medical terminology word [healing by] primary intention grammar definition tends to heal quickly and results in minimal scar formation. [healing by] secondary intention new tissue must fill in from the bottom and sides of the wound until the wound bed is filled with new tissue. a.c., ac before meals (”anti-consume”). aa of each. absorption movement of the smaller elements through the walls of the digestive tract and into the blood. acute temporary, resolves when underlying injury heals. acute wound wound that heals in a rapid, uncomplicated manner. ad lib. as desired, freely. adaptive immunity acquired/specific immunity. provides long-term immunity when the body is exposed to an antigen. (two types of adaptive immunity: humoral [antibody-mediated] & cellular [cell-mediated]). afebrile a person who maintains normal body temperature (97.6 99.6 degrees F). afterload resistance that has to be exceeded to eject the blood during systole. albinism congenital loss of pigmentation characterized by a generalized lack of melanin pigment in eyes, skin, and hair. allergies life-threatening. the immune system produces antibodies to fight an ingredient of the food. allodynia pain for non-injury stimuli. am morning, before noon. amino acids organic compounds that make up proteins. amp ampule. medical terminology 1 word grammar definition anabolism the use of energy to change simple materials into complex body substances and tissue. analgesic (drug) pain reliever/painkiller. anorexia loss of appetite from illness, medication, allergies, treatments, etc. that comes back after resolution of underlying condition. anorexia nervosa life-threatening eating disorder characterized by strict dietary intake regulations and distorted body image. anosmia the complete loss of smell. antibodies immunoglobulin molecules that recognize foreign invaders. antigen any substance that provokes an adaptive immune response. antioxidants beta carotene, selenium, vitamin C, & vitamin E. antioxidants substances that may protect body cells against effects of free radicals. anuria the failure of the kidneys to produce or excrete urine (results from any process that limits blood flow through the kidney). failure to excrete 50 to 100 mL of urine in 24 hours. apical pulse apical pulse can be auscultated over apex of the heart at the point of maximum impulse (PMI). this is located at the mitral valve. apnea absence of breathing. (brain damage occurs 4-6 minutes into apnea). approximated brought together (i.e. in terms of edges of a wound). aq aqueous, water. asepsis freedom from and prevention of disease-causing contamination. assault threat of bodily harm or violence. axillary temperature temperature taken from the center of the axilla (armpit). b.i.d. twice a day. b.i.w. twice a week. basal metabolic rate (BMR) the minimum amount of energy required to maintain body functions in the resting, awake state. battery actual physical harm caused to a person. medical terminology 2 word grammar definition belief a mental representation of a reality or a person’s perceptions about what is correct/true/real, or what a person expects to happen in a situation. Biot breathing respirations abnormally shallow for two or three breaths, followed by irregular period of apnea. symptom of meningitis or severe brain injury. bradycardia slow heart rate (less than 60 BPM in adults). bradypnea a decrease in respiratory rate to less than 10 BPM (in adults). bulimia nervosa characterized by bingeing (eating excessive amounts of food) and purging (vomiting) with the idea to avoid weight gain from the excess food. burns tissue injuries to the skin caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, radiation, extreme cold, or friction. cap, caps capsule. capillary closing pressure/critical closing pressure the minimum pressure required to collapse a capillary. carbohydrates chemical substances composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules. cardiac output heart rate (BPM) x stroke volume (L/beat). caring having concern or regard for another. case law (common law) judicial decisions from individual court cases. catabolism the breaking down of substances from complex to simple, resulting in a release of energy. cataract clouding of the lens of the eye. cathartics shortens transit time of stool; strong laxative. CD controlled dose. cellular immunity involves defense by WBCs against any microorganisms that the body does not recognize as its own. cerebrovascular accident (CVA) a stroke. occurs when an area of the brain is deprived of blood flow. medical terminology 3 word grammar definition chain of infection infectious agents —> source of infection —> portal of exit —> mode of transmission —> portal of entry —> susceptible host. Cheyne-Stokes respirations shallow to deep (potential apnea) randomized respirations. symptom of renal failure. cholecystectomy removal of gallbladder. chronic ongoing. chronic wound fails to progress in a timely manner, often remaining open for an extended period of time. chyme semiliquid mass that travels through the intestines. clean contaminated wound similar to a clean wound, but if surgery involves organ systems that are likely to contain bacteria, the risk for infection is greater. clean wound no infection, risk for developing an infection is low. clinical pathways multidisciplinary resources designed to guide patient care. developed through EBP research. closed wound the skin is still intact (i.e. bruising). cognition knowing, influenced by awareness and judgment. collaborative interventions collaboration among healthcare professionals and UAP. (i.e. physical therapy, home health care, personal care, spiritual counseling, hospice care). colonized wound one or more organisms are present on the surface of the wound when a swab culture is obtained, but there is no overt sign of an infection in the tissue below the surface. (common in chronic wounds, may delay wound healing). compassion fatigue physical and emotional exhaustion and an extreme inability to empathize. concensual reflex response of an organ to the reflex action of another (usually paired) organ. conceptual framework/model a collection of interrelated concepts that provides direction for nursing practice, research, and education. conduction the transfer of and reaction to heat through direct contact. constipation infrequent or difficult bowl movements, as well as having fewer than 3 bowel movements per week. medical terminology 4 word grammar definition constitutional law derived from the constitution of the U.S. contaminated wound results from a break in sterile technique during surgery; perforation of an organ (i.e. colon, small bowel, appendix) before surgery, which allows for spillage of bacteria-laden material into the wound; or from certain types of trauma or accidents, such as penetrating trauma or a fall. convection the transfer of heat by movement or circulation of warm matter such as air or water. coudé catheter double-lumen, indwelling catheter. CPOE computerized provider order entry. CR controlled release. cue indication/hint of a potential disease process or disorder. cyanosis bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. c̄ with (”con” in spanish). data clustering involves organizing patient assessment data into grouping with similar underlying causes. defamation of character false public statements about a person. [LIBEL: written defamation; SLANDER: oral defamation]. dehiscence partial/complete separation of the tissue layers during the healing process. delirium reversible state of acute confusion. dementia permanent decline in mental function. dependent nursing interventions interventions that originate from health care provider orders. (i.e. orders for oxygen administration, dietary requirements, medications, and diagnostic tests). depression mood disorder, characterized by a sense of hopelessness/persistent unhappiness. diabetes failure of the pancreas to produce adequate insulin. diabetic retinopathy complication of diabetes mellitus in which blood vessels of the retina become damaged. medical terminology 5 word grammar definition dialysis a technique by which fluids and molecules pass through an artificial semipermeable membrane and are filtered through means of osmosis. diarrhea intestinal disorder characterized by an abnormal frequency and fluidity of bowel movements. digestion the breaking down of food into smaller particles of nutrients. dil. dilute. diplopia seeing double. direct care interventions that are carried out by having personal contact with patients (i.e. cleaning an incision, ambulating with a patient…). can be carried out by RN, LPN, or UAP. discipline a specific field of study or branch of instruction or learning. distress negative stress (hard to cope with). dorsal recumbent position lay on back, legs bent, & feet pointed outwards. DS double strength. dysesthesia unpleasant, abnormal sensation. dysphagia difficulty in swallowing. dyspnea shortness of breath (rapid, shallow pattern). dysrhythmia/arrythmia irregular rhythm in pulse (early/late/missed heart beat). dysuria painful urination. (many causes, i.e. UTI, STI, kidney/bladder stones, irritation, etc). EBP evidence-based practice. EC enteric coated. EHR electronic health record. elevated systolic BP 120-129 mmHg. elix. elixir. EMR electronic medical record. ER extended release. erythema redness of the skin. medical terminology 6 word grammar definition eupnea normal respiration rate and depth for a person’s age (12-20 RR in adults). eustress positive/motivational stress. evaluation focuses on the patient’s response to nursing interventions and outcome/goal attainment. evaporation the process by which a liquid is changed to a vapor through heat. evisceration total separation of the tissue layers, allowing the protrusion of visceral organs through the incision. external female wicking material placed between labia and gluteal folds, with catheters continuous suction tubing. external male (most common) are condom catheters that apply over the tip and shaft of the penis, or some only attach to the head of the catheters faith false imprisonment penis (helpful for uncircumcised/retracted penises). a belief beyond self that is based on trust and