedures in place to manage the routine inspection, maintenance and calibration of measuring equipment. 1.5 All maintenance of electrical equipment and systems is undertaken by qualified personnel. 2.1 The planned maintenance system clearly identifies ‘critical’ systems and equipment, the failure of which may result in a hazardous situation. Procedures should require the routine inspection, maintenance and calibration of terminal measuring equipment. In responding to this KPI, equipment requiring calibration may include the following. Metering systems The calibration method and frequency should reflect manufacturer’s instructions or recommendations. fixed and portable gas measurement equipment vessel approach speed and distance measurement mooring hook load monitoring anemometers, current meters and tide gauges. Management provides clear instructions on the identification of critical systems, alarms and equipment. Risk assessment or hazard identification methods are documented to support the identification of such equipment and systems. 3 2.2 The status of reported defects is tracked and routinely reviewed by management. 2.3 The management of spare part inventories is appropriate for the terminal's location and operation. 3.1 The terminal has a computerised planned maintenance, inspection, testing and defect reporting system. 3.2 The maintenance and defect reporting system alerts the terminal staff responsible for maintenance when it becomes due. 3.3 There are clear reporting requirements when critical systems, alarms or equipment become defective, or require planned or unplanned maintenance. 3.4 Procedures require that any uncompleted scheduled maintenance is tracked. The status of uncompleted or overdue maintenance should be routinely reviewed by management. 4.1 The terminal has an electronic recording system The system and required spare levels take account Vendors and suppliers are documented, together with contact details. Maintenance on critical equipment should follow defined procedures that include a risk assessment which requires approvals at the appropriate levels of management before the equipment is shut down. Appropriate maintenance contractors are identified. 4 for spare parts that maintains an inventory and reorders when available spares fall below an agreed number. 4.2 4.3 Proactive measures such as vibration monitoring and the use of infra-red cameras have been adopted. The terminal has a maintenance and defect reporting programme that tracks all outstanding maintenance and defect items to closure. of the criticality of equipment and manufacturers’ lead times. NA [buoy] 8 MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE AIM STAGE 1.1 A management of change process is in place and operates to manage associated risks. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The terminal has a documented procedure for the management of change. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE The scope of the Management of Change process is identified. Examples of 'changes' include: permanent changes to operating procedures temporary exceptions to normal operating procedures changes in throughput from design case replacement of equipment modifications to equipment new instrument or control settings the introduction of a new material the introduction of new personnel changes to the roles and responsibilities of existing personnel the introduction of third-party contractors to the site. All changes should comply with relevant regulations, industry standards and equipment design specifications. The management of change process should include work carried out by third party contractors and service providers. The process should ensure that any changes made are communicated to personnel affected by the change. 1.2 Procedures require that any proposed changes to the size range of vessels handled at the terminal are subjected to management of change processes. Procedures require that any proposed changes to the range of vessels using a berth take into account factors that include: displacement length, beam and draft manifold arrangements speed and angle of approach on berthing. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE position of the fenders (dolphins) relative to the vessel’s mid-point and the available flat side ship/shore access arrangements mooring arrangements The procedure requires an assessment to be made when smaller vessels are proposed as well as larger ones. 2 1.3 Procedures require that any proposed changes to the products handled at the terminal are subjected to management of change processes. 1.4 Where the use of any temporary equipment such as fendering is considered, procedures require a risk assessment prior to implementation. The risk assessment should include an analysis of the capabilities of the proposed temporary equipment. 1.5 Procedures require that, if any certified equipment is modified or repaired, it is tested and re-certified prior to being placed back in service. Examples of such equipment include loading arms, cargo hoses, electrical equipment and quick release hooks. 1.6 Procedures require that any de-manning initiatives are subjected to the management of change process. The process should ensure that all operational and emergency conditions can continue to be conducted in a safe manner. 2.1 The management of change process clearly defines the level of authority required for the approval of a change. The terminal has a documented process that ensures authorisation for any change is given by managers and not by the person directly involved in the change. 