Classes Available for Erasmus Students, Summer Semester 2023 English Philology and Applied Linguistics Programmes All classes are planned to be in person. Most all will be in Building G (next to where the International Office is) but a few lectures are in larger lecture halls in the Main Building. For a few days in April (around the Easter holiday) and around the May holiday (first week of May), classes will be online via MS-Teams. Most classes meet once a week, but some classes have both a lecture and a discussion section – it is important for these that you take both (History of American Literature, for example) ABOUT ECTS CREDITS: the ECTS credits listed here are the current ones for the 2022/2023 academic year, and may be different than what you used to prepare your LA. Please double-check to make sure you have the ECTS credits you need. ABOUT THE NUMBER OF SPACES AVAILABLE (Practical and discussion classes) The number of spaces available is given on the timetable. So - (15/20) means that 15 of 20 spaces are already taken; (19/20) would mean, for example, that only one slot remains free, etc. This is important, as instructors may not agree to admit more students if the class is full. If a class is shown as full (e.g. 20/20), you may ask the instructor if ONE or TWO students (AT MOST) may join, but they may say no. TO SIGN UP FOR CLASSES: 1) Get in touch with the instructor. The simplest way for lectures is to send the instructor a message on MS-Teams (you can find their contact simply by entering their name when starting a new message). 2) Try out your classes for a while – you might want to make some changes if, for example, you find a class is not to your liking or that you would rather take something different. After about two weeks, please move on to step 3 3) Send me a list of the classes you’re taking this semester, including the name of the class, the time, the instructor, and the registration code (these are on the list and look something like (1000-FA11PNJAC-SP) – I will then pass this information on to the Registrar’s office so you will be formally added to the groups. This is essential for making sure that you get your grades and transcript in a smooth and efficient fashion at the end of the semester! Classes Available, Summer Semester 2023 1. Classes in Literature and Culture, and Linguistics Class Name/ Code History of American Literature Historia literatury amerykańskiej 1000-F-A24HLA-SP The lecture is for all students; the discussion groups are classes in smaller groups; both are required – choose one section that you will attend in person! ECTS 2 Discussion group (choose one): Tuesday: 9:45-10:30, room 203 (16/20) 10:30-11:20, room 203 (20/20 – ask) 11:25-12:10, room 203 (20/20 – ask) You will receive separate grades for the discussion section and the lecture. History of English Literature Historia literatury angielskiej 1000-F-A12HLA-SP The lecture is for all students; the discussion groups are classes in smaller groups; both are required – choose one section that you will attend in person! Instructors / Times / Location / Spaces available Dr. Aleksandra Mochocka Lecture: Monday, 17:40-18:25, Room 21 4 Dr. Paweł Schreiber Lecture: Friday, 16:45- 18:15, Aula IT 27 (Main Buliding) Discussion group (choose one): Thursday: 9:30-10:15, room 15 (11/20) 10:30-11:15, room 15 (20/20 – ask) 13:15-14:00, room 15 (20/20 – ask) 14:15-15:00, room 15 (21/21 – ask) You will receive separate grades for the discussion section and the lecture – each has its own requirements. Important note: The lecture part of this class ends with an exam at the end of the semester, which takes place during the exam session, sometime between June 19 and July 2. Be prepared to make your plans accordingly! Selected Topics in the History of Literature in English Wybrane zagadnienia z historii literatury anglojęzycznej 3 Dr. Aneta Lipska Tuesday 16:45 – 18:15, Room 21 (1000-F-AR12WZHLA-SP) Wednesday 11:30 – 13:00, Room 126 (1000-F-AN12WZHLA-SP) Wednesday 14:15-15:45, Room 116 (1000-F-AA12WZHA-SP) Cultural Heritage of Britain and the United States in Historical Perspective Dziedzictwo kulturowe Wielkiej Brytanii i USA w perspektywie historycznej 1000-F-A12DKWB-SP 1 Prof. Karl Wood Thursday, 15:15 -16:00, Aula IT 27, Main Building Contemporary American Culture Współczesna kultura amerykańska 1000-F-A24WKA-SP The lecture is for all students; the discussion groups are classes in smaller groups; both are required – choose one section that you will attend in person! 2 Prof. Karl Wood Lecture: Wednesday: 13:15-14:45, Room 24 Important note: This class ends with an oral exam at the end of the semester, which takes place during the exam session, sometime between June 15 and June 30. Be prepared to make your plans accordingly! You will receive separate grades for the discussion section and the lecture – each has its own requirements. Important note: The lecture part of this class ends with an exam at the end of the semester, which takes place during the exam session, sometime between June 15 and June 30. Be prepared to make your plans accordingly! Discussion group (choose one): Wednesday: 9:45-10:30, room 203 (15/20) 10:35-11:20, room 203 (20/20 – ask) 11:25-12:10, room 203 (20/20 – ask) Class Name/ Code Selected Elements of the Culture of English-Speaking Countries (Britain) Wybrane elementy z kultury angielskiego obszaru językowego ECTS 2 Instructors / Times / Location / Spaces available Dr. Natalia Voloshkova Wednesday, 9:45-11:15, Room 07 (1000-F-AA12WEKAOJ-SP) Wednesday 11:30-13:00, Room 21 (1000-F-AR12WEKAOJ-SP) Wednesday 13:15-14:45, Room 126 (may be full!) (1000-F-AN12KAOJ-SP) Selected Elements of the Culture of English-Speaking Countries (Commonwealth Countries) 1 Prof. Karl Wood Wednesday 15:00-15:45, Room 24 (1000-F-AR24WEKAJ-SP) Wednesday 16:45-17:30, Room 103 (1000-F-AA24WEKAOJ-SP) Thursday 16:55-17:40, Room 123 (1000-F-AN24KAOJ-SP) Selected Topics in Culture Year 2 Here there are two different topics– choose the topic and time that suits you best. Wybrane zagadnienia z kulturoznawstwa 1000-F-L24WZK-SP (Men in American Culture) 2 Prof. Karl Wood (Visions of the American Dream) Wednesday 12:15-13:00, Room 24 (1000-F-A24WZK-SP) Wednesday 17:35-18:20, Room 103 (1000-F-AA24WZK-SP) Thursday 12:15-13:00, Room 217 (1000-F-AN24WZK-SP) Thursday 16:05-16:50, Aula IT 27, Main Building (1000-F-AR24WZKA-SP) Selected Topics in Literature, Year 2 Wybrane zagadnienia z literaturoznawstwa 1000-F-A24WZL-SP 2 Dr. Aleksandra Mochocka (Reading Science Fiction) Wednesday, 16:45-17:30, Room 21 Selected Topics in Linguistics, Year 2 Wybrane zagadnienia z językoznawstwa 2 Prof. Tamara Goncharova (Issues in Sociolinguistics) Monday, 16:45-17:30, Aula Atrium 17, Main Building (1000-F-A24WZJ-SP) Monday, 14:15-15:00, Room 217 (1000-F-L24WZJ1-SP) Specialization Lecture, Year 2/3 (culture) Wykłady specjalizacyjne z językoznawstwa /kulturoznawstwa, 3 Dr Aleksandra Mochocka (Games in Culture) Monday, 15:00-16:30, Room 21 (may be full) (1000-F-AR24WSZJK-SP) Tuesday, 8:00-9:30, Aula Atrium 17, Main Building (1000-F-A36WSJLK-SP) Wednesday, 11:30-13:00, Room 212 (1000-F-AA24WSJK-SP) Wednesday, 13:15-14:45, Room 123 (1000-F-AN24WSJK-SP) Wybrane zagadnienia z kulturoznawstwa 1000-F-A24WZK-SP (Introduction to Heritage Studies) Class Name/ Code Language Acquisition and Learning Aktywizacja i nauczanie języka z terminologią w j. angielskim 1000-F-A12AINAWA-SP Descriptive Grammar – Morphology (Year 1) Gramatyka opisowa języka angielskiego - morfologia 1000-F-A12GOM-SP ECTS 3 4 You will receive separate grades for the discussion section and the lecture – each has its own requirements. Other groups might be available with Applied Linguistics students – ask the instructor. If you decide on one of the other groups, you must let me know so you can be registered properly. Important note: The lecture part of this class ends with an exam at the end of the semester, which takes place during the exam session, sometime between June 19 and July 2. Be prepared to make your plans accordingly! 3 The lecture is for all students; the discussion groups are classes in smaller groups; both are required – choose one section that you will attend in person! Other groups might be available with Applied Linguistics students – ask the instructor. If you decide on one of the other groups, please let me know so you can be registered properly. Important note: The lecture part of this class ends with an exam at the end of the semester, which takes place during the exam session, sometime between June 19 and July 2. Be prepared to make your plans accordingly! Important note: The MONDAY group of this class ends with an exam at the end of the semester, which takes place during the exam session, sometime between June 19 and July 2. Be prepared to make your plans accordingly! Lecture: Dr. Jacek Mianowski Lecture: Tuesday, 12:20 – 13:50, Room 21 (FA) Discussion group: Tuesday, 9:45-10:30, room 11 (16/20) 10:35-11:20 room 11 (20/20 - ask) 11:25-12:10, room 10 (20/20 – ask) You will receive separate grades for the discussion section and the lecture – each has its own requirements. History of English with Elements of Grammar Historia języka z elementami gramatyki 1000-F-AR36HJEG-SP (Monday group) 1000-F-A36HJEG-SP (Friday group) Prof. Elżbieta Łukasiewicz Lecture: Friday: 15:00-15:45, Aula IT 27 Main Building Discussion group: Thursday, 12:20-13:05, Room 107 (21/21 – ask) Thursday, 13:15-14:00, Room 203 (20/20 – ask)) Thursday, 14:15-15:00, Room 203 (20/20 – ask) Friday, 12:15-13:00, room 213 (12/20) The lecture is for all students; the discussion groups are classes in smaller groups; both are required – choose one section that you will attend in person! Descriptive Grammar – Syntax (Year 2) Gramatyka opisowa - składnia 1000-F-A24GOS-SP Instructors / Times / Location / Spaces available Prof. Elżbieta Łukasiewicz Friday, 13:15-14:45, Aula IT 27 Main Building 4 Dr. Jacek Mianowski Monday 9:30-11:00, Aula IT 27 Main Building (1000-F-A36HJEG-SP) Monday 11:30-13:00, Room 21 (1000-F-AR36HJEG-SP) Monday, 15:00-16:30, Room 123 – this group may, or may not form – ask the instructor if you are interested! ((1000-F-AN36HJEG-SP) 2. Practical English Classes Class YEAR ONE Writing In Year One, Practical English writing is worth 3 or 2 ECTS, depending on the group and programme. Obviously, the groups for 3 ECTS are listed first, but these may fill and not be available. Please be understanding if you cannot get into a group at a given time. ECTS 3 or 2 Instructor / Times / Location / Codes / Spaces avail. 