life experience rather than scientific data. unauthorized restraint/detention of a person. vitamin A, D, E, K. excess fat-soluble vitamins are stored in fat-soluble vitamins the liver and fat tissue. NOT excreted by the kidneys. because of this, if excessive amounts are taken, it may result in toxicity. fats composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. febrile a person with a fever/pyrexia. fiber complex carbohydrate classified as soluble or insoluble. fistula fl, fld. flatulence foley catheter forced expiratory flow (FEF) medical terminology abnormal connection between an internal organ and (through the skin) the outside of the body. fluid. the production of a mixture of gases in the intestine, byproducts of the digestive process. normal bodily function. double-lumen, indwelling catheter. maximal flow rate attained during middle of FVC maneuver. 7 word forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) grammar definition volume of air expelled in the first 1 second of FVC (FEV1 is around 75% to 85% of FVC). forced vital capacity (FVC) amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled after lungs are maximally inflated (FVC is around 4L in adults). fowler position back of bed inclined, sitting 45-60 degrees. molecules produced when the body breaks down food or is free radicals subjected to environmental exposures to potential toxins, such as tobacco smoke or radiation. friction the rubbing together of two surfaces (i.e. skin and bed). full-thickness wound involves the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous layer, and may even extend farther to the muscle, bone, etc. functional residual capacity (FRC) the volume of air left in lungs after normal expiration (FRC is around 2.3L in adults). each person’s deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender identity gender (may or may not correspond with the sex assigned at birth). glaucoma serious medical condition of the eye. grief the emotional response to a loss. GT gastrostomy tube. gtt drop. h, hr hour. healing ridge hematuria 1cm wide ridge palpated next to incision line. indicates new collagen being laid down in the wound. abnormal presence of red blood cells in the urine. bleeding may originate anywhere along the urinary tract. patient’s blood flows continuously from the body through hemodialysis vascular catheters to the dialysis machine (which filters the toxins out), and back to the body. hemoptysis presence of blood in the sputum. holistic physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, & social. homeostatis the body’s regulation of systems to maintain a steady state. medical terminology 8 word hope humoral immunity definition grammar confident expectation of a positive outcome in the face of challenging circumstances. involves WBCs (B lymphocytes) that produce antibodies in response to antigens or pathogens circulating in the lymph and blood. enables production of inflammatory molecules. hyperalgesia hypercapnia excessive sensitivity. abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide in blood (greater than 45mmHg in arterial blood). hyperpathia greatly exaggerated pain reaction to stimuli. hypertension elevated blood pressure. hypertension stage 1 systolic 130-139, diastolic 80-89. hypertension stage 2 systolic 140+, diastolic 90+. hyperthermia high body temperature (greater than or equal to 102 degrees F). hypertonicity increased muscle tone. hyperventilation deep, rapid respirations. hypervolemia fluid overload. hypotension systolic less than 90mmHg, diastolic less than or equal to 60mmHg. hypothermia low body temperature (less than or equal to 93.6 degrees F). hypotonicity decrease in muscle tone. hypoventilation shallow respirations. ID intradermal. a type of ostomy. bypasses the entire large intestine and may ileostomy not result in an actual stoma (attaches to the anus). stools are frequent, liquid, and can not be regulated. IM intramuscular. 3rd line of defense. inflammation activates the immune immune response response, which is the body’s attempt to protect itself from foreign and harmful substances. the immune response is initiated by recognition of antigens. medical terminology 9 word grammar definition passive immunity. occurs when a person receives an antibody produces in another body. provides immediate but short-term protection against antigens. infants acquire immunologic memory passive immunity naturally in utero or via breast milk. passive immunity can be acquired artificially when antibodies are transferred from one person to another by injection of antibody-rich serum. implementation incontinence consists of performing a task (i.e. repositioning, administering meds…) and documentation of each intervention. loss of voluntary control of fecal/gaseous discharges through the anus. independent nursing nurses initiate these interventions independently as they see interventions necessary (i.e. giving patient an ice pack for swelling). infected wound infection shows clinical signs of infection, including redness, warmth, and increased drainage that may or may not contain pus, and has a bacterial count in the tissue of at least 10^5 per gram of tissue sampled when cultured. the establishment of a pathogen in a susceptible host. a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to infertility achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. 