Uploaded by Mithun Netmarks

Fortigate AV with Sandbox Cloud

Security Profiles
[2019/01/31 00:48:21] FG101E4Q17000000 VDOM: root
[2019/01/31 00:48:21] FG101E4Q17000000 ENTERING->HANDLE_SEND_FILE.
[2019/01/31 00:48:21] FG101E4Q17000000 suspicious stats START_TIME: 1548290749
[2019/01/31 00:48:21] FG101E4Q17000000 INCOMING->FGT->VDOM: vdom1
[2019/01/31 00:48:21] FG101E4Q17000000 suspicious stats END_TIME: 1548895549
[2019/01/31 00:48:21] FG101E4Q17000000 INCOMING->IMG_VERSION:
[2019/01/31 00:48:21] INCOMING->FGT: FG101E4Q17000000, VDOM: vdom1
[2019/01/31 00:48:21] FG101E4Q17000000 INCOMING->TYPE: 4
[2019/01/31 00:48:21] FG101E4Q17000000 opd_data_len=37 clean=0 detected=0 risk_low=0 risk_
med=0 risk_high=0 sus_limit=0
[2019/01/31 00:48:22] FG101E4Q17000000 RETRIEVE->PKG: TYPE: av, ENTRY_VERSION: 1795,
PACKAGE_PATH: /Storage/malpkg/pkg/avsig/avsigrel_1795.pkg
[2019/01/31 00:48:22] FG101E4Q17000000 RETRIEVE->PKG: TYPE: url, ENTRY_VERSION: 595,
PACKAGE_PATH: /Storage/malpkg/pkg/url/urlrel_595.pkg.gz
[2019/01/31 00:48:29] LOGIN->SUCCEED: Serial(FG101E4Q17000000), HOSTNAME(FGT_PROXY)
[2019/01/31 00:48:32] LOGIN->SUCCEED: Serial(FG101E4Q17000000), HOSTNAME(FGT_PROXY)
[2019/01/31 00:48:59] LOGIN->SUCCEED: Serial(FG101E4Q17000000), HOSTNAME(FGT_PROXY)
[2019/01/31 00:49:03] LOGIN->SUCCEED: Serial(FG101E4Q17000000), HOSTNAME(FGT_PROXY)
Using FortiSandbox Cloud with antivirus
FortiSandbox Cloud allows users to take advantage of FortiSandbox features without having to purchase, operate, and
maintain a physical appliance. It works the same way as the physical FortiSandbox appliance.
FortiSandbox Cloud allows you to control the region where your traffic is sent to for analysis. This allows you to meet
your country's compliance needs regarding data storage locations.
FortiSandbox can be used with antivirus in both proxy-based and flow-based inspection modes. When FortiSandbox is
enabled, full scan mode antivirus can submit the following for inspection: only suspicious files, all supported file, or no
files. Quick scan mode antivirus cannot submit suspicious files to FortiSandbox, so either all files or no files are
submitted for inspection.
In FortiOS 6.2 and later, users do not require a FortiGate Cloud account to use FortiSandbox Cloud. Without a valid
FortiGuard antivirus (AVDB) license, FortiGate devices are limited to 100 FortiGate Cloud submissions per day.
Unlimited FortiGate Cloud submissions are allowed if the FortiGate has a valid AVDB license; however, there is a perminute submission rate is based on the FortiGate model.
For more information, see FortiSandbox on page 150.
Configuring FortiSandbox Cloud
There are three steps to configure FortiSandbox Cloud inspection in an antivirus profile:
1. Through FortiCare, register the FortiGate device and purchase a FortiGuard antivirus license.
2. Enable FortiSandbox Cloud on the FortiGate.
3. Enable FortiSandbox inspection options in the antivirus profile.
To obtain or renew a FortiGuard antivirus license:
1. See the How to Purchase or Renew FortiGuard Services video for FortiGuard antivirus license purchase
FortiOS 6.4.9 Administration Guide
Fortinet Inc.
Security Profiles
2. Once a FortiGuard license is purchased and activated, users are provided with a paid FortiSandbox Cloud license.
a. Go to Dashboard > Status to view the FortiSandbox Cloud license indicator.
b. Alternatively, go to System > FortiGuard to view the FortiSandbox Cloud license indicator.
