WORD PARTS HANDOUT: Chapter 1, Lesson 1.1 Lesson 1.1 – The Construction of Medical Words Essentials of Medical Language 4e, Allan & Basco roof/root/Lomb Directions: For each medical term listed below, put boxes around the ROOT WORDS and underline the COMBINING VOWEL. Use Appendix A of the textbook or a medical dictionary to look up the meaning of the roots, and write the word’s definition on the line below each word. joint 1 1. -ARTHROSCOPIC for viewing examine joints Meaning: ____________________________________________________________ instrument heart blood vessel ↑ 1 2. CARDIOVASCULAR a nd blood vessel. Meaning: ____________________________________________________________ pertaining to heart tumor 3. -ONCOLOGIST Meaning: ____________________________________________________________ study of tumors nea 1 4.5THERMOMETER of heat. Meaning: ____________________________________________________________ measure mind/sowl 1 5.PSYCHOLOGIST Meaning: ____________________________________________________________ study of the mind/soul. Directions: For each medical term listed below, put a box around the SUFFIX and underline the PREFIX. Use a medical dictionary to look up the meaning of the complete term, and then predict the meaning of the suffix and prefix based on this definition. 2 sides 6. B I L A T E R ⑳ AL Meaning: ____________________________________________________________ pertaining 2 sides of the body 1 - to Suffix Meaning: _______________________________________________________ pertaining to two (twice I double Prefix Meaning: _______________________________________________________ M 7. H Y P E R T E N S ION Meaning: ____________________________________________________________ condition of (high) pressure n e e excessive Suffix Meaning: _______________________________________________________ action, condition Prefix Meaning: _______________________________________________________ above (beyond/excess 8. E N D O C A R DE ITIS Meaning: ____________________________________________________________ inflammation inside the heart - Suffix Meaning: _______________________________________________________ inflammation, infection Prefix Meaning: _______________________________________________________ inside