Module Code & Module Title CS4001NI Programming COURSEWORK-1 Assessment Weightage & Type 30% Individual Coursework Semester and Year Spring 2021 Student Name: Sampanna Acharya Group: M3 London Met ID: 20049468 College ID: NP01MM4S210067 Assignment Due Date: 23rd may Assignment Submission Date: 23rd may I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a marks of zero will be awarded. Contents 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Class Diagram .................................................................................................................................. 2 2.1. Course (Parent Class)............................................................................................................... 2 2.2. AcademicCourse (Child Class) ................................................................................................ 3 2.3. NonAcademicCourse (Child Class) ......................................................................................... 4 3. Pseudocode ...................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1. Course ........................................................................................................................................ 6 3.2. AcademicCourse ....................................................................................................................... 8 3.3. NonAcademicCourse .............................................................................................................. 11 4. Method Description ........................................................................................................................ 17 4.1. Course (Parent Class)............................................................................................................. 17 getCourseID() .............................................................................................................................. 17 getCourseName()........................................................................................................................ 17 getCourseLeader() ...................................................................................................................... 17 getDuration()................................................................................................................................ 17 setCourseLeader() ...................................................................................................................... 17 display() ....................................................................................................................................... 17 4.2. AcademicCourse (Child Class) .............................................................................................. 17 getLecturrerName()..................................................................................................................... 17 getLevel() ..................................................................................................................................... 17 getCredit() .................................................................................................................................... 17 getStartDate() .............................................................................................................................. 18 getCompletionDate()................................................................................................................... 18 getNoOfAssessments() .............................................................................................................. 18 getisRegistered() ......................................................................................................................... 18 setLecturerName() ...................................................................................................................... 18 setNoOfAssessments()............................................................................................................... 18 register()....................................................................................................................................... 18 display() ....................................................................................................................................... 18 4.3. NonAcademicCourse (Child Class) ....................................................................................... 19 getInstructorName() .................................................................................................................... 19 getDuration()................................................................................................................................ 19 getStartDate() .............................................................................................................................. 19 getCompletionDate()................................................................................................................... 19 getExamDate() ............................................................................................................................ 19 get PreRequisite() ....................................................................................................................... 19 get isRegistered() ........................................................................................................................ 