To enable FortiSandbox Cloud on the FortiGate:
1. Make the FortiSandbox Cloud feature visible:
config system global
set gui-fortisandbox-cloud enable
2. Log out of FortiOS and log in again.
3. Go to Security Fabric > Fabric Connectors and double-click the FortiSandbox card.
4. For status, click Enable.
5. For Type, click FortiSandbox Cloud and choose a region from the dropdown list.
6. Click OK.
When the FortiGate is connected to the FortiSandbox Cloud, the current FortiSandbox database version is
FortiOS 6.4.9 Administration Guide
Fortinet Inc.
Security Profiles
To enable FortiSandbox inspection options in the antivirus profile:
1. Go to Security Profiles > AntiVirus.
2. Edit an antivirus profile, or create a new one.
3. Under APT Protection Options, select either Suspicious Files Only or All Supported Files.
4. For Do not submit files matching types, click the + to exclude certain file types from being sent to FortiSandbox.
5. For Do not submit files matching file name patterns, click the + to enter a wildcard pattern to exclude files from being
sent to FortiSandbox.
6. Enable Use FortiSandbox Database.
7. Click OK.
FortiGate diagnostics
To check the FortiGate Cloud controller status:
# diagnose test application forticldd 2
Server: log-controller, task=0/10, watchdog is off
Domain name: logctrl1.fortinet.com
Address of log-controller: 1
Statistics: total=3, discarded=1, sent=2, last_updated=12163 secs ago
http connection: is not in progress
Current address:
Calls: connect=9, rxtx=12
Current tasks number: 0
FortiOS 6.4.9 Administration Guide
Fortinet Inc.
Security Profiles
Account: name=empty, status=0, type=basic
Current volume: 0B
Current tasks number: 0
Update timer fires in 74240 secs
To check the Cloud APT server status:
# diagnose test application forticldd 3
Debug zone info:
Home log server:
Alt log server:
Active Server IP:
Active Server status: down
Log quota:
Log used:
Daily volume:
fams archive pause: 0
APTContract : 1
APT server:
APT Altserver:
Active APTServer IP:
Active APTServer status: up
To view FortiSandbox Cloud diagnostics:
# diagnose test application quarantined 1
Total remote&local devices: 4, any task full? 0
System have disk, vdom is enabled, mgmt=3, ha=1
xfer-fas is enabled: ips-archive dlp-archive, realtime=yes, taskfull=no
addr=, source-ip=, keep-alive=no.
ssl_opt=1, hmac_alg=0
License=0, content_archive=0, arch_pause=0.
global-fas is disabled.
forticloud-fsb is enabled: analytics, realtime=yes, taskfull=no
addr=, source-ip=, keep-alive=no.
ssl_opt=1, hmac_alg=0
fortisandbox-fsb1 is disabled.
fortisandbox-fsb2 is disabled.
fortisandbox-fsb3 is disabled.
fortisandbox-fsb4 is disabled.
fortisandbox-fsb5 is disabled.
fortisandbox-fsb6 is disabled.
global-faz is disabled.
global-faz2 is disabled.
global-faz3 is disabled.
To view FortiSandbox Cloud submission statistics:
# diagnose test application quarantined 2
Quarantine daemon state:
QUAR mem: mem_used=0, mem_limit=97269, threshold=72951
dropped(0 by quard, 0 by callers)
pending-jobs=0, tot-mem=0, last_ipc_run=12353, check_new_req=1
alloc_job_failed=0, job_wrong_type=0, job_wrong_req_len=0, job_invalid_qfd=0
FortiOS 6.4.9 Administration Guide
Fortinet Inc.