2.2 The procedure ensures that the documentation supporting a change includes the reason for the change together with a clear understanding of the safety and environmental implications. Any changes and the review process that led to their approval are documented. This mechanism links with, and ties into, the document control system, so that all controlled documentation remains up-to-date. The N/A option should be selected if there are no potential changes to the products handled. NA Management of change records are retained. 2.3 The procedure ensures that training needs arising from changes to equipment or procedures and personnel are identified and documented. The change-management process routinely identifies relevant training and handover requirements. All appropriate personnel receive the required training within a specified period. This is adequately documented. 2.4 Modifications to the original terminal design to allow both import and export activities are subjected to management of change procedures. This assumes that the original design intent of the terminal was either import or export, not both. Risk assessments should consider aspects that include surge pressures, ESD valve timings and sequences, and non-return valve configurations. NA 2.5 The management of change process ensures that all temporary and permanent changes to procedures or equipment within the terminal are subject to risk assessment. The management of change process should include the requirement for formal risk assessments, which address any changes in design, manning or operation, etc. Procedures require that, for existing equipment, the continued use of any equipment which does not meet the equipment’s original design basis or the minimum recommended requirements, is based on a formal risk assessment. 3 3.1 The procedure ensures that drawings and other technical documents are updated following any change or modification to terminal layout, construction or equipment. From the time of initial construction, a historical record is maintained that includes all structural or technical changes made, the status of equipment, and how that status has evolved from the original design. Document control systems are used to initiate and control the flow of information. 3.2 The procedure ensures that the potential consequences of a change are identified, together with any required risk-reduction measures. Once the risks have been assessed, managers evaluate the potential consequences and their likelihood of occurrence. This process helps the terminal to identify and prioritise the most effective riskreduction measures. It will also identify residual risks that require management attention. The system ensures that changes not carried out within the proposed time scale are reviewed and revalidated. 4 3.3 The management of change system ensures that temporary changes do not exceed the initial authorisation for scope or time without review and re-approval by the appropriate level of management. The change management process makes it clear that if a proposed change is not completed within a set time frame then the change must be reviewed, the initial hazard observation/risk assessment revisited and reapproval sought. 4.1 There is a documented review of the consequences of all changes to ensure objectives have been met. The management of change documentation is reviewed to ensure that all the changes have been carried out in accordance with the plan. Any improvements are formally recorded. If any problems are found, the terminal has a process to ensure that appropriate action is taken and any issues resolved. 4.2 For major changes impacting on the terminal organisation, the management of change procedure should require a detailed review of the impact on the organisation and on the management system. When organisational changes take place, those responsible for supervising or managing the function(s) undergoing change should also be responsible for clear and explicit reassignment of responsibilities. 9 INCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS AIM STAGE 1 Established procedures for incident investigation and analysis are used to reduce the potential for recurrence. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE 1.1 The terminal operator has procedures that ensure prompt reporting of all incidents, accidents and near misses. Timescales for reporting to management should be defined. 1.2 Procedures define the requirements for investigation and analysis, including timescale for completion. Procedure should include a process to identify those incidents, accidents and near misses that require formal investigation. The investigation process should identify the root causes of the incident. 1.3 The investigation procedure ensures any breaches of terminal and/or legislative requirements are identified. Any investigation report should include reference to possible breaches of terminal and/or legislative requirements when determining root cause. The procedure should ensure that appropriate authorities are notified. 2 3 1.4 Persons appointed to lead incident investigations receive appropriate training. 2.1 The person appointed to lead incident investigations is not connected with the incident. The terminal operator should have access to sufficient resources and personnel who can assist in investigation; this may include independent contractors. 2.2 External training in incident investigation techniques, such as root-cause analysis, is provided. The terminal uses third party companies to provide specific courses in incident investigation. Knowledge from the training courses may then be used to train other terminal personnel. 2.3 The terminal operator uses the findings from investigations to reduce the risk of any recurrence. The investigation report should clearly identify corrective actions to prevent recurrence. 2.4 The terminal has an action plan for completing corrective actions identified in investigation reports. The action plan should identify the time scale for implementing corrective actions. There is a formal process defining the requirements for incident investigation. A standard methodology is used for all incident investigations. 3.1 The plan should be regularly reviewed by management to verify that corrective actions are closed out within defined periods. The process includes formal risk potential analysis to identify the level of investigation required. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE 4 3.2 The incident analysis process ensures that the lessons learnt from an incident or near miss are shared with all terminal personnel and, where appropriate, other terminals within the company. 3.3 There is a documented procedure to ensure that, where possible, practical experience in incident investigation is obtained. Trained personnel are given opportunities to participate in investigations (and practice the relevant skills) before being expected to lead an investigation. 4.1 The terminal operator has procedures to share lessons with industry groups, where appropriate. Industry groups include professional institutes, industry associations and equipment manufacturers. 4.2 Proprietary software is utilised to record and analyse incident data. Personnel using proprietary software should receive appropriate training. 10 MANAGEMENT OF SAFETY AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AIM STAGE 1 1.1 Risks to safety and health associated with the terminal’s activities are identified and controlled by the development and implementation of appropriate procedures. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The terminal has a system for the management of health and safety. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE The system includes the identification of hazards and the required controls through risk assessment and includes the need for permit to work systems. Typically, the health and safety management system may include: PPE requirements Non-routine activities such as diving should be subjected to specific risk assessment. safe working practices and standards of housekeeping hazard identification and risk assessment permit to work system site safety inspections safety management of visitors, contractors and vessel crew drug and alcohol policy non-smoking policy. Procedures require periodic reviews to be undertaken of the terminal facilities and operations to identify additional potential hazards and the need for revised risk assessments. Provisions contained in recognised industry guidance on the controls needed for the use of portable electrical and electronic equipment are understood and implemented by the terminal. Controls address vehicle access and their movement within the terminal. Notices should be displayed to advise personnel of important safety related information. 1.2 Site safety inspections are carried out. Inspections address safe work practices and standards of housekeeping. Records should be available indicating frequency, location and participants involved in site safety inspections. 1.3 The terminal has procedures in place to identify risks to health and protect personnel against them. The terminal provides all personnel working on site with protection against hazards that may include the following: Evidence should be available of the results of a health risk assessment of the terminal’s operations. harmful/toxic vapours harmful/toxic liquids physical injury noise and vibration risk of drowning extremes of temperature dust (particulates) cryogenic liquids. MSDS are available for all products and chemicals handled and used at the terminal. Relevant MSDS are provided to vessels loading at the terminal. 1.4 Procedures are in place to ensure that appropriate PPE is provided and its use enforced. Procedures include the equipment provided and the expectation of its use including use by third party contractors such as mooring gangs, cargo surveyors, visitors, etc. Areas where personal floatation aids must be worn have been identified. 1.5 2 The terminal provides first aid and life-saving equipment suitable for the activities and manning of the facility. 2.1 Terminal managers undertake regular site visits to monitor safety standards. 2.2 A record of all valid/current risk assessments is maintained. 2.3 There is a documented system of safety meetings within the terminal. The equipment is accessible in clearly marked locations and maintained in good condition. Records of these visits are maintained within the terminal. The scope of these meetings includes work team safety briefings and pre-task safety discussions. Occupational health topics are a permanent agenda item for all terminal safety meetings. 3 3.1 Terminal management regularly reviews the validity of risk assessments and the effectiveness of associated controls such as permits to work. 3.2 Terminal procedures include a documented risk assessment process to systematically identify potential hazards and manage operational risks associated with non-routine activities. Management ensures that there are procedures requiring a risk assessment to be conducted on any hazards associated with non-routine repairs (following equipment breakdown or arising from the potential for breakdown) or other potentially hazardous operations. This should include the identification of risks to health. 