DATA SHEET Three Phase Induction Motor - Squirrel Cage Customer : Product line : EXPLOSION PROOF Frame Output Poles Frequency Rated voltage Rated current L. R. Amperes LRC No load current Rated speed Slip Rated torque Locked rotor torque Breakdown torque Insulation class Service factor Moment of inertia (J) Design Output Efficiency (%) Power Factor 25% 89.3 0.39 Product code : : 280S/M : 45 kW (60 HP) :6 : 60 Hz : 460 V : 75.6 A : 582 A : 7.7 : 34.5 A : 1185 rpm : 1.25 % : 268 : 260 % : 320 % :F : 1.00 : 53.3 :N 50% 90.2 0.63 75% 92.7 0.75 Locked rotor time Temperature rise Duty cycle Ambient temperature Altitude Protection degree Cooling method Mounting Rotation¹ Noise level² Starting method Approx. weight³ 100% 93.4 0.80 Foundation loads Max. traction Max. compression 13585457 : 48s (cold) 27s (hot) : 80 K : S1 : -20°C to +40°C : 1000 m.a.s.l. : IP55 : IC411 - TEFC : B3T : Both (CW and CCW) : 70.0 dB(A) : Direct On Line : 1640 lb : 1464 lb : 3104 lb Losses at normative operating points (speed;torque), in percentage of rated output power ____ P1 (0,9;1,0) 6.7 Bearing type Sealing Lubrication interval Lubricant amount Lubricant type P2 (0,5;1,0) 5.2 : : : : : P3 (0,25;1,0) P4 (0,9;0,5) P5 (0,5;0,5) P6 (0,5;0,25) 4.8 3.5 2.2 1.5 Drive end Non drive end 6316 C3 6316 C3 Lip Seal Lip Seal 14935 h 14935 h 34 g 34 g Mobil Polyrex EM P7 (0,25;0,25) 0.9 Notes This revision replaces and cancel the previous one, which must be eliminated. (1) Looking the motor from the shaft end. (2) Measured at 1m and with tolerance of +3dB(A). (3) Approximate weight subject to changes after manufacturing process. (4) At 100% of full load. Rev. Changes Summary These are average values based on tests with sinusoidal power supply, subject to the tolerances stipulated in IEC 60034-1. Performed Checked Date Page Revision Performed by Checked by Date 15/03/2023 1/2 This document is exclusive property of WEG S/A. Reprinting is not allowed without written authorization of WEG S/A. Subject to change without notice DATA SHEET Three Phase Induction Motor - Squirrel Cage Customer : Thermal protection ID Application Type Quantity Sensing Temperature 1 Winding Thermistor - 2 wires 1 x Phase 150 ºC ____ Rev. Changes Summary Performed Checked Date Page Revision Performed by Checked by Date 15/03/2023 2/2 This document is exclusive property of WEG S/A. Reprinting is not allowed without written authorization of WEG S/A. Subject to change without notice