Security Profiles
tgz_create_failed=0, tgz_attach_failed=0, qfd_mmap_failed=0, buf_attached=0
ips: total=0, handled=0, accepted=0
quar: total=0, handled=0, accepted=0
archive: total=0, handled=0, accepted=0
analytics: total=0, handled=0, accepted=0, local_dups=0
analytics stats: total=0, handled=0, accepted=0
last_rx=0, last_tx=0, error_rx=0, error_tx=0
max_num_tasks=10000, num_tasks=0, mem_used=0, ttl_drops=0, xfer_status=0
ips: total=0, handled=0, accepted=0
quar: total=0, handled=0, accepted=0
archive: total=0, handled=0, accepted=0
analytics: total=0, handled=0, accepted=0, local_dups=0
num_buffer=0(per-minute:10) last_min_count=0 last_vol_count=0 next_vol_reset_tm='Sun Feb 17
00:00:00 2019
analytics stats: total=24, handled=24, accepted=24
last_rx=1224329, last_tx=1224329, error_rx=2, error_tx=0
max_num_tasks=200, num_tasks=0, mem_used=0, ttl_drops=0, xfer_status=0
To view FortiSandbox analysis statistics:
# diagnose test application quarantined 7
Total: 0
vfid: 0, detected: 0, clean: 0, risk_low: 0, risk_med: 0, risk_high: 0, limit_
vfid: 3, detected: 0, clean: 0, risk_low: 0, risk_med: 0, risk_high: 0, limit_
vfid: 4, detected: 0, clean: 0, risk_low: 0, risk_med: 0, risk_high: 0, limit_
FGT_FL_FULL (global) #
To run the quarantine daemon:
# diagnose debug application quarantined -1
# diagnose debug enable
quar_req_fsa_file()-890: fsa ext list new_version (1547781904)
quar_fsb_handle_quar()-1439: added a req-6 to fortisandbox-fsb5, vfid=1, oftp-name=[].
__quar_start_connection()-908: start server fortisandbox-fsb5- in vdom-1
[103] __ssl_cert_ctx_load: Added cert /etc/cert/factory/root_Fortinet_Factory.cer, root ca
Fortinet_CA, idx 0 (default)
[551] ssl_ctx_create_new_ex: SSL CTX is created
[578] ssl_new: SSL object is created
FortiOS 6.4.9 Administration Guide
Fortinet Inc.
Security Profiles
quar_remote_recv_send()-731: dev=fortisandbox-fsb2 xfer-status=0
__quar_build_pkt()-408: build req(id=337, type=4) for vdom-vdom1, len=99, oftp_name=
__quar_send()-470: dev buffer -- pos=0, len=99
quar_remote_send()-520: req(id=337, type=4) read response, dev=fortisandbox-fsb2, xfer_
status=1, buflen=12
quar_remote_recv_send()-770: dev-fortisandbox-fsb2, oevent=4, nevent=1, xfer-status=1
quar_remote_recv_send()-731: dev=fortisandbox-fsb3 xfer-status=0
__quar_build_pkt()-408: build req(id=338, type=6) for vdom-vdom1, len=93, oftp_name=
__quar_send()-470: dev buffer -- pos=0, len=93
quar_remote_send()-520: req(id=338, type=6) read response, dev=fortisandbox-fsb3, xfer_
status=1, buflen=12
quar_remote_recv_send()-770: dev-fortisandbox-fsb3, oevent=4, nevent=1, xfer-status=1
quar_remote_recv_send()-731: dev=fortisandbox-fsb5 xfer-status=0
__quar_build_pkt()-408: build req(id=340, type=6) for vdom-vdom1, len=93, oftp_name=
__quar_send()-470: dev buffer -- pos=0, len=93
quar_remote_send()-520: req(id=340, type=6) read response, dev=fortisandbox-fsb5, xfer_
status=1, buflen=12
quar_remote_recv_send()-770: dev-fortisandbox-fsb5, oevent=4, nevent=1, xfer-status=1
quar_remote_recv_send()-731: dev=fortisandbox-fsb2 xfer-status=1
quar_remote_recv()-662: dev(fortisandbox-fsb2) received a packet: len=69, type=1
quar_remote_recv()-718: file-[337] is accepted by server(fortisandbox-fsb2).