19 getisRemoved() ........................................................................................................................... 19 setInstructorName() .................................................................................................................... 19 register()....................................................................................................................................... 19 remove()....................................................................................................................................... 20 display() ....................................................................................................................................... 20 5. Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 21 5.1. Test 1........................................................................................................................................ 21 5.2. Test 2........................................................................................................................................ 24 5.3. Test 3........................................................................................................................................ 27 5.4. Test 4........................................................................................................................................ 29 6. Error Detection and Correction...................................................................................................... 31 6.1. Error 1....................................................................................................................................... 31 6.2. Error 2....................................................................................................................................... 32 6.3. Error 3....................................................................................................................................... 33 7. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 34 8. Bibliography .................................................................................................................................... 35 9. Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 36 9.1. Course (Parent Class)............................................................................................................. 36 9.2. AcademicCourse (Child Class) .............................................................................................. 38 9.3. NonAcademicCourse (Child Class) ....................................................................................... 43 Table of Figure Figure 1: Class Diagram ...................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2: Creating Object ................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 3: Inspecting Object ................................................................................................................ 22 Figure 4: Registering an academic course ....................................................................................... 23 Figure 5: Re-inspection Object .......................................................................................................... 23 Figure 6: Creating Object ................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 7: Inspecting Object ................................................................................................................ 25 Figure 8: Registering NonAcademicCourse ..................................................................................... 26 Figure 9: Re-inspecting Object .......................................................................................................... 26 Figure 10: Inspecting Object .............................................................................................................. 27 Figure 11: Calling remove method .................................................................................................... 28 Figure 12: Re-Inspecting Object........................................................................................................ 28 Figure 13: Calling display method ..................................................................................................... 29 Figure 14: AcademicCourse details being displayed....................................................................... 30 Figure 15: NonAcademicCourse details being displayed ............................................................... 30 Figure 16: Error 1................................................................................................................................ 31 Figure 17: Error 1 Fixed ..................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 18: Error 2................................................................................................................................ 32 Figure 19: Error 2 Fixed ..................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 20: Error 3................................................................................................................................ 33 Figure 21: Error 3 Fixed ..................................................................................................................... 