2nd line of defense. a local response to cellular injury or inflammatory response infection that includes capillary dilation and leukocyte infiltration. redness, heat, pain, and swelling. leukocytes release a chemical that increases temperature in the area. nonspecific immunity. gain this immunity from birth. provides innate immunity immediate defense against foreign antigens. barrier to infectious agents, produces chemical mediators to fight infection, removes foreign substances, and activates the adaptive immune system. international unit intolerance medical terminology a unit of potency used to measure things such as vitamins and chemicals. uncomfortable, but not life-threatening. irritation of the digestive tract; inability to break down the food. 10 word grammar definition public disclosure of private information (intrusion into a invasion of privacy person’s place of solitude, using someone’s name, accessing unnecessary medical records…). HIPAA violations. IV intravenous. IVPB intravenous piggyback. IVSS intravenous Soluset. jaundice a yellow hue to the skin, mucous membranes, or eyes. ketones produced from incomplete fat oxidation when carbohydrates aren’t available. kilocalorie the amount of heat energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1000g of water by 1 degree Celsius. knee-chest position downwards dog position. butt in air, and knees bent up to chest. Korotkoff I: faint but clearly audible tapping sounds, increases Korotkoff sounds to thud/loud tap (systolic). Korotkoff II: muffled, swishing sounds. Korotkoff III: crisp, loud sounds as blood flows through open artery. Korotkoff IV: distinct, muffled sound. Korotkoff V: last sound before silence (diastolic). Kussmaul breathing respirations that are abnormally deep, regular, and increased in rate. symptom of diabetic ketoacidosis. KVO keep vein open. kwashiorkor lack of protein accompanied by fluid retention. LA long acting. laxatives medication to make stooling easier. left lateral recumbent position patient lays on left side. lipids any fat found within the body (including fatty acids, cholesterol, and phospholipids). lithotomy position same as dorsal recumbent, but feet on stands and legs spread (pap smear position). localized infection specific to the affected area. LOS length of stay. medical terminology 11 word grammar definition loss the absence of something to which the affected person has formed an attachment (people, place, things…) LPN licensed practical nurse. macertation a condition in which excessive moisture causes a softening of the skin. macronutrients macular degeneration malabsorption nutrients that are needed in large amounts. composed of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water. loss of vision in central visual fields (leading cause of visual defects in the US). problematic or inadequate absorption of nutrients in the intestinal tract. malnutrition an imbalance in the amount of nutrient intake and the body’s needs. MAR medication administration record. marasmus protein and calorie deficiency. menopause permanent cessation of menstrual activity. metabolism composed of anabolism and catabolism. the process of chemically changing nutrients, such as fats metabolism and proteins, into end products that are used to meet the energy needs of the body or stored for future use, thereby helping maintain homeostasis in the body. metaparadigm an overarching set of concepts that provide the broad conceptual boundaries of a discipline. micronutrients nutrients needed by the body in limited amounts. composed of minerals and vitamins. milliequivalents (mEq) used to measure electrolytes (e.g. potassium) and the ionic activity of a medication. milliunit 1/1000th of a unit. min minute. minerals mix medical terminology potassium (K+), sodium (Na), chloride, calcium, phosphorus, & magnesium. mixture. 12 word moisture-associated skin damage (MASD) grammar definition general term for inflammation/skin erosion caused by prolonged exposure to a source of moisture. (i.e. urine, stool, sweat, wound drainage, mucous…) myocardial necrosis death of heart muscle cells. myopia nearsightedness. n.p.o., NPO nothing by mouth. NAS intranasal. NG, NGT nasogastric tube. noc, noct at night. nocturia normal flora excessive urination at night. may awaken several times during the night to urinate. 