3.3 There is a system in place for terminal staff to communicate ideas for improving safety to management. Terminal management actively encourages personnel to submit safety-related ideas. 3.4 The terminal management establishes and Campaigns encourage a strong safety culture within First aid and life saving equipment may include the following: Evacuation craft floatation aids, including life rings and life vests First Aid medical equipment showers and eyebaths resuscitation equipment Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBDs) respiratory protective equipment personal gas monitors 4 supports proactive safety campaigns. the terminal. 3.5 There is a procedure in place to ensure that important safety information is communicated to all personnel and relevant third parties. Examples of communication include safety alerts, safety bulletins, email or internet communications. 4.1 The terminal has an active and comprehensive safety system designed to deliver a high level of safety performance in accordance with a published safety policy. There is evidence of a positive safety culture that is supported by each individual in the workforce. 4.2 Routine safety information is periodically promulgated to all terminal personnel and relevant third parties. Examples of periodic safety information include: details of past accidents/incidents analysis of any lost time incidents (LTIs) potential for injury from near misses actions taken to prevent recurrence information of incidents/accidents from industry sources. Terminal personnel should be encouraged to submit information for inclusion in the periodic communication. 4.3 The terminal implements health awareness campaigns. Practical support for health awareness may include advice on working under extremes of temperature or humidity or other adverse environmental conditions. The terminal encourages a healthy diet and regular exercise. 4.4 The terminal undertakes area health-risk assessments on a regular basis. Monitoring of physical hazards such as noise levels, making inventories and evaluating the use of hazardous materials and assessing human factors are carried out on a regular basis and fully documented. STAGE 1 2 1.1 10A SECURITY MANAGEMENT INCLUDING VISITOR CONTROLS AIM Policies and procedures ensure that the security of the terminal is not compromised. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The terminal has a security policy in place. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE Typically, the terminal’s security policy and procedures will include: Controls should also address the seaward boundary of the terminal and the control of unauthorised craft. Perimeter control arrangements including potential use of CCTV Details of arrangements and controls are contained within the terminal handbook. control of personnel and vehicle access and movement through the terminal controls to prevent prohibited goods (e.g. firearms, drugs, alcohol) entering the facility. 1.2 Terminal procedures clearly define the requirements for visitors, storing and repairs. Terminal procedures should clearly state requirements and restrictions for visitors, storing and repairs while alongside and should include the need for vessels to advise their requirements prior to arrival. 1.3 The terminal has a security plan with procedures to address all security aspects identified from a security assessment of the facility. Where applicable, the security plan should conform with the requirements of the ISPS Code. 1.4 Terminal management has confirmed that, where necessary, the Contracting Government has advised IMO that it has an approved security plan. 2.1 Access controls include the requirement to record details of all visitors to the terminal. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE Procedures to control access to the terminal, the berths and vessels at the berths are documented. Typically, the security plan may include the following: The security organisation at the terminal and port facility basic security measures for normal operation and additional measures to increase security levels as the threat changes procedures for interfacing with ships, local port authorities, other terminals and agencies (e.g., Police and Coastguard) provisions for regular reviews of the plan measures designed to prevent unauthorised access to the terminal measures to prevent weapons or dangerous substances from being introduced procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including evacuation. If the terminal is not required to comply with the provisions of the ISPS Code, the N/A option should be selected. Procedures should include pre-notification and identification requirements. NA 2.2 Procedures address the control and use of portable electronic devices and other potential ignition sources by visitors. The use of devices such as phones, pagers and cameras is prohibited or measures are in place to effectively control associated risks. 2.3 Safe access routes are clearly defined within the terminal. Controls for pedestrians and vehicles should be indicated, including safe parking arrangements. Consideration should be given to the need to escort or transport visitors through the terminal. 3 4 2.4 Procedures require that the terminal's security plan is periodically exercised, reviewed, updated or amended to ensure its continued effectiveness. 3.1 Visitor controls are supported by the issue of passes by the terminal. 