33 Table of Tables Table 1: Course Class .......................................................................................................................... 2 Table 2: Academic Course................................................................................................................... 3 Table 3: NonAcademicCourse ............................................................................................................. 4 Table 4: Test 1 .................................................................................................................................... 21 Table 5: Test 2 .................................................................................................................................... 24 Table 6: Test 3 .................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 7: Test 4 .................................................................................................................................... 29 CS4001NI Programming 1. Introduction This is the first coursework of Programming. It was given to us on the 8 th week. The coursework required us to implement a real world problem scenario using Objectoriented concept of Java. The requirements were to create a class to represent a Course, together with its two subclasses to represent an Academic course and a Nonacademic Course respectively. Additionally this report contains detailed explanation about the methods, class diagrams and testing. “Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!” (, 2021) Sampanna Acharya 1 CS4001NI Programming 2. Class Diagram 2.1. Course (Parent Class) Course Instance Variable +courseID : String +coursename : String +courseLeader : String +duration : int Methods +Course (CourseID : String, coursename : String, duration : int) +getCourseID() : String +getCoursename() : String +getCourseLeader() : String +getDuration() : int +setCourseLeader(courseLeader : String) : void +display() : void Table 1: Course Class Sampanna Acharya 2 CS4001NI Programming 2.2. AcademicCourse (Child Class) AcademicCourse Instance Variable +LecturerName : String +Level : String +Credit : String +StartDate : String +CompletionDate : String +NoOfAssessments : int +isRegistered : boolen Methods +AcademicCourse (courseID : String, coursename : String, duration : int, Level : String, Credit : String, NoOfAssessments : int) +getLecturerName() : String +getLevel() : String +getCredit() : String +getStartDate() : String +getCompletionDate() : String +getNoOfAssessments() : int +getisRegistered(): boolean +setLecturerName(LecturerName : String) : void +setNoOfAssessments(NoOfAssessments : int) : void +register(courseLeader : String, LecturerName : String, StartDate : String, CompletionDate: String) : void +display() : void Table 2: Academic Course Sampanna Acharya 3 CS4001NI Programming 2.3. NonAcademicCourse (Child Class) NonAcademicCourse Instance Variable +InstructorName : String +Duration : int +StartDate : String +CompletionDate : String +ExamDate : String +PreRequisite : String +isRegistered : boolean +isRemoved : boolean Methods +NonAcademicCourse(courseID : String, courename : String, duration : int, PreRequisite : String) +getInstructorName() : String +getDuration() : int +getStartDate() : String +getCompletionDate() : String +getExamDate() : String +getPreRequisite() : String +getisRegistered() : boolean +getisRemoved() : boolean +register(courseLeader : String, InstructorName : String, StratDate : String, CompletionDate : String, ExamDate : String) : void +remove() : void +display() : void Table 3: NonAcademicCourse Sampanna Acharya 4 CS4001NI Programming Figure 1: Class Diagram Sampanna Acharya 5 CS4001NI Programming 3. Pseudocode 3.1. Course CALL Course (String courseID, String coursename, int duration) DO this.courseID=courseID; this.coursename=coursename; this.duration=duration; this.courseLeader=""; END DO CALL getCourseID() DO return courseID END DO CALL getCourseLeader() DO return courseLeader END DO CALL getDuration() DO return duration END DO Sampanna Acharya 6 CS4001NI Programming CALL setCourseLeader(String courseLeader) DO this.courseLeader=courseLeader; END DO CALL display() DO IF(courseLeader.length()==0) DO DISPLAY(“Course ID=” + courseID) DISPLAY(“Course Name=” + coursename) DISPLAY(“Duration=” + duration) END DO ELSE DO DISPLAY(“Course ID=” + courseID) DISPLAY(“Course Name=” + coursename) DISPLAY(“Duration=” + duration) DISPLAY(“Course Leader=” + courseLeader); END DO END DO Sampanna Acharya 7 CS4001NI Programming 3.2. AcademicCourse CALL AcademicCourse(String courseID, String coursename, int duration, String Level, String Credit, int NoOfAssessments) DO super(courseID, coursename, duration) this.Level=Level this.Credit=Credit this.NoOfAssessments=NoOfAssessments LecturerName=”” StartDate=”” CompletionDate=”” isRegistered=false END DO CALL getLecturerName() DO return LecturerName END DO CALL getLevel() DO return Level END DO Sampanna Acharya 8 CS4001NI Programming CALL getCredit() DO return Credit END DO CALL getStartDate() DO return StartDate END CALL getCompletionDate() DO return CompletionDate END DO CALL getNoOfAssessments() DO return NoOfAssessments END DO CALL isRegistered() DO return isRegistered END DO CALL setLecturerName(String LecturerName) DO Sampanna Acharya 9 CS4001NI Programming this.LecturerName=LecturerName; END DO CALL setNoOfAssessments(int