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giant covalent structure flashcards.docx

SiO2 is naturally found in sand & quartz
Each carbon atom is covalently
bonded to 4 other carbon
Each carbon atom is covalently
bonded to 3 other carbon
Each oxygen atom is covalently
bonded to 2 silicon atoms.
Each silicon atom is covalently
bonded to 4 oxygen atoms.
Si2O4 → SiO2
Repeated tetrahedral structure
Form a hexagonal structure in
Made up entirely of STRONG
covalent bonds with no weak
intermolecular forces.
High melting point and boiling
point as large amount of
energy is required to break the
strong covalent bonds
Extremely hard and dense
(makes good cutting tools)
STRONG covalent bonds within
the layers
1 silicon & 4 oxygen atoms form
a repeated tetrahedral
Made up entirely of STRONG
covalent bonds with no weak
intermolecular forces.
High melting point and boiling
point as large amount of
energy is required to break the
strong covalent bonds
Similar properties as diamond
Hard & insoluble in water
Do not conduct electricity due
to lack of free mobile ions or
High melting point and boiling
point as large amount of
energy is required to break the
strong covalent bonds
Weak intermolecular forces
(van der waals) hold the layers
⸫ Layers can slide over each
other and graphite is slippery
Each carbon atom has a free
electron (not shared)
⸫ these free mobile electrons
between the layers can carry
charges and conduct electricity
Do not conduct electricity due
to lack of free mobile ions or