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Software Project Management Exam Questions

I. Which of the following statements are True or False?
1. Increasing the development time beyond the duration computed by COCOMO has been
found to be helpful in reducing the cost.
2. Project managers normally use GANTT charts for doing resource allocation, whereas
PERT charts are used for monitoring and controlling the progress of the project.
3. When a task along a critical path is completed in less time than originally estimated, it
should result in faster completion of the overall project.
4. Only delays in tasks on the critical path can delay a project as a whole.
5. A democratic team structure is the most suitable compared to other types of team
structures for developing a very large software product.
6. Except three broad ways to handle any risk, effective risk handling can be achieved by
following a set procedure.
7. In project risk management, the project manager ingenuity to handle the risk is important.
8. It is possible to carry out the configuration management for a software project without
using an automated tool.
9. Software configuration management deals with effectively tracking and controlling these
versions of software changed during its life cycle.
10. Corrective maintenance is the type of maintenance that is most frequently carried out on
a typical software product.
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is not an option to achieve reliable cost and effort estimates.
A. Base estimates on similar project that have already been completed.
B. Use one or more empirical models for software cost and effort estimation
C. Use relatively simple decomposition techniques to generate project cost and effort
D. The ability to translate the size estimate into human effort, calendar time, and dollars.
2. What is related to the overall functionality of the delivered software?
A. Function-related metrics
B. Product-related metric
C. Size-related metrics
D. none of the mentioned
3. The line of code metric measures the size of a project, by decomposing the problem into
modules, until the leaf-level modules that are small enough to be predicted and estimates size
for each modules and calculate the total size estimation.
A. By adding estimates of the number of inputs of all modules
B. By adding estimates of the number of modules in the problem
C. By adding estimates for all leaf-level modules together
D. By adding estimates for the product-related metric together
4. The function point metric measures the size of a project, without considering the
algorithmic complexity of a function, i.e. the FP metric assumes that
A. The time to design and develop any function of the system are not much different.
B. The effort required to design and develop any two different functionalities of the system is
the same
C. The size of any function in the system is the same
D. None of the above
5. The function point metric measures the size of a project on the number of different highlevel functions or features it supports using the different characteristics of the product
identified in.
A. Product’s requirement specification
B. Similar product’s functions counts
C. Product’s number of modules
D. Product’s number of inputs and output data.
6. To overcome the problem of the function point metric, the feature point metric
incorporates extra parameter for
A. Algorithm complexity of product
B. Algorithm complexity of function’s parameters.
C. Algorithm complexity of function.
D. Algorithm complexity of product size
7. COCOMO estimation model can be used to estimate which one of the following:
B. effort
C. function points
D. defect density
8. What is the correct order in which a software project manager estimates various project
parameters while using COCOMO?
A. Cost, effort, duration, size
B. Cost, duration, effort, size
C. Size, effort, duration, cost
D. Size, cost, effort, duration.
9. Which one of the following is an example of a multi variable cost estimation models.
B. Intermediate COCOMO
C. Complete COCOMO
D. Delphi techniques
10. If a software product of size S takes M months to develop, the according to the
COCOMO estimation model, how long (in months) will it take to develop a product size
A. Greater than 2*m months
B. Greater than 3*m months
C. Less than 2*m months
D. Greater than 4*m months