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Ch. 14 notes

Ch. 14 – The History of Life
Section 1: Fossil Evidence of Change
- Early History of the Earth
o What was early Earth like? speculation
 _______________________ – energy from colliding meteorites heated surface, while
compression of minerals and decay of radioactive materials heated interior
 Gases from ___________________ helped form early atmosphere (_________________
 4.4 billion years ago – Earth cooled enough for atmosphere to condense – led to millions of years
of ______________________________________________________________
 3.9-3.5 billion years ago – __________________________________________________
- History in Rocks
o There is no direct evidence of the earliest years of Earth’s history
o Oldest rocks formed about _____________________________
o Fossils – Clues to Past
 About _________ of the
species that have existed are
 Use fossils to learn about
ancient species
 Fossil – __________
 Fossils form in many different ways
Palentologists – Detectives to the past
 Paleontologists –
 Gain knowledge about the kinds of org. that lived, learn about their
__________________, gain knowledge about ____________________________
Fossil Formation
 3 criteria that aids an organism into becoming a fossil:
 _______________________ – bones, teeth, shells, chiton (in exoskeleton)
 _______________________ – ________________________________________,
scavengers can’t get to it, protection
o Helpful if in _____________________________
 _______________________ – ____________________________________ – less
bacteria to break down tissues
 The soil compressed over time and hardens into ______________________ (form at low temps
and pressure)
Relative Dating
 ______________________________
 Fossils are found in different layers – _______________________
______________________________ - any feature that cuts across a
body of sediment or rock is younger than the body of sediment that it
cuts across
 Ex. ) Faults, fractures, dikes, sills
_____________________________ - if one rocks
contains fragments of another rock body it must
be younger than the fragments of rock it contains
OR the inclusions are older than the rocks with
contain them
_____________________________ - folds or tilts in
rocks are younger than the rocks themselves
Radiometric Dating
 Utilize
__________________________________ in rocks to find specific ages of rock
 __________________________________ cannot be directly radiometrically dated –
_________________________________________________ can be dated
 Scientists compare how much radioactive isotope is in a rock compared with its daughter nuclei
(what the isotope decayed into)
 Radioactive isotopes have a steady decay rate called its ___________________________
o Carbon-14
 Half-life = ___________________
 Dates fossils less than _________________________
o Potassium-40
 Half-life = _______________________
A Trip Through Geologic Time
o Chronology, or calendar, of Earth’s history based on igneous/metamorphic rocks and fossils/sedimentary
rocks forms the geologic time scale
o The geologic time scale – divided into 4 sections
 Precambrian
 Paleozoic
 Mesozoic
 Cenozoic
How the Earth was Made Video – A Trip through Geologic Time
o _____________________ was the father of modern geology
 Thought that rocks could take ______________________________ to form
 Based on the rock formations, Hutton thought that the earth was _____________________of
years old
o A World of Fire
 How is it thought that the earth was formed? __________________________________________
 Temperatures exceeded ______________ Fahrenheit
 According to Lord Kelvin, the earth was slowly cooling down. Before it cooled, the planet had
once been completely _________________.
 Kelvin believed the Earth was at least _______________________
 In 1911, Arthur Holmes used radioactivity to determine the age of the Earth
 Holmes determined that the Earth was _____________________________, the
current accepted age of the Earth.
A Water World
 The rare rock survivors from the first billion years of Earth’s life are called __________________
 _______ billion years ago, most of the surface had solidified into dark volcanic
rock…__________ was forming on the surface
 Where did the water come from?