1st line of defense. a group of microorganisms that live in/on the body, but do not carry disease. found on skin, eyes, nose, mouth, upper throat, lower urethra, small intestine, and large intestine. NPA nurse practice act. NS, NIS normal saline. nursing diagnosis the nurse’s clinical judgment about a client’s response to actual or potential health conditions or needs. nursing process ADPIE. assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, evaluation. nursing theory represents a group of concepts that can be tested in practice. composed of macronutrients and micronutrients. the necessary substances obtained from ingested food that nutrients supply the body with energy; build and maintain bones, muscle, and skin; and aid in the normal growth and function of each body system. nutrition the body’s intake and use of adequate amounts of necessary nutrients for tissue growth and energy production. obesity adults with a body mass index (BMI) or 30 or higher. objective data can be measured or observed. ODT orally disintegrating tablet. medical terminology 13 word grammar definition reduced urine volume (less than 1mL/kg/hr in an infant, less oliguria than 0.5mL/kg/hr in children/adults, or less than 500mL/day in adults). open wound oral temperature orthopnea orthostatic hypotension osteomyelitis characterized by an actual break in the skin’s surface. temperature taken under the tongue. (wait 30 minutes after eating/drinking hot/cold beverages before taking oral temp). difficulty breathing when lying flat that is relieved by sitting or standing. a sudden drop of 20mmHg in systolic and 10mmHg in diastolic pressure when patient moves from lying to sitting to standing. infection of the bone. a surgically created bowel opening that allows for fecal matter ostomy/stoma to exit through the abdomen, and bypass the remaining parts of the GI tract. classified based on location along the GI tract. OTC over the counter [medication]. outcome identification listing observable behaviors or items that indicate attainment of a goal. p.c., pc after meals (”post-consume”). p.o. by mouth, orally. p.r. by rectum. p.r.n., prn when necessary/as needed. pain threshold pain tolerance lowest intensity at which the brain recognizes the stimulus as pain. the intensity/duration of pain that a patient is able or willing to endure. pallor a pale or lightened skin tone (usually uniform). partial-thickness involves the epidermis and dermis but not the subcutaneous wound layer. PCP patient care provider. per through or by. medical terminology 14 word perimenopause peripheral neuropathy grammar definition phase prior to the onset of menopause and the first year after menopause. damage to sensory nerve fibers in the arms and legs can cause this. damage away from the center of the body. peripheral pulse can be palpated over arteries located away peripheral pulse from the heart (wrist, foot, neck… radial artery, dorsalis pedis, carotid artery…) peristalsis peritoneal dialysis phantom pain phenylketonuria philosophy a wavelike muscular movement that propels waste products through the intestines, rectum, and anus. performed by instilling dialysis solution into the patient’s abdominal cavity through an external catheter. occurs when the brain continues to receive messages from the area of an amputation. a condition in which an infant’s body fails to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine. a statement about the beliefs and values of nursing in relation to a specific phenomenon (such as health). plasticity adaptation to the loss of a limb and pain stopping. pm evening, before midnight. polyuria prayer preload excessive volume of urine formed and excreted each day (greater than or equal to 2500mL/day). spoken or unspoken communication with a higher power. amount of blood and pressure in the ventricle at the end of diastole. presbycusis age-related hearing loss. presbyopia farsightedness (age-related). pressure injury damage to the skin in an area that may include soft-tissue damage, and is usually found over bony prominences. primary data data obtained directly from the patient. primary hypertension occurs when there is no known cause for high BP. profession an occupation that requires a specialized body of knowledge & training. medical terminology 15 word prone position grammar definition lay flat on your front. written plans that can be generalized to groups of patients protocols with the same/similar clinical needs that do not require a physician’s order. pulse pressure the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. purpura bleeding underneath the skin. pyrexia fever. p̄ after (”post”). q. every. q.s. sufficient amount/as much as needed. q2h every 2 hours. qam every morning. qh every hour. qid 4 times a day. radiation the transfer of heat as waves or particles of energy. rect rectum. rectal temperature temperature taken in the rectum. very accurate. the process of contemplating experiences, sometimes even reflection life-changing experiences and searching for meaning in those life events. regulatory law religion residual volume (RV) reticular activating system (RAS) created by state boards of nursing. provides a structure for understanding spirituality and involves rites and rituals within a faith community. amount of air remaining in the lungs after forced expiration (RV is around 1L in adults). the area of the brain that controls alertness and attention. RN registered nurse. S&S swish and swallow. s.o.s., SOS may be repeated once if necessary. medical terminology 16 word grammar definition avascular mass of collagen that gives strength to the repaired scar tissue wound. scar tissue will NOT have the same strength of unwounded tissue. only achieves approx. 