Rooms in the house Before you watch 1. In your opinion why is it important to have a house? 2. Study the vocabulary. Match the words to their pictures: a) Garage ['gærɑːʒ] b) Basement ['beɪsmənt] 1 2 c) Yard [jɑːd] 3 While you watch 3. Fill in the table: A. B. C. Speaker Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 Room Speaker What is his/her favourite room? 1 2 3 4 5 Billy’s family Name Room Dad Susie Grandma and grandpa Billy After you watch 4. In groups of 3-4 make a list of your favourite rooms in the house. Explain why you like this room and what you can do there. Rooms in the house © 1999-2015 Все права защищены. Учебный центр «Образовательные технологии» Before you watch 3. In your opinion why is it important to have a house? 4. Study the vocabulary. Match the words to their pictures: b) Garage ['gærɑːʒ] b) Basement ['beɪsmənt] 1 2 c) Yard [jɑːd] 3 While you watch Fill in the table: A. Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 6 B. Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 C. Name Man Couple Mr and Mrs Jones Bob Mary car Room Kitchen Living room Yard Living room Bedroom Garage What is his/her favourite room? Living room Dining room Kitchen Bedroom Basement Billy’s family Name Room Dad Basement Susie Living room Grandma Yard and grandpa Billy Kitchen After you watch In groups of 3-4 make a list of your favourite rooms in the house. Explain why you like this room and what you can do there. © 1999-2015 Все права защищены. Учебный центр «Образовательные технологии»