Step 1 - Traffic Balance between 3G Layers MOD UCELLSELRESEL: CellId=”high load cell”, IdleSintersearch=6; MOD UINTERFREQNCELL: RNCId=XXXX, CellId=”High load cell”, NCellRncId=XXXX, NCellId=”Low load Cell”, SIB11Ind=TRUE, IdleQoffset1sn=0, IdleQoffset2sn= -5; Parameter Name Sub Parameter Value SE Parameter Baseline UCELLSELRESEL IdleSintersearch UINTERFREQNCELL SIB11Ind UINTERFREQNCELL IdleQoffset1sn 0 UINTERFREQNCELL IdleQoffset2sn 5 6 4 TRUE MOD UINTERFREQNCELL: RNCId=XXXX, CellId=”low load cell”, NCellRncId=XXXX, NCellId=”high load Cell”, SIB11Ind=TRUE, IdleQoffset1sn=0, IdleQoffset2sn=3; Parameter Name Sub Parameter Value UINTERFREQNCELL SIB11Ind UINTERFREQNCELL IdleQoffset1sn 0 UINTERFREQNCELL IdleQoffset2sn 3 TRUE Note (The load in the same sector can be adjusted. M2000 1 min monitoring can be used to analyse the load balancing has been triggered). Step 2 - Reduce Pilot power to 5% of the maximum power LST UPCPICH: CellId=xxxxx; (To check CPICH Usually CPICH is around 360) MOD UCELL: CellId=xxxxx, PCPICHPower=330; Parameter Name Value PCPICHPOWER 330 Trigger when cells have been detected as bad access performance due to resource limitation. RRC Congestion rate is more than 10% and CS blocking rate is more than 5%. Reduce pilot power to 5% of maximum power gradually in step size of 1db. Note (When reducing the CPICH all the cells (layers) in the sector have to be on same level for example if degradation is observed on 209682_SurryHillsNorth_MO_U21A_3 and CPICH has to be reduced it will be done for both carriers 209682_SurryHillsNorth_MO_U21A_3 and 209682_SurryHillsNorth_MO_U21B_3. Step 3 - Traffic Shifting From 3G-2G MOD UCELLSELRESEL: CellId=xxxxx, SsearchRat=3; SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=***, FDDQMIN=5; (2G Command have to be executed on the BSC MML) Parameter Name Sub Parameter Value SE Parameter Baseline UCELLSELRESEL SsearchRat 3 1 GCELLCCUTRANSYS FDDQMIN 5 6 Step 4 – Push More traffic from 3G - 2G MOD UCELLSELRESEL: CellId=xxxxx, SsearchRat=4; MOD UCELLINTERRATHOCOV: CellId=*****, InterRATCSThd2DEcN0=-10, InterRATCSThd2FEcN0=-8; SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS: IDTYPE=BYID, CELLID=***, FDDQMIN=3; (2G Command have to be executed on the BSC MML) Parameter Name Sub Parameter Value SE Parameter Baseline UCELLSELRESEL SsearchRat 4 1 UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATCSThd2DEcN0 -10 -12 UCELLINTERRATHOCOV InterRATCSThd2FEcN0 -8 -10 GCELLCCUTRANSYS FDDQMIN 3 6 Works great with GSM co-site can also be implemented on the tier 1 neighbours than other GSM neighbouring cells can be changed according to the congestion. Step 5 - Modify the minimum of cell access EcIo LST UCELLSELRESEL:CELLID=XXXX; (Base line values, Min quality level = -18 and Min Rx level = -58) MOD UCELLSELRESEL: CellId=XXXXX, QualMeas=CPICH_ECNO, Qqualmin=-14, Qrxlevmin=-52; Parameter Name Sub Parameter Value UCELLSELRESEL QualMeas CPICH_ECNO UCELLSELRESEL Qqualmin -14 UCELLSELRESEL Qrxlevmin -52 Note (The modification should be according to distance between SE areas to the related site, only the very near Main SE site can be modified. Otherwise, it will impact the user experience. This parameter should only be implemented as a last resort and extreme values can be changed to Qrxlev = -50, Qqualmin=-14.