CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY PROCEDURE/MATERIALS The list of materials was foreseen to be useful in the metallurgy that will be a great help in the framework of the HELIOS VEGAPUNK B-01 are of the following: AC to DC Inverter AC Capacitor/ Battery(12v 7ah) SPST Switch Motor Coil and other Heating System Gear Heat Capacitor Bolts and Bearings Steel Framings for support Saw Unused bike Bike Tire PCB LED The materials are to be collected via three sources:(1) online shopping,(2)retail and electronic parts shops,(3) talyer. BUILDING THE BIKE: 1)PREPARE THE MATERIALS NEEDED AND MAKE SURE THAT MATERIALS ARE CAREFULLY PLACED AMONG EACH OTHER. 2) CUT THE PORTIONS OF THE BIKE TO BE USED ALONG WITH ITS PEDAL, ROTOR AND HANDLE. 3) MAKE A STEEL FRAME TO SUPPORT THE BIKE, SO THAT IT BECOMES STATIONARY. 4) MAKE A BOX THAT CAN HANDLE THE THREE PARTS CONNECTED IN A CIRCUIT, GENERATOR, INVERTER, BATTERY AND PLACE IT A FEW INCHES BELOW THE BIKE HANDLE. 5)MAKE THE GEAR CONNECTED TO THE MOTOR AND THE TIRE FRAME OF THE BIKE ANND TRY TO MAKE SOME MOTIONS.MAKE SURE THAT THE GEAR AND THE MOTOR BECOMES STATIONARY UPON THE PEDAL. 6)TRY CONNECTING THE MOTOR AND THE GENERATOR AND TEST THE AMONUNT OF VOLTAGE GENERATED BY THE SYSTEM.IF IT HAS LOW VOLTAGE TRY TO CHANGE THE TIRES RADIUS TO MAXIMIZE ITS (ROTATION PER MINUTE) 7) TEST IT ALONG THE PCB BOARD ALONG SERIES OF LED AND NEXT TO POWER THE MOTOR. 8) ASSEMBLE SOME STEEL ASSEMBLY FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE HEATING MACHINE AND CONNECT IT TOWARDS THE GENERATOR, CHECK IF THE COIL GENERATE SOME HEAT USING THERMAL SENSOR.TEST IT BY HAVING A PEDAL OVER A MINUTE AND MEASURE IT OVER 5 TRIALS TO MEASURE ITS AVERAGE THERMAL CAPACITY. 9) TRY TO BOIL WATER IN THE ASSEMBLY. 10) INNOVATE THE DESIGN AS EACH TRIAL PASS ON AND SECURE FRAMING ASSEMBLIES BY USING BOLT AND BEARING. When the design is finalized the following certain steps are followed on how to use the HELIOS VEGAPUNK system. 1 Set up the pot by putting water on it, put the pot inside the cooker box on top of the coil. 2 Next is turn on the switch located right above the MOBAIN CASE 3 Stretch first before getting on the helios vegapunk 4 Once everything settled, paddle away to generate energy to the cooker 5 Once everything settled, paddle away to generate energy to the cooker 6 While paddling keep on eye the heat meter as well the cooker box 7 Once the cooking process is finished, get down form the helios vegapunk 8 Get the pot out of the cooker box with caution using pot holders 9 Let the cooker box and MOBAIN CASE cool down 10 Lastly switch off the helios vegapunk switch DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT The design of HELIOS MACHINE more importantly is crucial to conversion of mechanical energy towards converting it into heating machine. The initial design and concepts originates from the combined ideas of using wheel as a electricity generator which has a great scope of applications of using it as a smartphone charger as stated in (Artzen,2013) and as a electricity generator wherein ( Sunil et al, 2015) proved its application of harnessing mechanical energy from bicycle as a generator. The whole design of the wheel was developed in line with the use of exercise bikes and the design was planned carefully for the safety of the users and the whole efficiency of the system. Another concept was the storage of energy harnessed from motors. The principle of motors is inclined from electromechanical energy, in which turbines or speed of turbines are used to generate electricity from turbines powered by magnets and coils that is compacted in a cylindrical sheet of a certain metal. It is firstly discovered Lastly; the machine applies the concept of “heaters and electrical stoves” powered by coil responsible for converting electricity into heat responsible for cooking food at certain temperatures at a minimum time requirement. However, the machine has foreseen to have factors that might affect the design as well as the energy collected along with its pedal. The researchers try to foresee and test if smaller and larger radius can be efficient in harnessing much larger energy that can be used in heating food with maximum rotation and energy output along with its stability with the system. One main feature system is the storage of electricity enabling the machine to be used at longer time and allows the user to conserve its energy. After energy has bee stored the concept also adds inverter which allows for converting low energy inputs to much larger current sizes enabling to power the heating system of the machine. The architecture of the Helios Vegapunk system, the main goal which was to create a simple and modular system that could be used at home without special mechanical or electrical skills The basic idea is to connect the bicycle to a stationary system that can convert pedaling into electrical energy and then into thermal energy wherein it has dissected into three main parts: A. Mechanical Block – has the part to transfer the rotation movement of the pedals and adapt it to the generator requirements where it is in the MOBAIN BOX. B. Electric Block – has the part to convert the energy provided by the mechanical block into electric energy. C. Thermal Block – has the part to convert the energy provided by the electrical block into thermal energy. SKETCH OF HELIOS VEGAPUNK B-01 AND ITS PARTS (PARTS AND ITS FUNCTION IS FURTHERLY DISCUSSED IN CHAPTER IV) TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION