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What was the main purpose of the Declaration of Independence apex

What was the main purpose of the Declaration of
Independence apex?
The main purpose of the Declaration of Independence apex was to declare
the 13 American colonies as independent states and to dissolve their political
connection with Great Britain.
Explanation: The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the
Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, and is one of the most important
documents in American history. Its main purpose was to proclaim the
independence of the 13 American colonies from Great Britain, which had been
controlling them for decades. The Declaration was written primarily by
Thomas Jefferson and also included input from Benjamin Franklin and John
Adams. It detailed the reasons why the colonies felt they needed to break
away from the British Empire, including grievances against King George III
and his policies. The Declaration was a bold statement of freedom and liberty
and became a rallying cry for the American Revolution. Today, it remains one
of the most significant documents in the history of the United States, and its
ideals have inspired people all around the world in their struggle for freedom
and democracy.