NoOfAssessments) DO this.NoOfAssessments=NoOfAssessments END DO CALL resigter (String courseLeader, String LecturerName, String StartDate, String CompletionDate) DO IF(isRegistered==true ) DO super.getCourseLeader() DISPLAY("The course is already registered") DISPLAY ("Start Date="+ StartDate) DISPLAY ("Completion Date=" + CompletionDate) END DO ELSE DO super.setCourseLeader(courseLeader) this.LecturerName=LecturerName this.StartDate=StartDate this.CompletionDate=CompletionDate isRegistered=true Sampanna Acharya 10 CS4001NI Programming END DO END DO CALL display() DO super.display() IF(isRegistered==true) DO DISPLAY("Lecturer Name=" + LecturerName) DISPLAY ("Level=" + Level) DISPLAY ("Credit=" + Credit) DISPLAY ("Start Date=" + StartDate) DISPLAY ("Completion Date=" + CompletionDate) DISPLAY ("Number of Assessments=" + NoOfAssessments) END DO END DO 3.3. NonAcademicCourse CALL NonAcademicCourse(String courseID, String coursename, int duration, String PreRequisite) DO super(courseID, coursename, duration) this.PreRequisite=PreRequisite Sampanna Acharya 11 CS4001NI Programming StartDate="" CompletionDate="" ExamDate="" isRegistered=false isRemoved=false END DO CALL getInstructorName() DO return InstructorName END DO CALL getDuration() DO return Duration END DO CALL getStartDate() DO return StartDate END DO CALL getCompletionDate() DO return CompletionDate Sampanna Acharya 12 CS4001NI Programming END DO CALL getExamDate() DO return ExamDate END DO CALL getPreRequisite() DO return PreRequisite END DO CALL getisRegistered() DO return isRegistered END DO CALL getisRemoved() DO return isRemoved END DO CALL setInstructorName(String InstructorName) DO IF(isRegistered==false ) DO Sampanna Acharya 13 CS4001NI Programming this.InstructorName=InstructorName END DO ELSE DO DISPLAY("The course is already registered so it is not possible to change instructor name") END DO CALL register(String courseLeader, String InstructorName,String StartDate, String CompletionDate, String ExamDate) DO this.StartDate=StartDate this.CompletionDate=CompletionDate this.ExamDate=ExamDate IF(isRegistered==false) DO setInstructorName(InstructorName) isRegistered=true END DO ELSE DO DISPLAY( "Cannot register, Course has already been registered") END DO Sampanna Acharya 14 CS4001NI Programming END DO CALL remove() DO IF(isRemoved==true) DO DISPLAY("The course is already removed") END DO ELSE DO super.setCourseLeader("") InstructorName="" StartDate="" CompletionDate="" ExamDate="" isRegistered=false isRemoved=true END DO END DO CALL display() DO super.display() Sampanna Acharya 15 CS4001NI Programming IF(isRegistered==true) Do DISPLAY("Instructor Name=" + InstructorName); DISPLAY("Start Date =" + StartDate) DISPLAY("Completion Date=" + CompletionDate) DISPLAY("Exam Date=" + ExamDate) END DO END DO Sampanna Acharya 16 CS4001NI Programming 4. Method Description 4.1. Course (Parent Class) getCourseID() This method is used to get the Course ID. getCourseName() This method is used to get the Course Name. getCourseLeader() This method is used to get the Course Leader. getDuration() This method is used to get the Duration of course. setCourseLeader() This method is used to set the name of Course Leader. display() This method is used to print details of class under certain conditions. If courseLeader is empty it will print Course ID, Course Name and Duration. If it is not empty Course Leader will also get printed. 4.2. AcademicCourse (Child Class) getLecturrerName() This method is used to get the Lecturer Name. getLevel() This method is used to get the Level. getCredit() This method is used to get the Credit. Sampanna Acharya 17 CS4001NI Programming getStartDate() This method is used to get the Start Date of Academic Course. getCompletionDate() This method is used to get the Completion Date of the Academic Course. getNoOfAssessments() This method is used to the No of Assessments of Academic Course. getisRegistered() This method is used to find out if the Academic Course is Registered or not. setLecturerName() This method is used to set the name of Lecturer. setNoOfAssessments() This method is used to set the No of Assessments. register() This method is used to register a course under certain conditions. If the course is already registered a message will be displayed (“The course is already registered”). If it is not registered then the Course Leader, Lecturer Name, Start Date and Completion Date will be set. display() This method displays the content of Academic course on certain conditions. If the Academic Course is already registered then it will print Lecturer Name, Level, Credit, Start Date, Completion Date and Number of Assessments. Sampanna Acharya 18 CS4001NI Programming 4.3. NonAcademicCourse (Child Class) getInstructorName() This method is used to get the Instructor Name. getDuration() This method is used to get the Duration. getStartDate() This method is used to get the Start Date of Academic Course. getCompletionDate() This method is used to get the Completion Date of the Academic Course. getExamDate() This method is used to get the Exam Date. get PreRequisite() This method is used get the Pre-Requisite of Non Academic Course. get isRegistered() This method is used check if Non Academic Course is Registered or not. getisRemoved() This method is used check if the Non Academic Couse is Removed or not. setInstructorName() This method is used set the instructor