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Introduction to Computers: History, Types, and Software

What is Computer?
- A computer is a machine that can be automatically programmed to do arithmetic or
logical processes. Generic operations known as programs can be performed on modern
computers. These applications allow computers to carry out a broad variety of activities.
History of a Computer?
 First Generation Computers (1940s – 1950s)
First electronic computers used vacuum tubes, and
they were huge and complex. The first general
purpose electronic computer was the ENIAC
(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer). It
was digital, although it didn’t operate with binary
code, and was reprogrammable to solve a complete
range of computing problems.
 Second Generation Computers (1955 – 1960)
The second generation of computers came about thanks
to the invention of the transistor, which then started
replacing vacuum tubes in computer design.
IBM 1401
Third Generation Computers (1960s)
The invention of the integrated circuits (ICs), also known as microchips, paved the way
for computers as we know them today. Making circuits out of single pieces of silicon,
which is a semiconductor, allowed them to be much smaller and more practical to
produce. This also started the ongoing process of integrating an ever larger number of
transistors onto a single microchip.
 Fourth Generation Computers (1971 – present)
First microchips-based central processing units consisted
of multiple microchips for different CPU components.
The drive for ever greater integration and
miniaturization led towards single-chip CPUs, where all
of the necessary CPU components were put onto a single
microchip, called a microprocessor. The first single-chip
CPU, or a microprocessor, was Intel 4004.
Describe Computer System
An integrated computer system is a set of
devices for data and information entry, output,
processing and saving. At least one digital
processing unit is currently integrated into
computer systems.
Input, processing, storage, output and
communications devices are five key
components of hardware on a computer
5 computer classification categories of a computer?
The computers are categorized
• Mainframe
• Minicomputers
is a digital and multiuser computer
system with the
connection of more
than one CPU
computers are multiprogramming, highperformance computers,
and multi-user, which
means they can handle
the workload of more
than 100 users at a time
on the computer.
Micro Computer
-Today we are using many computers at
home is also the most common microcomputer. With
this invention of the microprocessors in the year
1970, it became possible to use computers for people
personally at a low cost and reasonable price known
as Digital Personal Computer
• Supercomputers
-A Supercomputer is the very fastest
and powerful, and expensive type of
computer for processing data.
Supercomputers’ size and storage capacity
are also huge (can occupy huge premises)
designed to process vast amounts of data in a
short time with high productivity.
Two types of computer Software
System Software
- Systems software are programs that manage the
resources of the computer system and simplify
applications programming.
Application Software
-Application software are programs that direct
the performance of a particular use, or
application, of computers to meet the
information processing needs of end users.
-Communication defined as a act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another.
network consists of two or more computers that are linked in
order to share resources (such as printers and CDs), exchange files, or allow
electronic communications. The computers on a network may be linked
through cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light
Identify how we use computers and technology in our Daily lives
I can relate it to myself as a netizen of our country, I use technology and
computers to connect with some friends that are far from me, relatives.
Besides using technology and computers we can use them for our school
purposes since we are experiencing this difficult situation of us with the
pandemic. With the use of computers, we can communicate with our
teachers and classmates. The computer is very useful for us students
since our class is synchronous so that means we just attend our class
through online applications such as Google meet, Zoom, etc. And lastly,
we need to be more responsible using technologies and computers. We
will use technology to help us with our daily routine in short word
computer and technology make our work easier.
Very interesting