Academic Year: 2022-23 Course code: 21CS2212AH COMPUTER NETWORKS & SECURITY – Lab Department of Computer Science and Engineering Roll No - 2110030093 Experiment 1: Study of different internetworking devices in detail. Aim : Software: Theory: 1. Hub – write information about hub here 2. Switch – write information about switch here 3. Router – Write information about Router here Representation in CISCO packet tracer 1. Connecting 2 PC’s (Paste the screen shot here) 2. Connecting multiple PC’s through HUB (Paste the screen shot here) 3. Connecting multiple PC’s through Switch (Paste the screen shot here) 4. Connecting 2 switches which are handling 3 systems each with router (Paste the screen shot here) Observations – I have observer how the data travel’s from one pc to another. Conclusion – I have learned how to set up pc’s and how the ip addresses work.