3 ECTS (English-Philology) 1000-F-A12PNJP-SP Maciej Müller, MA Wednesday, 8:00-9:30, Room 15 (13/20) 9:45-11:15, Room 15 (20/20 – ask) Anna Durajewska, MA Wednesday, 11:30-13:00, Room 15 (21/21 – ask) 13:15-14:45, Room 15 (19/20) 2 ECTS (Applied Linguistics) Marcin Czarnota, MA Monday, 15:00-16:30, room 11 (21/23) Justyna Adamska, MA (1000-F-AA12PNJAp-SP) Tuesday, 15:00-16:30, room 123 (17/22) Tomasz Leszczyński, MA (1000-F-AN12PNJAP-SP) Thursday, 16:45 -18:15 (14/21) Conversation In Year One, Practical English conversation is worth 3 or 2 ECTS, depending on the group and programme. Obviously, the groups for 3 ECTS are listed first, but these may fill and not be available. Please be understanding if you cannot get into a group at a given time. 3 or 2 3 ECTS (English Philology) 1000-F-A12PNJK-SP Marcin Czarnota, MA* Monday, 8:00-9:30, room 11 (13/20) Monday, 13:15-14:45, room 11 (20/20) Tuesday, 15:00-16:30, room 11 (20/20 – ask) Tuesday, 16:45-18:15, room 11 (20/21) Note: these conversation classes start Monday, Feb. 27) 2 ECTS (Applied Linguistics) Anna Durajewska, MA (1000-F-AA12PNJAk-SP) Tuesday, 8:00-9:30, room 15 (16/22) Important note: Conversation classes end with an oral exam at the end of the semester, which takes place during the exam session, sometime between June 19 and July 2. Be prepared to make your plans accordingly! Julie Johnson, MA (1000-F-AN12PNJAK-SP) Wednesday, 16:45-18:15, Room 11 (14/21) Anna Leśińska, MA (1000-F-AR12PNJAK-SP) Friday, 8:00-9:30, Room 118 (15/15 – ask) 9:45-11:15, Room 118 (14/15) 11:30-13;00, Room 118 (14/15) Grammar In Year One, Practical English grammar is worth 3 or 2 ECTS, depending on the group and programme. Obviously, the groups for 3 ECTS are listed first, but these may fill and not be available. Please be understanding if you cannot get into a group at a given time. Phonetics 3 or 2 3 ECTS – (English Philology) 1000-F-A12PNJS-SP Dr. Waldemar Szefliński Wednesday, 8:00-9:30, room 206 (17/20) Wednesday 9:45-11:15, room 11 (21/21 - ask) Wednesday, 11:30-13:00, room 11 (20/20 – ask) Wednesday, 13:15-14:45, room 206 (15/20) 2 Ewa Dominikowska-Wróblewska, MA (1000-F-AR12PNJAF-SP) Thursday, 8:00-9:30, Room 9 (14/15) 9:45-11:15, Room 9 (15/15 – ask) 11:30-13:00, room 9 (15/15 – ask) Dr. Wojciech Wachowski (1000-F-AN12PNJAF-SP) Thursday, 8:00-9:30, Room 203 (15/22) 9:45-11:15, room 203 (17/20) Hanna Świetlik, MA (1000-F-AA12PNJAf-SP): Tuesday, 13:15-14:45, Room 126 (14/22) Class Reading ECTS 2 Instructor / Times / Location / Codes / Spaces avail. Dr Ewa Fryska Thursday, 11:30-13:00, Room 8 (17/22) (1000-F-AA12PNJAc-SP) Thursday, 16:45-18:15, Room 214 (21/21 – ask) (1000-F-AR12PNJAC-SP) Dr Tomasz Paciorkowski (1000-F-A12PNJC-SP) Monday, 8:00-9:30, Room 203 (14/21) Dr. Filip Tolkaczewski (1000-F-AN12PNJAC-SP) Tuesday, 8:00-9:30, Room 118 (15/22) Class YEAR TWO Writing In Year Two, Practical