name under certain condition. If the course is not registered then the Instructor Name will be set. If it is already registered a certain message will be displayed. register() This method is used to register a Non Academic Course. This method will set the Start Date, Completion Date and Exam Date. And if the course is already registered then it will print out a message. If it has not been registered then it will set the instructor name and set Registered to true. Sampanna Acharya 19 CS4001NI Programming remove() This method is used to remove the contents of Non Academic Course under certain conditions. If the contents have already been removed it will display a message. If it has not been removed then it will remove all the contents of Non Academic Course. display() This method is used to display the contents of Non Academic Course under conditions. First it will display the content of Course Class. Then it will check if the course is registered or not. If it is registered then it will print Instructor Name, Start Date, Completion Date, and Exam Date. Sampanna Acharya 20 CS4001NI Programming 5. Testing 5.1. Test 1 Objective Inspect AcademicCourse class, register an academic course, and re-inspect the AcademicCourse Class Action Object is created in AcademicCourse The object is inspected courseLeader=”Ram” LecturerName=”Shyam” StartDate=”June” CompletionDate=”July” The object is re-inspected Expected Result Academic Course will be registered Actual Result Academic Course is registered Conclusion Test successful Table 4: Test 1 Sampanna Acharya 21 CS4001NI Programming Figure 2: Creating Object Figure 3: Inspecting Object Sampanna Acharya 22 CS4001NI Programming Figure 4: Registering an academic course Figure 5: Re-inspection Object Sampanna Acharya 23 CS4001NI Programming 5.2. Test 2 Objective Inspect NonAcademicCourse class, register a non-academic course and reinspect the NonAcademicCourse Class Action Object is created in NonAcademicCourse Object is inspected courseLeader=”Shyam” InstructorName=”Hari” StartDate=”August” CompletionDate=”September” ExamDate=”October” The object is re-inspected Expected Result NonAcademicCourse will registered Actual Result NonAcademicCourse has registered Conclustion Test successful Table 5: Test 2 Sampanna Acharya 24 CS4001NI Programming Figure 6: Creating Object Figure 7: Inspecting Object Sampanna Acharya 25 CS4001NI Programming Figure 8: Registering NonAcademicCourse Figure 9: Re-inspecting Object Sampanna Acharya 26 CS4001NI Programming 5.3. Test 3 Objective Inspect NonAcademicCourse class, register a non-academic course and re-inspect the NonAcademicCourse Class Action Inspected NonAcademicCourse Status of isTerminated Changed to “True” The object is re-inspected Expected Result NonAcademicCourse Details of test2 will be removed Actual Result NonAcademicCourse Details of test2 was removed Conclusion Test successful Table 6: Test 3 Figure 10: Inspecting Object Sampanna Acharya 27 CS4001NI Programming Figure 11: Calling remove method Figure 12: Re-Inspecting Object Sampanna Acharya 28 CS4001NI Programming 5.4. Test 4 Objective Display the detail of AcademicCourse and NonAcademicCourse classes Action Call display() method on both objects Expected Result Details of both classes will be displayed Actual Result Details of both classes was displayed Conclusion Test successful Table 7: Test 4 Figure 13: Calling display method Sampanna Acharya 29 CS4001NI Programming Figure 14: AcademicCourse details being displayed Figure 15: NonAcademicCourse details being displayed Sampanna Acharya 30 CS4001NI Programming 6. Error Detection and Correction 6.1. Error 1 Figure 16: Error 1 Figure 17: Error 1 Fixed Sampanna Acharya 31 CS4001NI Programming 6.2. Error 2 Figure 18: Error 2 Figure 19: Error 2 Fixed Sampanna Acharya 32 CS4001NI Programming 6.3. Error 3 Figure 20: Error 3 Figure 21: Error 3 Fixed Sampanna Acharya 33 CS4001NI Programming 7. Conclusion The coursework was completed within the allotted time with overcoming various trials and errors. The coursework required lot of self-research on topic of java. According to the requirements Class Diagrams, Pseudocodes and testing were done. After a lot of hardwork and research the program was finally completed. Through this coursework I learned about the basic of Object Oriented Programming and its uses in real life scenarios. I learned a lot about how classes, methods, object worked in Java. I also got a good handle on the basics of Java Programming Language. Through this coursework I learned how testing is performed and how to write Pseudocodes. Some of the problems faced during this coursework were related to the concept of Object Oriented Programming. As this was a new thing it took me some time to get a good understanding on how classes, objects and methods worked. With the help of our teacher and personal research I was able to understand it and complete the coursework on time. Sampanna Acharya 34 CS4001NI Programming 8. Bibliography (2021) What is Java and why do I need it? [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 23 May 2021]. Sampanna Acharya 35 CS4001NI Programming 9. Appendix 9.1. Course (Parent Class) import*; public class Course { private String courseID; private String coursename; private String courseLeader; private int duration; public Course(String courseID, String coursename, int