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Classroom Management Skills Module Lesson

Module 3:
Classroom Management Skills in the Teaching Learning Process
Lesson 1:
Classroom Management Skills and Styles
Learning Outcomes:
1. Observe the teacher’s style of managing his/her class
2. Acquaint with the classroom routine established by the teacher to maximize time for teaching –
learning activities.
3. Describe the classroom routine established by the teacher and how a classroom is organized and
Hello Students,
Welcome to lesson 1 of module 3. This time you will be observing how the learners behaved at the
beginning of the day, upon arrival, during their sharing time in the distribution and collection of materials
and in all other learners’ activities and responsibilities in the classroom. Attendance will also be checked.
After observation, you will noticed that the success of teaching and learning is determined by the way the
class is managed and organized.
Observation Guide
Research/Watch a teaching demonstration video on YouTube. The video must focus on your
area of specialization. Observe and checked the teacher’s classroom management skills while
facilitating the teaching and learning process. These management skills include:
a. Routine activities to ensure classroom discipline such as
 checking of attendance
 seating arrangement
 handling materials and devices
 classroom courtesies
b. Monitoring of the learner’s behavior and the teacher’s response to the various
forms of student behavior.
Preliminary Activity:
Be guided by these questions as you do your observation of the classroom management. Write your
notes below and then organize your data in the table that follows.
Note: The teacher I’m assigned to observe does not have any advisory class. The answers below will be
based on one of the classes I’m observing, Grade 9-Faith.
1. Are the areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, books, students, belongings,
supplies, etc.) Describe these areas.
Yes, most of the areas are labeled for their specific purposes. The classroom has a bulletin board that
contains the most necessary information about the students and the whole class. There is a specific area for
cleaning materials. There is an area for the teacher’s teaching materials near the teacher’s desk. They have an
area to store their umbrellas or other belongings that are not related to the discussion.
2. Are the rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down.
As mentioned above, there is a bulletin board. Next to it is a wall full of informational media, which
includes a visual print of the classroom rules. There is also a class schedule below it. Media related to the
pandemic are posted as well, such as reminders to keep a safe distance and to wear their face masks.
3 Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement?
There is a seating arrangement that changes every quarter. While the areas in the middle are random,
students who are nearsighted are put in the front while the students who are farsighted are put to the back.
This helps them to be able to see any instructional material that will be presented on the board in front of them.
My Checklist for Effective Classroom Management
This will be accomplished while you observes the teacher’s management styles.
Classroom Management Skills
1. The teacher checked attendance using the
learners name in assigning their proper seat plan.
2. There was definite place for storage of materials
needed and used in the classroom.
3. There was a system observed on how students
enter/leave the classroom.
4. The teacher interacted positively and effectively
with the learners.
5. The teacher used some techniques to control
disruptive behavior of the learners.
6. The teacher was fair, minded and consistent in
dealing with the learners inappropriate behavior.
7. The teacher has an effective approach in
grouping learners for different learning activities.
8. Classroom was structured to enhance learning
(display boards, lights, ventilation, etc.)
An example of this is ......
Usually, the teacher does a roll
call based on either the seating
plan or the alphabetical order of
their students’ names. However,
since my teacher does not have
attendance is based on the
names written on the group
There is a label for each area
and it is clear that it is a
dedicated space with a specific
purpose. As mentioned in the
previous activity, an example of
this will be the space for
teaching materials.
Usually, the students will have
to raise their hand if they will
leave the classroom for a
reasonable excuse. Or if they
will enter after being late, they
will wait by the door until they
are acknowledged by the
The teacher encourages active
participation from the class and
is very welcome to any
questions about the topic.
The teacher uses a hand signal
to warn them to lower their
voices and remain silent until
they notice. Once they quiet
down, the teacher calmly
reminds them to not make any
unnecessary noises.
As abovementioned, the teacher
uses hand signals and encourage
the students to notice their own
behavior before she points it out
The grouping has usually been
done randomly. Preferably, the
teacher should be considerate of
The room is conducive for
learning and provides a space
that motivates them to focus on
9. Board work, visual aids, and instructional
materials were prepared ahead of time.
10. The teacher was flexible in his/her time
11. The teacher maintained order and discipline in
12. The teacher was flexible in his/her time
13. The teacher used non-threatening styles of
14. There is a provision for safety and security of
15. The teacher reinforced students for appropriate
behavior and refrained from using physical
The teacher does not usually use
visual aids. Rather, her way of
teaching the topic is through
activities. When there is a
discussion, she will ask them to
bring out their books instead.
Despite having only one hour
per session, the teacher is able
to maximize her time in
Lower sections tend to be
classroom management.
The time was just enough to
conduct activities necessary for
The teacher, even if stern,
would always calmly reprimand
them instead of using a louder
voice or being threatening.
Safety and security of students
within their learning space is a
top priority of the teacher.
The teacher does not even
consider using any forms of
physical punishment and has
rather been very understanding.
After observation you are ready to answer the following questions.
1. What kind of classroom management does the teacher practice? Why?
My cooperating teacher uses the authoritative classroom management style. She always encourages
active participation from her students. However, when they start to overstep boundaries and indulge in
unnecessary tasks and conversations, she then steps in and tries to discipline them. She does not enforce harsh
punishment, however. She is rather understanding and can even freely communicate with her students.
2. Do you think that the management style that the teacher is using in class contributes to the students learning?
Why? Why not?
Yes, I believe so. Among the four classroom management style I know, the authoritative classroom
management style is the most optimal. While students have the freedom to participate, there are still
boundaries imposed to limit them from doing disruptive actions that may disturb the class. The lack of
disruption will help them focus on the discussion, thus, improving their learning.
3. If you were the teacher, what management style would best maximize student learning?
Alike my cooperating teacher, I, too, would like to use the authoritative classroom management style.
As I’ve stated in my previous answer, this management style seems to be the most optimal for learning and
building a healthy relationship with the students. Freedom and autonomy in learning are important, but so are
discipline and respect. These factors are balanced with the authoritative classroom management style. Hence,
I think that this style would best maximize student learning.
Classroom management is defined as the “administration or direction of activities with special
reference to such problems as discipline, democratic techniques, use and care of supplies and reference
materials, the physical features and the social relationship of learners” in the classroom (Good, Dictionary of
Management of a classroom includes the organizations of its physical conditions as well as the use of
materials of instruction. Classroom routines that can be established to save time, effort and resources may
include seating arrangement to facilitate checking of attendance, distributing and returning of instructional
materials, entering and leaving the room and observing classroom courtesy. The way the classroom teacher
interacts with the learners and the way learners interact with their mentor and with one another is an attribute
of a healthy environment conducive for learning.
Good classroom management establishes an atmosphere that permits activities to be carried out
efficiently and economically. A well - organized classroom is conducive for mental development because the
teaching and learning process becomes enjoyable and interesting under favorable conditions.
Let’s build on: After reading please be guided by these questions and write your responses after each
guide question.
1. What kind of classroom management do you want to practice? Why?
I want to use the authoritative classroom management approach, just as my cooperating teacher. This
management approach appears to be the most effective for fostering learning and cultivating positive
relationships with the students, as I said in my earlier response. The ability to study independently and
freely is crucial, but so are respect and discipline. The authoritative classroom management style strikes a
balance between these factors. I believe that this method would therefore best optimize student learning,
and it is the classroom management style that I think best fits not only my personal views as a future
teacher, but also the teaching style that I am starting to develop.
2. How important is classroom management to the teaching-learning process? Why/ Why not?
It is important for a teacher to be able to impose discipline within her class. This is due to the fact that
having control and order in one’s classroom will help ensure a smooth and disruption-free discussion. The
lack of disruptions will surely help the students to secure their focus and be able to cater to the topics well.
Focus, after all, is a great factor in aiding the students to absorb the lessons. Forming a healthy and open
for communication relationship with students also helps the teacher to know her students well which will
support in her future endeavors of crafting suitable class activities.
Make use of the same video that you have watched. Observe teacher’s management styles Below is a
list of principles on classroom management backed up by research as cited by James H. Stronge in his book
“Qualities of Effective Teachers” (2002)
Principles on classroom
1. The teacher consistently applies
proactive discipline as the crux of
effective classroom management
2. The teacher establishes routines for
all daily tasks and needs.
3. The teacher orchestrates smooth
transitions and continuity of momentum
throughout the day.
4. The teacher strikes a balance between
variety and challenge in students’
5. The teacher, as classroom manager,
is aware of all actions and activities in
the classroom.
The teacher resolves minor
inattention and disruption before they
become major disruptions.
7. The teacher reinforces positive
8. The teacher treats minor disturbance
9. The teacher works out a physical
arrangement of chairs that facilitates an
interactive teaching-learning process.
10. The teacher makes good use of
every instructional moment. He / She
minimizes discipline time to maximize
instructional time.
YouTube video link: https://youtu.be/PFYerp776C4
The following questions will guide you to how to observe based on actual action of a mentor.
1. Identify at least three indicators of consistent classroom management used by the teacher and how well
was the teacher able to facilitate learning?
There is a commonly known concept known that helps one distinguish a well-managed classroom: the
three C’s. The three C’s consist of connection, consistency, and compassion. Connection allowed the
teacher to encourage the students to participate more in the discussion and confidently present their
thoughts. Consistency can refer to how the teacher was able to provide freedom for the students to be
participative yet at the same time, necessarily reprimand those who step out of line. And compassion is
blatant in the way the teacher teachers, you can feel their passion for their mission evident in how wellversed and familiar they are with handling the classroom.
2. What constitutes a conducive physical learning environment? How can a teacher come up with a physical
environment that is supportive of learning?
It is important to organize not only the flow of the discussion, but also the area where the discussion
takes place. There should be areas that have specific purpose in order to help not only the teacher but also
the students to navigate their needs and responsibilities. Quietness of space and ample lighting are also
needed, since the most common aids in learning are auditory and visual. Once such factors are considered,
one can say that the space is indeed conducive for learning.
3. Why is establishing routines considered an effective practice in classroom management?
Having a routine helps the class to be able to see the direction of their day and ensure that all areas are
covered as much as they could in one day. Young learners need a lot of guiding and routines are one of the
best forms to help them guide through the day with or without the assistance of the teacher. Being able to
follow routines can also be a good indicator of how willing the student will cooperate with class-related
activities and instill discipline within them.
4. What routines can be established for an efficient and effective teaching-learning process?
There shall be a time for a briefing at the start of the day and a consultation time at the end of the day.
Having such routine will help both the teacher and student prepare themselves for the day ahead and be
able to point out what areas need improving by the end of the day. This concept is termed as homeroom
hours in other countries, which I hope shall be practiced by the Philippine educational curriculum as well.
This helps the teacher track the progress of her students and gives the students time to assess their own
5. To what extent does knowledge on the stages of development help the teacher in managing the class to
have an effective teaching-learning?
In order to prevent pupils from internalizing negative signals, teachers who are knowledgeable about
how students develop will be able to distinguish between the individual and the behavior. Teachers will
also benefit from taking a wider view of education by considering how children develop and what they
require at various phases of such a development.
So you have successfully completed the activities and tasks for lesson 1. It is expected that you have
gained insights and meaningful experience in lesson 1. Now, you are already prepared to move to lesson 2 of
this module. So, Enjoy and keep working!