English grammar is worth 3 or 2 ECTS, depending on the group and programme. Obviously, the groups for 3 ECTS are listed first, but these may fill and not be available. Please be understanding if you cannot get into a group at a given time. Conversation ECTS 2 Instructor / Times / Location / Codes / Spaces avail. Anna Durajewska, MA (1000-F-AA24PNJAp-SP) Wednesday, 15:00-16:30, room 107 (11/11 – ok to join) Julie Johnson, MA (1000-F-AN24PNJAp-SP) Tuesday, 11:30-13:00, Room 214 (10/15) 13:15-14:45, Room 211 (14/15) 2 Important note: Conversation classes end with an exam at the end of the semester, which takes place during the exam session, sometime between June 19 and July 2. Be prepared to make your plans accordingly! Maciej Müller, MA 1000-F-A24PNJK-SP Tuesday 17:30-19:00, Room 203 (15/20) Edyta Wood, MA 1000-F-AA24PNJAk-SP Wednesday 13:15-14:45, room 107 (11/11 – ok to join) Anna Lesińska, MA 1000-F-AN24PNJAk-SP Wednesday, 8:00-9:30, Room 215 (14/15) 9:45-11:15, Room 215 (10/15) Anna Durajewska, MA 1000-F-AR24PNJAk-SP Wednesday, 16:45-18:15, Room 107 (18/19) Reading 2 Marcin Czarnota, MA 1000-F-A24CZS-SP Thursday, 16:45-18:15, Room 11 (16/20) Phonetics 2 Ewa Dominikowska-Wróblewska, MA (1000-F-A24PNJF-SP) Monday, 11:30-13:00, Room 12 (15/20) 13:15-14:45, Room 12 (20/20 – ask) 15:00-16:30, Room 12 (20/20 – ask) Grammar 2 Tomasz Leszczyński, MA Tuesday, 17:30-19:00, Room 118 (15/20) (1000-F-A24PNJS-SP) Thursday, 13:15-14:45, Room 215 (15/15 – ask) 15:00-16:30, Room 215 (9/15) (1000-F-AN24PNJAs-SP) Dr. Waldemar Szefliński 1000-F-AR24PNJAs-SP Monday, 9:45-11:15, Room 8 (20/20 – ask) 11:30-13:00, Room 8 (19/19 – ask) 13:15-14:415, room 8 (16/21) Class Name/ Code YEAR THREE Writing In Year Three, Practical English writing is worth 3 or 2 ECTS, depending on the group and programme. Obviously, the groups for 3 ECTS are listed first, but these may fill and not be available. Please be understanding if you cannot get into a group at a given time. ECTS 3 or 2 Instructors / Times / Location / Spaces available 3 ECTS (English Philology) 1000-F-A36PNJP-SP Dr. Tomasz Paciorkowski Monday 15:30-16:00, Room 105 (14/26) 2 ECTS (Applied Linguistics) Dr. Aneta Lipska 1000-F-AN36PNJAp-SP Tuesday, 13:15-14:45, Room 214 (19/22) Maciej Müller, MA 1000-F-AA36PNJAp-SP Wednesday, 13:15-14:45, Room 12 (7/13) Conversation 2 Important note: Conversation classes end with an exam at the end of the semester, which takes place during the exam session, sometime between June 19 and July 2. Be prepared to make your plans accordingly! Ewa Dominikowska-Wróblewska, MA (1000-F-A36PNJK-SP) Wednesday, 8:00-9:30, Room 105 (8/19) 11:30-13:00, Room 105 (18/19) Julie Johnson, MA (1000-F-AA36PNJAk-SP) Wednesday, 11:30-13:00, Room 018, Main Building (11/14) Dr. Michał Janowski Monday, 9:45-11:15, Room 214 (20/20 - ask) (1000-F-AR36PNJAk-SP) Tuesday, 15:00-16:30, Room 103 (18/22) (1000-F-AN36PNJAk-SP) Academic Reading Czytanie akademickie 2 Justyna Adamska, MA (1000-F-A36CGPCA-SP) Wednesday, 8:00-9:30, Room 118 (15/25) Grammar 2 Hanna Świetlik, MA Monday, 8:00-9:30, Room 103 (18/22) (1000-F-AN36PNJAsb-SP) Tuesday, 11:30-13:00, Room 126 (7/13) (1000-F-AA36PNJAsb-SP) Thursday, 13:15-14:45, Room 21 (7/19) (1000-F-A36PNJSbl-SP) Note: This is a blended-learning class, which means that some of the classes will involve online learning on the Moodle platform.