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XL-200 Firmware Programming Service Manual

Service Manual
15. Firmware Programming Procedure
15.1. Programming CPU Board
Analyzer has a Central Processing Unit (CPU) consisting of a Sparten-3E FPGA.
This CPU is removable from interface board. The board can either be programmed
while it is connected to interface board or while it is independently powered. The
file format for the final image of the FPGA code is called as .mcs file. This file will
be given as an input to the Flash burn utility.
The following aids are required for programming the CPU board:
Xilinx ISE 8.2i (or later) Setup
Xilinx Platform cable for FPGA (connected to USB port of PC)
+5V : 1A Power supply (when the CPU board is programmed externally)
JTAG USB drivers are given in 'ug344_windows_platformcable' folder on
Follow the steps for downloading the program:
1. Install the Xilinx 8.2i (or later) set up on the PC.
2. The FPGA can be programmed using impact utility, which can be found in
program group of Xilinx installation as depicted in fig below.
3. Connect the USB end of platform cable to one of the USB ports of PC and
other end to the programmer box. Connect the flying wires adapter cable to
the 2mm connecter slot present on the programmer box. See figure below.
Service Manual
4. Copy the JTAG USB drivers folder given in DVD
named"ug344_windows_platformcable" to any location (for e.g.: D drive) on
your PC - (D:/ ug344_windows_platformcable/).
5. The first time a cable is attached to pc after installation of Xillinx ISE
software, the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears.
6. Select the first option and click Next.
7. Select the second option to specify the location of the driver.
8. Specify the path where the driver file is unzipped on your local drive. For
example: D:/ug344_windows_platformcable/install_xusb/nt/ and then click
on Next.
Service Manual
9. On clicking, the driver will be automatically installed on your computer. Click
Finish to complete the setup.
10. Take the CPU board and put the jumper JP2 between (1-2). Connect a +5V
supply to connector J1 (Pin 1: +5V & Pin 2: GND) on CPU board. Connect
the flying wires of Programming cable to JTAG pins (J2 header) of the CPU
board. (Connector J2 on CPU). The orientation of the cable is as shown in
figure below.
11. .Turn the CPU board on.
12. On the start menu go to Programs > Xilinx 8.2i > Accessories > IMPACT
for starting the software.
Service Manual
13. Select cancel on new project dialogue box.
14. Double click on the Direct SPI Configuration on the left window. Now place
the mouse pointer on right side.
15. Right click and choose Add SPI device option (or press Control + D). Now a
browse dialogue box will appear. Browse and select the 'mcs' file to be
downloaded. See figure below.
16. Select the M25P16 from the part name list box, and then click OK. See
figure below.
Service Manual
17. On clicking, the FPGA graphical chip will appear with the selected mcs file
name. Place the mouse pointer on the graphical chip, right click, and
choose Program. See figure below.
18. The Programming Property dialog box will appears. Keep it as default
settings, and click OK. See figure below.
19. The CPU board will be successfully programmed if no ERRORS are
detected at the end of the verification process. See figure below of impact
utility after successful Programming of the CPU board.
Service Manual
If any ERRORS are reported during the process, reprogram the CPU using
same method.
20. After successful programming process, turn the CPU board off and place
the jumper JP2 between (2-3). The CPU board is ready to operate the
analyzer logic. Mount it on interface board carefully.
21. Follow the same steps for programming the CPU board connected on
interface board, without connecting the power connecter as CPU board gets
power from interface board itself.
15.2. Programming PDC and RCT Heater
XL-200 analyzer system has a dedicated microcontroller based systems for
performing PDC operations and controlling RCT Heater temperature. Following
steps will explain programming of these micro-controllers.
For programming the micro-controllers, following accessories are required:
Flash Programming utility from SiLabs (Given in CD as UtilDLL).
USB debug adapter, a Microcontroller Programming Module form SiLabs.
USB Cable for connecting PC USB port with USB debug adapter.
2 x 10 Flat Ribbon cable for connecting the microcontroller programming
PCB connection.
Service Manual
Follow the steps for downloading the program:
1. Make the connections with the target board. Make sure that the analyzer is
turned OFF while you are making these connections.
2. Run the FlashUtil.exe.
3. On the Silicon Laboratories Flash Utility property sheet, select
Connect/Disconnect tab.
4. Define the appropriate parameters as highlighted in the blue box in figure
Select C2 for RCT and JTAG for old PDC.
For PDC board no. ELS62013R4.1 select C2 for both RCT
and PDC.
5. Once the appropriate parameters are selected, click Connect. This will make
the software connection with the target.
Service Manual
6. Select Download Hex File/Go/Stop tab, select the appropriate file from the
desired location, and then click Download.
7. On clicking, it takes 20 to 25 seconds to download the program.
8. Turn off the power supply and remove the cable connection with the target
board. The board is now ready to use.