quar_put_job_req()-332: Job 337 deleted
quar_remote_recv_send()-731: dev=fortisandbox-fsb4 xfer-status=0
__quar_build_pkt()-408: build req(id=339, type=6) for vdom-vdom1, len=93, oftp_name=
__quar_send()-470: dev buffer -- pos=0, len=93
quar_remote_send()-520: req(id=339, type=6) read response, dev=fortisandbox-fsb4, xfer_
status=1, buflen=12
quar_remote_recv_send()-770: dev-fortisandbox-fsb4, oevent=4, nevent=1, xfer-status=1
quar_remote_recv_send()-731: dev=fortisandbox-fsb1 xfer-status=0
__quar_build_pkt()-408: build req(id=336, type=4) for vdom-root, len=98, oftp_name=
__quar_send()-470: dev buffer -- pos=0, len=98
__get_analytics_stats()-19: Received an ANALYTICS_STATS request, vfid: 0
__quar_req_handler()-127: Request 0 was handled successfully
__get_analytics_stats()-19: Received an ANALYTICS_STATS request, vfid: 0
__quar_req_handler()-127: Request 0 was handled successfully
__get_analytics_stats()-19: Received an ANALYTICS_STATS request, vfid: 0
__quar_req_handler()-127: Request 0 was handled successfully
__get_analytics_stats()-19: Received an ANALYTICS_STATS request, vfid: 0
FortiOS 6.4.9 Administration Guide
Fortinet Inc.
Security Profiles
__quar_req_handler()-127: Request 0 was handled successfully
quar_fsb_handle_quar()-1439: added a req-6 to fortisandbox-fsb1, vfid=1, oftp-name=[].
__quar_start_connection()-908: start server fortisandbox-fsb1- in vdom-1
[103] __ssl_cert_ctx_load: Added cert /etc/cert/factory/root_Fortinet_Factory.cer, root ca
Fortinet_CA, idx 0 (default)
[551] ssl_ctx_create_new_ex: SSL CTX is created
[578] ssl_new: SSL object is created
quar_remote_recv_send()-731: dev=fortisandbox-fsb1 xfer-status=0
__quar_build_pkt()-408: build req(id=2, type=6) for vdom-vdom1, len=93, oftp_name=
__quar_send()-470: dev buffer -- pos=0, len=93
quar_remote_send()-520: req(id=2, type=6) read response, dev=fortisandbox-fsb1, xfer_
status=1, buflen=12
quar_remote_recv_send()-770: dev-fortisandbox-fsb1, oevent=4, nevent=1, xfer-status=1
quar_remote_recv_send()-731: dev=fortisandbox-fsb1 xfer-status=1
quar_remote_recv()-662: dev(fortisandbox-fsb1) received a packet: len=767, type=1
quar_store_analytics_report()-590: Analytics-report return
file=/tmp/fsb/83bb2d9928b03a68b123730399b6b9365b5cc9a5a77f8aa007a6f1a499a13b18.json.gz, buf_
quar_store_analytics_report()-597: The request
'83bb2d9928b03a68b123730399b6b9365b5cc9a5a77f8aa007a6f1a499a13b18' score is 1
quar_remote_recv()-718: file-[2] is accepted by server(fortisandbox-fsb1).
quar_put_job_req()-332: Job 2 deleted
quar_monitor_connection_func()-978: monitoring dev fortisandbox-fsb1
quar_monitor_connection_func()-978: monitoring dev fortisandbox-fsb1
__get_analytics_stats()-19: Received an ANALYTICS_STATS request, vfid: 0
__quar_req_handler()-127: Request 0 was handled successfully
__get_analytics_stats()-19: Received an ANALYTICS_STATS request, vfid: 0
__quar_req_handler()-127: Request 0 was handled successfully
quar_monitor_connection_func()-978: monitoring dev fortisandbox-fsb1
quar_stop_connection()-1006: close connection to server(fortisandbox-fsb1)
[193] __ssl_data_ctx_free: Done
[805] ssl_free: Done
[185] __ssl_cert_ctx_free: Done
[815] ssl_ctx_free: Done
[796] ssl_disconnect: Shutdown
Web filter
Web filtering restricts or controls user access to web resources and can be applied to firewall policies using either policybased or profile-based NGFW mode.
In FortiOS, there are three main components of web filtering:
Web content filter: blocks web pages containing words or patterns that you specify.
URL filter: uses URLs and URL patterns to block or exempt web pages from specific sources, or block malicious
URLs discovered by FortiSandbox.
FortiGuard Web Filtering service: provides many additional categories you can use to filter web traffic.
FortiOS 6.4.9 Administration Guide
Fortinet Inc.