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What is the square root of 26 in simplest radical form

What is the square root of 26 in simplest radical form?
Answer: The square root of 26 in simplest radical form is √26. This is
because 26 cannot be simplified into any perfect square factors. Therefore, it
remains in radical form.
To simplify a radical expression, you need to identify the factors of the number
inside the radical sign. However, 26 is not a perfect square, which means it
cannot be factored into two of the same integer. Hence, the square root of 26
cannot be simplified further.
Note that when a radical cannot be simplified, it is said to be in its simplest or
simplest radical form.
- Mathsisfun. (n.d.). Simplifying Square Roots. Retrieved from
- Khan Academy. (n.d.). Simplifying square roots of non-perfect squares: no variables.
Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra/rational-exponents-andradicals/simplifying-radicals-with-variables/v/simplifying-square-roots-non-perfect-squares