3.2 Surveillance and detection equipment is used to enhance terminal security. Such equipment may include CCTV, infra red monitors, movement detectors and breathalysers. 3.3 Procedures and controls are established to prevent unauthorised materials and substances entering the terminal. This may include random checks for the presence of drugs, alcohol and weaponry. 4.1 Periodic exercises of the security plan involve third parties that may include vessel personnel. 4.2 Independent security assessments of the terminal are undertaken periodically. Exercises should be conducted on a regular basis to ensure that the plan is effective and the plan should be updated based on any lessons learnt. NA [buoy] 11 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AIM STAGE 1 The identification, assessment and control of potential sources of environmental pollution. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1.1 An environmental policy has been developed, signed by management and made available to all employees and contractors. 1.2 The terminal has procedures in place for the treatment or control of terminal-generated waste and, if appropriate, the mitigation of harmful emissions. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE The terminal policy should include a target of zero environmental incidents. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE The environmental policy should be signed by management and prominently displayed. Typically, procedures will address controls associated with the following: Ballast water management (harmful aquatic organisms) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) nitrous oxides and sulphur dioxide emissions (NOx and SOx) process water management sewage garbage. 2 3 1.3 Vessels are advised details of any available disposal facilities at the terminal or elsewhere within the port. 2.1 All sources of environmental pollution attributable to terminal activities have been identified and documented. These sources may include oil, sewage, ballast and cooling water, garbage, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), funnel emissions and noise. Typically, this information will be contained in an environmental impact assessment. 2.2 The terminal has an approved Waste Management Plan. The plan covers the handling and disposal of garbage and as appropriate, oil, oil mixtures and noxious liquid substances. Typically, this plan will be approved by a local or national authority and will include details of approved disposal sites. 2.3 The terminal facilitates the disposal of garbage and other waste from visiting vessels. The terminal has identified suitable approved contractors for the disposal of vessel-generated wastes. 3.1 The terminal has clearly assigned management responsibility for each environmental issue. Responsibility for environmental performance is assigned to an appropriate person within the terminal management. 3.2 The terminal can demonstrate that measures are being taken to comply with known future regulations and legislation. 3.3 The terminal accepts garbage and waste from visiting vessels. 4 3.4 The terminal has procedures in place for the controlled disposal of redundant contaminated equipment. Such equipment may include contaminated hoses, gaskets and ropes. 4.1 The terminal has an environmental action plan which includes pollutant reduction targets. All sources of pollution should be monitored and measured. The plan may include certification to a national or international standard such as ISO 14001. 4.2 The terminal is proactive in identifying emerging requirements and initiatives related to environmental protection. Examples include vapour recovery, optimisation of vessel scheduling (‘Virtual Arrival’) and use of shore power (‘cold ironing’). 4.3 The terminal uses bio-degradable hydraulic oils in systems. 4.4 The terminal utilises the latest technology for the early detection of spills. Technology could for example include radar, infra red or electromagnetic absorption detectors, 12 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AIM STAGE 1 1.1 Emergency Plans and a schedule of exercises are in place that address all credible scenarios. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS There are comprehensive and up-to-date Emergency Plans that are specific to the terminal. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE The Emergency Plans should include the following elements: emergency management structure for the terminal linking arrangements with national authorities, local administration, local emergency services identification of roles, responsibilities and training requirements of personnel, including alternates contact details resource information an exercise programme These Plans should be supported by formal arrangements to facilitate the use of external resources in an emergency and should include their contact details. 1.2 1.3 The Emergency Response Plan addresses the full range of emergency scenarios and anticipated environmental conditions. The terminal has an Emergency Evacuation Plan. Scenarios within the Emergency Response Plan are based on formal risk assessment and may include: fire and explosion at the terminal or a vessel major escape of flammable and or toxic vapours vessel grounding, collision or allision vessel breaking out from berths major port accidents with vessels, tugs, ferries, etc. meteorological hazards e.g. hurricanes, cyclones security breaches including terrorist activities earthquakes, tidal waves, tsunamis The critical elements of the Emergency Evacuation Plan include organisation, control, communications and the resources needed to put the plan into operation. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE Evacuation arrangements should take into account a vessel alongside the terminal and its content should be discussed and agreed with the Masters of vessels visiting the terminal. 1.4 The terminal has a Spill Response Plan. Where applicable, the Spill Response Plan has been developed in accordance with the IPIECA Guide to Contingency Planning for Oil Spills to Water. The terminal’s Spill Response Plan links to local, national and regional plans and is in accordance with government or other competent authority requirements. As a minimum, the plan should include: Identification of an owner responsible for the Plan a document control section which identifies copy holders and revisions precise scope, including operations, type of pollutants, and a map of the geographic area description of the response strategy for the Tier 1 response to cover all the relevant pollutant types identification of the spill response organisation spill risk assessment section that lists all credible spill scenarios definitions of a Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Spill. The definition can be a combination of size, type of pollutant, repercussions and impact to assist with the classification of the spill. action check lists for members of the spill response organisations health and safety guidance for spill situations spill size assessment guide reporting procedures required by the company/ authorities notification section including contact details inventory of Tier 1 clean-up resources location of Tier 2 and Tier 3 clean-up resources reference to location of hydrographic charts and sensitivity maps for the scope of the Plan. Terminals also need to ensure they know how the government or other competent authority may expect it to respond to spills away from the terminal (passing traffic), and how far terminal “jurisdiction” extends. 1.5 The terminal is equipped to respond to a Tier 1 spill. The inventory of response equipment is consistent with the equipment referenced in the Spill Response Plan. Typically, Tier 1 response equipment maintained on site may include: Sorbent material (pads and booms) Where applicable, Material Safety Data Sheets should be available for each different type of dispersant product. shovels and containers PPE. Procedures should ensure that all response equipment is ready for immediate use. 1.6 Exercises of the Plans are undertaken on a routine basis. Exercises address all aspects and locations of potential incidents including fire, spills and emergency evacuations. The outcomes of emergency exercises are recorded and reviewed. 2 2.1 There is a formal documented programme of spill response exercises for oil, chemical or gas, as appropriate. The programme includes notifications, table-top exercises and equipment deployment. The results of exercises are documented to identify any required follow-up actions and these are effectively closed out. The terminal maintains records of participants who have been involved in emergency exercises. 3 4 2.2 Notification procedures and communication links for rapidly alerting the emergency response team are tested through exercise. The system should ensure there is 24-hour cover that takes account of holidays and work-related travel arrangements. 2.3 The results of emergency exercises are documented and analysed to identify lessons learnt. Lessons learnt are fed back into the planning process and emergency plans are updated. 2.4 Alternative members are included in planned exercises. 3.1 Exercises are used to evaluate the additional training needs of individual employees. Individual training needs are established as part of the exercise review process. Individual training records should include details of additional training resulting from participation in exercises. 3.2 The terminal has a designated emergency response control facility. This may include a dedicated incident room with facilities such as fax and phone connections, computer network points, a whiteboard, satellite or cable television and video, where applicable. While the incident room need not be a dedicated room during normal operations, in the event of an incident it should be solely dedicated to the response activity. 3.3 The terminal participates in local and/or national spill exercises. 3.4 Emergency Plans include processes for interacting with the media. 3.5 An emergency exercise involving a visiting vessel is carried out periodically. The exercise should also involve third parties and appropriate authorities. 4.1 Incident scenarios for exercises fully test the emergency plans. Exercises should provide a comprehensive test of all personnel, equipment, communication and Such exercises should test Tier 2 and 3 response arrangements and may involve the terminal participating in the exercises of other facilities within the area. Available personnel should be detailed on a documented rota/call-out list. The location of the room and support equipment should be identified in procedures. mobilisation systems. The exercises should include the participation of a significant number of individuals and may involve role players representing casualties, media interests, lobbyists, etc. 4.2 Designated, authorised terminal personnel receive media training to ensure accuracy and control of media releases during an emergency. 13 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REVIEW AIM STAGE 1 2 3 1.1 A structured process is used to verify the effectiveness of the management system. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The terminal has a procedure in place that addresses internal audit requirements. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE The audit procedure covers the key steps in the process, including: the structure of the audit team the need to establish audit scope the requirement for audit results to be reported to management as soon as possible procedures for the timely close-out of observed deficiencies. 1.2 An internal audit plan is in place. The plan should ensure that the management of all terminal activities is audited on a periodic basis. 1.3 All auditors have received formal audit training. Leaders of the audit team should have experience in conducting audits. 1.4 Management review and monitor the effectiveness of the audit close-out process. Management should ensure that sufficient resources are allocated and, if required, use external support. 2.1 A standard audit format is used. The standard format includes appropriate terminal and regulatory requirements and measures the level of compliance. Comments and observations are recorded. 2.2 Audits are performed in line with the audit plan. Where significant delay to planned activities has occurred, measures are taken to bring performance back into line with the plan. 2.3 Management sets an internal performance standard for the time taken from completing the audit to producing and distributing the report. 3.1 The terminal has a system that clearly demonstrates the status of recorded deficiencies through to close-out. 3.2 The process alerts terminal management when audit findings are not closed out within a defined period. The results of audits are recorded and deficiencies tracked to ensure timely close-out. Regular checks are made on the status of items. Deficiencies or defects not corrected to the satisfaction of terminal management will remain ‘open’. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE 4 4.1 Information from the analysis of management audits is fed into a continuous improvement process. Managers review the results from the analysis to identify potential weaknesses in the terminal’s management system. Improvements to the management system are fed into the continuous improvement process. 4.2 Terminal management identifies trends by reviewing formal analysis of audit results. The results of audits may be captured in a computer database to identify common trends. STAGE 1 1.1 14 OPERATIONS AT BUOY MOORINGS [SUPPLEMENTARY] AIM Appropriate procedures are established to ensure the safety of operations at buoy moorings. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS A terminal operating a buoy mooring (single or multi-buoy) has procedures in place to ensure compliance with established practices for operations and maintenance. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE The terminal complies with accepted industry guidance that address aspects of operation that include: safe operational practices mooring equipment hose management procedures Recommendations for Equipment Employed in the Bow Mooring of Conventional Tankers at Single Point Moorings integrity of mooring leg components of buoy(s) integrity of buoys and topside equipment Single Point Mooring Maintenance and Operations Guide provision of spares. Guide to Purchasing and Manufacturing Hoses for Offshore Moorings Guidelines for the Handling, Storage, Inspection and Testing of Hoses in the Field Guidelines for Purchasing and Testing of SPM Hawsers The guidance detailed elsewhere in this document should apply to terminals operating a buoy mooring where appropriate. 1.2 There is adequate manoeuvring area and water depth at the location of the buoy mooring to allow safe operation of vessels at all stages of the tide. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE Accepted industry guidance includes the following publications: Guidelines for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Multi Buoy Moorings The berth location (manoeuvring area, turning circle, depth of water) should be suitable for the size of vessels using the berth. The monitoring and control of local traffic operating in the vicinity of the berth should be considered in terminal operating procedures. 1.3 Procedures define how effective communication is maintained between the terminal control room, workboats, tank farm, Mooring Masters and tanker. Effective means of communication should be in place and include a secondary means. The secondary means of communication should be clearly defined, understood and regularly tested. Procedures should include arrangements for stopping cargo transfer in an emergency. 1.4 Support craft and, if required, tugs are of sufficient size and number. The facility should be serviced by support craft that are of a design and capability suited to the needs of the terminal. 1.5 Hawser tension and angle is visually monitored throughout the transfer operation. A deck watch, or equivalent (CCTV), should be in place to monitor the mooring hawser(s). Procedures are in place to prevent a tanker overrunning the buoy or hose string. The requirement and use of a hold back tug should be risk assessed. 1.6 NA MBM NA MBM 2 3 4 2.1 Requirements for non-routine activities involving visiting vessels are clearly established prior to vessel nomination. 2.2 The exposure of personnel to potential hazards when handling mooring lines on buoys has been formally risk assessed. SPM Hawser tension is monitored by the use of remotereading tension monitors. MBM 3.1 4.1 Consideration has been given to the use of cargo transfer equipment that may provide improved environmental protection. Non-routine activities could include the need to clear hoses with water for maintenance purposes. NA NA Such equipment may include double carcass hoses and marine break away couplings. 