 _________________________
 _________________________
 As water evaporated, it joined the carbon dioxide forming ________________________
 This created the largest downpour the world has ever seen. The rain fell for
_________________ ____________________
 _______ billion years ago, over _____% of the Earth’s surface had become an ocean
A Granite Planet
 _______ billion years ago, huge __________ oceans dominated; a new type of rock was
creating the continental crust…this rock was ____________
 The lighter density rock that made up the continental crust was ____________ while the denser
rock that makes up the oceanic crust is ______________
Life during the Precambrian
 The oldest creature was the __________________; lived of sunlight and would fill the
atmosphere with _______________; this organism can still be found today
 Dome-shaped structures – evidence of existence of photosynthetic organisms
 ____________________ created the mounds of the stromatolites
 ___________ billion years ago, these creatures dominated
 ________ billion years ago, as the iron left the oceans, the color changed from _________ to
 2.2 billion years ago, deep forces were rearranging the continents
 Plate Tectonics – Alfred Wegener – interested with the fossil/continent paradox
o Proposed that the continents _________________________________________ the idea of continental drift
o Detailed maps of the oceans floors showed rifts and trenches…demonstrated that
the ocean floor is continually being reconstructed
 Where convection currents rise, ___________ forms and the plates are
pushed _________, creating new _____________
 Where the plates sink back down, it drags the oceanic crust with it,
causing the ____________ to move with it
o 1.0 billion years ago, a supercontinent formed named ______________ desolate, lifeless place
 Triggered _________________ - the biggest freeze our planet has ever
seen (700 million years ago)
 Ice advanced to ________________ - and was ____ mile thick
 Marine organisms nearly wiped out of existance
Life during the Paleozoic
 Rodinia broke apart
 Life forms evolved – became more complex and dangerous
 Cambrian Explosion
 The Burgess Shale – huge, important collection of _________________
o Three main org – trilobites, archaeocyathids (like armored sponges), and
 Developed hard shells, skeletons, eyes and teeth
 __________________ formed acting like a UV shield
300 million years ago, second convergence of the continents – life emerged on land
 Tropical, swamplike conditions
o Evidence of these swamplike conditions are found everywhere in the form of
o Plants emerged, then ____________, then ambitious ________________, and
finally early _________________ took first steps on muddy shorlines
 The Permian extinction - biggest mass extinction in the planets history – 250 million years
 Rare mantle plume eruption
 Over _____% of species were driven to extinction
o Life during the Mesozoic
 A new supercontinent _____________ dominated
 Oxygen and carbon dioxide rose to new peaks
 The animals that had survive the extinction, evolved into ________________
 The name dinosaur means _______________________
 Why were dinosaurs able to grow so much larger? ______________________________
 Pangean supercontinent split into current positions
 Huge tropical forests were created due to ____________________________________________
 More food allowed dinosaurs to specialize which foods they ate
 Second Mass Extinction at the end of the Cretaceous (65 million years ago)
 Smaller than that of the Permian
 Over than ______% of species disappeared
 Dinosaurs died in a single astronomical catastrophe
o Tombstone layer contains rare element _____________
 Most of this element comes from _______________________________
 New theory for dinosaur extinction: hit by enormous ________________
over 6 miles in diameter (based on amount of iridium in tombstone layer)
o Life during the Cenozoic
 The world of the ______________ and _____________
 The first mammals begin to flourish
 The Alps, as well as other mountain ranges were created as a result of ______________________
 Erosion by ___________, ______________ and _______________ keeps the mountain
ranges from reaching farther and farther into the sky
 2 million years ago, the Earth entered the ______ ages – can last for tens of thousands of years
 Humans have dominated the last 10 thousand years
 In _________________ years, a new ice age is thought to occur
 In 200 million years, a new supercontinent, _________________, is believed to be created
 2 billion years ahead, our planet will look like ____________
Section 2: The Origin of Life
- Origins: The Early Ideas
o Spontaneous Generation – ________________________________________________________
 Francesco ____ (1668) - ___________________________________________________
Pasteur’s Experiments
 Disproved the idea of a ____________________________________________________
 Used ___________________
 Biogenesis – _____________________________________________________________
 Idea became cornerstone of biology
Origins: Modern Ideas
o Simple Organic Molecules formed
 Simple organic molecules (that contained ___________________) formed
 They then organized into complex organic molecules such as ________________
 ___________________ (1930’s) – Russian Scientist – believed life began in oceans
 Believed that ______________________________________________________ trigged
chemical reactions to produce the small organic compounds
 Then rain washed molecules into oceans to form the _______________________
 ______________________________________ (1953) – tested Oparin’s hypothesis
 _________________________________________________________________
(believed to be in early atmosphere) – sent an ___________________ through it – cooled
mixture and one week later analyzed the results
o Found presence of ____________________________________________
 Supported Oparin’s hypothesis!
o The formation of protocells
 Various experiments showed that if amino acids are heated without oxygen, they could then form
proteins; similar process produces ATP and nucleic acids
 How did this become a cell?
 ___________________ (1992) – American scientist demonstrated how first cells might have
 Heated solution of amino acids and produced protocells
o Protocell – __________________________________________________
o The first true cells
 Prokaryote that formed from protocell
 Organisms were thought to be ___________________ and used some of the organic
___________________ evolved when food (organic molecules) started becoming scarce – similar
to ___________________
 Archeabacteria – ___________________________________________________
 Early autotrophs probably made food by _________________________________
Photosynthesizing Prokaryotes
 Thought to have evolved ______________________________________
 As first photosynthetic organisms increased in number, ___________________________
 Evolved organisms with ___________________________ (fossil record indicated large
____________________________________________________~2.8 b.y.o.)
 Helped form ___________________to shield organisms from _______________
___________________ and enabled evolution of more complex org.
The Endosymbiont Theory
 ___________________ (1960’s) – American biologist – proposed that _______________
 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________
o Bacteria and cyanobacteria similar to chloroplasts in size and photosynthetic
o mitochondria and some bacteria look similar
o mitochondria and chloroplasts contain DNA that is similar to __________
o Mitochondria and chloroplasts have ______________________________