80% of previous tensile strength. secondary data secondary hypertension sensation sensory adaptation sentinel event data obtained from family, friends, and healthcare team. caused by a known illness process, such as renal failure. a feeling, within or outside the body, of conditions resulting from stimulation of sensory receptors. during times of alertness, some impulses are ignored by the brain if they are not assigned priority. safety occurance that affects a patient and causes death, serious/permanent/temporary injury, or requires interventions to sustain life. signals the need for investigation & response. sexual health a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality. a central aspect of being human throughout life that sexuality encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction. skin lesions lesions of the skin. sl, SL sublingual. sol, soln solution. solubility the disposition of something (i.e. fiber) when mixed with another substance (i.e. water). a mutual, purposeful, interactive process between a nurse spiritual care and a patient (which may include family) to promote the patient’s spiritual health. spiritual distress disruption of a belief or value system. spirituality the expression of meaning and purpose in life, or the manifestation of one’s innermost self. SpO2 SR medical terminology reflects the % of hemoglobin that combines with oxygen (normally 95-100%). sustained release. 17 word grammar definition pre-approved standardized set of physician orders. (i.e. standing orders “standing orders for patients with chest pain: assess vital signs, initiate oxygen therapy at 2L per nasal cannula, etc”). stat immediately, at once. statutory law created by Congress & state legislatures (NPA). stimulus a change in the environment sufficient to evoke a response. strabismus crossed eyes. straight catheter single-lumen, indwelling catheter. short term use. subcut subcutaneous. subjective data spoken info/symptoms that are hard to validate. superficial wound involves only the epidermis. supine position lay flat on your back. supp suppository. surgical placement of a suprapubic catheter is placed with suprapubic catheters local/general anesthesia through abdominal wall (approx. 4-5 cm above symphysis pubis) and secured with sutures. susp suspension. syp, syr syrup. systemic infection infections that infiltrate the bloodstream and affect the entire body. s̅ without (”sin” in spanish). t.i.d., tid 3 times a day. tab tablet. tachycardia fast heart rate (greater than 100 BPM in adults). tachypnea an increase in respiratory rate of more than 24 RR (in adults). taxonomy unified language classification system. temporal temperature temperature taken from the forehead/temporal artery. (wait 15 minutes after face washing before taking temporal temp). thermoregulation medical terminology the balance between the heat your body produces and the heat that it loses. 18 word grammar definition a ringing or other abnormal sound in the ear, and progressive tinnitus hearing loss caused by excess fluid accumulation in the labyrinth of the inner ear. tr., tinct tincture. transcendence the process of moving beyond one’s current self. triglycerides the most abundant lipids in food. triple-lumen catheter triple-lumen catheter, used for bladder irrigation. temperature taken in the ear. good for unconscious people. tympanic temperature (wait 5 minutes after removing hearing aids before taking tympanic temp). UAP unlicensed assistive personnel. ung., oint ointment. units the amount of medication present in 1 mL of solution. a surgical procedure performed when bladder function is impaired owing to trauma or disease involving the bladder, urinary diversion distal ureters, or (rarely) the urethra. diverts urine from kidneys using a resected (cut-out) piece of intestine, away from bladder and to a stoma. urinary incontinence the inability to control the passage of urine. the inability of the bladder to empty. caused by an obstruction urinary retention in the urinary tract, neurologic disorders, childbirth, injuries, tumors, bladder stones, medications, etc. urinary tract infections (UTIs) result of bacteria in the urine. bacteria from the digestive tract (usually Escherichia Coli) invade the urethra and multiply. MOST COMMON hospital-acquired infection. UTA unable to assess. vag, v vaginally. enduring ideas about what a person considers is the values good/best/”right” thing to do (and the opposite, what is the bad/worst/”wrong” thing to do) and about what is desirable/has worth in life. vertigo sensation that objects are moving around you. vitiligo a loss of skin pigment. medical terminology 19 word grammar definition vitamin C & B complex. water-soluble vitamins dissolve in the water-soluble body and are excreted in the urine. they are easily destroyed vitamins by air, light, and heat (cooking). must be ingested daily because they are NOT stored in the body. WDL within defined limits (normal). XL long acting. XR extended release. ā before. medical terminology 20