duration) { this.courseID=courseID; this.coursename=coursename; this.duration=duration; this.courseLeader=""; } public String getCourseID() { return courseID; Sampanna Acharya 36 CS4001NI Programming } public String getCoursename() { return coursename; } public String getCourseLeader() { return courseLeader; } public int getDuration() { return duration; } public void setCourseLeader(String courseLeader) { this.courseLeader=courseLeader; } Sampanna Acharya 37 CS4001NI Programming public void display() { if(courseLeader.length()==0) { System.out.println("Course ID=" + courseID); System.out.println("Course Name=" + coursename); System.out.println("Duration=" + duration); } else { System.out.println("Course ID=" + courseID); System.out.println("Course Name=" + coursename); System.out.println("Duration=" + duration); System.out.println("Course Leader=" + courseLeader); } } } 9.2. AcademicCourse (Child Class) import*; public class AcademicCourse extends Course{ Sampanna Acharya 38 CS4001NI Programming private String LecturerName; private String Level; private String Credit; private String StartDate; private String CompletionDate; private int NoOfAssessments; private boolean isRegistered; public AcademicCourse(String courseID, String coursename, int duration, String Level, String Credit, int NoOfAssessments) { super(courseID, coursename, duration); this.Level=Level; this.Credit=Credit; this.NoOfAssessments=NoOfAssessments; LecturerName=""; StartDate=""; CompletionDate=""; isRegistered=false; } public String getLecturerName() { return LecturerName; Sampanna Acharya 39 CS4001NI Programming } public String getLevel() { return Level; } public String getCredit() { return Credit; } public String getStartDate() { return StartDate; } public String getCompletionDate() { return CompletionDate; } public int getNoOfAssessments() { return NoOfAssessments; Sampanna Acharya 40 CS4001NI Programming } public boolean getisRegistered() { return isRegistered; } public void setLecturerName(String LecturerName) { this.LecturerName=LecturerName; } public void setNoOfAssessments(int NoOfAssessments) { this.NoOfAssessments=NoOfAssessments; } public void register(String courseLeader, String LecturerName, String StartDate, String CompletionDate) { if(isRegistered==true) { super.getCourseLeader(); System.out.println("The course is already registered"); System.out.println("Start Date="+ StartDate); Sampanna Acharya 41 CS4001NI Programming System.out.println("Completion Date=" + CompletionDate); } else { super.setCourseLeader(courseLeader); this.LecturerName=LecturerName; this.StartDate=StartDate; this.CompletionDate=CompletionDate; isRegistered=true; } } public void display() { super.display(); if(isRegistered==true) { System.out.println("Lecturer Name=" + LecturerName); System.out.println("Level=" + Level); System.out.println("Credit=" + Credit); System.out.println("Start Date=" + StartDate); System.out.println("Completion Date=" + CompletionDate); System.out.println("Number of Assessments=" + NoOfAssessments); } } Sampanna Acharya 42 CS4001NI Programming } 9.3. NonAcademicCourse (Child Class) import*; public class NonAcademicCourse extends Course { private String InstructorName; private int Duration; private String StartDate; private String CompletionDate; private String ExamDate; private String PreRequisite; private boolean isRegistered; private boolean isRemoved; public NonAcademicCourse(String courseID, String coursename, int duration, String PreRequisite) { super(courseID, coursename, duration); this.PreRequisite=PreRequisite; StartDate=""; CompletionDate=""; ExamDate=""; isRegistered=false; isRemoved=false; } Sampanna Acharya 43 CS4001NI Programming public String getInstructorName() { return InstructorName; } public int getDuration() { return Duration; } public String getStartDate() { return StartDate; } public String getCompletionDate() { return CompletionDate; } public String getExamDate() { return ExamDate; } Sampanna Acharya 44 CS4001NI Programming public String getPreRequisite() { return PreRequisite; } public boolean getisRegistered() { return isRegistered; } public boolean getisRemoved() { return isRemoved; } public void setInstructorName(String InstructorName) { if(isRegistered==false) { this.InstructorName=InstructorName; } else { System.out.println("The course is already registered so it is not possible to change instructor name"); Sampanna Acharya 45 CS4001NI Programming } } public void register(String courseLeader, String InstructorName,String StartDate, String CompletionDate, String ExamDate) { this.StartDate=StartDate; this.CompletionDate=CompletionDate; this.ExamDate=ExamDate; if(isRegistered==false) { setInstructorName(InstructorName); isRegistered=true; } else { System.out.println("Cannot register, Course has already been registered"); } } public void remove() { if(isRemoved==true) { Sampanna Acharya 46 CS4001NI Programming System.out.println("The course is already removed"); } else { super.setCourseLeader(""); InstructorName=""; StartDate=""; CompletionDate=""; ExamDate=""; isRegistered=false; isRemoved=true; } } public void display() { super.display(); if(isRegistered==true) { System.out.println("Instructor Name=" + InstructorName); System.out.println("Start Date =" + StartDate); System.out.println("Completion Date=" + CompletionDate); System.out.println("Exam Date=" + ExamDate); } } Sampanna Acharya 47 CS4001NI Programming } Sampanna Acharya 48