15 TERMINALS IMPACTED BY ICE OR SEVERE SUB-ZERO AIR TEMPERATURES [SUPPLEMENTARY] AIM STAGE 1 1.1 1.2 Procedures are in place that address issues associated with operations at terminals that are impacted by ice or severe sub-zero air temperatures. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The terminal has procedures in place that address ice management and the specific hazards and requirements associated with operating in severe sub-zero temperatures. The terminal is provided with equipment that is suitable for operation in anticipated environmental conditions. BEST PRACTICE GUIDANCE The terminal operating manual includes safety and operational procedures related to operating in severe cold weather and ice conditions. ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE The terminal operating manual will typically include the following: Procedures for operating terminal equipment in the severe environmental conditions procedure to inform the vessel on environmental operating limits which might affect cargo operations ice detection, tracking and forecasting ice threat evaluation ice routeing guidance in approaches to terminal ice alert procedures physical ice management, e.g. ice breaking, ice clearing, iceberg towing. For example, the terminal provides transfer, firefighting, lifesaving and first aid equipment suitable for use in severe sub-zero temperatures and ice conditions. This should also include specific equipment/machinery designated for removal of excessive ice and snow accumulation that is maintained available and ready for use. Support craft should be suitable for operation in the anticipated conditions. 1.3 Procedures require the selection of vessels suited for operating in the anticipated environmental conditions. Terminal requirements for vessel Ice Class notation, propulsion power and winterisation notation are specified. The procedure may include operating requirements for the vessel speed and manoeuvrability characteristics in ice. 1.4 Terminal procedures require that personnel are trained and equipped to cope with the anticipated environmental conditions. The terminal has procedures in place to protect personnel against risks to their health in severe subzero temperatures and ice conditions, including the provision of appropriate PPE. Within these procedures, the following may be specified: The duration of exposure to cold air temperatures for personnel, including verification that the manning level at the terminal is sufficient the provision of basic training for all personnel. 1.5 The terminal's Spill Response Plan and the Emergency Response Plan ensure that due account is taken of issues associated with operations in ice and/or severe sub-zero temperatures. A Spill Response Plan is developed for various scenarios while operating in ice conditions. The pollution response equipment is located in accordance with the plan with the appropriate weather protection. Emergency exercises are carried out in icy conditions to determine the effectiveness of the emergency response plan. 2 3 4 1.6 The terminal has ready access to up-to-date weather and ice forecasts. Information on actual and forecasted conditions should be passed to vessels pre-arrival and throughout the vessel's stay at the terminal. 2.1 The Terminal has a system in place to verify the effectiveness of its Ice Management Plan and related operating procedures. The Ice Management Plan is regularly reviewed and maintained up-to-date in order to reflect knowledge and experience gained at the location. A responsible person is designated for the implementation of the procedures outlined in the Ice Management Plan. 2.2 The terminal procedure of scheduling arrival and departure of tankers takes into account ice conditions and severe sub-zero temperatures to avoid besetting. The terminal operator's procedures should ensure that the arrival of tankers is scheduled and includes allowance for early departure of the tanker if a danger of besetting arises. 2.3 Regular inspections of all safety-related systems exposed to extreme temperatures are undertaken to ensure their ready availability. A written procedure accompanied by a check list is in place for the regular inspections of all safetyrelated systems during the exposure to extreme temperatures to ensure the effectiveness of the precautions being taken. 3.1 The terminal has access to an ice detection system to facilitate the identification and tracking of all potentially hazardous ice features or ice situations. The ice detection system provides an adequate ice detection and forecasting capability for the expected ranges of environmental conditions and visibility. 3.2 The terminal has access to resources for conducting icebreaker escort navigation. 3.3 The terminal maintains records of ice operational experience for use when evaluating performance. Records include ice conditions, vessel performance including tugs, safe speeds and distances. Performance data is routinely reviewed and procedures updated. 3.4 Terminal procedures specify requirements necessary for safe navigation in the approaches to the terminal and mooring in ice conditions. Approach routes to the terminal should be risk assessed to identify potential hazards, including the risk of besetment, and vessels advised accordingly. 4.1 The terminal actively shares operating experience with other terminals operating in similar conditions.