Uploaded by Alfred Levison

Energy Outlook in Mulanje: Renewable Energy Potential

Alfred Levison
Fakhri Putra Nasution
• Mulanje District is located in the Southern
Region of Malawi
• It boarders with Mozambique on the east and
Thyolo district on the west
• It has land area of 2,056 km2 ( about three
time the size of Jakarta)
• It’s population 684,107 (2018 data)
• It’s electrification rate is 6.41% (2018 data)
• It is one of the rich district in terms of natural
• It is well known for its green tea fields and the
Mulanje Mountain which is the second tallest
Inselberg Mt in Africa
Source : National Planning Commission of Malawi
• Mulanje relies mainly on firewood and
charcoal as energy sources for cooking and
• The energy demands in Mulanje are mainly
driven by agricultural and household
• The government of Malawi has passed a bill
that criminalizes charcoal production
without a license.
• This is aimed at reducing deforestation and
wanton cutting down of trees.
• On the other hand this presents an energy
crisis in areas with no alternatives yet.
• Mulanje in particular since the indigenous
mainly relies on firewood and charcoal.
Photo credits©https://rippleafrica.org
Dziwe la Nkhalamba©localguidesnetwork.com
Energy Potentials- Waterfalls
• Mulanje has a number of waterfalls along its
Likhubula River.
• Since the river runs from the Mountains peak
at 9,824 feet high it has a number of
promising waterfalls.
• Dziwe la Nkhalamba (a dam of elders) is one
of the potential sites for hydro-electricity
• Mulanje has also other rivers and streams
from which a mini-hydro electric plant can be
Solar energy
• Solar energy is particularly promising in
Mulanje due to the district's high solar
radiation levels
• According to World Bank Malawi has high
irradiation for solar energy utilization.
• Mulanje district is estimated to have an
annual Photovoltaic potential of about
• Other institutions are already utilizing solar
energy in the district. E.g Mulanje Mission
• A number of locals are also integrating solar
energy mostly for lighting through mini
charged solar bulbs.
Mulanje Mission Hospital Photo credits©skyenergyafrica
Wind and Maize Husks
• Wind energy is another promising renewable source of energy that Mulanje can ably utilize
• According to the Department of Climate change and Meteorological Services Mulanje has a wind
power density of about 175 W/m2
• This is capable of generating significant amount of electricity if wind turbines are installed.
• In Mulanje, maize husks are also an agricultural by-product that can be harnessed for energy.
• In coming up with biogas digesters these wastes can generate gas for cooking and heating.
Electricity generation cost
( Source : US Department of Energy)
Capital cost of Electricity Generation
Cost (US$)
50 MW
Hydroelectric Onshore wind - Onshore wind - Solar PV with
Biomass Plant
200 MW
50 MW
battery storage
Levelized cost of electricity
( Source : International Energy Agency, 2020 )
Social Economical Analysis
• Politically permissible
• Socially the local mass would be willing to support and see through
the project.
• Economical constraints would hinder the project somewhat but the
address of them would enable the project.
• If utilized this would reduce the energy crisis in the district and
reduce non-environmental friendly means of attaining energy.